Transcripts For DW DW News 20240713

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Goes to india for a look at why women find it hard to get paid jobs. Hello and terry Martin Thanks for joining us a push towards a full ceasefire in libya World Leaders gathered in berlin over the weekend for a peace conference they agreed to stop interfering in libya and respect the u. N. Weapons and bargo but after 9 years of war the rival factions on the ground in libya are still refusing to meet face to face. Is a mighty gathered in berlin on a sunday afternoon world powers united in a mission of hope german chancellor Angela Merkel invited representatives of more than 10 countries to press for a solution to the long running conflict in libya. And it was only a few hours before the end of breakthrough no more arms shipments to the war torn country. We can confirm that we have all agreed to respect the arms embargo and will also money toit more closely enough in the stack of continue to hold this in the gun that the fight is. However they havent yet spelled out consequences for breaking the embargo. Instead the conference pledged not to offer military support to the warring parties. Russia and turkey in particular have long involve themselves in libyas civil war. The rival leaders themselves refused to sit down at the bargaining table libyan premier. Met with his ally turkish president wretch of type. While warlord Khalifa Haftar joined talks with friends as a manual call among others much as its stake for the International Players here libya has oil and gas and is a key transit point for refugees the conference insisted that a new political process is necessary to address the countrys crisis. And today in but leading Member States along with the regional and international denies ations if send a strong signal that we are fully committed to supporting a peaceful resolution of the libyan crisis. The real marker of the conference is success or failure wont come until its clear if the promises made here are being kept and that could take several weeks. To a Political Correspondent is covering the talks how substantial is this deal on libya. If you look at it on paper it is surprising you substantial the conference conclusions of the document that was. Passed by this conference yesterday comprises 55. 00 points and they go way beyond the initial step of ensuring a cessation of hostilities that is then being turned into a formal cease fire that goes as far as discussing economic order in libya discussing human rights discussing the prevention of terrorism and a political process that leads to a unified government in that country in other words its a very very comprehensive plan sub very substantial on paper the question really is how far the implementation of this will actually go home much of this will remain ink on paper and hot water of it will be turned into actual action on the ground well German Foreign minister signal age that much work remains to be done before peace can be achieved in libya heres what he had to say we know that the work is actually only just begun. And that there will certainly be a difficult and labor intensive path ahead of us. But it was all the more important to reach an agreement at this conference today. Weve experienced a spirit of cooperation here today which goes well beyond what we have experienced on other occasions in the past. The cease fire an armistice will certainly be the 1st issue but. We must now succeed in bringing together the libyan parties in the conflict in order to create with them the conditions for a political solution to the civil war. So that libya can achieve lasting peace in the German Foreign minister who go bust beaking their hands does anyone know what sort of political solution the German Foreign minister might have in mind. Yes this agreement does talk about Political Solutions that talks about free and Fair Elections about establishing a government and so on and of course there is a long year long United Nations process in the background where the United Nations has made all sorts of resolutions about what is meant to be happening in libya but hasnt happened so far so the political process is in some sense very clear but the question is whether that would even be able to stop it hasnt started in the years past and what the foreign minister. Emphasizing there was bringing together the warring parties and that is something that he has been stressing yesterday and today several times that the 2 factions on the one side General Hospital on the other side the internationally recognized government of alsa raj they have now appointed 5 people 5 persons each on each side that are going to meet this week in geneva to start direct talks about how they are going to resolve things between themselves that is the president has to be watched now the berlin Conference Also produced an agreement with foreign powers to stop interfering in libya but how realistic is that given that several countries like russia and turkey are already deeply involved but we have to say that looking at the conference yesterday all of these countries have invested a lot of their political prestige in pushing this whole process for with the president s of all of these countries with their they put their commitment onto paper in this agreement so one has to accept that with that kind of political backing this agreement has a chance of actually being implemented and actually turning into something something substantial maybe even into peace in libya hans thank you very much for filling us in d. W. Political correspondent hans blunt there. Now to some of the other stories making headlines around the world today china has reported a sharp rise in the number of pneumonia cases caused by the new strain of corona Virus Outbreak has now reached the Capital Beijing some 200 people have been affected and 3 have died in china cases have also been detected in thailand japan and south korea. Libyas former leader if this has an ounce is left is hardys had it for president he said his former economy minister we are sick choro will run in elections on may 3rd or alice resigned last year over Election Fraud allegations and fled to mexico. Canada is mobilizing parts of its armed forces to deal with a huge blizzard in the countrys east storms dumped up to 76. 