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Hello im terry barton welcome to the program projections from the super tuesday primaries in the United States show former Vice President joe biden taking the lead against his rivals to clinch the nomination a candidate needs to secure at least 1991 delegates biden now has 453 after winning 9 of the super tuesday races so far but the race is not over for sanders his 4 wins on super tuesday put him at 382 delegates so far no no rest for joe biden who had dressed his supporters earlier this is what he had to say. Our current parent likes the diversity of this party in this nation and thats how it should be because we need to bring everybody to everybody weve got to beat up or we will but we cant become like him. We cant have a never ending war between the parties were pregnant could fight but may know make no mistake about i could fight but look we need as badly as badly someone who can heal we are better than this president so get back up and take back their instructor if they had their hair or got a 2nd take we cant carry it out but i sure would make god protect our troops thank you thank you very well did the reporter William Glick croft is with me here in the studio and joining us from los angeles is the w. s under nabhan i mean to other it looks like super tuesday has catapulted joe biden will into the lead. Yes a wanton night for joe biden he secured them by durance he off the race is something that was inconceivable only a week ago when he was struggling with his complaint and many in the Party Establishment said that he is not the candidates to really around but then we saw his sweeping victory in South Carolina thanks to the support among African American voters and then more and more endorsements started to come in with hes 2 rivals and me close and pete booted to each and theyre a very surprising decision to get out of the race and their support behind joe biden so that helped him a large and say he run states such as massachusetts oklahoma or minnesota states. Without having good infrastructure there without having held a single event there is still this is very telling as well as to think that he is projected to win texas. William a decisive day for the democrats in their effort to find out who they want to challenge donald trump whats your take. That as alexandra saying its good it helps not to have competition were actually seeing and Bernie Sanders having a problem now that joe biden had just a few days ago joe biden was facing competition on the moderate wing of the Democratic Party with booted judge and club which are taking votes or the moderate votes are being spread among several different moderate candidates leaving Bernie Sanders more or less on his own now those moderate candidates are gone joe biden is basically left standing with those moderates support many of the vote their voters are former voters or would be voters going to biden now Bernie Sanders is left with the one other progressive candidate that being Elizabeth Warren and we saw for example in massachusetts joe biden quite surprisingly won massachusetts which is Elizabeth Warrens home state and a neighboring state to Bernie Sanders but the the progressive or the left wing vote scott split among those 2 candidates leaving joe biden to win this is one example of how joe biden was able to succeed quite quite well for himself tonight. As william clue croft there. Talking to me about super tuesday just a short while ago. Lets take a brief look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today tornadoes that tore through the southern u. S. State of tennessee disrupted super tuesday voting in parts of the state at least 24 people died in the storms with the search for bodies continuing worst hit was the capital national. U. S. Forces have bombed taliban targets in afghanistan after the militants killed at least 16 Afghan Government soldiers in attacks north of cwindows the resumption of hostilities comes less than a week after washington signed a peace deal with the tone of a. And rescuers are searching for dozens of people missing after a landslide hit several cities in the brazilian state of so. At least 16 people are confirmed dead so far brazils heavily populated southeast has suffered an intense rainy season this year causing flooding and landslides. Here in europe a sign of solidarity with greece as the e. U. Grapples with a new chapter of the migration crisis European Union leaders have held emergency talks in the greek town of cust on is on the countrys border with Turkey Greece accuses turkey of encouraging migrants to cross its borders illegally and also into neighboring ball garia which is also if you state just days ago ankara said it would no longer prevent migrants from trying to leave its territory and thats sparking fears of a new wave of migration into the European Union. People are still stuck on the turkish side of the border searching for any possible way to get to greece and further into europe. As look just over there the greek soldiers are watching us with that theyre not allowing us to enter its just 15 to 20 meters away. But they wont let us in. This we dont wait here for 4 or 5 months we are determined to whites we will not leave we wont give up and when they finally open the gates we will and if they dont we will wait here. I dont know if this is turkeys game or europes want but theyre playing with us they put us in a miserable situation. E. U. Leaders came to see the situation for themselves after greece asked for help to secure its land and sea entry points. Europe has not been up to the task of dealing with the migration crisis i hope this crisis will serve as a wake up call for everyone to assume