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And showing skin but not scars the russian tattoo artist helping women to shake off the trauma and the taboo surrounding domestic but. Im brian thomas good to have you with us today for the program germanys foreign minister says that turkey must comply with the terms of the 2016 migration deal that calls for to stop migrants from crossing from its territory into the e. U. This comes after turkey deployed special forces to block the return of any migrants who illegally entered the u. Greek police have been forcing such migrants back into turkey after they break through the countrys border defenses. Faces of despair thousands of refugees have gathered on the border the focus on the turkish town of a day. Many are forced to camp out in the open some of these people have been displaced by the long running conflict in syria it is in europe you can work there are jobs you could a decent salary the kids can go to school you can lead a normal human life thats all i want. Or that i made it to the great side then i took my phone my money took my clothes off i beat me and sent me back to turkey this is just wrong and money. We want to be able to breathe freely when i was 12 years old i had to leave school my parents were killed in the war. Others have come from afghanistan and pakistan they find shelter where they can dozens crammed into this abandoned bus station turkeys president has carried out his threat to open the border to europe if nato did not back his military operation in northern syria. The red crescent and red cross are helping out where they can on the ground handing out food and water and providing basic shelter. Is needed to restore. This moment if you can before you get there in the middle of the game here and you can do whatever is necessary to provide dignity for the bills that the state is in. Ankara for its part is determined that those who do make it across to greece will not be sent back into turkish territory. 40000. 00 special forces officers are being deployed to the river on the border fully equipped to prevent people being pushed back. Greece is equally determined to prevent a flood of new arrivals the Authorities Say some 35000 migrants have tried to cross illegally into greek territory in the past week athens insists those who reach its soil will be deported lets get the very latest now in your hands he joins us now from the turkish side of the border today here yulia can you fill us in whats the situation at the border where you are this morning. Well the situation here appears to remain that tends now as journalists we are not allowed to get anywhere near the border or this main Border Crossing here between turkey and greece anymore police was stopping us right here about 2 kilometers away but a little earlier we managed to get a little closer with our car because we were get before we were again stopped by the here and we managed to talk to some migrants and refugees who told us that tear gas fired again we could also smell the tear gas and its right now not entirely clear if this was just being fired from the greek side towards the there are also reports that tear gas have been fired from the turkish side its not entirely clear what role Turkish Military there is playing there are some reports saying that or suggesting that of the soldiers are kind of encouraging the refugees or migrants maybe to use violence in order to demand passage to euro the people we talked to also told us they have some access to food and brings. The temperatures here are particularly difficult they have to sleep on you know plastic covers during the nice and they also told us there are still thousands waiting there waiting to cross into the European Union but as i said its very difficult to get an independent understanding of the situation from what we understand it remains tense ok its terms and also weve been reporting this morning on the groups of refugees whove been moved around the border area is there any idea as to why these groups of refugees have been moved. And where theyve gone to. Well i can tell you about i can tell you about one group weve been filming with last evening they hide to kind of build up a makeshift camp in the town off. A very near to where we are right now about 200 people many families with small children people from syria afghanistan pakistan these people told us we are determined to stay we will wait for greece to open the borders and when we arrive at the same location you today again it was suddenly empty all the people had been moved somewhere else thats our understanding because i talked to one Police Officer who told me yes we took the people in buses to this area to this main Border Crossing so it appears to fortys are somehow the scylla taking peoples move and directing whats going on here at the border and just a few moments ago you know we look at what looked like a black down bus moving just behind their border where theres a lot of activity behind you this morning. Thanks so much for being with us for now. Well the e. U. Is concerned that the fighting in syria will create new flows of refugees heading for europe and you Foreign Ministers are meeting in the croatian capital zagreb today to discuss those developments you Foreign Affairs chief yes a borrower is backing a dutch plan for a buffer zone to stop attacks on civilians in rebel held province but he says the block has no power to enforce the measure the German Foreign minister who is also supporting security guarantees for civilians in the region greeces warning minister is expected to