00 centimeters of snow in new foundling province the snow traps some in their homes and one person was reported missing. In lebanon clashes between protesters and police over the weekend left hundreds injured largely peaceful antigovernment protests broke out 3 months ago in lebanon as participants demand an overhaul of the political system and a solution to the countrys economic crisis but in recent days the unrest has taken a violent turn. I its being called the most violent weekend since lebanons mass protests began in october. Demonstrators threw stones and projectiles at Police Officers fired water cannon rubber bullets and tear gas in response. To sundays clashes brought the total of protesters injured to some 500. 00 this weekend. Filing only breeds violence at the end of the day after all these months the protesters just want to prove they exist i dont blame the tool as a whole phrase like one of the many oh most important demands an independent entity dish eery an independent government of competent people accountability early elections and returning looted money to. Get out. Anger at corruption and economic mismanagement have long fueled the protests on sunday demonstrators smashed windows at shops linked to a minister within the outgoing government i was the protest movement helped topple that government in late october and efforts to forge a new one are still stalling. Protesters say they fear their key demands are being ignored as top officials try to agree on a new capital i. The World Economic forum 2020 is getting underway in davos switzerland on monday and guests as varied as climate activists to greater 20. And u. S. President all trial will be speaking at the event its the 50th anniversary of the. Sustainability and Climate Change are the main topics of the meeting pressure is being put on governments and Business Leaders to do more in stopping Climate Change form is introducing a score card this year to Rate Companies on how sustainably they act. For more on this year lets bring in Stephen Beardsley from d. W. Business good morning steve morning here so Climate Change and sustainability dominating the agenda in davos this year weve got griffith tune back whos going to be there rubbing shoulders with the with Business Leaders and our leaders what can we expect. Yeah i would expect obviously maybe a scolding from gratitude back i dont think shes going to be rubbing shoulders so much is there to remind them that there is this underlying urgency which shes done a good job of providing these kind of meetings all years saying something has to happen now what im really interested in is this letter that was released by the c. E. O. Of blackrock a few days ago and blackrock is one of the biggest Fund Management companies in the world 7 trillion dollars in assets invest in a lot of companies a lot of Companies Companies that you and i all know across the world and the c. E. O. Larry fink who is known as youre only a very progressive c. E. O. As they go said were going to begin to think that were going to begin exiting investments from things like coal and were going to create a sustainability kind of barometer for our investments and were going to say that if your company doesnt match up to our expectations we will consider divesting and that is seen as a very big signal from one of the worlds biggest Financial Companies to Say Something has to happen and theyre not doing this or at least perfect theyre not doing this because they you know necessarily believe strongly in Climate Change obviously does but its because also its be. Because its a reality he says that is affecting investments it is over the horizon is where he must look and this comes as people like 20 people who support Climate Change policy theyre saying that maybe at some of these Bigger Companies Financial Companies banks Asset Managers and insurers theyre going to start making the difference in blackrock is a good example of that ok so well see if we get beyond greenwashing to actually doing something on the bottom line with sustainability inequality another important topic there this year is a ski resort like that was really the place to be talking about inequality it is the paradox thats built into davos right youre being lectured about inequality from a swiss chalet look maybe the irony is that these are the people who have to talk about it because theyre in the top one percent and inequality is a very serious issue there was a poll that was released just the other day trust barometer its done every single year on different issues about trust in governments this time it was done about trust in capitalism and a majority of those polled believe those 28000 people from Different Countries from russia china to western liberal democracies saying they dont have trust in capitalism and inequality seen as one of the main reasons profits from Tech Companies really go into fewer and fewer of the jobs in those Tech Companies fewer and fewer so thats an issue theyre going to have to tackle stephen thank you so much Stephen Beardsley from d. W. Business you think pakistans Prime Minister imran khan has told e. W. News that military conflict between the us allies saudi arabia and iran would be disastrous for his country khan said pakistan was working to prevent relations between the 2 countries from getting worse in an exclusive interview with t w khan explained that his country was doing what it what his country is doing to ease tensions in the region. In the wide ranging interview with g. W. Is editor in chief enos poll can spelled out his position on 2 places currently experiencing significant turmoil pakistans neighbor iran is vying for influence in the gulf with saudi arabia tensions between the 2 have been simmering for years the assassination of the top iranian commander cutscene so the money this month by the u. S. Brought the region to the brink of conflict conses pakistan would be caught between the 2. 