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families lost under the nazis people of german descent say balinese creating unfair hurdles when it comes to their constitutional rights to resume their german citizenship. i'm so welcome to the program the latest advances by syrian government troops into the rebel held it lip province ruptured relations between the key international players in the conflict the past 10 days of seen deadly clashes between turkish soldiers supporting syrian rebels and forces of the syrian regime turkish president tragic type one has hit out at syria and its russian backers promising to attack regime forces everywhere in syria if his troops attacked meanwhile the country's humanitarian crisis continues to grow. the roads out of sarmento province in the last 2 months more people have fled the fighting here than at any other time in the syria conflict many are braving the harsh winter conditions simply to get tight. it's really sad to see people here enduring snow and most of my children what are we going to do we've got nothing left we're sleeping under all of trees. it's a terrible saw each. other this road is completely cut off because it's part full of cars. and people have no idea where they're going. this is what they are leaving behind violence has flared in it late in recent weeks and strain ties between 2 of the main international players in the region russia and turkey ankara has sent more troops to the area and has warned it will strike syrian regime forces if it soldiers come under renewed just tack. your honner anyone targeting turkey should know that they will pay the price for this not only have the sought of the attack but everywhere. hundreds of thousands of people have left in recent weeks but not everyone can get. those still stuck in a face an anxious wait and a worsening humanitarian crisis. and see if we can get an idea of conditions on the ground from. al hamdu he is a teacher in. a village on the in the countryside west of aleppo a welcome to give us an idea of what daily life is like. hello how are you everyone in fact these days people are facing one of the most difficult situations you know maybe in the last 9 years because now all people are fleeing from the us and countryside and it lead to north to the borders of jerky and in fact just. outside my home a long line of cars maybe 10 kilometer line of cars are just leaving and fleeing they don't know they don't know where to go and all people in fact they are mentally ill psychologically ill and physically ill in fact even i do member just now that it's 2 days my daughter's birthday nevertheless who cares we can't i can't help i can't make a party for hair i mean this is just how people think they can't think anything just to have to go what to do and they don't have answers like me in fact it's your region is getting so closer to the borders of turkey and people don't know what to do if they've lived now so what's the next step i mean they think they are fleeing from death to death this is in fact the whole situation these days in fact i wanted to send a message for the hold that this is maybe the last step to take to do to take it to take an action for this be bold i don't want anyone to tell the next generation that we didn't know we didn't hear we didn't see it because yeah at the last period the last 9 years had been very horrible for syrian people by the coming in might might be the worst. you to i mean you've described very graphic about how bad the situation that is a 10 kilometer line of cars why aren't you trying to leave. why that's why why why why are you staying. for me in fact because now i'm going to just to stay for the last you know me moment that i can i can't just hold my 2 kids and my wife to go into wild in these severe weather and just going you know under trees or anywhere no i'm staying here i know that this might be coming any moment but in fact for me now it's better than to be humiliated you know in the wind for 4 days just waiting some in return or something that to happen to me it's very difficult decision for me for a father but it's also going to be difficult you know life if i went out into the wild so yeah i'm going to wait for the last moment after that i had no idea but to leave as i have been already i was already from aleppo i was in a new plan i was displaced in the green passes at the last moment and it might be coming for me again to try to see that that the most horrible situation again and the millions if i don't have choices nor not i understand millions of us i just want to ask you you have millions of your countrymen have fled syria and ended up in turkey do you do you see that as an option or is that something that you're waiting until you absolutely have to. in fact for now of course the borders are completely closed and the the guards are you know are look loading the whole turkey borders in fact but the question is why didn't you put maybe if people asking me why didn't you leave before i i didn't want to leave i want to have my feet in you but in fact syrian wishing us either to do what needs to syria at all or to be under control by the way all these people are in this area i mean you know syria can't go back to the region areas because most of them in fact lead to from their own areas from water from all the books from how many homes iraq either is or because they don't want to be under as it's going to hold so now in fact me choices are very bad either to die under bombing either to die you know in this severe weather or die on the crossing borders of turkey be able to in fact see these borders as the pillars of hercules the end of the wall well desperate situation you describe that we wish you well with it thank you for joining us today i'm joe coffey out how to aleppo province thank you. let's turn to some of the other stories making news around the world it's an ace the senate says cleared the way for former interior minister us how they need to be tried on charges of holding migrants hostage the south and he says he wants the trial to clear his name he insists he was defending the country's border when he refused to allow rescued migrants to disembark from the ship for several days last summer. in the united states bernie sanders has won the new hampshire primary in which democrats are selecting candidates to take on donald trump in november's presidential election he narrowly beat her former manager peter people who won the iowa caucuses. pope francis has ruled against a proposal to allow married men 2 in the amazon to become catholic priests and bishops in the region had called for an exception to the church's celibacy rule to believe 8 an acute shortage of priests in remote rain forest regions with conservative catholics oppose the move. china has reported 97 more deaths from the corona virus and more than 2000 new infections 94 of those 97 deaths occurred at the epicenter of the outbreak who bay province however chinese health officials say these are the lowest figures since january and they predict the epidemic could be over by april international health experts are warning that it is still