press his counterparts for their help in coping with the latest arrival of migrants at the greek border. Our you correspondent Garrick Mathis is following that meeting of Foreign Ministers for us good morning to you georg whats the e. U. Prepared to do to help greece cope with another potential migrant crisis unfolding at this hour on its border apart from Financial Aid to help with the refugees that are already in the country brian there is now order also a force of 100 border officers from from texas the e. U. s Border Agency on their way to greece supposed to arrive next week in order to guard the potentially difficult parts of greece borders. Turkey with boats but all the ocean with personnel on the Ground Support for greece but what is really essential here is the message from Foreign Ministers in zagreb that they do support that target that greece really fends off Illegal Migrants from crossing that it is a strong hold on the xstrata borders of the e. U. And or if youre going to take a look right now at a root cause of this crisis the deteriorating situation in syria fighting in illinois province has created something for 6 hours talks continued then aired on in putin stepped out in front of the cameras to announce a security corridor or joint patrols and above all a cease fire. Is sought soup would assume salute tonight at 12 am that is midnight between the 5th and 6th of march the cease fire will take effect and all steps will be taken to abide by it. If in the but should the talks begin at midday there was little left of the friendly reporter that was apparent only days before air no one and putin looked tense the situation is complicated. Russia and turkey are at loggerheads in the syrian province of it live. Their syrian leader assads troops are fighting rebels with support from russia the rebels are supported by turkish troops but air go on and putin say they are committed to deescalation. What im saying what youre going up to we hope this agreement will lay a foundation for the suspension of fighting in libya. We hope to end the suffering of civilians there and to avoid a greater humanitarian crisis then you know when. It was the outcome of hours long difficult negotiations now the ceasefire will face its big test if and how long it can hold. And organise looks like a key ceasefire how important to Foreign Ministers meeting there in zagreb think this ceasefire isnt helping reduce the flow of migrants heading towards the external border. All Foreign Ministers i heard here on the 2nd day of their meeting welcomed the idea and made however clear that its of course necessary that this is a sustainable cease fire and they have to look at the details how it actually works out throughout the course of of the week and to what extent it will then deliver easing off of the humanitarian suffering you see in syria and that is why theres also Financial Aid extra 170000000 and now on the table to aids people in syria 60000000 directly in the region of egypt and the Dutch Foreign minister arrived here this morning saying that the nose of the the buffer zone is a good idea he likes the ceasefire but it will also take a no fly zone and now a number of Foreign Ministers like that idea too but of course it is something that have to be has to be channels via the United Nations you need a resolution for that and for that you need russia on board as though its a complicated scenario where the e. U. Really has no other say but put some moral pressure on the table or so my dears i like that no fly zone turkey has already been very specific it says it wants the e. U. To offer it more Political Support more Financial Support is it likely to get those things. A German Foreign minister i call mahseer and as ruled out that there will be any direct payment to turkey its a bit unclear whether a turkish aid organizations within the deal that the e. U. Has made in order to help turkey deal with some 4000000 refugees that are in the country so billions have been flowing from brussels to turkey whether more money will come that way but what is clear is that all Foreign Ministers made clear there will be no blackmail there will be no using off refugees as bargaining chips in order to force europe to spend more money some very clear signals from zagreb garrett thanks so much for that. Lets get you briefed down some of the other stories making the news at this hour u. S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has dropped out of the race for the white house decision coming after a poor performance in the latest round of democratic primary elections her exit leaves senator Bernie Sanders and former Vice President joe biden locked in a 2 way race. The disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein has been taken to new yorks notorious Rikers Island jail is transferred to prison comes 10 days after whos found guilty of rape and Sexual Assault complained of chest pains after the verdict and was 1st taken to hospital. Were turning now to the latest on the coronavirus European Union Health Ministers are holding a special session brussels today to discuss further measures to contain the virus and in the u. S. President trump is expected to sign an 8 point 3000000000. 00 measure to help tackle the outbreak israel and the Palestinian Authority have put the city of bethlehem under quarantine that after 7 cases were confirmed there and asian markets plunging on friday as fears about a world recession gripped Global Investors well coronavirus for a coronavirus cases in south korea have now increased to more than 6000. 