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Economy. And today is the final day of screenings at the 70th birthday and Film Festival data and as if and sculpt roxboro down on the red carpet. Bill and i will Close Associates 2020 competition with a pair of powerful political movie sparkle in documentary the radiated the rain in film there is no you thats coming up later in the show. Im Rebecca Ritters welcome to the Program Hundreds of refugees in turkey have begun moving to the countrys borders with the a year after turkish officials declared they will not be prevented from crossing into europe greece and while garia both members of the European Union say theyre stepping up the controls to prevent the migrants crossing turkeys decision to allow the migrants to lave came after 33. 00 turkish troops were killed in an airstrike by Syrian Government forces in the region of it live. Well for more lets bring in dayton new correspondent but ray get in brussels and dion jones in istanbul but id like to start with you weve been saying migrants moving towards turkeys border with the aid you in quite substantial numbers today how concerned is the. Well the e. U. Commission in brussels is certainly on high alert but officially they say the spokesperson said they expect turkey to stick to its commitments theres no official declaration by the turkish government yet that they will leave the e. U. Migrant or refugee deal and let people just go and we heard from the Turkish Ministry that this is also not the case the only room was that especially in turkey and the Euro Commission says as long as the only rule was we stick to the official line but in any case they you would be prepared if the borders would be opened and im we have vivid and present specifically said that the deal is over but whats the feeling there from turkey is that a deal struck out. Well youre right there hasnt been any official announcement of the ending of this deal although the spokesman of turkeys ruling party the a. Chill except that they were opening the borders but only for 72 hours now on the ground we understand theres been widespread reports of took your fortys have been facilitating the refugees to get to the border even providing free buses and buses so the greeks carry in boulder and buses to crossing points on the they bring sea between turkey and greece all efforts i think to put pressure on europe now this isnt seen as this so the ending of the deal but this is seen as setting a warning to europe that ungar is serious in its threat that if it doesnt get the support it wants over syria it is prepared to use the refugee card against europe in many ways i think this is seen as a final message a warning that is serious about its threat or burn and daryn well come back to moments of play stay with us but 1st a look at what prompted the turkish decision to open the border with europe the heavy fighting in syrias province. A major escalation and dozens of techies troops dead their wounded taken back to taki for treatment. As a result of the airstrikes 33 soldiers are martyred. None of our Wounded Soldiers who are being treated in hospital are in critical condition. This martyrs rest in peace. Takis response was swift turkish officials released footage showing their italia chief strikes saying they have fired on all known Syrian Government targets. And is hoping for a u. And nato support in this are they going to get it. Well turkey will. Get some money from the u. N. Thats for sure if they prolonging the 4 year old refugee deal but with nato are not so sure nato is split down in the middle you have to know when it comes to turkey because turkeys operating on the syrian soil and nato is saying this is illegal on the other hand the nato ambassadors also already declared today that this attack by the syrian army of cause is not ok and they call on syria and russia to hold the aggression and nato secretary general stoughton back did not offer any concrete new have for turkey so far lets have a listen to a bit more of what you stoltenberg said today in brussels. Nato allies provide support for turkey today and we all the month there is defenses we have a works playing helping to patrol the skies and we also have porter he sits on the support in all the ways but allies are constantly looking into what more they can do to provide further support for turkey and just a meeting we had today is sick clear demonstration of nato salute it in an expression of support from all that it all eyes to our nato ally turkey. While support but nothing concrete there from. From night daryn turkish president and russian president Vladimir Putin have spoken on the phone today they say they now want to meet in person as soon as possible how likely is it that they can hide down these tensions. Well if anyone can do it who can be the. Putin now these 2 men even though they have been backing rival sides in the Syrian Civil War have built up a very strong relationship by agreeing to Work Together to bring an end to the conflict as there was an understanding that it was in both countries interests now that personal chemistry that is widely believed to exist between the 2 men has facilitated a far greater deepening of relations between the countries much to the alarm of nato but this situation it is seen as the greatest test for this new relationship and its very unclear how it can be resolved given that moscow is unequivocal in its backing of the damascus is offensive into it liberates effort to retake the hold of this province and encore is equally strong saying it will not let that happen and we have the major flashpoint. This weekend with turkeys ultimatum saying if the Market Forces dont with it we launch an offensive to force them to withdraw this is a