Im told me on laddie paul welcome to the Program Turkey has opened its border allowing thousands of people to move closer to the European Union they have been arrivals at land and sea borders with greece refugee boats have arrived on greek islands closest to the turkish mainland and groups of people have turned up at the land border turkish officials announced they would no longer stop migrants from crossing into europe after dozens of turkish troops were killed in a Syrian Government asked drag in italy province that prompted retaliatory strikes from ankara against syrian targets turkeys decision to open its border has fueled fears of a revival of the 2015 migration crisis. That it will slip under the border fence from turkey to greece when greek secure. Forces arrive some of them turn around and look for another place to get through. We heard the border is open we took off right away to come here. More and more people have been making their way towards the greek border since late thursday hoping to cross into europe ankara has made it clear it wont prevent syrians from leaving turkey and heading towards the European Union. Greek authorities have responded to the groups of people arriving at his borders with tear gas leaving many people stuck in no mans land between the 2 countries. Our countrys borders are impenetrable so there is no reason for unhappy people to start gathering at our borders and crossing points. The decision to open the border came from ankara it was an apparent response to an airstrike by Syrian Forces that killed 33 turkish soldiers in syrias hed leave province. In recent months turkeys president right here has repeatedly warned the e. U. He will open his countrys western border to refugees if brussels didnt help ankara in its fight in italy. Now anchor has made good on its threats flouting a 2016 margaret pact with the e. U. That dramatically slowed migration via that you use the eastern border but brussels still says the deal is in place we have to be notified by our turkish partners that they are changing their holy sea which they apply so far when it comes to. Migrant issues the selectors escalation has again showing how quickly the war in syria spills across borders and how easily ordinary people can become caught up in geopolitical conflicts. Correspondent yulia han is on the border between turkey and greece where she says a couple 1000 people are trapped in no mans land at the Border Crossing near the turkish city of. Many right he g. s here in turkey have taken an illegal off page today they have wasted no time basically off so they had news of course turkey would not stop refugees from trying to cross into europe so many people have had it to areas near turkeys borders with your old girl here for example this is one of turkey to land Border Crossings with greece so many people have a good time here they have actually gathered here behind me in this town who is only in this new mans land between tacky rajoub and greece on the other side of the its difficult to say how many people are not so we heard about several off hundreds of them came here who are still say inside that area but if he can you personally about the end of the day there is no way for that in to greet the grease of greek authorities have tightened Border Security they have even fired tear gas have people to keep down the bacteria in the day and during this. Evening as well so at the end of the day for people who came here there remains a huge uncertainty as to what comes next and there is a lot of frustration here and desperation. The World Health Organization says there is now a very high risk of the corona virus spreading globally warning it could reach most if not all countries in the world at least 57 countries or territories have now reported infections authorities have also confirmed the 1st death of a british citizen a man who had been current teemed aboard a cruise ship and cut off japan china is reporting 47 new deaths more than the number on friday and the u. S. Is postponing a summit with leaders of Southeast Asian countries due to fears of the virus it had been set for las vegas 2 weeks from now. In just 2 months more than 50 countries have reported cases of coronavirus beginning in chinas hu bay province the disease has now reached every continent except antarctica prompting the World Health Organization to upgrade its global Risk Assessment we have no increased assessment of the risk of spread and the risk of the impact of 192 very high. Italy has registered the highest number of cases of the virus in europe so far with the Tourism Industry already feeling the impact. Iran meanwhile has seen the highest death rate from the outbreak outside of china but reports differ from within the country with the b. B. C. s Persian Service reporting 210. 00 deaths and the countrys Health Ministry putting the number at 34. The spread of the virus is most rapid in south korea however where the number of infections has surpassed 2300 even Subsaharan Africa has received its 1st case. To announce. The. Presence of the 1st case of virus disease even i just opened in nigeria the w. H. O. Has so far a friend from calling the Global Situation a pandemic saying the label would be unhelpful we need to start from containing aggressive containment. Why in preparing for any eventualities what theyve done we have a no it doesnt dictate that we move into me to get. It will be a mistake big mistake while more than 20 vaccines are in development globally the 1st results are still weeks away and a final result could take over a year. For more im joined by Stephen Beardsley from business desk i see even now weve just heard that the i t v 1000000000 us the worlds leading travel train show has been a counsel because of the virus how does the corner virus influence the mood on the global stock exchanges i mean its been the main driver of stocks this week across the globe and as weve seen theyve plummeted for most part because of announcements such as the i. T. V. Closure theyve also been other major shows have been cancelled those are serious hubs for business believe 7000000000. 00 in deals last year and i t v that might not happen obviously this year if theres no i t v there so business is is changing and the markets are reflecting that you know actually the dow had a bit of a bounce at the end of its session today in the last 15 minutes actually was down by as much as a 1000 points it ended 350. 