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Thats driven the spike in infections theyre also coming up germanys highest court pairs delivered a key ruling that could overturn a ban on assisted suicide 24 team law technically banned doctors from helping terminally ill patients and their last. 20 dead and the death toll is rising delhi was hit by the worst sectarian violence in decades says hindus and muslims come to blows over a controversial citizenship. Hello im terry martin good to have you with us the World Health Organization says the world is not ready to fight the new coronavirus known as coded 19 s disease continues to spread to more countries outside china the w. H. O. Is warning governments to brace for a possible pandemic. South Korea Remains the country with the highest number of infections apart from china officials there are racing to contain an outbreak that has swelled to around a 1000 cases. South Korean Children will be cooped up in their homes as schools across the country remain closed to combat the spread of covert 19 gun me res office also closed leaving her to look after her 2 sons and try to keep them busy. And help the kids study cook for them at home watch t. V. And sometimes play board games together and spend time reading books i wont let them keep the ball of their own to hit but they will get bought. As a child psychologist ms khan worries about her childrens wellbeing she says that relatives of those afflicted are more likely to develop phobias but her main concern is the virus itself south koreas recorded near a 1000 cases and more than 10 deaths. The virus has spread around hospital to my workplace so i was worried about getting it when i went to work and because they can stay at home all the time sometimes they meet friends but again ive already about them catching the virus at anyone along the road i have the virus coded 900 cases have been reported in all major provinces kindergartens elementary middle and high schools have been shuttered by the government for 2 weeks many universities have postponed the beginning of the Spring Semester and Chinese Students returning here face a 2 week quarantine. 1000 cases in south korea spiked after a 61 year old woman now called patient number 31 attended several meetings of a fringe religious group. In early february despite suffering a fever and cold like symptoms and evading quarantine mainstream pastors now suspending services to their congregations blame the group viewed by many as a cult and its lack of civic duty for spreading the virus. Church and super spreader patient number 31. 00 have been identified as the source of more than half of the countrys known coded 900. 00 cases a special force including Health Officials are racing to locate Church Members for testing as concern grows the virus may spread nationwide. And frank smith who filed that report for us joins us now from seoul frank south korea has the highest number of infections outside china now do with fortys there have any hope of still containing this outbreak well thats a very good question in other countries around the world including the United States they suggest that the outbreak will spread quite widely here the government announced that there have been 169 new cases today totaling 1146 and thats up from 51 just a week ago including some 12 deaths these new cases also center more than 150. Central south korean city of daegu and are also sourced from that from that one cluster around that church sort of cold called. Tell us more about that church about that religious group at the center of the corona outbreak korea are they cooperating with authorities now in combat ing the virus. Well thats a very good question this group is their full name is the church of jesus the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony they are led by a fellow named email and he who suggests hes the 2nd coming of jesus christ with particular expertise unique expertise in interpreting the scriptures initially they were very criticized for not cooperating with authorities their website even suggested that followers not report to authorities and continue their proselytizing mission work they are known to misrepresent themselves in public infiltrate churches to recruit other members their members or become absorbed in the group and then neglect their family their work and their study and their and their other laws. How disruptive frank has this outbreak been for south korea so far well its been extraordinarily disruptive in in the report that we just saw i mentioned just schools and churches in fact it goes across Public Institutions museums and Art Galleries have been closed. Also feeders in sports and sports of venues have been closed all rallies have been banned here in the country although a group of a large group that opposes current progressive president moon gene plans on going ahead with a rally even this sunday despite that ban frank thank you very much for bringing us up to date that was correspondent frank smith there in seoul south korea. Italy has now confirmed that 11 people there have died from the corona virus 322 people have been infected a one day increase of almost half it comes as other European Countries are recording their 1st cases experts believe travelers are carrying the virus from italy which is the epicenter of the outbreak in europe they include one of 2 new cases here in germany italys Health Minister has been hosting emergency talks with ministers from neighboring countries and germany to discuss a joint response he gave this is testament. We shared some important points to strengthen our cooperation and stick together. But among these the most important point is to keep the borders open. And closing borders would be inappropriate disproportionate and wrong. That. All countries bordering italy have committed to