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welcome to the program until gael the woman widely tipped to succeed. has announced that she will not seek the position as chancellor in next year's elections and. is also stepping down as leader of conservative party when a replacement has been found the move follows a scandal of the involvement of the far right alternative for germany in a regional election in which. control over the party have been threatened and weakened she announced her decision at a news conference here in berlin and for sizing that it would not affect the country's coalition government. what then is that as far as i'm concerned this has no impact on the stability of the grand coalition government i was the party leader and i am the party leader and i will remain in this position for the forseeable future of what i have said is that i will not run for chancellor but other than that the situation has not changed. let's get more mission d.w. political correspondent simon young welcome simon what's behind this decision well there were too many problems for him a great karen bar too much pressure on her and i think she never really ultimately put her stamp of all thora see on the party even angela merkel's decision to appoint her as german defense minister was enough to secure her the backing in particular of the right wing of the c.d.u. and she faced too many detractors within the party years she produced a number of gases well last october in fact for instance she came up with a plan for a security zone under u.n. auspices in northern syria but the plan sort of died when it turned out that you know she wasn't even sure if german armed forces would be available for such a mission and then the events of last week into rangy where see the c.d.u. politicians there effectively defied the party's ban on cooperation with the far right a.f.p. and she seemed unable to do anything about it that was the final straw for her i think i will talk more in just a 2nd time and i 1st let's hear from a chance of responding to this announcement. and i respect this decision but i must also say i regret that it's come to this that the will. is come if i can imagine that this was not an easy decision for anna that can come by our. i'm grateful that she's ready to continue in her role as party leader in order to oversee the process be choosing the next cd you candidate for chancellor. back to simon young simon what do you make of what we've heard from the chancellor . was clear that anglo-american regrets of this decision and indeed the events of the last few days and a great current was merkel's preferred successor as leader of the c.d.u. will that happened and also then to be the candidate for chancellor without of course hasn't happened so that in that sense of the link between the 2 of them and sometimes known as many medical you know this these events this debacle is a blow to anglo-american as well it leaves the chancellor i think at the moment seeming if not irrelevant then somehow decoupled from the fate of the christian democrats going forward so the christian democrats are in turmoil in crisis is there to be a crisis for the country's ruling coalition. well certainly there's a lot of pressure there said there wouldn't be a problem in the national government coalition and the s.p.d. sort of sounding a bit conciliatory did a saying they they respect her decision to step back but they still trying to put the pressure on saying they've got questions that they need the c.d.u. to answer they need merkel's party to show how it's going to draw a clear red line between itself and the far right and so they've been been as i say piling on a bit of pressure but they themselves are elect electorally somewhat weak so i think it's unlikely that they would want to bring down the government and perhaps force fresh elections at this stage anyway. who benefits from a k.-k. stepping down yeah i mean you could say pretty much everybody else the social democrats as i say looking to draw some sort of benefit out of this by presenting themselves as the the sort of guardians of german democracy the ones making sure the christian tema gratz don't jump into bed with the far right d. . then you of course you've got the rivals of a.k.k. within her own party several of them have been waiting in the wings circling seeing what an opportunity might come up for them there are several who would like to be the candidate for chancellor and other parties as well of course will be seeking to draw some capital from this not least the a.f.d. itself it had a victory in that eastern state of theory where it's sort of got its way at least for a short time and it's been portraying that is a big success among its own supporters so a brief word then simon about the potential successors and whether a new party leader is going to mean a very different direction for the c.d.u. . i think there are several people as i mentioned the health minister yet spawn is a big critic of the mayor called open door immigration policy then you've got frederick manses a veteran with a lot of support from the business community. in lash it the state premier of north rhine-westphalia. and there are others so there's plenty of people possibly the sort of white men the typical leaders of the christian democrat party nonetheless these people are waiting waiting for their charts now that a.k.k. is seemingly part of the history books they'd only political correspondent simon young thank you well the death toll in the china's corona virus outbreak is approaching a 1000 more than 40000 cases have been reported across the country elsewhere thousands of passengers and crew have been allowed to disembark from a