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pack the piano with huge numbers of people who've simply had enough of the populace and the nationalists. now until not too long ago material salvini was the dominant force in italian politics with us anti immigrant agenda and after triggering the breakup of the previous government he's now hoping to make a comeback in key regional elections so it's salvini against the sardines. they're small and agile and are really stirring things up in italy at the moment elaine or jacqueline prefers to paint them in watercolors her sardines accompany her to every protest the thought of leaving my sardines swim against the current just like salmon do a little a sardine a small. together with other sardines however it becomes large larger than a big fish. the sardines are ready and the lane is off on our way up today many other sympathizers of the sardines movement are gathering in bologna again. alaina has been a supporter from the beginning she was here when people gathered here in bologna or for the 1st time in november to protest against racism isolation and right wing populism. since then the new movement has been taking over squares all over italy which hasn't only surprised but established politicians to. lead this is it all began with the tale. he wanted to fill the sports arena and belong you know with thousands of supporters at the general must see that this led to a bet to get at least 6000 people on to more than still be me follow us in the end it was 15000 and somebody that i think we need to me that. all this to stop the league and north leader and his right wing populist politics. wants to regain power after he broke up the governing 5 star coalition last summer. and the amelia romana have traditionally always had left wing governments but salvini wants to win them in the upcoming regional elections the sardines want to stop him. but i went up and went downstairs to the mall is the strong man right now which makes many people feel safe and secure. i mean i don't know what is worrying us our genes our movement. the sardines don't want to nationalist italy this brings them closer together says pierluigi massaro who's observing the sardines as a new political phenomenon. the sardines say that it's only mocked by rightwing populism provincialism and isolation from the rest of the world without migration in the midst of europe the mediterranean that just doesn't go together with the challenges of globalization and a wordly attitude to dispose of these. sardines like a lamb and aren't looking for a revolution but they want policies that force the existing political parties to take on responsibility for italy to finally move forward after too many years of crisis. this example at the moment if it is the past still have faith and italy otherwise i would have left this country already like many others my age. and the said i'm going to stay here is also about courage model. alaina help startups to get going she finds funding for innovative ideas. like for this transmitter built into bicycle handlebars to protect the bicycle from theft. with this patent they'd like to conquer global markets but alaina says the country's policies don't further creative industries. put on them i think it is but i believe that we italians can be very competitive in all the difficulties and problems with our bureaucracy and have made us hungry for success and fulfillment that perhaps even more than in other countries where things work better so that even perfectly. what is that what. united the sardines feel stronger. their colorful and imaginative protests aimed to bring the democratic parties back on track and make italy fit for the future of the. so the swarming sardines are still for the time being at least merely of movement and not a political party but that and change. to romania now where yagi and work son. are mourning the murder of their son he was a forest ranger and just one of the latest victims of the so-called lumber mafia which controls romania's highly lucrative illegal logging industry clearly the situation is out of control and too little is being done to protect those who are defending the country's vast and beautiful with. the forests of remaining are gigantic many of them still primeval forest. and they are in great demand. in romania illegal logging always involves corruption political entanglements and even murder. nowhere has there been more deforestation in recent years than in the north in this region . you have a forest has been cut down the mafia took everything. should know he worked for the mafia for 10 years he knows how it functions. this tree was cut down illegally this one legally but it. is about if you get a license to cut down 10 trees and then take $100.00 and explain us a corrupt forester marks a stipulated papers are forged the police look the other way everyone benefits each tree is worth hundreds of euro's georg i didn't get enough money so he's talking. i was tired of being their servants really they build huge houses with pools bank accounts and they pull me off with a few 1000. 500 euros. in his village everyone makes a living from and with the lumber mafia. there's almost nothing else here everyone can see traces of their heavy equipment everyone hears their saws but no one is investigating your gay lives from a seasonal job in germany those who live here must keep quiet he explained it's not as though the forester's live in fear they are threatened if you talk you'll be fired this comes from the top of the head of the lumber mafia. we're going to another district to meet a forester. he says the lumber mafia and the authorities work together. and he wants to remain anonymous. once i reported my boss and shortly after a representative of the timber industry asked for a meeting. that's when i will be not this is a few. that i also received anonymous calls and messages through a middleman that they would take care of me they would look for me. or cyber it would be me that they were hurt my wife and children. their son forrest harajuku got shi'a was murdered. also noise and so on call them to come to the forest because all the watching they were making stumps. they made stumps at his place you know why they cut down his trees. their son was a forester for 25 years he was killed with an axe one of 7 foresters murdered in romania so far no one behind the killings has been identified. ok i asked you i want justice my son didn't have a gun didn't have a knife you didn't have anything on him he avoided trouble yeah you know how you die and he didn't have anything to defend himself with they killed him left him in the woods and disappeared. one of the few who dared to fight for justice is to bury a bush atar some timber has always been stolen but now it's a huge business he says worth millions and deadly. like many and most of his family lived off the forest. he went bankrupt because he wouldn't play along now he's fighting the mafia because the survival of the whole