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Washington dont know how the man contracted the virus. And the ink is purely dry on the newly signed u. S. Peace treaty with the Afghan Taliban the cracks already beginning to appear in the deal to take a look at how ordinary afghans see the troops. And michael to have you with us the e. U. Ease on higher alert after turkish president receptive early on said he will no longer stop migrants from breaching turkeys borders to the west in a tweet turkeys interior minister said more than 76000 people had left the country for the European Union greece rejects that number saying its police have turned back on was 10000 people the u. N. Estimates at least 13000 people are stuck along the borders between Turkey Greece and boulder area are the ones move ends a deal between turkey and the e. U. Meant to curb the influx of refugees from syria. Our correspondent yulia han is covering the story on the ground and filed this report from the turkish border. The sign that the greek borders says well come on but thats just not the case its the 2nd day of people heading here hundreds now way to be allowed across the i was there but its a chaotic makeshift camp has sprung up open to the elements people try to stay warm lighting fires and dense smoke drifts through the air sometimes its tear gas fired by the greek police. This is one of the major crossing points between taki and e. U. Member greece its been heavily guarded in the past few years but as soon as turkish authorities announced they would no longer stop refugees from trying to cross into europe hundreds of people started arriving here and they easily passed this border fence on the turkish side at the same time Greek Border Police beefed up security and the border of the day remains closed so this is the situation now hundreds of people many with children and just a few belongings stuck in a no mans land between the 2 countries. He has and his family set a little further away 5 years ago he fled from the syrian city of homs to turkey its here where he met his wife and its here where their daughter was born now theyre on the road with us just a little. Bit of that we had on the news that the borders to europe are being ive been in the. Head of immediately by taxi from is mansour here. Is we have done share of them that. Actually opened the border. Their biggest. They paid 400. 00 turkish lira for the trip thats around 60 euros a. Out of money for this family at least they brought some supplies water bread she says. Many have nothing at all the desperation is most visible when a few local volunteers arrive to distribute food diversion not to be thought of there isnt enough for everyone. In a coffee shop but is there on the can manage here is vital the whole world must see this if you ask me this is a shame for the entire planet these people have been left to stay outside in the cold. And most of those waiting here came with the firm belief that the border was indeed open and that the tax the europeans opposed had moved in their favor with the realisation that this is not true makes it all the more bitter. And used for the little purposes so they should not use refugees like this it is inhumane. Perhaps abuse or not we know that this is all a game nobody knows what the result we just want someone to tell us what will happen. Knowing whats in store this is what everybody here once feared us who even hell watches the news from syria. And the many others who now say they want to stay until the border is opened. Even though they sense that is unlikely to happen. Joining me now is joy in jones correspondent in istanbul. What can you tell us about the situation on the ground right now. Well the numbers of people trying to cross into greece and bulgaria arse markedly increasing throughout the day its been reports now of increasing clashes with greek Frontier Police trying to push back using tear gas stun grenades the growing frustration among the people is increasing and the concern is that this will those tensions will increase as the numbers increase and at the moment increasing desperation and they realize that they cant get across and many will feel they have nowhere else to go and given the fact that our own crew has given its message that it will continue to allow its borders to be open they say that there is a change in policy now over the question of how hosting refugees those numbers will inspect to continue to increase in the coming days. You know during i almost feel compelled to say here we go again i mean thousands of migrants have already crossed the border if the e. U. Refuses to open its arms whats likely to happen to those people. Means what i think this will bring back memories of the 2015 where you saw maybe as many as a 1000000 people trying to well affectively cleaving turkey going to greece and bug area and causing tricky one of the biggest migration crises that europe is facing the 2nd world war and that will be the concern in brussels it hasnt reached that point yet but the fact that his days continue and the fact that this policy of encores doesnt appear to be in reverse there will be the growing concern that europe again will be faced with a massive migration problem we are getting reports of large numbers of boats crossing from turkey to the greek islands greece is already struggling with the number of refugees its already having the fear is that they are now facing a major increase as on koreas resolute on this is dismissing any criticism he says any criticism of this policies complete hypocrisy on europeans psyche even the fact the little support theyve given our own cry uncle says its patience has run out we cant take any more refugees and the fate of the and the fact is that were no longer going. Those markets we went into europe and they say this is your responsibility to. Not much more time but just briefly pret president open the border to europe for refugees in response to the deadly bombing of turkish soldiers in syria is turkey essentially being drawn deeper into the conflict and it live well that certainly appears to be the case this is definitely markedly increasing of the confrontation between Turkish Forces and Syrian Regime we understand that to Syrian Regime jets was shot down today we also have reports that Turkish Forces have to straw at the assyrians seems i left Home Military Air base today and they are pounding Regime Forces all across in a province to storing supply lines a plane theyve killed over 2000 syrian soldiers and the ruin they expectation is they are only just Getting Started possibly ultimately the aim could be even to retake aleppo for the Syrian Rebels basically moncur if this is just beginning to end jones in istanbul thank you so much the coronavirus continues to spread quickly around the world with the total number of infections now at more than 87000. 