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A significant hit the country is also mobilizing financial weapons in the war on coronavirus on wednesday seoul announced the 9800000000. 00 stimulus package to get the economy through the corona crisis i would look good me be found as you are we understand that the economy is in a state of emergency were putting all our policy focus on minimizing the economic fallout especially for the vulnerable sectors small to medium sized businesses and self employed people away from the. Finance minister hong said the supplementary budget will also channel money to childcare Outdoor Markets and the Health System thousands of patients are currently being cared for in makeshift facilities as the ballooning caseload has outstripped hospital capacity. For South Korean Parliament still has to approve the funding package the government aims to present the finalized supplementary budget to the National Assembly on thursday. Trying to bring in andrea hang in singapore early ballots in frankfurt and starting with you take us through some of the numbers in the bridge that. So ben it looks like korea is joining the list of countries that are whipping out the a. T. M. Cards in order to provide their respective economies obviously said softly as 9800000000. 00 is actually not very far away from singapore is a 13700000000. 00 budget thats meant to stimulate the economy our home calm has also prepared one x. 15400000000. 00 closer to singapore malaysia also announced him all modest budget of 4800000000. 00 and indonesia after announcing a 700000000. 00 stimulus package is sending a 2nd one with no kin numbers just yet elsewhere in Asia Pacific Australia is suspected to announce something in the next couple of weeks and pilot as well is going to launch some kind of stimulus budgets with no real numbers just yet a very a lot of money being thrown around where will it land how will it help well in the case of career in hong kong for example of a big chunk of that is going to help the health and thats for obvious reasons now in singapore is also doing the same and as with hong kong as well a lot of that money is going to directly to the people as well as local businesses in the neediest 2nd expenditure is supposed to prop up trade with easing some of the import export rules because the 1st expenditure is already going to prop up Consumer Spending and tourism as well and speaking of tourism actually highlight and believe thats exactly what these 2 countries are going to do with their money what sort of action is being taken here in europe ali. So far no action by the e. C. B. Its only promised by way of a statement from the president Christine Legarde targeted and appropriate action theres a meeting of the e. C. B. Next week i dont know if they feel themselves under pressure with the fed now but we hear that what the e. C. B. Is considering is not a broad stroke rate cut like the feds but rather targeted. Help for small and Medium Sized Companies that say similar to korea it sounds like who are in trouble and that in my mind it would make sense to wait a little bit more as the coronavirus plays out in order to find those who really need that help only what do you reckon about the action thats being taken in china and about the fed as well could we see more fed fed action as far as rate cuts go. They still have some room to maneuver in contrast to the e. C. B. Where the rates are already at 0 i would be surprised if the fed acted again anytime soon the Market Reaction was not really very positive and a lot of people criticizing it is overblown i think the fed will wait till other Central Banks have stepped out and done their part and then see whether its in demand again china china hasnt really done anything yet concrete but i think everybody in the market knows and expects that the Chinese Government has an interest in having money go into the system and Government Policies to help companies and labor. First in frankfurt and gray there in singapore thank you very much to both. Well the news is coming in thick and fast as far as as quickly as the corona virus is spreading the w h o the cell warning that cash can spread the virus italy is planning on closing all schools until mid march germany has joined other nations in banning the export of mosques to just shortages now some other stories making news organizes a postponing the head of a mess so one of the Worlds Largest industrial fairs event is now set to take place in july not april some 6000. 00 exhibitors were registered a survey shows the coronavirus is hosting earnings at nearly 2 thirds of Japanese Companies japan toyota says sales fell 70 percent last month in china the worlds biggest auto market around toilet paper in australia as well supermarkets to impose strict limits on the amount shoppers can buy the spread of the virus has sparked panic buying of groceries and household products around the world a stranger has confirmed 44 cases. Thailand is reviewing quarantine measures for visitors from 8 countries yesterday the Health Minister announced on facebook a 14 day quarantine for visitors from places like china easily and germany but the post was removed hours later and the ministers account disappeared. Beijings decision to ban old group travel was hailed as a sensible step to contain the coronavirus but its had a Global Tourism many destinations rely on chinese visitors these days its no different at one of germanys most iconic land box. A night mist partially shrouds the fairy tale castle of noise and the various prime Tourist Attractions seems peacefully aloof visitor numbers have been tumbling steadily since the coronavirus outbreak. Neighboring towns normally host 70000. 