00 in the capital seoul transportation officials are taking extraordinary measures sending disinfectant teams onto trains and into stations requiring that commuters as well wear masks. So threes Transit Networks are using strong medicine to combat the deadly qubit 90 epidemic special teams are working overtime to sanitize the entirety of seoul metro with stations prepared to shut down if anyone with the coronavirus is confirmed to have been there and theres a good bit of Public Outreach going on as well. Among the measures taken by small metro to prevent the spread of the virus are Public Service announcements in 4 languages promoting containment several times for our commuters are encouraged to wear their mess sanitize their hands and practice healthy safe hygiene. Subway authorities have brought in extra staff to cope with decontamination efforts there keeping a watchful eye on overall working conditions. The health of our workers is a top priority so in making sure they win mosques and thoroughly wash their hands and in the course of their work minimize unnecessary contact with passengers of thousands of you might cause those with a cold with me as a subway rider ship in seoul has significantly dropped since the onset of the virus but commuters have also changed their behavior can you that long as all i find myself avoiding anyone whos coughing and doesnt have a mask on so using the subway has become a bit disturbing and i used to hold on to a handrail but not so much now everything has become more challenging than anything else. Kimani knowledgeable tunnels there are few people on the subway now which makes it more comfortable to use but i think about the people who afraid to come out and how inconvenient that must be to be stuck in goals who can manage on that. The National Railway has also seen its ridership and schedule drastically reduced with the government discouraging nonessential travel hygiene is a top priority there too with co rail cleaning its trains several times a day and disinfecting stations on average twice a day. But tonight it will come down to prevent the spread of the coronavirus handrails tables response rooms and other areas that come into frequent contact with passengers a fairly disinfected in addition. As of monday we are selling window seats 1st to keep passengers as far apart as possible. Some government officials had earlier suggested locking down the city of daegu the source of the vast majority of cases now cleanliness containment and mitigation have come to define south koreas strategy against the coronavirus. Lets go down to the correspondent who put that report together for us frank smith joining us from south Koreas Capital seoul good day to you frank so moving very quickly to contain this virus can you tell us about any other precautions the governments taking well sure the big one this week was a a 10000000000 dollar package passed by the National Assembly to help mitigate and contain the crisis the Communications Part of it is you know also really ramped up as theyre encouraging people to stay indoors wash their hands for 30 seconds regularly wear their masks and avoid public yeah the rings im also working on another report about the behavior of paramedics so 3 is sent to 8 separate ambulances from the capitol down to daegu to cope with the cluster of the outbreak there thats really the majority of the cases in south korea and the behavior of paramedics as well as change their wrapping the interior of their ambulances there and attending people you know when they call for coated attendants theyre tending the morning to timon isolating the paramedics from each other so that they can respond quickly and effectively to kobe had calls now japan in the region is following this very closely and tokyo is set to issue travel restrictions on south koreans seoul says it will quote launch Counter Measures are we looking at at south korea restricting trout travel from japan as well. Well i think thats really a possibility now one of the things thats happening in south korea is theyre theyre testing a lot of people Something Like 20000 People Per Day are being tested in that light you know indicate why were seeing such a rise in the numbers of those affected here infected here as opposed to japan which isnt testing quite at that level the 2 countries do have a and then taking this aaa ship going back to japans colonize ation of so its clearly in the 20th century so its not a surprise they would have these tit for tat measures but we need to recognize this outbreak is really shared by both countries of course as well as china and frank what about preparedness in south korea do you get a sense that south korea is prepared for an outbreak on the scale that china sea well you know im no Health Expert but i think if we look at china and the scale of it there its really an Impossible Task for for Health Officials and Health Care Systems around the world to deal with something on this scale down in daegu as i mentioned they sent a 8 ambulances there however you know they are short of bit Something Like reports of 2000 shortages of beds and calling on people to stay at home unless their symptoms are are quite serious and we have seen though is the government step out again with that big budget you know corporations step up with their nation celebrities with donations as well as even small renters offering discounts to to their tenants in order for businesses to sort of survivors this also hits the economy here in south korea frank so much thanks so much from seoul in south korea. Its to russia now words thought that as many as 12000. 