00 countries if iran in saudi arabia went to war. We live in a tough neighborhood we have issues balancing act because. We have for instance saudi arabia which is one of pakistans greatest friends always been a friend in need for us then we have iran which is a neighbor and we have always had Good Relationship with iran so the conflict between saudi arabia and iran is something which. Which for for pakistan would be disastrous if it if it went into some sort of military conflict. Can also spoke about pakistans relations with india which of worsened over the past year because of the himalayan region of kashmir kashmir is claimed by both countries and has a muslim majority population both pakistan and india control large parts of the region islam about in delhi have gone to war of kashmir twice in the past last year india revoked the autonomous stars of the party it controls it shut down communications ramped up security and imposed curfews critics say the goal was to suppress the areas separatist Movement India said it was securing its territorial integrity. Mones both parts of kashmir to hold a referendum on their future let them decide what they want to do but it is all ready to give them the right of through a referendum or a plebiscite let them decide whether they want to remain with pakistan or whether they want to be independent were all for it. And kashmir to potential flashpoints that looks set to overshadow pakistan and so their nature in the coming months. And you can watch the full interview with pakistans Prime Minister imran khan or this program stay tuned for that. Youre watching t. V. News still to come in but miss lee a football byron are back from the midseason break and they could not have hoped for a better start to the 2nd half of the seas. When we mention inequality earlier a new study by the Charity Oxfam says the worlds billionaires have more wealth than the poorest 4600000000 people combined and it says women are the ones who are most disadvantaged oxfams inequality report claims 22. 00 of the worlds richest men have more money in assets than all the women in africa each day women and girls across the world put in 12500000000 hours of unpaid care work thats cooking cleaning and looking after children in the elderly that unpaid work is worth almost 11 trillion dollars a year to the Global Economy thats the reality for many women in india too but some are trying to move past cultural expectations that block them from paid work. It doesnt pay much but this is how to helps to suppose full with siblings and to mother. Like many 21 year olds she has bigger plans. Ector has already finished a course in sewing technology and shes been attending training sessions with this youth and Employability Service to help her get a better page job. Or was that i am determined to work ive had a very difficult life ive had problems with my family and other problems too but ive never accepted defeat i want to help my siblings build their careers if i get a good job my mother doesnt need to work as a maid and other peoples homes anymore i know i will succeed. Many more women across india are pursuing further education but less than a quarter of those eligible to work have jobs or are even seeking employment concerns about safety and transport are some of the reasons why families as well as employers dont want women working men is easier for one thing bosses dont have to worry about them getting home before its dark thats been a problem pinky kemarre has faced she travels nearly 2 hours from her village just to get to work and sometimes she has to leave early in order to get home while its still light but shes already broken a to brew by becoming the 1st woman in her family to have an office job even if she had to fight to get it so ive struggled a lot i wasnt allowed to work i had problems with the family but i feel very good about my 1st job and learning a lot im enjoying it. Many women like pinky also struggle to work. Or shes got a woman tries to work the family stops or they dont let her progress so they think shell go out she could do anything dont let her out shell dishonor us they dont trust her. Its nothing and worry about their safety when they go places will be returned safely will someone harass them on the way will they be in danger we have to worry about all these things. So many barriers for women including ekta but still they persevere. Or for more on the oxfam study we have with us dr cohen shes oxfam germanys analyst for social equality thanks for being with us this morning so dr weve seen some shocking statistics there in the report about inequality among women and men globally but more generally what does this all sperm tell us about efforts to improve conditions for women and girls globally yeah study shows that inequality is at absolutely unacceptable levels and women and girls bear the brunt of the inequality crisis man globally own 50 percent more wealth women earn around a quarter less than men do and theyre less well educated what we lack and this is what our report shows the revenues for states to make investments in schools and hospitals and infrastructure and that would free up womens time and a prime reason for this is that corporations and the super rich dont pay their fair share in texas youve been tracking inequality for a while or things Getting Better or worse in general inequality isnt as super high level and the rich still become rich billionaires