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Werent warming dramatically than anywhere else we were already signed around america away i would say well its a great war because we just really werent sure exactly how much more it was going to collapse the hole right through the bridge is a completely different thread for the want to. Also coming up today on valentines day we speak with children around the world to show once and for all that love is in fact childs play hundreds hadnt eaten by choice i. Will. Get up there. Were going to need money to remember its a family dinner. So our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all over the globe welcome we begin the day with a record that no one wanted to see broken. After the hottest january ever scientists in antarctica have reported that for the 1st time since records began temperatures on the worlds southern most continent have passed the 20 degree celsius mark they born that at the trend continues it could have dramatic effects on sea levels the news of the record temperature coincided with a big break in the ice on pine island an iceberg 300 square kilometers an area calved from a glacier last weekend. Giant blocks of ice have always broken off antarctica as ice shelves but in places like pine island the losses are speeding up scientists are worried there are a forewarning of even larger events as Climate Change drives higher rates of thaw on the frozen continent. A new study says if temperatures continue to go up in antarctica global sea levels could rise by up to one and a half meters by the year 2100 chiles escudero based on King George Island the ice and snow pack has melted almost entirely this year. Its the 1st time we see a lack of snow that is so impressive it really caught our attention we left some sensors installed weve seen temperatures over 30 degree so you know in the last 40 years ice loss in the antarctic has increased 6 fold and as it continues to melt the warm temperatures are also having an impact on wildlife like penguins populations of them have plunged dramatically we did find one colony an Elephant Island very large decline about 77 percent. Tremendous loss or a very short period of time and with january of 2020 setting new heat records theres no sign the melt is going to slow anytime soon. I want to get more now on the situation in and arctic im joined in studio by Richard Black hes the director of the energy and climate Intelligence Unit that is a u. K. Based think tank which are ok nearly 21. 00 degrees in antarctica we were looking at that video theres hardly any snow on the ground there it is that sounds like something it looks like something that should be setting off alarms bells i mean can you put this into context this temperature sure i mean as you said its the highest temperature has ever been so you dont want to get now to put it in this perspective its this isnt in the middle of antarctica its on the antarctic peninsula which is the bit that sticks up towards the southern tip of south america so its not all the way south the south pole is still pretty cold but you know this is the warmest bit its the furthest north but its warming about 2. 00 to 3. 00 times faster than the global average so you would expect if youre going to see hot temperatures anyway youre going to see the february is usually a warmer month of the summer down there is a. Now at the same time as announcements of this record im sure theres also does this glacier on the nova tell us about that so what were seeing really if you go. A loss of 15 years or so weve seen a succession of really big buses that have broken off usually from again in this one salty peninsula but also from west antarctica as well now its the west antarctic but that really worries scientists because theres enough ice there that if theyre all that whats the mills in west antarctica youd raise sea levels by about 3 to 4 metres world wide east until it is much bigger still seems to be staying cold but also just in the last couple of weeks for the 1st time scientists have managed to go underneath this ice in west antarctica with instruments and look at whats actually happening on the ice is being melted below from the seawater which is warmer than it has been in passengers again because of Climate Change this is something that science has thought was happening that now observed it so really you know i think were looking at a picture where this region could become progressively more unstable contributing to say the rising coming years i mean you touched on this but why is nk arctic cold why is the ice there so important when you we also talk about the arctic at times. We are about melting and you mentioned this is the Sea Level Rise that could result there eamon talk to us about the antarctic and why that ice there is really worrying scientists sure so the antarctic and the arctic a different so the antarctic is a continent that surrounded by ocean the arctic is really a notion thats in the middle of different bits of land now when i say thats on the sea melts it doesnt actually change sea level but when that ice is on land melts and flows into the sea thats what changes the sea level and so thats was science is so worried about this what about greenland as well and theres science showing that once this starts happening and you get this flow off into the ocean it will probably be irreversible. And in the