00 women die each and every year at the hands of their partners abuse is often a taboo subject in the country and that makes living with the physical scars of Domestic Violence especially difficult w. Has this look at what some women are doing to cope. This is no ordinary tattoo session its called a rebirth. Thats what genia so hard calls her project she tattoos over women scars left by the abuse and Domestic Violence their men have inflicted on them its a huge problem in russia. Ford said physical scars last forever the women are afraid someone will see them this isnt so much about covering the scars its about helping women leaves no more lives again. Flowers and butterflies instead of stab wounds and slashes victoria has been here many times she was one of the 1st women to me as a hard help in her rebirth project she shows us her 1st scar what can still be seen of it. But it is with my husband and his friend directly into the woods they were both drunk they stopped me in the throat and on the mound. There are no reliable statistics on the number of women who are beaten abused or killed by their partners in russia. Human rights activists estimate that one in every 3 russian women experiences violence at least once in her marriage. Many stay silent afraid their partners will take revenge and because they think the state wont help them a woman from the outskirts of the Central Asian city of says abuse survivors arent taken seriously when they go to the police she wants to remain anonymous. My husband was a drug addict when he was high he would attack me with a knife hed beat me and rip out my hair while this is one of the wounds from his knowledge if. Theres any as the hard doesnt believe its only the abusers who should be held to account she also feels Russian Society and the state are to blame. For the whenever the women come to me they tell me the same story that pottery strong woman or on drugs many of the pot as a jobless and they drink because they have nothing else to do Domestic Violence is getting was because no one cares about people here. Many sink into a deep hole they think they can get out of without alcohol. When the rebirth tattoo project 1st started a new for 4 years ago few people knew what went on behind closed doors or how many women needed help. When 30 women from across the region turned up the 1st week. Zinnias so hard recognized her calling to help them work through their trauma instead of repressing it. Trunk but of course coming to tell the stories for the 1st time in my pond the memories stay in their hearts beat you content to a hot whats the saying out of sight out of mind now at least they dont have to look at their scars every day i hope they wont dwell on them either. For some har the pain these women feel while getting tattooed is all part of the support she hopes its the last pain theyll ever feel in their lives. Now a sign of just how much ties have been proved between the republic of ireland in the u. K. Britains kate and william have wrapped up their 1st official tour of ireland with a visit to a location Long Associated with Irish National those from all there the duke and duchess of cambridge try their hand at some deal like early. Kate and william looked relaxed on the playing fields of salt the carriage the club the british establishment seemingly at ease in avastin of Irish Nationalism. Until ireland hosted france and then england in rugby union 6 nations at the tema croke park in 20 was 7 the gaelic Atlantic Association had long banned what it deemed to british sports from being played on its premises no british royalty stood harley in hand a symbols of rapprochement go there could be few more potent thats not to say the irish game came easily to the british pair. Was an advantage but it didnt stop them trying. And their young hosts were clearly taken with the royal celebrities in their midst. Later more unlikely scenes in goal the city center william and kate the duchess clad in Emerald Green to can one of the traditional irish music sessions for which goalies pubs are famed. Before emerging to a warm reception. Union jacks flying alongside irish tricolors to greet the couple. The convivial atmosphere belied the high security laid on for the royal visit with police shot shooters deployed on surrounding rooftops but kate and william didnt seem concerned as the enjoyed a warm sendoff. This is the news live from berlin up next our Program Global 3000 meets the woman known as gambia is queen of recycling im brian thomas for the entire news team thanks so much for being with us. Mob. Music can change lives these children from mexico are just learning that. Their lives so overshadowed by poverty and family problems but in the orchestra they can leave that all outside and find hope for the future 3. Cause. Hes lived with Death Threats for 30 years. Rushdie was forced into hiding and survived countless attacks but hes not afraid anymore. A great writer speaks about using humor as a weapon. And the power of the painting soundman rushed. In 45 minutes w. Is the human race to destroy itself. We are moving the basic elements of our existence. Were using too much noise and. Water using what. We may think old Water Supplies will last forever. But they wont. When the rainstorm. Starts march 20th on w. Welcome to global 3 thousands. Take a listen to this sounds like these are inspiring young mexicans sweet check out an exciting orchestral project in india some women and taking radical steps to stop them menstrual cycle from what crease and. And likely

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