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A silly or sexual predator who used his power to threaten rape assault trip humiliate and so he says victims. Now faces up to 25 years in prison after a jury convicts him of rape and Sexual Assault. Good to have you with us for the program today im brian thomas we begin here in germany where police are investigating a likely attack after a 29 year old man drove a car into a crowd at a carnival parade the incident happened in the town of folks mars and thats in the Western State of hassle some 30 people were injured many of them children. The driver was arrested at the scene they says charges including attempted Homicide Police believe he acted intentionally but a motive for the incident remains unclear. Mars in northern has a population 7000. 00 all they wanted was to celebrate carnival at the rose monday parade instead a day of horror when a 29 year old man drove into a crowd of onlookers apparently a deliberate act. For them it for the guy drove right into the crowd at full speed i had the feeling he kept accelerating people flew up into the air like paper a few seconds of deathly silence and then they all started screaming. My classmate was driven into he has an injured foot and a concussion you know. More than 30 people were injured some seriously several children were among the injured police say the suspect is from folk marzan himself they plan to interview him as soon as his condition permits were not assuming an attack but we do think it was an intentional act we dont yet know the background the investigation isnt far enough along to say anything about a potential motive. As a state premier appeared moved. 5 days after the terrorist talking of course its in the back of everyones mind my god not again but my advice is that we remain calm doesnt help anyone if we all start speculating wildly thats a police canceled all carnival parades statewide following the incident authorities have set up an information hotline and appealed to eyewitnesses to send them photos and videos and to not post them anywhere else. A reporter joins us now live from mars and good morning to you dozens of people injured in this attack many of them children how are they doing right now. Well its very unclear right now as to how did vixen. Our feeling right now as you can see im right in front of the scene and forensics are still wrecking at the moment this is the car is still huge a gray car that drove into the crowd yesterday is still on the scene for in 6 hours to wait until working on the 1030 people were injured a 3rd of them were children and you mentioned it in the report and around 7 people are severely injured do we know anything about you well about the driver of the vehicle. Driver has been arrested yesterday at the scene he says stayed saw injuries he has been brought to the hospital way off our routines hope to interview him as soon as possible to know more about hes a reasons for driving that car into the crowd is he right hes an 18 hes an inhabitant story of folks and hes hes farm here he wasnt known to the authorities for extremism for example he was known however for cora shin for trespassing for threatening people according to security circles thats what we know so far about him. Where where you are in false mars and what are people saying this morning. To very much still on the shark i was talking to some people on my way here and they told me thats the 1st time something happens Something Like that happens here and after last week of course thats very shocking for people that so one witness came forward this morning and he was he was telling me what he saw yesterday he so the car really driving into a crowd everyone was under shock some people managed to avoid the car but many were lying on the ground so the power. So i was talking to this morning was oh really and so so some people driving or walking their children to school like holding their hands and not looking very reassured ottawa happens and you see behind me the scene is still cordoned off and the atmosphere here is really tense manual thanks so much from from mars and more. Lets talk about this more now with our Political Correspondent Thomas Sparrow here in the studio good morning to you dog morning brian authorities have expressed loss of concern about the possibility of false information false reports coming out of mars and this morning whats behind that this is not an unusual step by authorities in these kinds of cases there is so much confusion after the news initially breaks that authorities tend to quickly ask people not to speculate they tend to ask people to rely on the information given by a coach in this particular case bryan one issue that they have particularly mentioned the 1st 2 pictures that have been posted over what people say could have been the main suspect the 29 year old German Authorities however saying that that is not the case that people should stop spreading that photo because the man the 29 year old german was actually arrested on the site immediately after which another issue which has created a lot of confusion refers to the actual motivation behind all this this is something that we still dont know what parties have said that they believe it could have been deliberate but that the actual motivation behind it is absolutely unclear in particular whether it was a political motivation whether it was acting because he had Mental Health problems that is still something that authorities are still investigating and that they will only start to investigate once the main suspect is released from hospital because as a man who has said from folks muslim he was himself injured during