arctic its warming as well yeah thats right weve seen some really weird weather in the arctic over the last decade what whats being called upside down weather where you can get freezing weather where we are and sort of in the States New York and so on and youve got temperatures of 20. And so on i why is that i mean what explains that well its generally to do with the sort of jet stream and because that this is the high tech high level currents of air that goes around the polar region and thats being affected by Climate Change as well but of course what that means is its really both both poles this is having quite an effect on life and we saw the pictures of the chinstrap penguins but for example around antarctica the the web of life is really sustained by cruel these tiny creatures in the sea and theres good science already even going back a decade and a half showing that thats been perturbed by the changing temperatures up in the arctic youve got places for example where whales go they feed on to the edge of the ice in summer what happens when there isnt an edge of the ice because theres no ice no one knows the answer to the stuff so its about more than just rising sea levels obviously we have to think about that the wildlife as well its all doom and gloom is there any reason for hope here and the optimism yeah i mean i think there are several reasons for hope i mean if you look to the world of finance basically follow the money there was in journalism right and being a policeman just last month we say we had for ports that you know the report the amount of money that was flowing into sustainable stocks in the city of london last year tripled in the states it quadrupled and were seeing more more more businesses that are starting now to align a 3rd of the worlds banking capital 47. 00 trillion dollars is now inside banks that have signed up to change their Business Models to align with the Paris Agreement weve got 120 odd countries now that say they want to move to a net 0 emissions economy you know by 2050 or so on most of them dont know how to get there yet but nevertheless they so desire so things are moving but whether theyre moving fast enough for the us of western thought there is another matter and well see if this new record brings even more urgency we know cop 26 on the way in november that will be in the u. K. Richard black the director of the. Energy and climate Intelligence Unit in the u. K. Thank you very much thank you. We tend to focus on the north and south pole but there is an equally critical area of ice sometimes referred to as the 3rd pole that contains the glaciers of the hindu kush himalayan region and they supply the wife flood of asia the melt water feeds the continents 10 largest River Systems and supports more than a 1000000000 people in the process but those glaciers are also posing a threat to communities our next report brings you the story of an unusual glacier thats endangering lives in pakistan. Its a documented fact that the worlds glaciers are shrinking but in the care of a Mountain Range a number of them up bucking that trend for now this is just the glacier in northern pakistan its increasing in length and width and its moving downhill carrying with it hundreds of tons of ice and debris that are pushing down into the valley. About one year the glacier move forward 8 to 10 kilometers. Then moving smoothly until there were 4 months when it was really surging forward at about 5 to 7 meters a day. The. Scientists dont agree on what exactly is causing some places in the car according to surgeon they call it a material logical anomaly but whats clear is that shift is advancing at 10 times the normal rate and its threatening the safety of People Living in the valley. Not just because of its advancing ice sheet and the threat of rock fall. Is also creating Glacial Lakes lakes which can birthed these images show the village of her son about after it was hit by flooding in july. When the grey surely bursts. There is an enormous amount of not only eyes and rocks and water and debris. That forms through the mud and so on and these has the best thinking effects basically these stories everything that comes you know the way. The United Nations estimates that there are 33 Glacial Lakes that pose an imminent threat of floods in the region potentially impacting up to 7000000 people. If you think the whole bunch whole area will be devastated peoples land homes trees and the whole community if this place surely bursts the whole population and Peoples Properties will be swept away into the river and the. Authorities are setting up Early Warning systems to communities of any impending flood but thats only one fight in a much bigger battle. Scientists expect that Climate Change will melt a 3rd of the glaciers in the karakoram by 2100 endangering the lives of hundreds of millions. Its important that there are more of us that do care. Climate change and. To showed people empowered that thats what we want to be included in their agenda. And it infuriates me that these kids have to be out the streets asking adults to be adults we should be ashamed of ourselves all around the world. You know former u. S. Secretary of state john kerry there at the Munich Security Conference where high on the agenda really for the 1st time minutes here. He was the topic of Climate Change and joining me now from munich is Jennifer Morgan shes the executive