major flash when its unclear whether turkey will carry out that front this weekend before meeting between one and putin but if that meeting does take place it is seen as key to resolving these tensions one way or another and ultimately possibly the way the Syrian Civil War will end itself daryn johns for us in reagan in brussels thanks very much for your insights. Well some breaking news coming in and Germanys Health Ministry Says the Worlds Largest travel fair the International Tourism fair i held here in berlin should not take place thats according to a report in the german tabloid billed. Person for the decision on whether to cancel the fair has not yet been made it would be the 1st major event in germany to be cancelled due to the coronavirus. For more im joined by financial correspondent Chelsea Delaney at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange chelsea if the i to be really ease canceled how much of an economic shock will that be. It would be a major blow especially given how high tensions and concerns are about the Economic Impact of coronavirus trade now. Brings about 150000. 00 people to berlin every year and if it is canceled thats going to really throughout the city were talking about hotels dealing with cancellations Flight Cancellations drops and spending on things like tourism about that could be a big problem but it also does coincide with a lot of other countries making similar of the moves earlier today of the swiss government so that they were also going to be canceling large large scale events including the Geneva Motor Show which is an even bigger source of porous them and visitors for 1st switzerland so i think a lot of governments are really having to go this line between bringing are bringing in tourism money and visitor money but also trying to prevent the spread of this outbreak well it certainly seems that the worldwide financial consequences over the corona Virus Outbreak are spreading just as the virus is Global Markets are heading for their worst week since the Global Financial crash in 2000 and ice this is ditching risky assets own fears that the coronavirus could trigger a global recession germanys dax plummeted by more than 5 percent in morning trading asian markets close well down on friday with the new kind index ending the week almost 10 percent lower and u. S. Markets took a dramatic tumble on thursday after the w. H. O. Warned the epidemic was now at a decisive point. Lets bring Chelsea Dewani back in chelsea how significant are these drops. In my. I know what way you look at it this is been one of the most volatile most dramatic weeks for global stocks really and recent memory most most indexes are are looking at the biggest drop since the financial crisis here and frankfurt the dax is down more than 12 percent for the week but investors are really thinking this could just be the beginning of a longer downturn thats obviously going to depend on how the virus develops from here but theres a lot of risk and a lot of uncertainty and thats really weighing on industries today why exactly is the coronavirus heating Financial Market so. Well i think there are a couple reasons 1st if you think of the water Global Pandemic is what that implies that really it could hit all parts of life all parts of the Global Economy and the financial world if this sort of morphs into the type of epidemic thats already been hit in china we could see more more business closures more Stores Closed more event cancellations like where were seeing today consumers could stop spending money and that could have really just a huge impact on the Global Economy companies are already really struggling with this. With the slowdown theyre seeing in the Chinese Market now theyre having to face the threat of the same sorts of business disruptions here at home and given how integrated the Global Economy is these days but if youre a German Company youre probably getting products from italy or from china this all really feeds into a lot of a lot of fear but theres also. The fact that we came into this week with a lot of optimism and busters really thought that the virus would be contained to china and theyre really having to throw out that whole playbook and really reassess what the risk is here. But now it really appears that we could be looking at a global recession. Yeah thats really the talk today a lot of a lot of economists are saying that if if this does turn into a Global Pandemic which at this point Health Officials are sort of stressing that its not at that point yet but if it does if we do see a wide scale quarantines business shutdowns things like that it could turn into a global recession especially if you consider how fragile a lot of the world already was the european economy and particular france italy italy and germany were already on the verge of recession this could really put them over the ads tapan was also very weak the chinese economy was growing at its slowest rate in 30 years so things were not looking so great for the Global Economy and now this is just a calculable risk for for the Global Economy and a lot of investors are hoping that Central Banks and policymakers work will start then with things like tax cuts and Interest Rate cuts but thats really not a long Term Solution and it really really can only do so much to offset the impact here chelsea do 98. 00 from v. W. Business thanks very much. When Germanys Health ministry has confirmed almost 60 cases of the coronavirus thats a significant jump from just 16 at the beginning of the wake at least 57. 