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Killer specifically targeted foreign looking people and Authorities Say he had a deeply racist worldview. Well the crime has shocked her now and left people with immigrant backgrounds fearing for their safety the cold blooded act has left a deep scar in the once peaceful city our reporter traveled there and met with he bore witness to the events on february 19th including the last moments of his friends life. I had planned to have an enjoyable evening with a few friends of their favorite how now she should instead it turned into a nightmare one that had i will never forget the trouble with us i write quite early i think it was 6 or 6 30 pm we just wanted to smoke a pipe and then head home but then another friend joined us and copied called and said we should stay and watch football with champions league. At half time the door suddenly flew open and a man entered shots rang out then after just a few minutes the man vanished shocked henna checked on his friends. First and then some 23 times telling him we need to go to the back but was no reaction i looked more closely and saw blood in his head and running from his ears. Or hello would never have expected such a racially motivated attack in his home town on the other hand he has noticed more and more derogatory comments about she should bars. When people hear you often go to she should bar the accusers of doing shady deals there or dealing drugs. Locals are still grieving those killed in the hannah shooting but slowly ever more people have started calling for preventative action to be taken or their start the german state needs to better protect and support its citizens eric it needs to invest in better education. Of teaching people about democracy is good but not enough. For days there have been marches true hanau with protesters demanding migrants and their venues be better protected than our shooting was the 3rd right wing extremist attack in germany in just 9 months and many are angry and concerned. Never as do man who was born in one out of kurdish parents has been working tirelessly to spur migrants into action. She says even though many germans show solidarity migrants need to join forces. Via we cant we as migrants an anti fascists need to get organized and defend ourselves by that i mean listening to those affected. Those who might be murdered tomorrow all who face racism if these people need to be heard so what comment the Central Council of muslims in germany has already suggested deploying its own security staff to protect mosques and other meeting places but not everyone in hand now thinks thats a good idea you have here we have laws in this country you imagine if everyone started carrying their own guns around. We would all end up fighting each other if you know what i mean. German lawmakers and high ranking state representatives came to hand after the killings to express their sympathy. The government has now acknowledged that far right extremist terrorism poses a great threat to our democracy and must be countered german interior minister forces evil 1st has promised that police will be extra vigilant in protecting mosques. But despite these reassurances the handle killings have left many people of foreign descent like hannah and his sisters question their relationship to the german state. And how often people in had now are wondering will there be another attack and who will be targeted this time where and how much we want the government to assure us that such an attack will never happen again does it im worried that people of foreign descent will start illegally carrying guns with them but thats no solution to that and thats to try. And if i can feel safe here in germany where theyre not. The message from the han our shooting is clear the German Government and people must ensure that everyone can live here in equal safety. The message from the people in hand now we want more protection its an issue that is also affecting other parts of the country such as the capital berlin there politicians across the spectrum are targeted by people with extremist views for falco leka and madi their work as lawmakers is directly affected by the hostility they face in addition to serving their constituents they also have to defend themselves against threats and attacks both on and offline. Provine and. A few days ago our family car was torched at our home right outside our door in the middle of the night. Gives you a quick easy feeling to be honest it gives you a lot to think about thats what im for you. Not attack you at home thats my private life but people know where you live and thats not published everywhere these days as there are no suspects so far but state Security Services are investigating falcon lake is deputy mayor and current district the c. D. U. Politician has been receiving increasingly dire threats from the twin extremists radical islamists and criminal clans. I got to be on it. Because i have a clear stance on Many Political issues that many others dont like i tend to provoke an polarize. And im used to others not appreciating that but whats new to me is that they resort to such means noise for me september 28th tain a multiple offender was gunned down in the street soon after a graffiti artist spray painted his portrait on a wall its become a kind of shrine for professional criminals with ties to organized family gangs like acted quickly and had it removed the response was not long in coming 5. K. You miserable dog youre such a lowlife i hope. You lose your job and somebody attacks you some day today no trace of the graffiti remains in falcon lake or is proud of that. To be honest i never thought id become the target of such animosity the signal the or thirtys ascending elves that we are able to take quick action was to me an Important Message after years of falcon lake it discusses the situation with his staff the police are keeping an eye on his home and security has been tightened in his office was laid off. On the one hand its scary on the other both on the political and personal level itd be a serious mistake if we let ourselves be influenced by these incidents and thats exactly what the perpetrators want. And of course i wont put up with that 5000 some 20 kilometers west of noise and ill call her marty is the local head of the green party. And i get lots of racism based on my name and appearance and sexism which id say most women in politics experience with the criticism isnt aimed at political issues its more along the lines of personal attacks that is yet sudden and a skit and they still present a hint of. A marty was born in iran over 20 years ago her parents fled to germany with her they were granted asylum shes experiencing a phobia since she was a teenager. They were mainly experiences with neo nazis because once i was attacked right in front of my door by friends of my neighbor they simply jumped me and