too early to say we won a growing number of people in china have begun to express anger at the government's handling of the situation or sars use of move to silence criticism censors of scrub social media posts and least to a citizen journalists have disappeared raising fears for their safety. so we get more of this from a from a human rights watch a bird welcome to d.w. so do you have fears about people who have disappeared in china absolutely so we see that china is really silencing critics. joining the citizens children lists report on the situation about the coronavirus and it's not only that they are detained for example one has disappeared and so we have all of the delete that blocks are due to which reports are about the virus so this is very very concerning so your presumption is that those people who have disappeared have been taken by the states right so that's our perception and you base that on what we base this on on sources we have in the country and also on media reports i mean in general you know that it's possible for countries who have become head threat to a coupe you know a media freedom but this must be in very. limits which are given international human rights treaties and what china is doing is of course not within these limits so what do you think about china's efforts to control what is a global health crisis i mean we think there is of course the necessity to go against these crises and actions to be taken but the way in which china is doing this is not according to human rights standards this is clear it's not a surprise seeing china is not a crime to countries but what we see with regard to silence in the report with regard to the isolation in the in the area so all of these it's very concerning and it's not just an accordance with. so in terms of what the what the chinese are reporting about the extent of the virus how much faith you have confidence do you have in the figures that they're putting out in this is another issue which is in connection with the media freedom. and freedom of information so really don't know in which way we can trust the numbers the stakes the figures and this of course pulls a big problem for international health organizations who want to support china because they don't know in which way they can trust really the statistics and these figures . are going a bit from human rights watch thank you. look human rights watch has also long accused a u. member state croatia of allowing police to use violence against migrants at its borders and of illegally reselling them to neighboring bosnia other groups as croatia's conduct should disqualify from joining the e.u. passport free shannon area next report to meet a group of migrants living in limbo along the use external border. we're near the border between both me and herzegovina and croatia it's icy cold about minus 8 degrees celsius people want to be outside in these temperatures but many are some have taken shelter in a former army barracks the said to be about 2000 of them. this way home. there's no electricity no running water to stay warm they've let a fire in the middle of the room 13 men live in here all from pakistan they're waiting for their chance to somehow get across the border to croatia and past a heavily armed front here control officers. many friends. many. times. many here claim border guards use serious violence threats don't like the weapons but still they say the worst part of their situation is hunger and boredom the khurana river forms part of the croatian border which means the european union lies just on the other side but it's heavily guarded because if the men actually do manage to make it across with or without papers they're protected by you and. international law. the men document the injuries themselves so too does the center for peace studies in zagreb they say they've recorded some 10000 cases so far under preparing legal action beating and stripping the most common. taking their possession as well. and in some cases also like using dogs to dog. sexual harassment. stamping like wait. with ira and like hot iron burning to skin. research is a concern to claims rejected believe they didn't receive a fair hearing now a british lawyer is taking up their cause and he says the german government is violating the constitution to reject it believe they didn't receive a fair hearing now a british lawyer is taking up their cause and he says the german government is violating the constitution. marcello marx was born in sao paolo brazil thousands of kilometers away from her ancestral home in germany. my grandfather a left turn many fled actually in 1937 he was only 21 years old when he left and he fled to brazil this was thanks to his mother's foresight because she kind of knew that something was coming he was already not allowed to stay at university where he was studying at the time so in a way he wasn't anymore a full citizen under the nazi regime tens of thousands of jews were stripped of their rights and german citizenship now marcella is fighting to get it back my brother and i felt very close to the german culture since a very young age was studied in a water school in brazil with german school and we always had this references from germany and european coach are present in our houses article 116 of the german constitution enables germans persecuted by the nazis as well as the descendents to have their citizenship are stored but marcelle is application was rejected on the grounds her grandfather left germany voluntarily when they told me that it was he had left her alone terribly it was appalling to hear something like that it was yes so we were angry but yes we we knew that they are fighting for a right cause a just cause muscle as soon learned that she wasn't alone and joined forces with a lobby group exclusions group article 116 which helps hundreds of people who have been rejected. in january the group brought the debate to the bundestag felix coachman and his wife isabelle founded the group in 2018 they want to see a new more general law to prevent exclusions from article 116 this time the motion was narrowly rejected the majority. if parliament believes that 2 decrees passed last august to ease restrictions are enough but some descendants are still excluded or facing bureaucratic hurdles. back in london felix coachmen isn't giving up. decrees or or discretionary. relief effectively but 116 is a fundamental basic rights and people pretty well they can't get back their loved ones who they lost in many cases their property because get back that they've lost but they can't get back one thing and that's german citizenship marcella has now applied a 2nd time. it's something that i have to do to honor the ones that are not here anymore and i think by germany allowing in acknowledging us as citizens this is only going to contribute to have a more fair just and a more diverse. germany in the future almost 3 years since applying again marcella is still waiting for a reply. i did only political correspondent shot parts of spain following this story for us so welcome charters it tell us more 1st of all about why marcella feels this decision