00 countries or territories have reported cases of the virus now a short while ago or thora hes confirmed the 1st death of a british citizen a man who had been quarantined aboard a cruise ship and could also japan south korea has seen a shop rise with more than 300 new infections bringing the total there are more than 2009 geria has registered the 1st case of the virus in Subsaharan Africa and iran which has seen the largest number of deaths outside china called off friday prayers in some major cities in a bid to stem the spread of the virus. Which is mentioned nigerias confirmed its 1st case of corona virus the 1st in Subsaharan Africa the carrier is thought to have travelled from italy effected man is an italian working in nigerias commercial capital lagos he returned from milan a few days ago officials are now trying to trace all the people it had contact with since entering nigeria. This is how the virus 1st reach Subsaharan Africa the 1st confirmed case here in lagos. Authorities are checking people as they arrive but it can be a while before and feast seen the screening with no symptoms. And by the time he got to his house i think the. He started to feel unwell. And wise lead off he went to the hospital. Nigerias full functioning International Airports are the focus now for intensify checks but the virus has landed and people are concerned. If you pointed a china. Sea and. When i both. Feel secure get out yeah. You gave a speech and i just got told that you are very very fast from sobriety so make sure that the citizens are safe im with you when you speak. Out so i love you still gets to call had humble to rethink things you know will fortunately. Those who it was all really just. Doesnt get out of spreading the word will take a joint assets the Health Minister said. Yes we do believe that really just leader traditionally does need to get people as they are listening to what we se. Because as a leader definitely you dont want your people to get sick. And need to hear this kind of advice 3 im sure. Advised them to follow the guidelines that are being given. To now officials are trying to trace all those who are on the infected mans flight. Turning now to some of the other stories making news around the world Indian Police have arrested more than 500 people following religious riots in the capital delhi it claimed at least 38 lives clashes broke out early this week over a new citizenship law thats widely viewed as anti muslim. The teenager climate activists gratitude has appeared at a rally in the english city of bristol where she denounced politicians for failing her generation she told the rally attended by thousands that she would quote not be silenced while the world is on fire. And out of the u. S. Where africanamerican voters will become the focus of attention when the race for the democratic president ial nomination turns to South Carolina this weekend correspondent alexandra from naaman traveled to the state to meet some of the voters will be helping decide who takes on President Trump this year. A typical southern breakfast in a church in the city of North Charleston and one brown is one of the religious leaders gathered here they are eager to hear from the Democratic Candidates have about how they intend to address issues important to their communities their community are served there are 3 main issues that a focus that were focused on Health Care Economics and education and if youre not speaking to those issues how can you reasonably expect our people to come out and vote for you worse some dont seem happy with what theyve heard so far i am a badens of order. But with. Joe biden yet has not. Engage. In young folks we need to come together in the unified front and have the best candidate to move forward in South Carolina africanamericans are a force to be reckoned with they make up almost 30 percent of the states population and the majority of the democratic electorate but that doesnt mean that black voters are a monolithic block while older american seem to back former Vice President joe biden Younger Voters who hope for wheel change prefer more progressive candidates and music born in downtown Charleston Beni star as a hip hop artist starting his career he says he found many doors closed only because hes black thats why hes become politically active ideas that arent seen as progressive. As viable to us because were living in a time now where the wages are going up its harder and harder and harder to get the things we need just to room raise that level and that doesnt mean the majority of black voters are. Just struggling right. But we can feel the struggle we know the struggle because of our experience. Its very close to us. Benny starr takes us to an exit bishan devoted to his 2nd album a water album Climate Change is an important topic of his songs and then issue he bonded over with candidate senator elizabeth warren. Greenlee thoughtful extremely empathetic and willing to listen willing to listen in a way willing to learn or willing to learn new things because he doesnt have the lived experience of black people right. And one brown is still undecided home to support we meet him again in his church preparing meals for people in neat his main concern while the candidates keep their promises once they win the nomination i dont see any of the candidates coming to talk this to me or the people in this community and soul will come well drop in to solicit all these folks get the crowd riled up with a problem here on saturday and they will never see it again what they want to see in South Carolina is a candidate who doesnt forget them and whose policies speak to the people here. The court of arbitration for sport has found chinese swimmers sonia and guilty of a serious serious doping offense by destroying his own blood samples in 2018 the olympic champion will now be banned for 8 years for breaking antidoping rules possibly bringing an end to the 28 year Old International career yang a Long Distance swimmer has won 23. 