cruise ship in hong kong they tested negative for the virus after a 4 day quarantine the 65 more people have tested positive for the corona virus aboard another cruise ship this time docked off the coast of japan passengers on board the diamond princess have been quarantined since the ship arrived in the port of yokohama last week these latest cases bring the total number of infected passengers to more than $130.00 people be confined to captains apart from shared jeweled fresh air brakes the current is expected to last until the 19th of this month. well cheryl and paula moleski are still on board the diamond princess and told us about life on the ship. well we're both feeling fine so far the situation is we have to stay in our cabin and not go out in the ship at all but luckily we have about going to be so we can get some fresh air and some sunshine and that's really made a big difference in our daily life here and we're worried definitely it's hard not to be by we're trying to keep a positive outlook because there's nothing we can do about it and you think about us 810225000 people die of the flu every 3 or 4 months and that's a pretty big number so we're just hoping that we stay steady healthy and that we do ok i see a woman take care very well you know we've got man's got a mom of 3. mo's sons that my wife meets. i think we've done unbelievably well. we are confined to our camp men's and you can go out if you like for an hour every couple days are every maybe 3 or 4 days actually but we have chosen to stay and because we have the balcony we really don't want to expose ourselves anymore but our daily life right now is pretty busy actually because we're texting our family and friends and we've been doing some you tube videos just kind of different for us but doing so videos to kind of catch people up on what we're doing and we've gotten a lot of good feedback about that i think we've been very fortunate you know just we've picked the right room so we can get out of the most time getting our meals together we pool table out the weather or eat meat in their room or out on the balcony of the sun you know i have my bathing suit for a while try. captain comes on like 3 or 4 times a day he doesn't always have information right away. like we heard about. chase's today before that yeah i was able to infer that but he waits until 8 years from the. future having. you know the help ministry so when he confirmed that came on and told us right away. they've been good to me in a gaining about about things as cheryl and paul moleski on board the diamond princess in the yokohama japan you want to be doubly news that still to come a groundbreaking night at the oscars as a foreign language film wins best picture for the 1st time in hollywood history. those are some of the other stories making news around the world ireland's general election has delivered a surprise result left wing republican shinde fein won the largest share of the vote between the 2 established centrist parties both of those had ruled out a coalition wished of right before the election because of its ties to the ira paramilitary group. parts of eastern australia have been drenched by the heaviest rainfall in 3 decades that brought floods but also relief after months of devastating bushfires dousing blazes and replenishing water supplies in saving a strong surf whipped up sea foam and swept away to a large sections of beach. a powerful storm has killed at least 5 people across europe 2 died at the ski resorts in poland when a roof was ripped off the building germany's entire long distance rail network was shut down as a precaution parts of britain have seen flooding and tens of thousands of people across the continent of been left without power. now to russia where a quarter sentenced a group of 7 young activists to between 6 and 18 years in prison on terrorism charges the defendants were accused of plotting bombings ahead of the 2018 world cup in the country human rights activists and defense lawyers have strongly criticized the case played meaning that the men had been tortured into signing confessions. police have been cracking down on protests or recent months now concerned started to campaign against what they see as the country's heavy handed tactics. as this. is a fighter as she heads towards the courthouse in northern moscow with her son her determination is palpable. have been accused of kicking a police officer at a protest last summer both men insist they are innocent but the court rejects their appeal and sentences them to several years in a prison camp the judgment hits their families hard is there to support them her son was also put in prison after the moscow protests but was lucky after just a month in pretrial custody most charges against him were dropped and he was released but not sense of injustice hasn't gone away. strange today it should be the judge of the state prosecutor the government who feel guilty. but instead it's us who feel guilty my boys who were released the parents because our children are free. there have been several mother's marches in moscow already including this one in february of last year now the protests have grown into a movement down with the police state they chant here. when thousands took to the streets at authorized demonstrations in moscow last summer police cracked down heavily on the protesters government officials have also repeatedly warned of the dangers of a revolution. it's impossible to solve our problems on social networks or on the streets of course people can express their opinion freely that's totally normal but people have to express their opinion within the framework of current law otherwise our country will end up in a very dangerous