director of Greenpeace International jennifer thank you so much for joining us you took part in one of the opening panels on Climate Change you were there with john kerry and others and you said during that panel that the Climate Crisis is a security crisis what exactly do you mean by that. Well what i mean is that if you look at the scenarios of what could happen with Climate Change impacts youre looking at hundreds of millions of people suffering from Food Insecurity and water insecurity and those fuel conflict Climate Change is like a threat multiplier its like the straw that breaks the camels back and can lead to more conflict around the world which is a security issue and a humanitarian issue that i think has not yet really captured this community in munichs attention so hopefully now why do you think that is i mean when i was speaking with melinda crane one of our correspondents she said shes been at this conference 20 years and this is really the 1st time that Climate Change has been seriously discussed. You know i think that its that its a very Traditional Community and i think the other thing is that right now i think its been seen as something thats quite far away and the Security Community is looking at complex right now but the impacts are now happening now you just need to look at the chaos that happened in australia the fires that are around the world i think its maybe its hit them much more that it they need to deal with it now its short term its its current. Increasingly Climate Change being discussed in security terms of into specifically what sorts of threats are you were fearing through which threats to the panel talk about. Well the threats can vary the threats can be for example if theres already a volatile situation somewhere and then you have a droughts and you have conflicts over agricultural you know over Food Security that will then exacerbate it it also is really about hundreds of millions of more people potentially on the move climate refugees theyre often called that are driving and moving and how you deal with that which obviously is that is a key issue for many places around the world how you secure that. People are able to stay at home but theyre being driven away because of because of this Climate Change impacts now we heard earlier from john kerry i want to play a clip from our conversation with the former u. S. Secretary of state well get right back to you take a listen to what john kerry had to say. Weve never had the kind of intensity and the growing very clear evidence of why it is happening the warming of the ocean produces greater intensity of storms more moisture in the air more rain bigger floods its clearly related and to have a president who. Wants to put his head in the good pretenders not happening as it is just a moment of enormous responsibility that clearly referring there to President Donald Trump who has been know wants to withdraw the United States from the paris climate agreement how difficult in your opinion will it be for the world to take meaningful Climate Action without the support of the United States. Well you know the world has been doing that donald trump made this irresponsible announcement a couple of years ago and what you have seen is the world moving forward in implementation not fast enough not with enough scale but there is no other country that has pulled itself out of the Paris Agreement and in fact more than half of the u. S. Economy has said we are still in and are implementing it donald trump is an isolated figure on the climate front he is funded and dominated by the fossil fuel industry and if you look at whos in his ministries you will see it in those different departments so i think it is possible but obviously it would be better if we had a president in the United States who understood the cult leader risks to his society his country and was participating actively in finding solutions i mean you say that hes hes isolated but of course you have leaders like. Brazil was well and that is a very important country when it comes to the climate in the amazon there im just wondering i mean is this Something Like a Security Threat if you if you frame Climate Action in terms of security is that something the World Leaders think you get leaders like trump and bolton are on board. Potentially i mean i think. I think when i went to leader sees that their own National Security is that risk due to this or that theyre going to get drawn into many more conflicts because of the climb. Crisis and whats happening hopefully it will capture their attention more and thats why i think people here at the Munich Security Conference are so important because they are clear messengers into heads of state about whats at stake and what actually needs to be happening. Now the title of your panel at the munich Security Panel was i believe Munich Security Conference was apocalypse now does that captures the mood among World Leaders. I would say and fortunately. I think if World Leaders really understood and had internalized the dire threat that we are facing a Climate Emergency the fact that we have 10 years left really to have global emissions to avoid Climate Chaos they would be acting differently there are hardly any leaders right now around the world who are stepping up and treating this as the crisis that it is there are leaders there just maybe yards above the age of 16 i mean we see