00 gold medals including 3 in the olympics and over to the Berlin International Film Festival now it d. W. Correspondents im in s. F. And scott rocks for a down at the red carpet thanks for joining me guys today i saw the last screenings of films in the competition and you both had a snake pit can you tell us something about them. Well we began the morning with a radiated thats a cambodian documentary film that takes on the destruction of war so its almost an abstract collage almost a museum piece of images from world war 2 world war one it focuses on 2 specifically the holocaust of world war 2 and also the American Bombing atomic bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki that ended that war and looks at these images of evil and its kind of hard to get through i think it was maybe a little bit too much of the same images over and over again theres one line in the film where its narrated by a kind of french poetry and theres one line about criticizing the images of war as being a spectacle and i thought to myself thats kind of what were watching now a kind of spectacle of destruction yeah i think actually to go further i thought it was more genocidal porn i really thought it was kind of upsetting the way this film. Made light of actually in my mind the the actual atrocities it was betraying quite different in tone is the 2nd film that screened today there is no evil by iranian filmmaker mohammad. And this film is quite interesting not just for a subject matter which is about the Death Penalty in iran and how the regime executes dissidents but also because how it was made because of the director is banned from making films on irans we had to make this film entirely in secret and he did so by sort of tricking the authorities and making for short films using friends of his to apply for the filming permits and then call them the film together afterwards i think its a very interesting compelling story and will be interesting to see what the jury thinks if it comes out and i towards says im pretty challenging films today but theres been lots on the show 9 days of films and styles and posses and tough job but someone has to do what i want to. Whats been your personal highlight. Well highlight for me i would like to say it was the time i got to party with johnny depp but of course that didnt happen. Part is were not the highlight for me im going to have to go the movie on this one and that would be down the tosh this is a very experimental film because it came out of a very controversial project called dow where russian director india christian off to build a replica of a soviet Era Research Institute in the ukraine and she hired hundreds of thousands of people to act there to act out their lives as if they were living in soviet russia this is the 1st similar cinematic film to come out of that the premiere in cinemas follows the story of a woman who works at this Research Institute as a kind of barmaid and the film was traumatic it was something between reality t. V. Happening a social experiment and a film i would say so even though i dont know if its a highlight in the sense of i had the most fun with that i still think it kind of changed me more than the other experiences very very we saw the film together and see is quite impressive experience if nothing else if you want me to mention a party i was at the johnny depp party. That actually was my highlight though i was at another party. For mobile mowgli which is a panorama film with pakistani hip hoppers that was my absolute no one film highlight of this years delhi not got that still sounds like fun atlantis of m. Scott ross brant thanks very much. This is day to have any news and theys around top stories hundreds of refugees in turkey have begun crossing into europe after the turkish officials declared the border opened the decision comes after 33. 00 turkish troops were killed in an airstrike by Syrian Government forces in the if they break and the e. U. Has warned of an escalating conflict. Global markets have plunged for a 6th straight day over fears that the coronavirus epidemic. Could trigger a worldwide recession losses in asia on friday followed the previous days tumble on u. S. And european markets germanys dax share index dropped by more than 5 percent. Indian police have arrested more than 500 people following religious riots in the capital delhi that claimed at least 38 lives clashes broke out earlier this week over a new citizenship board thats widely viewed as anti muslim. Chinese a limp elliptic champion swimmer son yang has been banned for 8 years for breaking anti doping rules thats after the court of arbitration for sport found him guilty of failing to cooperate with drug testers and provide a sample in 2018. This is data news from berlin for more follow us on twitter or visit our website thats w dot com. Are you watching day w. Coming up planting a for the planet activists are hoping to plant one true trillion trains to fight Climate Change thats next on in co india dont forget check out our web site today w dot com im Rebecca Richards thanks for joining. Us. Cozy isnt it. The signers are turning containers into clever and cheap making solution. Their big idea is resource efficient and has enough space for everyone. And smaller like. Goal. Is the human race to destroy itself. Ruining the basic elements of our systems. Work using too much noise and moving. The water to someone. Making cold Water Supplies for the last forever but. When the rain storm. Starts march 20th on w. 68 percent of the worlds population will be naming in open areas by 2050 thats the prediction of the United Nations this could happen overnight zation comes with c. V. S

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