share and standardize information and to share epidemiological and medical information. Well for the very latest lets cross over to rome now work correspondent seem a good is standing by same with italy has decided not to close its borders neighboring countries have agreed the same what do italians think about this decision. Well i think italians are concerned about the impact this is going to have on not just in terms of their health and security but also the Economic Impact if the borders are closed and lights a movement as usual cannot continue looking at the Economic Impact in itself youve got the regions of long body and then it took these are some of the richest regions and its the the regions that have been worst affected meticulously your body with the fall of the sections the represent some 30 percent of the italian khan to be the uk that said about the fact that schools are closed museums sit in mosques that impact on the economy Many Companies are requiring their staff to work from the whole lets not forget britain has a stagnant economy so what impact will this have you got events like the sun on the delmore believe now that italys 30 chipset one of the most important globally did make the decision to postpone that till june which is unprecedented you have just to give you an example it was supposed to be filming and then ease of tom cruises latest Mission Impossible reason that the bulls pulled so the impact on the oil to visual industry as well and lets not forget tourism. Reportedly there have been a some 40 percent of cancellations and hotel to it its. Going to stay italy hosted the meeting with ministers from neighboring countries and germany the aim of that was to come up with a courtenay the european strategy did those ministers deliver that. Well what theyre saying is that they are good at keep those borders open because thats the italian Health Minister said the virus doesnt follow the strict orders so this is really no point to doing in fact even if its counterproductive then on top of that its about sharing information epidemiological if somebody should but also are working to get the politically as well as the medical staff and. The scientists you know wanted to Work Together to come up with a joint response now yet each need tens of new measures theyre talking about stopping all school trips right up till the 15th dont botch because the School Closed until the end of this week and thats going to be assessed but theres talk now of possibly extending the school year this year they also disinfected buses at metros because of course thats where people come into contact touching the railings and so on so for them up were told what to buses it bennys have also been disinfected theyre also saying stop big blood donations if you feed in those infected davis was the 1st to favorite all that said though the Prime Minister is very keen to stress that we cannot succumb to handy at least thats what hes hoping hes called on the National Broadcasters to try to told doubt. The panic if you like all the on the top of it and to stress that while he had 11 deaths there deaths unfortunately of elderly people who already had Health Issues and so their health was compromised and that the bulk of the cases actually do get killed sima thank you very much that was scores from a senior gupta there in rome. Now to some of the other stories making headlines around the world today at the u. S. Democratic president ial debate in Charleston South Carolina candidates took aim at front runner Bernie Sanders while sanders has been able to extend his lead over the past weeks former Vice President joe biden said he was confident he would win the states upcoming primary. Egypt has begun 3 days of mourning for former president Hosni Mubarak who has died at the age of 91 he ruled for 30 years and was a key ally of the west which saw him as a guarantor of regional stability but to others he was a tyrant the park was ousted in the arab spring protests of 20 left. In germany a court has ordered a 29 year old man suspected of ramming his car into a carnival parade to remain in detention while the case is investigated 61 people were injured in the western town of cults miles and some of them seriously the driver is being held on suspicion of attempted murder but the motu remains so unclear. Say in germany where the federal Constitutional Court is due to liver a groundbreaking ruling on assisted suicide across the European Union countries have different laws covering the issue only 3 e. U. Countries actually permit active and passive euthanasia as well as assisted suicide they are belgium the netherlands and luxembourg luxembourg even has provisions covering minors well if you countries in europe austria finland germany and switzerland do allow assisted suicide but only in extreme situations all other e. U. Member states for a bit assisted suicide in any form well the topic is controversial and hotly debated among lawmakers but Public Opinion is often less divided 70 percent of all germans say they want the right to decide for themselves when and how they will die the w. Met with one such support. Ben had viva knows exactly how he wants to die. Its not full already experienced through operations under full anesthetic with you what its like when the anesthetic takes place in the night have always said thats an absolutely amazing feeling thats how i want to die so with. Having a doctor prescribe drugs to help you die is banned in germany even for critically ill people may not be of us father was ill for 15 years before he died a year ago bennett was diagnosed with cancer hes scared not of death but of dying in agony thats why he has displayed in his apartment and to kill ration he doesnt want life extending to eat meat. If in the. Firemen. As a free person as an autonomous person who has always lived