started beating me i was 17 years old at the time. By the victim now as a politician most of the animosity directed attack is anonymous for her thats even worse than physical violence when i had practice kind of act you dont really have a visible enemy find that sounds a bit odd but you dont have a direct adversary and i dont know who youre dealing with who is at this time the same one who insulted or threatened you online the day before. Toward hurt nov 25th and marty was at a Christmas Market here a singer on stage started crossing some lines saying there were 2 things he didnt like cold mulled wine and women who said no to her that went too far. Does a lot unfolding here in russia way that we had to react we needed to make a statement we couldnt let that go on punished we couldnt let that stand without comment. From this i wont comment here in. The sing a poster ahmadis criticism on facebook that made the greens politician a target of many of his fans hatred once at the young woman an email saying we like to burn witches naked in the marketplace in the 21st century to the spot im just a moment that was the moments that really made me cringe and shit so it took me 3 days before i could write on by that among other things the left has said that my public statements like that would be dangerous for me for statements for. Fairly hed research to find out where i lived and worked and so on is political and. Madi took the offensive she could not remain silent any longer she reported the email sent it to the Police Something shed never done before. And now reports every hate message she receives to berlin politicians from different parties with often differing views but both victims of white attacks. The heat wave in europe last summer broke records as scorching temperatures dake parts of the continent the extreme heat creates the perfect conditions for wildfires something portugal has been hard hit by in recent years dry and overgrown land pose a major threat and the mountainous region of koila is particularly vulnerable battling the blazes is costly and at times ineffective so landowners like louis fontina are turning to an Old Fashioned method of fire prevention. Here in the portuguese mountains nico remember these goats are playing a vital part in preventing forest fires. The 80 animals feed on greenery to create natural fire breaks by eating away the brush which catches fire easily. Brother fair job on the job are there through the with them and. They think that they can be part of the solution for the the forest fires. He remembers the last big blaze in 2017 the flames destroyed vast areas of local forest and half a 1000000 hectares across the country more than ever before. Back then luis was working as a Building Contractor after losing his warehouse and machines to the flames he reinvented his life. Today the 40 year old is a goat herder just like his grandfather before him. Because most local landowners have moved away theres nobody to clear away grass and shrubbery which act as a fire excelente in the summer until now fire breaks have been maintained using expensive machines. With a go through can actually do the same job and. Bring some some value and some occupation back to the country to be in the desert the van for a few decades. Avellino ray go to has switched careers to help prevent forest fires he quit his job as an i. T. Specialist and moved back to his parents in the mountains today the 35 year old works as a cattle farmer. What are. All my. I used to criticize what we do we dont do for Nature Conservation and when i realized that i didnt do anything as well. I decided no i need to to try to do some the things i am calm playings that others arent doing. He aims to show that merrill needs a traditional domestic breed of mountain cattle can also prevent fires because they too eat grass and shrubs. I believe that who we call or pinion will recognise that we are doing publix is Public Services and will be available to support economically these kind of work. Months is a Nature Conservation association which Avellino Rego belongs to because even purchased land itself pruning should help these young oak trees to grow big and strong. Less grass will grow under the shade theyll provide meaning less flammable material probably didnt know they know that they will not take any money from the from the land but they are ready to adopt another management model so we are trying to demonstrate that with small money we can have a fire thats true but with a lot less damage. Portugal is the european country most affected by forest fires in cooperation with Fire Department scientists at the university of cobra are researching the causes of such fires. They say the countrys climate monoculture tree plantations and rural depopulation all play a major role in the north if we dont manage our forests better were likely to suffer even bigger fires in extreme weather conditions with it all he could wish particularly. Portugal is searching for strategies to prevent wildfires from spreading in some cases that means returning to age old methods luis frontin year and his goats just the beginning. Fired will always have but we cant avoid its something thats part of the fluted itself its just the way that we can protect ourselves and protect the forest that we need. Luis hope small landowners will hire his goats to clear away bushes and grass on their properties that would make his business more profitable and ensure small fires dont become major disasters. When a missing person alert goes out every hour counts and the forests of russia pose a particular challenge police there dont have the resources to search the countrys drawling forests even near the capital moscow hikers can get lost in the labyrinth of unmarked paths well thats where they come in an army of volunteers like nick talia can achieve whos throwing into action to calm the forests for the missing its a job that brings both joy and heartache. A call has come in the middle of the night someones reported missing in a forest about 120 kilometers from moscow natalia kira chipper a Young Volunteer with lisa alert wastes no time getting underway even after a long working day in the office. Now other volunteers have arrived there prepared to search the whole night through at 3 degrees below 0 celsius with new fallen snow time is of the essence. Of her going with us were heading into the forest to get our people came through near here earlier today but they covered only 200 meters like its called tell me now were going to try to comb the rest of the area were looking for an 80 year old man so theres still hope hes dressed warmly problem like to. Our ass to our section by section they come in the forest. They follow a precisely calculated plan. But of course for types of credit you have to go around the foreign trainees and look through everything very carefully because the missing man could be anywhere. Because thats the course of the road. Often they search for elderly people whove lost their bearings while out gathering berries or mushrooms or in winter firewood its easy to get hopelessly lost in russias dense forest especially without a compass. Suddenly the tiniest fault something in the snow. These shoes could belong to the missing man. Was done for she will send photos to his family by. To be still suffering from hypothermia 10. 