this incident ok but still does the state has called a halt to all other carnival. Parades as a precaution in spite of all the facts that we dont know at this point no other german state has been following suit or not initially because this is something that refers only to the state of texas all authorities for example after was also said that they were counseling them out of precaution but that they didnt have any hints that they could be danger anywhere else in but it is important to stress that when these things that happen you have different states trying to cooperate on a federal level as well trying to see how they can improve the information sharing on this so well probably hear more about this in the coming hours in the coming days why for example has carried out exactly these measures why didnt happen anywhere else and what exactly is going to happen when it comes to security in this nation is that again depends specifically on the motivations behind this because the motivations once they are found will leave authorities in one direction or another direction thomas thanks very much for now Political Correspondent tom sparrow will have much more from our team here were working very hard on the store to get more details and more facts. Lets give you brief down some of the other stories making news this hour u. S. President donald trump is in india for a 2 day visit he met with the indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and president romney kovan in delhi. The 2 leaders aim to strengthen ties between the worlds 2 biggest democracies. Violent clashes in haitis capital Port Au Prince of lead to that city being put on lockdown and the government protesters block streets with stones and burning tires after Police Attacked the Army Headquarters to demand better working conditions the impoverished caribbean island has been struggling with a prolonged economic and political crisis. The former nasa mathematician Catherine Johnson has died at the age of 101. 00. Johnsons calculations helped put the 1st american in space and later the 1st man on the moon she was for trade in the 2016 hit film Hidden Figures about pioneering black female workers at nasa well the account of those infected with the corona virus has now topped 80000 people worldwide by comparison thats 10 times the number that contracted the sars virus back in 2003 as more countries act to stop it spread the World Health Organization says the virus can still be contained meanwhile italy is due to host the summit of Health Ministers from neighboring countries to discuss a coordinated response to the outbreak italys reported 220. 00 infections and 7 deaths so far making it europes biggest hotspot for the virus several towns are on lockdown public gatherings are being counseled in the north Police Checkpoints queues outside pharmacies. And empty supermarket shelves these images from northern italy are all to familia as europe gains a new front line in the battle against the coronavirus. Life has come to a standstill for 50000 residents in 11 italian towns which have been placed on lockdown as authorities try to contain new fires cases. We know that we may be infected and that we may already have contracted the corona virus. And we wait for these days to pass by the day by day. With your being the not the famed venice cannibals cut short and some Milan Fashion Week runway shows closed their doors. But the World Health Organization stopped short of labeling the illness a pandemic on monday saying the virus can still be contained. For the moment we remote region a city the uncool to live of the spirit of peace by those who do not need to see love just cant see that it is this does this but it is part of the petition absolutely tires and we did it promote our system of the market the e. U. Has pledged 230000000 euros to support the fight against the virus we stressed that. For the moment. W. H. R. Has not advised changing imposing restrictions on other travel trait italians could continue to face restrictions on them movements however with the Prime Minister warning residents could be in for weeks of lockdown. All stock markets including in asia are taking a hit over the coronavirus concerns t w business will have more on that right after the show well germany was one of the 1st countries in europe to report in a faction that was about 4 weeks ago but the 16 cases that have emerged since then appear to have been contained and there have been no deaths in germany u. W. Want to find out how prepared germany is if the virus does begin to spread here usually during this time of the yeah the berlin pharmacist sells a lot of cold medication like cough syrup and no spray but this winter is different. Of the. Demand for masks and this infection products has risen enormously during the past few months most customers by the masks and send them to china. Then there are a lot of customers who heard or read in the news that its essential to stockpile mass for later. This month here its being to make. Their isp in such a run on masks and disinfection products that fatty cant get anymore from a supplier they are only delivering to hospitals and doctors offices also many medications and Natural Remedies that were previously imported from asia to germany are now hard to find the list there is a long list of pharmaceutical products that are now low in supply it looks like this list is becoming longer because of the difficulty of getting parts from asia this is a big problem. This isnt blame if the virus becomes an uncontrolled epidemic then many hospitals maya drawn out of medicine right now 80 percent of the beds in the intensive care unit are in use but so