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crying. said that please encounter room where many thousands of americans began riffing journey into slavery in america. fighting for respect and equality we hear from the boxing club in nairobi inspiring young girls to fulfill the our dreams. i could you know you're welcome to the program now that as of desert locust and they are up to no good they are eating the cross of east africa in the west to break some regions obscene for 70 years so if you kenya the west affect it. is bracing for an invasion to authorities have advised citizens to stock up on food as the insects approach the border with kenya research as say they pose unprecedented threat to food security in some of the wilds most vulnerable countries. they eat and destroy everything on their way. once warm message 60 kilometers long and 40 kilometers wide hundreds of thousands of acres of crops destroyed. people fight back with whatever means they have. we are more than 200 head is here and we all depend on this land for grazing. now it will be disastrous if we all perish without getting any help with this warms came from yemen then down from the great sea to the horn of africa the unusual warm temperatures off the coast are partly to blame the recent heavy rainfall has created the perfect breeding conditions the greenery that has sprung up is now fueling them it has almost become a desperate battle. and it is not going to impose low order look at it again that this one can be used their own salons this is sick that the guys that are destroying. agriculture is big business in the region here the kenyan national government is now increasing the efforts and spraying from the yeah the swamps the spreading fast up to 150 kilometers a day the un's food and agriculture organization is raising the alarm now calling for international assistance it's the worst that we've seen in. in somalia in 25 years and the worst that we've seen in kenya and sad over 70 years the fear is that the locust numbers could increase 500 times in the next few months . joining me now is that will got to johnny assistant director general consumer protection with a food and agriculture organization thanks for your time so it's the worst locust 'd outbreak in decades across east africa what is causing this now well to our knowledge it's really it's really the exacerbation of. oh. climate conditions which actually allowed the breeding of locust in eastern africa then does not this has not happened as you rightly say it for 4 decades in december we had 4 cycle and switch formed in then on so it cause i don't look for moisture flames to come in the sun africa and disallowed the local soup eat in mass and this locus can breed in millions and then if he's allowed to actually build up so it is really. an f. octo 'd or. climate conditions that have to change to make it suitable for the locals to predict ok they are eating everything in the sights now how serious could the implications be. implications could be extremely serious am global figures so far report from ifill has shown that 821000000 persons out when and in any nice enough in africa we have 227000000 persons who are who are going on we have in eastern africa contributes well what that the percent of these 200 in 27000000 and we see that in the last 3 to 4 years there has been an app by system drought all floods you could record in kenya more than 100 in 20 something persons died because of threats last year so that means that the the climate conditions then what they have what didn't go close could cause he's going to be destruction to grow plants and also asked him that and decided livelihoods of most of the population in eastern africa the horn of africa ok so what edge and action is needed to get rid of them. well now that you know cause that's already heightened there in quite a number of countries countries that have been most it is kenya and somalia and ethiopia and then countries that do this hour or so south sudan and uganda also invest so in that one about freakout these are the countries about yemen so that if you're now sudan egypt now all also infested it's going farther east towards india pakistan iran and all these are in effect that but then give it c.n.d. a lot of rights it plays out one side and now that the locus has been seen in many slums of seal we have missions we had and he wouldn't say as well as civilians yeah it besting for now to do. is to do some areas bring was. saying this is sites and also sites ok look at the journey with the un's food and agriculture organization thank you very much for your time. so it's been about $200.00 yes since the transatlantic slave trade was abolished many tourists especially those of african origin often visit the continent to learn more about events that took place africa was home to several slave ports and markets but has enough been done to properly manage the history in cameroon if former slave site is still standing but no calls think it's been neglected more than 400 years ago these beauty was home for comers cut short sleeves thomson's of men we men and children which seemed i can't here in being bia. walking through this door of newry to many started a journey into slavery to europe and the americas. journalist and blogger so no one. is visiting b. bia which is friends from the history books i thought they were something arts abstract but today i've come myself to leave the whole of the horrific stories of our forefathers just entering there as soon as i stepped inside these gates. i put myself in the place of our forefathers and just imagining the torture they went through this psychological torture of entering that get it was really no study for me i almost felt like crying but i had to hold my ts the rishi stree has not translated to proper management for bindiya most of the structures are covered in vegetation and the root leading to the police is yet to be constructed. the cameroonian government is pushing to get to be a recognized as the you know school will heritage site. these deeds just a few people like solo movie visit do you sleep there. he's planning to write about the libya in his blog when you look at it you realize that vitter has been done to develop the police asked to make stories feel comfortable when they come in year and i really doubt that if that was really happening because our tories were not one to recommend are not a person to come here the next time because the police really does not look hospitable fall for tories so i think that it's really important for the government to put feet on the ground and to see how they can develop it it can really being a substantial income more an italian americans have treated a sister route to cameroon. rescissions see what and 10 percent of all africans who left the continent went through bia. at least 200 ships involved in the transatlantic slave trade caught here. is a descendant of deuce who once lived in the sleeve in which he walks or part time as a tall guy every body have to contribute but he decides you see. also for me i try to create a group. more of these contacts to be see this site because many youths. are actually. made into being via. some of would he's trying not to forget the events that took place here maybe he could help inspire young people to call and see. now he is an area in nairobi kenya often linked to violence and can be a difficult place to live especially for females now a project called box girls is trying to offer hope to some of the women and children who live there it teaches them self defense and how to make a positive impact on the community when i hear from fitz one year old trina some call. this because you're coming from the family. people get another who are few or maybe. nobody maybe. nobody takes you seriously. somewhere like. only men out there i can just see. if you had been done that. convinced you on what to do. did they did you want to be a force of boca anything that's who wants to move. well i don't buy. that. for now from. all our stories on our websites on facebook page you know with some more pictures of those little coast invading east africa so next time have a great weekend. bursts. home. of species. worth saving. those are big changes and most start with small steps to. tell stories of could induce people into innovative projects around the world. news that comes from. submissions and the 1st of. interest is content teaching the next generation a little touch of. channels available to people to take action. and more determined to build something here for the next generation. the environment series of global 3000. hello welcome to news from the world of arts and culture is what's coming up on today's edition. germany's most expensive and most successful t.v. series of all time is back series 3 of babylon berlin starts this week. and touch nature but this is digital art and these worlds do not think this new exhibition examines are yearning for the perfect thanks. we begin though with the ends from the music prize one of the most prestigious in the classical music world it all as a performer composer all musicologist and the winner receives a whopping 250000 euros in prize money this year it goes to the viola player to be of similar has been dubbed the queen of the viola she is also a professor of music and the award is for her commitment to helping young musicians to she spoke to d.w. after hearing the news and about the great love of her life music. and how would it be if it faded like a piano could.

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Germany , South Sudan , Kenya , United States , Egypt , Cameroon , Yemen , Nairobi , Nairobi Area , Libya , Nowa , Federally Administered Tribal Areas , Pakistan , Uganda , Somalia , Americans , America , Kenyan , Cameroonian , Sun Africa ,

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