00 to 1. 00 dress. You know he might have lost them as he walked. Us up to date you. The next morning the elderly man is still missing the volunteers have put up notices with his photo in the nearby town of your goal your. Hundreds of volunteers from all over russia gather regularly for exercises. Alert was founded in 2010 when 5 year old lisa disappeared in the forest the only ones who went searching for her own family the little girl died. Off coordinator of lisa alert says Something Like that can never be allowed to happen again. No matter what the authorities do they can have so many people in different places at the same time usually we dont have one missing person in one place but several missing persons in different places the authorities dont have enough people. In fact the authorities have even begun passing cases on to lisa alert for example lydia krill over in naira for means 90 kilometers southwest of moscow. The elderly woman had wandered in the forest for around 4 days before volunteers found her the rescuers themselves shot these images. Are going on are not yet. Her grandson has dropped by for a visit over and over lydia tells him about her 4 days alone in the forest and her fear of never being found. I am scalia i was looking for berries. The 2nd day i got thirsty i ate the berries it was red. I caught the drops in a leaf and held it to my mouth where they found me there were birch trees in a little field off to weird for them but. I spelled out the word help in big letters with branches well i thought someone might see it maybe from a helicopter. And. If it hadnt been for lisa alert lydia trail over might well have died. In the forest near you go yes the search for the missing elderly man continues. Not every case turns out well for lisa alert the volunteers kept searching for 8 days and nights then natalia learns that tragically the man had not survived well last year some 25000 searches were carried out for missing people lisa alert managed to bring most of them home. Home is also where many Senior Citizens want to stay in their golden years but for the elderly who live in remote villages isolation can be difficult to cope with lets take a look at cafe ya in the south of france where the aging population has a chance to connect to the outside world if only for a few minutes a week thanks to mail carriers like eric arias relatives can also get regular updates about their loved ones. Today every area is in a hurry as well as delivering the mail hes also providing a special service offered by the french post office. Coming up on in the con that im going to make my rounds like normal and then as youll see if i also perform these services are older people. Every cause being a mail carrier for 25 years and he still loves his job but times have changed. Fewer people are sending letters and parcels these days so the French Postal Service is looking for new sources of revenue. In the south of france has also seen better days here many buildings stand empty as people move elsewhere. I recon delivers a letter which is this man a good day and continues on his rounds. With his liver is almost gone he drives to his final client he knows her and is fond of her. Several of us check in on her and shes a nice lady whos kind to us all. Shes always waiting for us and we have a good time. Simone fibrous all dressed up like every choose they shes waiting for her mail carrier she lives alone and has no t. V. Or internet just before 1 pm every comprise that her door. One of them follow madam father. Its your postman. Your quit today. Everything ok so yes im fine. Thats important so i can see that today youre in good shape we. Will crash sort of people like me with no kids no husband no siblings its a really good thing im happy with the past. If youre happy thats good. Too i need to sign. Like usual its a formality. Should there be a problem every kid can get help for simone right away calling a doctor or ambulance is part of the service. Got the good work take care thanks you too. So mom farber lives off her small pension and doesnt broidery to earn a little extra money she pays 1000. 00 euros a month for the poor service does she think thats too much. Not at home. Areas received extra training for his additional judis of checking on the elderly. Gentleman these days there are lots of older people and on his i never knew. And in future they will be even more and thats why its a good service. And its good for us too im very happy to do it as your. Mailman is samoans connection to the outside world and at least for now that gives you an added sense of security. Security that helps seniors like simone to live out their days as they wish well thats all this week for focus on your if you have questions or thoughts about our show you can get in touch with me on twitter thanks so much for watching but for now. Thank. You. Enter the conflict zone with Tim Sebastian 16 months of gone by since the saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed by agents of his own states largest news are the algebra the saudi minister of state for Foreign Affairs why are there still so many Unanswered Questions about the mudda and why the massive crackdown on human rights activists inside saudi arabia conflict of the will of the world in 3 minutes on t. W. M. The. Good news crime fighters are back africas most successful radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech prevention and sustainable chocolate production. All of the zones are Available Online and of course you can share and discuss on africas Facebook Page and other social media platforms for. Crime fighters tune in now. Get. A free jenny was full of surprises moved on. To give you some tips one day in vietnam play in the footsteps of the great live. In various military most around the fleet street. Plane. Train times wanted to kill marry match a life let me challenge you guys to such an agenda to. Recognize where exactly. Was fun i am are now lost our sculpture history in. Detail travel extremely worth a visit. To her. Mum. Place. This is deja vu news live from berlin and governments around the world ramped up their response to the threat of the coronavirus we believe the risk of a Global Pandemic is very much upon us and as a result as a government we need to tighten the steps necessary to prepare for such pain did. Meanwhile experts warn of another scourge spreading as fast as the corona

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