life quite independently really safe with him yeah i find it an unbearable situation. We have to be allowed to make Something Like this legal in germany with autonomous assisted suicide if they. So wanted to dave and had vivus cancer free and hopes to get healthy just by that hes prepared for his death hes told his doctor that he doesnt want treatment to prolong his life but he cannot be sure that she will give him medicine if the worst happens. Each moved to definition in each i dont want to make that call im geared towards life ive seen very often that people who had suffered from depression you didnt want to live anymore when they became healthier they suddenly had perspective and goals in life. We dont pass peak teevan only infielder. Hopes for a change in the law in germany that will allow him and others to die on their own terms. For more were joined here in studio by d. W. Chief Political Editor mckayla crystal good morning we cant. Tell germanys Constitutional Court is expected to deliver a ruling on assisted suicide what prompted the judges to take up this issue well essentially of brother to those who are serious thing is also organizations that want to provide assisted suicide to this all the way to the Constitutional Court after a law came into effect which essentially banned commercial assisted suicide and that doesnt mean necessarily that somebody is making money but that there is some kind of professional Organization Behind it close relatives are still allowed to assist their relatives if they wish to die in extreme circumstances and what these people felt has happened is that doctors no longer feel on legally safe ground if they even give advice on assisted suicide here and many and thats why this went all the way to the Constitutional Court what exactly then is the court expected to decide oh well essentially it decides on whether this law is in accordance with the german constitution also Human Dignity will play a huge factor in this its more of a legal decision by the court took a long time to decide on this knowing full well that of course has a profound effect on the very core of what Human Dignity means in germany and it will have a huge effect also on the public debate over the. Weve seen time and time again that m. P. s voting in German Parliament often more conservative on this issue than Public Opinion the latest poll suggests that more than 80 percent of diamonds even in favor of assisted suicide so youre talking about how controversial this is being discussed in the gap between what how the parliamentarians might see it and how the public see this woman has passed play into this mission it always does these nazi past informed the writing of the german constitution and those core values and shrine that we saw that its an exception in europe that assisted suicide is even possible and particularly against the backdrop that some 200000 people who are disabled fell victim to the socalled euthanasia policy of the nazis is of course something that informs every decision made in german courts today ok will you look forward to hearing how the Court Decides or chief Political Editor mckay to cut the thank you so much. Sorties in india have deployed riot police and paramilitary reinforcements to areas of the capital delhi rocked by 3 days of sectarian riots at least 20 people have now died in the violence that erupted earlier this week as thousands demonstrated for and against a new citizenship law critics say the legislation introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modis hindu nationalist led government is biased against muslims and undermines the countrys secular constitution. For more im joined by our correspondent Michele Joyce was in delhi i mean whats the situation on the streets there today. Well terry after 3 days of unprecedented violence in the National Capital has things have quieted down a little bit today that is heavy Police Presence on the ground and there have been marches flag marches being taken out by the police in the areas where the rioting happened to assure people that there is enough Police Presence and so far only stray but unconfirmed isolated reports of violence has come out that hasnt been large scale rioting as we have seen but schools are closed down there are examinations that have been canceled as a result of the rioting over here and over 18 people have been confirmed killed including a Police Officer in the rioting that has happened and why the started around the with the controversial citizenship Amendment Bill the riots now have clearly taken on a do just one that have been attacked based on muslim neighborhoods and hindu neighborhoods and that people openly are asking reporters and people walking about for their religious identity to conform of the are from their own community to decide if they should be subjected to violence on all. Of these protests have been going on for some time how is the government dealing with them. But i would say that this is no longer the citizenship process these of riots these are the live just try it says i just mention and the government is now trying to take you know what the stance government has called for the army to be brought in the home minister has has achieved meetings in 24 hour was to talk about the situation on the ground and they say the army is not required that there is enough Police Presence but that is heavy criticism coming in from eyewitnesses who say that the police is actually standing by and allowing for hindu mobs to attack muslim neighborhoods which is of course very concerning and we also have people talking out to hold peace marches themselves muslim communities and him to communities but clearly this is no longer just about the process the government needs to step up to actually quell this while it is today it has been more peaceful but we will have to