00 globally several countries are reporting their 1st cases including mexico australia and thailand as well as the u. S. Have reported the 1st deaths from covert 19 italy the worst hit country in europe is about to introduce measures costing 3600000000 euros to tackle the virus at the same time President Donald Trump attempted to reassure americans after the u. S. Reported its 1st fatality from the virus. In Washington State fears of a new outbreak as a cat home in a Seattle Suburb its not far from the hospital where the u. S. Recorded its fast coronavirus fatality. President donald trump said most cases were likely but there was no reason for americans to panic but were doing really well very very professionally handled our country is. Prepared for any circumstance we hope its not going to be a major circumstance itll be a smaller circumstance but whatever the circumstances. Were prepared us officials announced heightened warnings against travel to affected regions including iran its a lay on south korea where cases are rising fast. As that countrys military was brought in to help with the disinfection in the Southern City of daegu all thirties advised South Koreans to stay at home over the weekend many churches have scaled back services moving sermons online in italy europes west affected country frustration is growing in northern towns under lockdown travel in and out is limited and schools and businesses remain closed give us back our freedom residents here demanded that town has been looks down for more than a week. Or so the 1st few days there was perhaps a little more tension in the town because people were understandably a little scared but now the news has faded and people are getting increasingly frustrated now the fear of what will happen next year has overtaken the fear of the virus. Even in the nearby city of milan not under lockdown residents are worried about the Economic Impacts of the coronavirus usually packed with tourists this weekend the city was relatively deserted italians are hoping the outbreak will be cut quickly so they can get back to business as usual. A couple of the big stories were following former u. S. Vice President Joe Biden has won a strong victory in the South Carolina democratic primary election thanks in part to support from black voters is when it comes at a crucial moment just days before several states vote on super tuesday. The Opposition Party old llano has won a resounding victory in slovakia as general election the partys popularity soared in recent weeks thanks to its Anti Corruption agenda the election was germinated by public anger over the 2018 murder of a journalist who led a high level corruption probe in the e. U. Country. This week in the u. S. And the taliban signed a long negotiated agreement to end the war in afghanistan but the road to peace has already hit a rough patch afghanistans president says his government has not pledged to release thousands of taliban prisoners despite that being part of the deal. These signatures given at a historic summit in qatar is capital doha milestone on afghanistans road to peace after almost 20 years of war. Was the road was always going to be rocky under the deal the Afghan Government will release thousands of taliban prisoners ahead of talks between afghan factions but afghanistans president ashraf ghani said his government never agreed to that and it wasnt for the us to decide. Now where that would be better you know no commitment has been made for the release of 5000 prisoners. But we have repeatedly said this issue clearly with the u. S. Envoy thats out of my colleagues out and other officials. This is the legitimate right and selfdetermination of the people of afghanistan. A request has been made and it can be part of the negotiation but it cannot be a precondition. My demand funston. For many afghans the hope of an end to the violence is tempered by fears for their countrys future. With you that if you could you know if the us leaves afghanistan we afghans are worried about a return to the brutal situation that the taliban will stop their attacks again. So we call on the taliban to sign the peace deal with the Afghan Government as soon as possible im in talk about. Women and girls especially suffered severe repression under taliban rule. Kabul veterinarian ta is worried about the threat to womens progress if the group gain strength through talks with the government. I dont feel very optimistic because i dont know who will come to power if theres peace with the taliban. Theyre looking at their history i feel less hopeful that ill be able to continue my work if there is peace with the taliban the war will come to. Its now a waiting game to see how talks between different afghan groups play out following saturdays deal. Like reside people here hope they wont have to pay for peace with their freedom. Youre watching news from berlin up next our documentary series dark films more news coming at the top of the hour dont forget you can get all the latest news and information around the clock on our web site that dot com see you in 45 minutes

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