credit to see the fridays for future movement this is this young generation of leaders waiting in the wings youre there in munich i mean could you gauge the impacts of someone like reza to bergen her movements on those older leaders that are there. I you know whats very interesting is in my conversations with leaders here both of business and government they talk about their children and they talk about the fact that theyre having this conversation at home because another youth leaders around the world are asking those questions so they are here those voices of used who are scared about the chaos that could come if our generation this generation doesnt take the type of action needed and i think as secretary kerry said theres a huge responsibility of leadership right now to take the needed actions and not depend on us at this moment in time so theyre here there are. Oysters are here there are their consciouses i think are here. Jennifer morgan the executive director of Greenpeace International thank you so much for taking the time. Thank you. Well the Munich Security Conference of course addresses much more than just Climate Change the main focus of this years panels and meetings is the decline of internationalism and the role of the socalled west in Foreign Affairs heres german president franco during his speech open in the event of a been that our closest ally the United States of america under the Current Administration rejects the idea of an International Community great again great again if necessary also at the expense of maybes and partners. Theyre referring to the role of the Current Us Administration and its perceived hostility to International Organizations such as the European Union president is also question the role of the defensive Alliance Nato and some in the alliance say his political attacks are threatening to erode its military power. The biggest deployment of u. S. Military might to europe in a quarter century is heading this way for nato as defender 20 exercise 20000 american soldiers and 13000 pieces of equipment should give the enemies pause and allies confidence. Loyal portals within the framework but that reinforced military framework risks being undermined by weakness on the political side increasing apathy across the Alliance Regarding its most fundamental value collective defense what if nato has the weapons but it doesnt have the will a recent survey by the Pew Research Center indicates that across 16 nato countries fewer than 40 percent of respondents would want their militaries used to defend the Baltic States or poland in case of an attack by russia the Munich Security Conference has coined a new term to describe this kind of ambivalence. For those wistful about west listening this geopolitics expert shot islam has some advice move on the west has had its wonderful moment it can still matter i think europe Still Matters definitely but it will have to work in coalitions and and alliances with countries outside the comfort zone so we will have to work with the indias of this world with russia with china with australia which upin and not just rely on this once very strong Transatlantic Alliance french president emanuel mccaughan has seized the stage to position himself as a disruptor france has a moment to lead. It can lead in rhetoric it can lead in ideas so it can lead to its actions not actually know yet which way its going to go it is a Nuclear Country as a state in the Security Council they can do therefore what no one else can and they can do that on behalf of your. But while the west deals with its identity crisis kremlin tactics are working better than never warns retired u. S. Army general ben hodges people to lose confidence and trust in each other in their own institutions in the alliance thats thats where this competition is and. I think that we have to compete hodges praises the massive defender 20 exercises for making sure the military side is ready waiting for political cohesion to make a comeback. Well clearly no love lost in munich but it is valentines day today the perfect time for a reminder that love isnt just for thoughts and in fact he decided to ask children around the world about what and who they love. And. What gays and they say right now and only you know. Why are. Brutal. 100000 too much alive. Like you. All. To give this. Kid a. Son who was her mother. You know how they. Plan. To as they head braves are going they know. Where i. And big i love you to my valentine as well today almost done but the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter at news or you can follow me at called aspen thank you so much for watching out for making us a part of your day. Passengers here are informed my. Drivers here need nerves of steel. While passengers here can get an eyeful along the way. Of taxis accommodate passengers all over the world. To drive our seamen. Read. Each winter in cologne but it isnt fun to sit around on anyone planning a sightseeing tour should pace themselves very well. You have to be. In a party mood to make the most of the citys a trip. Into blues dont stand a chance until youre sure to have fun. Check it. Out and 60 minutes on d w. I think is everything channing 1st im a muslim. So much different culture between here and there challenging for everything. Finish on the sly think it was worth it for me to come to germany. 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