00 tourists a year from china overall thats only about 5 percent of the people who visit this area but for those Hotels Restaurants and shops which have specialized in welcoming chinese tour groups the virus has quickly become a real problem. Its effects of selective it its all businesses hotels and guest houses which work closely with the Chinese Market with Chinese Group for instance theyre feeling the loss of revenue very very strongly and it can be compensated for it all in the short term. Like this restaurant which targets chinese travel grapes its now closed until further notice. And this eatery and hotel has also shut down for the time being. Companies tailor made for asian tourists are located here and around the castle they include a range of businesses with pottery watches and jewelry made in germany made in switzerland fast tracked shopping tax free and with a direct connection to asian payment systems. Tourists like these 2 seem to have very little extra time on their hands. Or in the 3rd bottom cover several countries inside turned its clear that sightseeing and shopping are on their agenda when you can combine them both in one location of the and thats a major time gain on the show and a huge advantage by the growth of. Its still too early to estimate losses this 4 star hotel has a Broad Customer base serving tourists from all over the world less than 15 percent come from china but the increasing number of cases which are appearing in other countries and the mounting number of travel restrictions could become a problem. When the have a few cancellations of the virus has been here is too hard up to this point and were hoping it doesnt continue for any wink of time and at some point things will stabilize and get back to normal. The high season is only around the corner everyone here is hoping that the situation will ease by then even if that doesnt look likely right now. On to another topic and as it is growing construction berms one key element is in demand said its growing in recent years into a multibillion euro industry but as companies scale up mining many farmers in me and ma say their land is simply disappearing. Just a few years ago all of this was lush farmland. Says he once had 24 acres of paddy fields along the river in the state of mon me and mark now he has just 2 acres farmers like him point to one big factor sand harvesting ships. Look at that thats the sand bridging ship there its a huge vessel its quite far away from where we are now its anchored there and it doesnt work during the day but goes upstream closer to our farming land in the night time and dredges the sand in the dark. This farmer says his farmland used to stretch all the way to that little boat. Officials say sends 2018 singapore ian companys star high extracted at least 150000 tons of sand. Star high is allowed to mine the sand from the souring river but their license doesnt put a limit on the amount they can extract. Lawmakers have called for aid for the farmers ive made it as an enemy and he has my hand in paying most i can do for them is to raise their voices because i need the government is responsible for taking action im really concerned about the future of foam as you need me by. Farmers like sand to say its impossible to farm their remaining land and make a profit so they are forced to pick up odd jobs like making home reverbs and fishing. These farmers and others are demanding compensation for their lost land and greater regulations on sand harvesting boats. Bicester business with here. One to skilled professional its a worldwide market. If you dont mind moving you could find your dream job. Careers were made to order for young highly qualified professionals but these are all too good to be true there is a dark side to the International Job market. In germany. Mr w. Is the shoeman race destroying itself. We are ruining the basic elements of our systems were using too much water and were too leading a moderate life. Want to go and Water Supplies will last forever but they wont. When the marine stuff starts more 20 years on t. W. Are we alone its a fundamental question of humanity trying to figure out whether or not. Life existed on mars pretty clear water was there and quite abundance well that would be and so on mars the atmosphere is a 100th of what we have here on earth its very very cold and at the past its like antarctica you could imagine bringing some supplies and you know if you do and build a little selfcontained pressured vehicle or vessel which will be on the surface there are things like oxygen that you can harvest from the atmosphere to help make living possible. If you want to think of humanity if we really want to survive forever were going to have to move off the earth about. I know that seems a little crazy but youve got to start somewhere. This is deja news live from berlin tear gas and shots fired on the border between greece and turkey forties use force to keep out a search of migrants theyve spent days there after being told by turkey your free to go to europe also coming up super tuesday leaves 2 candidates at the top in the race to face fellow trump in americas general election in november former Vice President joe biden surges ahead of senator Bernie Sanders wild Elizabeth Warren Mike Bloomberg looks to reassess the

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