to reject her application is wrong so her grandfather left germany in 1937 for brazil and that was when he was already stripped by the nazis of the civil rights basically and had no future in germany and the german authorities just claimed that he left germany voluntarily and wasn't officially stripped by the nazis of his citizenship so i was outraged by that and applied for german citizenship through article 116 and god rejected them she still believes that she has a right because her ancestors have suffered in. the nazi regime a lot of her ancestors have died in the holocaust so she believes she has a right to time citizenship the same extraordinary and she clearly she is not the only one there is this 116 initiative there are actually hundreds of people around the world who have been rejected from australia to north america and i've talked to many of them and quite a few very powerful stories. for example the granddaughter of one of germany's 1st interior ministers was rejected. an elderly man who was born in 1988 in berlin was rejected for many different reasons and the group collected all these stories and had a 1st success when they lobbied with the german government the german government last year passed a couple of decrease it should ease the way for german citizenship for those descendants but there are still exceptions there are still a lot of bureaucratic hurdles and i think many of the descendants that i've talked to over the past months have told me that they just want to be acknowledged that they want respect from the german government and they want their stories to be heard and seen and they want this right for german citizenship to the ship to be enshrined in the germinal so we refer to the last try parliament rejected any change to the law did you think that's the end of it they did very surprisingly so because of course germany carries a historic responsibility with this i think down the line the german government will have to think about more changes to the law in this regard and the left and the green party are lobbying for this at this point but of course and not part of the government if you look towards austria last year austria changed the law in favor of the descendants of holocaust survivors so they're the does the children grandchildren great grandchildren can apply for citizenship and i think germany will look towards that down the line to change the law here also lot of thank you. not just one and glom a team ferrari have unveiled a car they hope will help them back to winning ways this season after years of failure a german driver sebastian vettel is meant to be the number was the emergence of teammate shah has caused tensions within the team despite this to put on their best smiles of the glitzy ceremony ahead of next month's opening rice. a grandiose theater in northern italy was chosen as the venue for the unveiling of ferrari's 2020 formula one car the most successful team in the sport have however not one of will drivers title since 2007. germany sebastian fettle won 4 titles with previous team red bull but struggled badly at ferrari last year so he hopes several technological innovations can give him the boost he needs. i think. it's an incredible achievement obviously a lot of hours that go into the car i like it a lot so i think we had the opportunity to obviously see it a little bit before and to have also a direct comparison with last year's car and you can really spot the difference especially when it comes to packaging and the back part of the. settles main problem last season was his own teammate shah lek left the 22 year old from monaco outperform the german and several incidents led to speculation their rivalry was causing problems left leg believes he can do even better this year the approach is a little bit different just because now i know the team i know more as the cow. but it's still an improvement of last year's gasol we've been working all together to make it better. and to be more ready for for the shia world champions miss avies revealed their new look car on monday they hope it will power title hold. to lewis hamilton to a 7th championship equaling michael schumacher his record all. ferrari have an epic challenge to topple them pre-season testing begins next week with the 1st race in australia on march 15th. as you see singapore airshow to unveil a prototype of what it believes it could be the passenger jet of the future the maverick is a scale model of what's known as a blended wing body aircraft the revolutionary design is thought to be 20 percent more fuel efficient than today's passenger jets and it was claims it will give passengers a totally new experience one of the challenges was working out how to prevent people at the side from being thrown about too much on the aircraft terms. this is the w.'s these are our top stories turkish president rather tired virtue of his war this is country will do whatever is necessary to push back the syrian regime did it live by the end of this month he also threatened to attack syrian forces everywhere in the country if any turkish forces are harmed. china has reported 97 more deaths from the corona virus and more than 2000 new infections health officials say these are the lowest figure since january and they're predicting the epidemic could be over by april however international health officials say it's too early to make such an assumption. bernie sanders has won the new hampshire primary democrats are selecting a candidate to take on the us president donald trump in november's election he now will be big to form a man people who won the iowa caucuses. pope francis is ruled against a proposal to allow married men to become tough the priests in brazil's amazon region issues their call for an exception to the church's celibacy rule. when they get a shortage of priests in remote right forestry jobs. this is de w. news from follow us on twitter or visit the website that stay w dot com up next our business magazine in germany i'll be back at the top of the hour in the meantime of course as always the website e.w. dot com i'm good. i am a business model a and i am a brand. i. am fully up to. influence a shameless blow hard. for an innovative news. his people majorly impact the economy. good use crime fighters are back africa's most successful radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech prevention and sustainable chocolate production. all of a sow's are available online and of course you can share and discuss on africa's facebook page and other social media platforms. crime fighters tune in now. have fun in pyongyang. the capital city of north korea is reinventing itself. but only a few can enjoy the benefits of those the regime allowed. kim jong un introduced an insidious reward system to coerce allegiance to the regime. those who don't make it into the fun metropolis are often and tom very. kind of fun in pyongyang starts feb 28th on w. back in my childhood and my dad would take pictures of the family holiday for example calf and choosing and framing the scene and taking no more than one picture.

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