the responsibility of the e. U. Leaders announced 700000000 euros in assistance support from its Border Protection agency and Patrol Vessels now is the time for concerted action and cool heads and acting based on our values turkey is not an enemy and people not just means to reach a goal we would all do well to remember both in the days to come greek Authorities Say theyve prevented tens of thousands of people from crossing the border trucks have arrived with supplies blankets and pillows for me shift shelters those looking for it to europe are preparing for more days if not weeks or months camping out in no mans land. And joining us now from turkey just across the border from greece is our correspondent junia han you know he is the e. U. Is giving support to greek authorities dealing with the situation at the border whats happening now on the turkish side where you are. Now im at so one of the main Border Crossings between tacky and greece not right now on the turkish side of the border now this is the place where in the past days thousands of refugees and migrants had gathered seeking passage to European Union territory. The borders to greece would be open now we know they are not we cant actually move very close to this Border Crossing because turkish soldiers have sealed the area off theyre not letting journalists in so i can tell you how many people are still stranded there in this buffer zone between the 2 countries but the situation over there appears to be tens we heard shots were fired there we dont know where exactly they were coming from from the greek side or the tucker side weve also seen ambulances rushing pass by here so people apparently have been injured now this is the situation right here at this border what i can also tell you is that i see over there at least 7 buses offering rides back to stumble to the migrants for about 80 turkish lira which is 12 euro so there are taxi drivers here as well and one driver told us that about 40 to 50 people had already left this morning families mostly with a small children and he expects more people to go back return to istanbul during the day. Clearly succeeded in getting the. Situation is turkey. Well it appears present strategy or ramping up pressure on europe by sending refugees towards the European Union border is has not worked out at least e. U. Leaders say they stand behind greece they support greece in protecting its borders and this despite the brutal measures greek Border Guards have used in recent days in keeping migrants and refugees out now prison edwins Communications Director on twitter accused the European Union off adopting a security air Oriented Approach instead of a humanitarian one to this crisis he again accused the European Union a failing to honor its commitments under the 26th refugee deal and he basically says the e. U. Its closing its eyes to the other major humanitarian catastrophe in the making there in syria is it look province we know that hundreds of thousands of people are waiting there seeking safety from Syrian Regime attacks and this is indeed what many analysts and observers say this is a crisis that the e. U. Has ignored for way too long and they cant do so any longer. Turkey is hosting. This. Let me talk about the people who came here in the past days in the phone believe that the borders to europe would indeed be open many have actually stayed here for days they have been sleeping outside in the open families with children with nothing more than a few blankets its very cold here they didnt have enough food they they dont have enough to drink so for these people the situation here was terrible it was desperate and we also met migrants here yesterday who told us that they actually had made it to the break side but then they were detained by greed Border Guards they would beaten up they showed us the bruises on that backs pretty horrible and they told us their phones and their money had been taken away from them and then they were sent back to turkey and they actually didnt know what to do because they dont have the money to pay a bus ride back to the circuit city where they originally came from so this is the situation for the people here and this is basically a consequence of all the Political Developments we have seen in recent days. Thank you so much. In turkey. International Olympic Committee president says hell stay hes still confident that the tokyo games will be a success despite concerns that the coronavirus could disrupt the event which is scheduled for july. Olympics minister says the country could postpone the event until the end of the year. If the i. O. C. The right to cancel the games if they are not held this year but that the contract could be interpreted as allowing postponement just to spite the uncertainty the i. O. C. President says its business as usual. The organizing. The whole. World. They should. Remain. With. These. 2020 i would like to reach. Reparation for the. Great. Form steam. And just reminder the top story were following for you here today on the news in the race u. S. Race for the democratic president ial nomination. Has sealed his comeback after nationwide wins in 9 of the super tuesday primary states senator Bernie Sanders looks set to bag the biggest electoral. California disappointing results for former new york mayor Mike Bloomberg senator mean that they may have to reassess their campaign. Coming up next a swiss vet fights in a wildlife park in the congo by train bloodhounds sonar next. Coming up just a minute remember you can find all the latest news information. Dot com. News stream on twitter thanks want to. Go beyond. The stories that. Really. What every takes. You running

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