village is at stake. the forest is now under the control of a feeler those are the militias dying people are unemployed understand nothing or leave the old cry and my generation doesn't know how to alter things but everybody knows something has to change. he's just installed cameras at his house on the only road in the village every truck transporting wood is documented. to bury you checks of the transports are legal. he reports illegal ones to the police they react but differently than expected. if i stop an illegal transport refund call the police they give me a fine. the authorities say that what i'm doing isn't good that i should stop it really for the head of the forestry department called me and said the company representatives want to kill me because i film their trucks. the head of the forestry doesn't want to talk in front of a camera. but he informs us it's the mayor's fault that he purposely left some parts of the forest unguarded. in the town hall we hear the opposite the forresters are to blame says the mayor whose family owns a large logging company he couldn't do anything against corruption the press exaggerates he should say good people stay calm stay calm. mother pizza is everywhere illegal logging is a national plague says to peer you on the way to bucharest and that's why thousands of people take to the streets more than $20000000.00 cubic metres of timber disappear every year. in the world if that is good enough or that the situation is out of control and just like everywhere else in romania they steal the forest which is supported controlled and encouraged by the authorities. was severe you says no matter who is currently ruling the country the forest makes a few rich and many angry and sadly romania and corruption go hand in hand. with poland is the country where during the holocaust the nazis carried out their terrible crimes that auschwitz and other death camps so it's interesting to note that the same country is now home to what's described as one of the fastest growing jewish communities in the world and as many around the world to mark the 75th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz and 945 we've been talking to michael should reach the chief rabbi of poland about whether or not people have learnt the lessons of the holocaust. poland's chief rabbi michael should rick often visit the sites of the former auschwitz birkenau concentration camps several times a month it is not an easy thing to do. but i think it's harder to visit this place than easier. when it really became harder. so there's there were 2 things one is that once my daughter was born so they can in natural way when you walk here. when you don't have children you think. could have i survived and once have a child you think couldn't you could your child have survived and their free home becomes a completely different experience. of the 6000000 jews murdered in the holocaust overhaul for polish. gas chamber 3 get in before yes chamber 5 and this is the sauna. in poland should drink is the most important religious advisor for the auschwitz birkenau foundation eatings to preserve the memory and mourn the holocaust victims 75 years off that auschwitz was liberated and it seems now 75 years later for many people do know the lesson there are those who never knew the lesson and help and now want to speak. in a loud voice about. denying the holocaust belittling the holocaust. new york born should rick has dedicated his life to fighting hatred he came to warsaw 30 years ago since world war 2 the few holocaust survivors in communist poland had largely abandoned their jewish identity but after the fall of the iron curtain poland's jewish community began to blossom once more in the predominately catholic country and shoot rick made the acquaintance of u.s. born grown old lauder a patron of jewish spiritual life across the world. we need somebody to go to poland. i heard about this rabbi. when stole them initially the synagogue. 1919 it's name. morning service at warsaw's author talks gnostic synagogue several 1000 people now belong to the country's jewish community. the fact that there is noise behind me because the people who are prayed are now having breakfast together is a sign that there is jewish life and that's in large part thanks to his tireless efforts organized from here in his office at warsaw's great synagogue. you never find what you want when you need it. when shoot rick started out they did not even have enough prayer books for everyone this is the 1st time that a jewish prayer book was reprinted in poland after the fall of communism this is the regional pages from 8026 this is probably from. 9192. today was so has a jewish school that is attended by more than 200 pupils educating the young generation is very important to shoot rick. joining me miska son and 2 daughters also attend the school the 40 year old like many other polish jews was slow to embrace her religious identity today she and her husband lucas cause are glad to see jewish life thriving in poland something that their generation do not take for granted. but the big hearted feel. over the fence never never milk or i think this is home and the money minority here is a real minority so it's real sometimes it feels like you know we all need to almost the whole our own country we've got to poland's jewish community may be small but it's highly diverse there are 5 jewish congregations in warsaw alone including the orthodox one that meets at nasik synagogue potence catholic and protestant communities so solidarity as this into religious service shows. you. change doesn't happen overnight. it takes time but as long as you see you're going in the right direction that gives you gives you energy and gives you. 75 years after the liberation of auschwitz hope for a growing jewish religious way of life is once again growing in poland. a hope that exists thanks to rabbis like michael. now on a very different note i wonder whether you've heard of monk. awesomely not i would guess but thousands of these dazzling multi-colored birds that the originally come from latin america have made the spanish capital madrid their home and that has in turn prompted many locals to call for a huge cull of these bits so what exactly have to be getting up to. south american monk parakeets are conquering spain they seem to feel particularly at home in the capital madrid. that some tag of saudia of madrid's biodiversity service isn't happy about the invasive species. don your shin bet causes huge damage to the ecosystem wherever they settle or they are a threat. sean embouchure a. monk parakeets drive away indigenous bird species and damage local trees by destroying their shoots. they build huge nests high up in the trees that can weigh up to 200 kilos posing a huge danger to passers by. esteban fernandez and his colleagues have to remove them regularly. if there's a difficult pending on how the bird nest or in twine in the tree they can be very hard to remove. it all started when a few locals