fortunes rose by about 25 percent in the last year alone and at the same time about how for humanity 3400000000 people need to get by by 550 a day they struggle to put enough food on the table for their families and their children are out of school and this is what we need to change whats Holding Back Progress in this area why is it so difficult to create a level Playing Field for women. The prime reason is that our economy currently work for those that already half a 1000000000 as that have fortunes that they cannot even spend and why they a mosque more fortunes and do not pay their fair share of texas we do not manage to create the infrastructure and that would be needed to help people escape poverty that is schools by the old so paying care jobs that are predominantly done by women and this would help us to reduce both poverty and inequality. Your organization is calling on the German Government to do more to advance equality for women both at home and abroad what is it you think the government German Government should be doing 1st of all the need to investments in Public Infrastructure we need investments in care jobs we need to make sure of that because who make our economies function who keep our societies thriving through a day of work paid a fair wage and we need to invest into womens rights and we can do so if we make sure that the richest pay their fair share. Of the income thank you very much for talking with us so i was on tour ellen of oxfam germany thank you very much. Sports in the bonus League Munich turned on the style as they thrashed out the berlin 4 unable to climb to 2nd in the table all 4 of the visitors goals came after half time it was a miserable afternoon for her to coach youre going to claims upon taking on his former club. Youre concludes men took his place in the had to duck counters or sold out a lympics stadium facing off against the club that sacks him in 2009 in a tight 1st half they had the better chances were never enough ski poking wide for buying when hed already done the hard part. So far so good for the man whose promise to revolution it had but his sights 4 game unbeaten spell was about to be mercilessly picked apart with event parasitic the heart of it the croatian had his own shot blocks before providing the crucial assist for Thomas Miller was pacha had held out for an hour with the floodgates for about 10 minutes later byron won a penalty after a foul only on gorecki. Leavened offs he started in his 20th of the season bringing him level with team a van or in the scoring charts. And there was no let up from by and go because in the goal of the game not long after the spaniard looking very pleased with himself and for good reason picking his spot off the underside of the bar was the 2nd half goldblatts was completed by paris it just reward for his efforts for neil the final score. I cringe when outclassed by his former club. They have so much quality in their team to play with want to touch as the midfield you know the combination of football you know in a flow and to stop that flow is pretty much impossible then especially when your team right now that is fighting relegation. That relegation fight now are feeling very real by and showing klinsmann what hes missing. So lets see what this weekends results mean for the bundesliga standing still. Army leipsic extend their lead at the top to 4 points in munich leapfrog into 2nd place dortmund remain in 4th in the bottom half no team is very far from danger frankfurt in cologne each move up. Now snow american football and we know we now know who will meet in the super bowl on february 2nd the Kansas City Chiefs will take on the San Francisco 49 ers in miami the 40 niners beat the Green Bay Packers in their conference championship to book their place meanwhile quarterback Patrick Mahoney helped the chiefs comeback to defeat the Tennessee Titans and seal a spot in their 1st super bowl since 197. Youre watching the news just a reminder the top story were following for you today World Leaders have committed to a cease fire plan in libyas civil war a some of them berlin they agreed to respect the u. N. Weapons from bargo but the opposing factions in libya are still refusing to meet face to face. Youre watching d. W. News so have more for the atop the next hour coming up next our interview with imran khan. An exclusive interview with imran khan at his stance a Prime Minister speaks with d. W. Editor in chief in a school thats whats khans perspective on the kashmir crisis. What does he hope results from the peace negotiations in afghanistan why has he remained silent about the plight of the wee girl in china and what our interview with iran comes. Next w. R. I. Forced. Every 2 seconds a person does forced to flee their home nearly 71000000 people have been forcibly displaced. The consequences have been disastrous our documentary series displaced depicts dramatic humanitarian crises around the world you know. Forget them i didnt go to university to kill people that i dont want to have my boss come to me and tell me to kill some living in many and if i dont theyll kill me. People feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad as a boy in a bus gets me the most about this steady seem to rise is that someday we wont even see the roofs. But what will become of those who stay behind and say my husband went to peru because of the crisis. If he hadnt gone there we would have died of hunger. Let us run out of down the block. Just play this week to. Hello today via in islamabad the capital of pakistan to talk to Prime Minister in run khan since decades pakistan and india are stuck in a tense stand of about the region and kushner pakistan also neighbors iran is now in a violent conflict with the United States and becoming the epicenter of an increasingly volatile middle east tensions facing threats from

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