far german hospitals say they have no cause for grave concern. We feel that we are well prepared every winter were fully prepared in case there is a flu epidemic anyway we have the capacity and the specialized personnel to cope with this. Pharmacist says a cool head is whats called for at the moment this is a human for me to fly thing its too early to say nows the time to panic in fact its just the opposite were totally relax and hope that this will pass over us. Up until now germany has been spared from a major outbreak of the corona virus but the countrys preparations have yet to be put to the test. It would still to come on the show. The head of byron units Champions League clash against chelsea. Squad takes a timely look at the football phenomenon called the bogey team if you dont know what that is youll find out on the show. First to the u. S. Where a new york jury has handed down the most anticipated verdict in the me to hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein has been found guilty of rape and Sexual Assault at the end of a trial centering on accusations by 2 women he faces up to 25 years in prison where he sentenced next month as a lawyer says the fights not over though and that Harvey Weinstein will appeal. It was his last day of freedom for the moment the 12 jurors found Harvey Weinstein guilty of 2 of the 5 charges against him the jury found the former hollywood producer guilty of rape and Sexual Assault 2 years ago Production Assistant mimi haley accused weinstein of having forcibly performed oral sex on the women have the right thing know. And that was you know again this again circumstances. And i dont have you know jessica man accused weinstein of rape here the jury found him guilty of 3rd degree rape and determine that he didnt use physical force but did not obtain mans consent. Rape is rape whether reached by the stranger in the dark. Or by an intern. In a working relationship my money weinsteins defense lawyer resolved to fight back and cited his poor health. There is not about him if you dont get more homework youre going to be writing and dealing with the day were reviled but in a real world being by on and having our thank you everybody. Sentencing is set for march 11th the weinstein is currently in hospital after a call to be complaining of chest pains following the verdict. Im joined now by did have you culture scott roxboro has been covering the story from the very beginning good morning to you scott morning what happens now Harvey Weinstein yeah. Currently as we heard in hospital new york he was on route to the jail to Rikers Island complained of her condition was taken to hospital most likely he will then be moved venture to the prison the prison as an infirmary and so forth so the conditions most likely will not prevent him from from going to jail. Have said hes going to appeal to the appeal process will go forward he faces sentencing on march 11th and with the 2 convictions he faces between 5 and 25 years in prison from from that sentencing but even if these people successful its not over for Harvey Weinstein because theres other court cases there in los angeles for example hes facing charges there as well exactly facing charges. Of rape and Sexual Assault on 2 different women over 2 day period in 2013 if he was found guilty of those theyll be further 28 years in prison there are also a number of numerous allegations coming out of london dating back to the 1980 s. So far there he hasnt been charged with anything but even if he wants his appeal is successful in new york he faces years of court cases and potentially a lifetime in prison this trial has been so important of course not just for the women involved for closure for them but for the me too movement and for women in the Entertainment Industry globally but but is it going to change anything is it a signal will in fact this type of. Havior by powerful men in the industry and thats a very big big question i mean one hand a lot of people are taking this. As a sign that if a man so powerful as Harvey Weinstein is the man whose films won 81. 00 oscars he was considered a giant in the Film Industry if a man like this can be brought down and found guilty and sent to jail the no one is free from from justice but ive been covering the same industry for a long long time and. Its hollywood has always been sort of an unholy alliance between i dont know sexual and economic power very powerful men trading their access trading their their their money for for often for sexual favors of young attractive women i havent seen evidence yet that thats really fundamentally has changed at the structures of change but there is has been a big push the last. 3 years with the me too movement Harvey Weinstein has been the sort of poster boy for this this movement that hes been found guilty and has been convicted i think does set a very strong signal and hopefully bring about systemic change but i mean see thats the structure when when youre talking to especially women in the industry as you do reporting for so many years what do they say to you about this what whats whats their take on a final 8 and you know the the the the slogan is time is up and time for change and the women in the industry are really really pushing for change and they are gaining more power and gaining more influence. At the moment still its incredibly top heavy other still virtually everyone at the top of the entertainment street is a white male that is slowly changing and i think the momentum particularly after this conviction will be incredibly strong and i am actually hopeful that it will make major changes on the women in the industry will be leading the way but