release their parakeets into the wild. today madrid is home to no less than $12000.00 of them. now the city is resorting to radical measures that were got we will kill every month parakeet we can get our hands on and it will be difficult when there are very clever birds and difficult to catch a loss this relates that the animals must not suffer so this will take a lot of effort and cost lots of money you've got to. but many locals say it's about time the city took action and rita guzman has a monk parakeet nest outside his bedroom window and it's driving him crazy because you can kill the real. never they are really noisy and active in the early morning but i don't know they're often all in one place to be but what i mean sometimes up to 300 birds at once if you love it. some locals and visitors however don't like the idea of the exotic birds being killed they say they belong to madrid cityscape a if you're wondering what i've whenever i come here i think wow they're so pretty though the what it would have been one of the muscles. in the litter like it is muslims and so brutal killing all these birds it's a moral. one there on the part of my baby got. my butt if i don't feel much better killing them is not an option i don't know if they are really so annoying why don't we catch in resettle them i don't see why we have to exterminate them. but conservationists like blast malina say resettlement isn't easy. and the birds could simply fly back if they wanted to that's why even he reluctantly supports the planned call and criticises that some neighboring cities are doing nothing to fight the invasive species sorious it's a big problem that the authorities don't coordinate amongst themselves in some places measures are taken and others are not the. softer people wait too long. on your fabled den the damage is extensive and the problem is hard to control if you know how to say but. that's also why the city wants to take drastic measures and set an example. after the one time culling the eggs are to be sterilized this could keep the remaining population in check but if new monk parakeets keep on flying to the city this plan is likely to fail. she learns there was not another if the others don't do anything it will be much harder to fight back then and we may have to keep on killing birds. madrid has declared war on the ng wanted invaders from south america but here and everywhere in spain the authorities will have a hard time. one advantage that the monk parakeets have of the bird catchers as they can fly. once upon a time in a faraway land called herzegovina a group of friends decided to form a bet that's the opening sentence of the website of the band. before you abuse collect their subsequent success has been built on the musical output that brings together balkan flavorful funk reggae hip hop as much else besides and the band speciality is intriguingly to address what it's called no go top. it is hard the car is rickety the roads are bad the driver and passengers are looking for a way out. videos are from bosnia and herzegovina saying you can't escape the balkans they play with the shades and there's little sign of the new tories ethnic conflicts. only to look there's no seasonal beer all caucasians in principle we speak the same language we went to more or less the same schools the only difference is whether we go to what church or a mosque and this difference shouldn't be so important to you. life was dangerous here in the ninety's brought a jacobo which ran to school through sniper alley today in the pedestrian zone sara yeah looks like any city but the absurdistan that dubio is a sings about hangs over the city. in their hymn of our generation multi-ethnic and to be a collective sings about today's flood of information climate change and consumerism . and. today we have returned to normality despite the conflicts of the ninety's hatred has been overcome somehow i think it's not only exists in the language of politicians who use it to secure their position of power. not to make it obvious. they're busy designing their new album cover and will soon be back on tour here. and the others are stars and often on the road elsewhere in europe. but they don't want to be a d. asper a band. balkan music draws crowds and dubio also brings wit and depth to it. now seems to go global we're not witnessing the european ization of the balkans but the balkanization of europe. the fascism we experienced in the ninety's which is so dangerous and breaks out so suddenly for example when we were now observing something like that in western europe we would all. do cures or shows that despite all the misery you must never forget to have fun. i. hope they say they are a great band life and that their music is life affirming and that's all from focus on europe this time around thanks so much for joining us and if you'd like to see any of our reports again just go to our home page on v.w. up com or visit our facebook page in bellevue stores and do come back next week until then bubba and. cut. cut. putting the. center of the conflict zone from the gulf of france's present losing my mom likes to be seen as one of the driving forces for the for me. i guess this week here in brussels he says former europe minister not only was oakes one of his most vocal cheerleaders in the european parliament is the macro revolution among such as it runs out of steam conflict so full of him in a coffee double the full. loaf . telling which of course a. video. anytime anywhere. w. mr. i'm not laughing at them. just sometimes out but i stand up and with that. thinks deep into jem a culture of looking at the stereotypes aquatics it is think the future of the country that i. believe it's a perfect fit is grandmother they are you it's all that. i my job join me to meet the gentleman from the w. . post. in the army of climate change. what do they have of their future. g.w. dot com for biggest city the melting. frank food. international gateway to the best connection self in road and rail. located in the heart of europe connected to the whole world. experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and try our services. be our guest at frankfurt airport city managed by from. this is g.w. news live from london a lever that 1000000 people in a china only rolled down the city of war hong counseling all flights and trains in a bid to stop a deadly virus from spreading the city is the epicenter of an outbreak called the corona virus that is claiming lives and hearing fears of a cloak or pandemic with new vaccine officials.

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Germany , New York , United States , Birkenau , Warminsko Mazurskie , Poland , Town Hall , Madrid , Spain , Italy , Bucharest , Bucuresti , Romania , Peru , France , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Warsaw , L67 , Polish , Italian , America , Spanish , Italians , American , Pierluigi Massaro , Esteban Fernandez , Rita Guzman ,

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