situation. surveys conducted by an independent pollster show that the majority of russians now believe there are political prisoners in their country the human rights organization open russia is collecting money to provide legal assistance for them now talia conan is here with several mothers from the movement there are over $200.00 of them now with more joining all the time they send letters to the detainees and want to fight for their children together. it's not what happened to us can happen to anyone here fighting for our children we're fighting to protect everyone else in russia to. the author already seem aware of the potential force of others movement could have that talia and her fellow activists haven't so far managed to get permission to hold another protest so for now none is sticking to russia's strict laws by protesting for justice on her own. on the 92nd academy awards made movie history with the south korean film parasite becoming the 1st english language film to win the best oscar the best picture oscar and the film's director june didn't stop there he went home to pick up 3 others. it was the big surprise of the night and they are scared goes to parasite. the 1st ever moon english language movie to win best picture. since. south korean director of bond junho news dot com a subtle are about the gap between the rich and poor in modern day so who's the big winner of the night only. it earned a total of 4 awards including best director for bomb junho who paid tribute to one of cinema's all time great directors and fellow nominees. thank you so much as i said when i was young and studying cinema there was a saying that i cough deep into my heart which is the most personal is the most creative you that quote to us from. our great martin scorsese so we were thank you i will think until next morning thank you i really never know sydney other big categories but the awards went to the hotly tipped favorites. and a comeback for rent. she took the best actress award for happy trail of judy garland in the film judy you take anything for depression for that is that it was. this you walk in phoenix winning best actor for his mesmerizing performance as the joker in the dock origin story of one of the world's best known comic book the lens is a joke to you. supporting actor awards went to laura dern for her role as a divorce lawyer and marriage story thank you were missing and brad pitt won his 1st acting oscar for his supporting both as a laid back stunt man in question terran tino's once upon a time in hollywood. and the oscars wouldn't be the oscars without some political jiving it told me only have 45 seconds appear which is 45 seconds more than the senate gave john bolton this week. they were i'm thinking maybe when does a movie about it in the end they don't do the right thing. i think there was also some good old fashioned fun. and plenty of entertainment. music legend elton john performing his. winning original song from the bio pic rocket man. getting horny would in the mood for the infamous oscars after parties. well as you can imagine south korea has been celebrating parricide sauce because success the country already has a sizeable well respected film industry but it's the 1st time it's hit the oscars jackpot. was there's no doubting parasite director you know how he's now a national hero in south korea the celebrations in hollywood where felt all the way to the top in seoul president spoke of his pride at parasite success is kicking off his cabinet meeting with a round of applause. few in the country were expecting one or sky let alone 4 students and on site university without no matter watched enraptured with the ceremony unfold is this the moment when the best picture award was announced. its hopes the successful south korea's film industry. i've always liked korean movies korean film history is being written at this moment it's very meaningful i think there will be more improvements in the future it's very i'm lost for words it's such an honor. this. parasite shows the often painful divide between rich and poor in south korea. he acts as a largely unknown outside the country for one young cast member who didn't make it to l.a. it was still a night to remember. i thought it would be awesome to get the award. film and we actually won it. so i'm wondering if i am in heaven. i think i was born to receive the oscars award . dream already achieved at the age of 10 the sky all this cost increase is now the limit. let's go to the skies and a solo has been launched into space present and mission to capture the 1st pictures of the sun's poles $1500000000.00 craft is part of a collaboration between the european space agency and nasa it will join masses paca so approach which was launched 18 months ago and will venture paris's perilously close to the sun. will examine the sun's activity by exploring its magnetic field more closely than ever before the satellite will also look at the electrically charged particles that all star emits into space on the average circumstances but also during active phases known as solar storms having some forewarning of when such a storm is imminent would be invaluable because they can wreak havoc on satellites . that's why research is hope data from the probe will help full cost them one day . but the solar orbit so we'll have to get very close to the sun to gather the necessary data. that's the difficulty with the solar orbiter the satellite will be fried like a sausage i grill it won't get woman cuz the air around it is hot it'll get grilled directly by the radiation call it. each time it approaches the sun and it's circular past the solar all but it will be subjected to have a 10 times the radiation that