so far the change has been and slow and not nearly as gone not really far enough. To see again thanks for the insights. Its to the bundesliga now and when your own berlin pulled off a surprise by winning 2 wanted frankfurt in a rare monday game many frankfurt fans boycotted that National Protest about the monday scheduling dreadful frankfurt defending. Allowed the union to take the lead early in the 2nd half of us in the news on scored the goal it was 2 nil following more chaos in frankfurts back line of an addict scored an unfortunate own goal the holes pulled one back but it wasnt enough to berliners the above the eagles into templates. Football is not just played on the pitch its also played very much in the mind like so many sports even the biggest clubs have continual trouble beating certain teams socalled bogey teams munich is a chelsea in the Champions League last 16 1st leg tonight theyre well aware that the launders beat them in the 2012 final in munich you can certainly chelsea as a bogey team for biron the german champions are desperate to progress after flopping against eventual winners liverpool at this stage last season. Even your going clubs all conquering liverpool side have a bogey team but whats the psychology behind this phenomenon w. s kickoff team took a look into that liverpool 2019 Champions League winners world class players top coach mega fan base every team in the world for years the reds right now liverpool themselves are scared of anyone except maybe. Crystal palace liverpools bogey team by sick play that bogey team creates a detriment of performance in the other team that they fall into a low performance mindset that has subsequently dont perform as well as they should. Are freighted shock. Fear into themselves. Mention gladbach are really scared of rb like such a true team is one that really should be beatable but somehow manages to keep tripping up your team the team that i hate to play against the i hate celtic to play against as ever ness colors one infest so when we play them i have to look between my fingers because they always put the cup its true minnows Inverness Caledonian thistle have knocked the mighty celtic out of the scottish cup 3 times. In 1950 for zilch 0 going europe why in the World Cup Final at the famous model. About 200000 watched on the biggest crowd of all time. Brazil word home and big favorites like you know why won. 3 supporters in the stadium suffered heart attacks another even committed suicide by jumping from the stands it was a trauma for the whole country and the historic low point for brazilian football. The specter of that last hangs over brazil. Face. So what can. The coaching staff. To try to change the focus of attention. So basically. Its just. Been holding a Memorial Service for. Kobe bryant his daughter and 7 others who were killed in a Helicopter Crash in january bryant was one of the most successful players of. Hers he died along. With the memorial. This is deja vu news these are our top stories in germany at least 30 people were injured when a car plowed into a crowd celebrating the apparent attack happened in the town of full marzan in the Western State has. Some of the injuries are serious the driver was restaurants a seems facing charges of attempted homicide. Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein has been found guilty of Sexual Assault and rape a court in new york acquitted him of other more serious charges will be sentenced in march and faces up to 25 years in prison. In. Italy has seen a dramatic increase in the number of coronavirus cases some 220 people are infected the death toll is now climbed to 7 authorities have sealed off the worst affected towns close cools and cut short denniss article. U. S. President donald trump is in india for a 2 day visit in that with indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and president kovan in delhi trump and modi in to strengthen ties between the worlds 2 biggest muslims. This is due to be news from berlin for more you can always follow our twitter account or go to our website. Up next in Business News as stock markets panic over the coronavirus chinese factories are reopening workers are going back to their jobs well have the latest on the Global Crisis with 1st coke. And dont forget you can always get news around the clock at the dot com thats our website im brian thomas for the entire team here and glenn thanks. To. Kick off. Like sequoia coming up for shall come with the flowers massive attack on a bunch of pussycats. Conifer its time for cullen as they kicked up a storm. Taken aback. Because. The 16 t. W. They were forced into a nameless mass. Their bodies near tools. The history of the slave trade is africas history. Describes how the greeks for power and profit plummeted and entire continent into chaos and violence the slave system created the greatest player and accumulation of wealth the world had ever seen up to that moment in time. From its very beginnings until this very day Human Trafficking has shaped the way. This is the journey back into the history of slavery i think will truly be making progress when we all accept the history of slavery as all of our history. Our documentary series slavery routes starts march 9th on d w. Global stock markets are down as the new coronavirus reaches europe and threatens supply chains meanwhile in china factories are slowly opening up again but businesses far from also on the program face masks cannot protect you from the new coronavirus nevertheless some Asian Countries have banned their export creating a growing problem for hospitals in europe and as u. S. Pro

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