00 points down and that was after a Federal Reserve chairman powell made comments that he will act as appropriately act appropriately to the economy which is a signal for further Interest Rates cut rate cuts thats what people want to hear but there is still an air of uncertainty and as we saw most major indexes were down by double digits this week it was across all sectors investors flooding into areas that are considerably considered safe havens bonds gold things like that why is the current of ours hitting the Financial Markets so hard was that was the correlation. Whats important member is is that its not necessarily a reflection of how dangerous this disease is but how much it curbs Economic Activity think about what were seeing across the globe is groups of people being isolated told not to go out told not to go to a vet. Like i. T. V. That means theyre not going to factories where theyre producing things so we see Companies Like apple for example whose major suppliers are in china that means that those suppliers are producing the components for apple apple will have the products to sell theyve adjusted their earnings forecasts just like many other companies have and so investors see that they take that they say this is not good and they react they also react to Consumer Sentiment and if they believe that Consumer Confidence is down then consumers are going to go on buy obviously theyre not going to go out and buy and so theyre watching that carefully the question is are they going too far is there panic and thats what people are watching carefully because also the markets can influence public sentiment as well so you dont really want to sort of create the spiral where you have sort of fear driving everything ok are we looking at a global recession its too early to know we dont know how long this is going to last we do know that for this quarter all the signals are the profits are going to be down and it will be a problem it could be a technical recession but if you believe that the economic fundamentals of many nations like the u. S. Are strong just have to hope that the fear doesnt drive everything in a different direction ok thank you stephen busy. Lets now take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world. Assia bibi the christian woman sentenced to death of blasphemy in pakistan has met with french president in my home across after she was offered asylum in france bibi who is living in canada since quit all last year said she needed time to consider the french office. A major fire has broken out near one of paris is Busiest Railway Stations Police evacuated the god they kneel as a precaution but said the blaze was under control is believed to have been started by opponents of a congolese singer in protest at his concert taking place in the area. Muslims in indias capital new delhi held friday prayers on the heavy security after a week of deadly violence the religious riots have claimed at least 8 lives clashes broke out earlier this week over a new citizenship law that is widely viewed as anti muslim. The teenage climate activist Greta Thornburgh has appeared at a rally in the english city of bristol where she denounced politicians for failing her generation she told a rally attended by thousands that she would quote not be silenced while the world is on fire. Quick look at sports miss eightys drive a vulture rebought us ended the final day of formula one preseason testing on a high note by setting the best time in boss alone on friday both as finished just ahead of red bull driver max 1st up and while reynolds Daniel Ricardo finished 3rd having earliest at the fastest time in the morning the australians improvement foreknow boosting hopes he can help break the most citys struggles in formula one the new season begins with the australian grand prix in melbourne next month. Hundreds of films in 11 days the 70th International Berlin Film Festival reaches its high point on saturday when the baz will be awarded the last 2 films of 18 in competition was screened today including the iranian entry there is no evil. It is deep in despair hes doing his military service in the iranian army they want him to execute someone he decides to disobey the order. Of those that has chosen a different path hes a doting husband and he carries out executions for the regime on a regular basis Mohammad Russell laughs film takes place over 4 episodes each dealing with the Death Penalty its a highly political subject one thats gotten the director banned from directing and even from leaving the country at the bella nala press conference his chair was empty. Mohammad russell of is an artist whose work is heavily influenced by the political situation in the countries yes your my speech and there is no denying that oppression and the political mood in our society has taken on a very aggressive and offensive form. Lashawn it i repeat a cad. Everyone has to figure out whether to say no or not weighing their responsibility and the consequences for their fellow human beings the doctor tries to evade the regimes orders and protect his own daughter by lying to her for years heroes played by Mohamed Russell laughs own daughter antifungal says this sort of thing and one part of the story is a mirror image of my relationship with my father and certain experiences that we both had to put behind us because of his Political Activities and police. Activity it is obvious why. Because of this its very important to me parts of it like my own life. The main agnus lean. Freedom has the starring role and there is no evil everyone has to decide for him or herself how much moral power they have to resist an oppressive state this rousing film is a strong competitor with a good shot at the golden bear. Youre watching news any michael jr has the top african stories up next and as always our website is up to date with the latest news and information check it out its d. W. Dot com told me a lot of oh thanks for watching. My 1st by saying was a sewing machine. Where i come from women are bound by this notion for even something as simple as learning how to ride a bicycle it isnt. Since i was in little girl i wanted to add up bicycle of my home and it took me years to go and. Finally they gave up and went on buying young lifesavers and returned with the sewing machine sewing i suppose was more afrobeat for girls than writing advice

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