keep a close eye to see if the death toll rises. To me sure thank you very much that was the. Wall. In other news Greek Riot Police have fired tear gas to disperse locals on the island and he hopes the residents were seeking to block access to construction sites for new Migrant Detention Centers which are meant to replace temporary camps for the residents are worried the new settlers will leave the islands permanently overcrowded. And Syrian Government air strikes on the rebel controlled region killed at least 16 people and struck a School Building on Tuesday Morning to opposition activists Government Forces backed by russia or advancing steadily as they try to take the last rebel held stronghold almost a 1000000 people have been displaced by the latest 5. Ft. In Champions League football where germanys buy in munich have produced a superb performance to win 3 nil at chelsea in their last 16 1st leg sash and not be scored the 1st goal early in the 2nd half he struck again with a fine finish soon afterwards all but then put the bundesliga side in complete control mayan famously lost to chelsea in the 2012 final in munich 5 times winners are now set to complete their revenge in the home leg on march 18th. The tokyo Paralympic Games begins 6 months from now as olympic and paralympic officials worry about whether their events will be affected by the coronavirus tokyo School Children hope they will go ahead as planned theyve been getting 1st hand experience of the challenges of being a paralympic athlete. A footnote to pity but with a serious message these japanese schoolchildren are experiencing what it is like to be a blind paralympic athlete the event begins in tokyo on august the 25th just over 2 weeks after the olympics some children are Wearing Masks the coronavirus could spell major problems for the 2 tokyo games but Officials Say it is too early to consider drastic measures. For now the children to learning all about the paralympics from a blind japanese long jump. Im going to stand at the top of the podium at the tokyo paralympics i want the gold medal in my hands. 22 schools will feature with badminton and taekwondo having been added. On like to go and cheer for our paralympians but i know ill be difficult to get tickets to it but at least i want to cheer for them on t. V. The rest. 6 months to go and the excitement still outweighs any feel. Love her or hate her former u. S. Secretary of state Hillary Clinton is impossible to ignore and if there was ever any danger of that it just got harder shes here for the Berlin Film Festival were a 4 part documentary about the former 1st lady and president ial candidate is being premier. Few people polarized Public Opinion more in the usa than Hillary Clinton shot the berlin now shes got plenty of supporters many here believe she should be in the white house 2016 was a tough Election Campaign with Donald Trumps vilification of her and russian interference clinton fears moscow is still meddling we are at a stage right now where we better get clear in democracies like yours and mine that its the people of our country choosing our leaders not foreign intervention or dissin from ation on social media before part documentary hillary gives the former president ial candidate 252 minutes to set the record straight as the film details how she was demonized initially by republican politicians back when she was the us 1st lady it portrays the 2016 Election Campaign as a continuation of this conflict but it also takes a look back to when the clintons were studying law at yale. One day i was up in the library and he was watching me and i could tell he was watching me and she closer to walk all the way. Through or i was standing and i said if you want to keep looking at me and im going to keep looking back we are to know each others names im Hillary Rodham who are you. The goal was also to shed some light on those behind the scenes says the director Nanette Burstein she asked why hillary is oldest reset with either admiration or abuse but never anything in between clinton says she was often simply the 1st in 2016 she was the 1st woman from a major party to run for president i hope that more women would run so that it would be more normalized and there wouldnt be you know the kind of talking dog syndrome oh my gosh look at that shes a woman she could talk she could run for office. Im watts next more films by with or bias Hillary Clinton the former 1st lady refuses to comment she says theres something more important to get done 1st namely pushing the current u. S. President into retirement. Just a reminder the top story were following for you here today on d w news the World Health Organization says world is not ready to fight the new coronavirus that has seen spreads to more come for use this morning governments to brace for a possible and. This is deja vu news coming up next our documentary series close up looks at the case of wiki leaks founder julian assault their peers get all the latest news their facial relic luck at our website the speed of you dont call attorney martha thanks will. Journalist. Julian assange for full complete transparency which means legalese was a medium. To talk on the worlds most powerful country and ended up behind. The law is the man who founded wiki leaks. That risked his life to find the truth. Next on t. W. Coal india. Documenting traditional methods saving treatment species. Biologist mission fogarty collection doubt on various kinds of plants and animals to go astray. The research will help to create a comprehensive catalogue of biodiversity damage equal to 0. In 60 minutes on d w. Closely. Carefully. This soon. To be a good. Match. Discovered. Subscribe to the documentary on you tube. Thats the title i had christmas dinner with julian for every if he was in the am

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