strikes satellites and earth's orbit no electronics can withstand that that's why the sensitive measuring devices have to be protected by he chilled the orbiter's out a layer will heat up to over $500.00 degrees celsius surprisingly it's made of a black material. the black layer will absorb the enormous heat coming from the sun protecting the sensitive equipment during the observations. in them shots and if something happens to the black material the area beneath it wouldn't heat up any more intensely than the areas around it if you use say a mirrored surface instead on a crack appeared in the mirror it would get especially hot that high schools want to break. the solo orbiter will bring several telescopes closer to the sun than any spacecraft ever has the food they need to have a clear view of the star but it's powerful radiation can't blind them. that's why each device is equipped with a custom fitted protective window these are coated with a special fin layer that only lets a very small amount of radiation through only the frequencies the researches want to observe such as x. rays or ultraviolet radiation. they often think if you seen one side of the sun you seen them all but you haven't you need a complete overview to get the full picture of the solar orbiter will play a decisive role in delivering but list. it will allow scientists a look at the sun's turbulent areas for extended periods much longer than in the past and they will also be able to observe its poles for the 1st time the solo over so should provide new insights into the secrets of a star and help predict solar storms better than ever before. into football in germany has been displaying a sunday's match between abhi leipsic and by a feature the 2 top goal scorers in the laying of rubble of a dusty from biden team of venice for leipsic the match also decide the table lead it with just a point between the defending champions and the visitors ahead of kick off this by finishing in a drop the game is a thriller so here are some of the highlights a full house in munich as expected for this final league meeting between these 2 titans byron munich in rb lives it shared the spoils earlier in the season and with tivo vanda the least 2nd most prolific striker with 20 goals versus robert levin donkey who's got 22 there was a high expectation of balls hitting the back of the net byron got close in the 1st half but it ended scoreless 11 dusty's face says it all in the 2nd half life seek look to break the deadlock but some insight used a bit too much from close range. minutes later t. move in a draw us neuer off the line gets past him but david alibaba put his body in the line of fire then i wanted to handball but neuer says calm down kid finally a penalty look to give biron a chance to score after 11 dogs he was taking down inside the box by open macondo but live in dust he never got his shot v.a.r. stepped in and made the right call noting the striker was offside when he received the ball then it was life 6 turn again wrong cmon v.n.o. botched this one just to be outside no goals. and in this top of the table clash definitely not goodbye and brass one to another draw against leipsic. is her money top story this hour the woman tipped to take over from chancellor i'm going to makeover house announced that she will a standout at the german conservative leader on a comic con about insists her move will not affect the stability of the country's coalition government. this is deja news coming up next on news aisha tyler moore in saying deadly shooting in its history in footage shows how the police finally found the government hiding in a couple. of the rise in xenophobia in the wake of the corona virus outbreak which is prompting the racial prejudice against people of chinese origin. is on the way next to. asia i'll be back at the top of the a good day. markets . your business magazine the germany on d w. b r fighters want to start families to become farmers or engineers everyone of them as a plan would be an issue for you to. say nothing is just that the children who have already been the boy and those that will follow are part of a new process. they could be the future. granting opportunities global news that matters d. w. made some minds. have fun in pyongyang. the capital city of north korea is reinventing itself. but only a few can enjoy the benefits for those the regime allows. kim jong un has introduced and insidious reward system to coerce allegiance to the regime. those who don't make it into the fun metropolis are often cold and hungry. and have fun in pyongyang starts february 28th on w. this is the wus a show coming up oscar history in the united states made in south korea about a side wins best picture of the also goes up fast but i'm not making this film in the end the $100.00 euros of the academy awards we have reactions from south korea plus. sorrow in thailand as a country mourns its wast mall shooting that killed dozens in a shopping mall.

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Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Pyongyang , P Yongyang Si , North Korea , Australia , Japan , United States , Hong Kong , Munich , Bayern , Germany , Paris , France General , France , United Kingdom , Yokohama , Kanagawa , China , Syria , Seoul , Soul T Ukpyolsi , South Korea , Sydney , New South Wales , Nowa , Dolnoslaskie , Poland , Hollywood , California , Phoenix , Arizona , Ireland , Berlin , Britain , Chinese , German , Russians , South Korean , American , Angela Merkel , Laura Dern , Martin Scorsese Sowe , John Bolton , Aisha Tyler Moore , Brad Pitt , Shinde Fein , Talia Conan , David Alibaba , Elton John ,

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