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World wondering what is putin planning. Im phil gayle welcome to the program. That appears to be movement and ongoing diplomatic efforts to secure a cease fire in libyas civil war germanys foreign minister how come out has announced that rebel leader. Has agreed to abide by a cease fire general haftar has sex with made the comments during a meeting with the foreign minister in benghazi is also said to have to agree to attend sundays International Meeting in berlin which will focus on the libya crisis that he this week the general refused to sign a cease fire deal brokered during talks in moscow. So thats a bring in our Political Correspondent simon young welcome simon why is this announcement coming from germanys foreign minister. Well germany is role in this conflict and in these peace talks is as peace broke and as you say a Big International conference with all the players all the International Parties is being organized here in berlin on sunday and i think germany is a relatively neutral country compared with some of the other e. U. Countries as far as this conflict is concerned believes that you can use the power of diplomacy to really bring change and thats why i call mass was in benghazi today had 3 hours of talks with general have to and this is the very positive statement that has come out saying that you know a cease fire will be abided by and that general have to are as as the really the key player in this conflict will be coming to berlin at the weekend and the people giving much credence to these words it certainly sounds like it well its been its been widely and warmly welcomed and i think there are a lot of hopes riding on this because this will really give significance. And added significance to that peace conference the head of the internationally recognized unity government in tripoli fires of surat shes also said that he is going to be coming so that means youve got the 2 heads of the warring parties sitting at the table in the in a peace conference and mr. General have to are is really the key player because his forces control really most of the country outside the capital tripoli and so if hes there that really means that this conference could be more than just the start of peace talks as the German Government has described it it could be you know a real way forward because youre talking about talks that involve not just the 2 key protecting his but also their international backers. Well thats right general have to. Has backing from russia from saudi arabia and even from france so hes got some important backing the rest of the International Community has been supporting as i say the unity government and thats where the u. N. Is but all these players will have to find a way forward if the fighting can stop then obviously that brings peace to the region its a strategically important country libya as a conduit for migrants but also as an oil producer so theres a lot of interests here and you know all eyes i think will be on berlin on sunday some union thank you russia has a new Prime Minister lawmakers in the lower house of parliament voted overwhelmingly in favor of president putins pick because Mitchell Still who was head of the federal tax service it comes just a day after the surprise resignation of Dmitri Medvedev and his entire cabinet the confirmation follows president putin state of the nation address in which he called for political reforms that people are speculating could be setting him up him up as leader for life. Hes little known even within russia now. Formally the head of the countrys tax service has become russias Prime Minister the. Lawmakers overwhelmingly backed russian president Vladimir Putins candidate for the job to no ones surprise addressing the duma misused and promised change. The president has stressed several times people should already now be feeling real changes for the better so fabius is happening far from everywhere. Its a rapid rise for the career bureaucrat elevated to the countrys number 2 position less than 24 hours after russias government resigned that paves the way for putting his newly announced sweeping constitutional changes there are mixed reactions over whether the political shake up will make any difference because theres a card that says they have the political system was stagnant people want new decisions some kind of renewal so i think president putin made the right decision when he shook everything up. And you know you know what i dont know but i trust putin to make the right decisions good on him whatever the issue of these many doubts and i think will change. Maybe in more civilized countries or states when this kind of thing happens people expect change and for things to get back. Here. Are sort of moses critics say misused in is merely a placeholder for putin who they believe has no intention of relinquishing power when his president ial term ends in 2024 but russias political elites are still pondering what role putin has in mind for himself. Straight to moscow they were joined corresponds to emily show would welcome emily so why is. Proteins pick. Well misha sin is largely unknown in russia as well so in some ways his appointment came as a bit of a surprise but he has spent many many years in Government Service and as had of the head of the tax office already he has become known for being an efficient manager he did utilize the tax service as well so perhaps putin just wanted to appoint someone who would get the job done particularly when it comes to internal politics putin in recent years has focused much more on International Politics and has kind of relegated the role of managing russia itself to the Prime Minister and also he represents kind of this drive for modernization but without presenting any real political change and the fact that hes an unknown means that hes not a threat to put to putin in any way people wont think that he could be a successor so what about 24 hours into this political shakeup that the president announced yesterday everyone is wondering whats the up to what youre trying to achieve. Well when it comes to this political shakeup it was a kind of major move from putin yesterday he announced sweeping changes when it comes to the constitution he proposed them at least he wants to expand the powers of the parliament and weaken the president thats one of the changes and on the one hand theres a sense that perhaps putin is giving people here in russia the change that they want or at least a sense of the change that they want there was a very much a sense here of russia kind of stagnating of nothing really changing among people here but on the other hand i think the main reason that observers are citing is that putin wants to pave the way for his own political future and in the speech that he made yesterday in those proposed constitutional changes he opened up a lot of possible political roles for himself he cant serve as president and the more after his current terms and term ends in 2024 so we may see him kind of creating a new role for himself in the russian political scene im sure when youre in moscow thank you. Lets take a look at some more of the stories making news around the world germanys parliament has rejected controversial legislation aimed at making it easier to donate organs the opt out law would have automatically made almost every citizen an organ donor unless it previously signed a declaration specifically revoking that consent. Dozens of people have died during intense fighting between progovernment troops and jihad is led forces in the syrian city of idlib opposition groups say government asterix on the market on wednesday also killed at least 15 civilians as despite a truce brokered by russia and turkey. Police and protesters are clashed in the lebanese capital beirut for a 2nd night the violence began after a crowd gathered at a Police Station to demand the release of protesters take into custody the previous day. Opponents of the french governments pensions reforms are back out on the streets of several 5 cities including paris and must say they responded to a call from trade unions to come out in support of public transport workers who are on strike over the Pension Plans of the strikes in its 43rd day countrys longest running public transport stoppage. And now to the United States where people are proceeding as the president s trump moved to the senate today before the start of a formal impeachment trial next week chief Justice John Roberts will come to the capitol a to swear in all 100 senators as jurors this is just the 3rd impeachment trial in u. S. History on this happening during an Election Year with President Trump seeking a 2nd term heres the House Speaker nancy pelosi. Every day that were involved in this impeachment is a sad day for america and yesterday was one when we were given no choice but to send to the senate 2 articles of impeachment against donald trump the president of the United States for his president necessitated this by his abuse of power and that direction of congress and his actions which undermined our national security. Violated his oath of office to protect and defend the constitution and jeopardize the integrity of our election and now to washington i will be fine to bureau chief nominee welcome alexandra what happens now so today the u. S. Senate. Procedural groundwork for the trial the house managers who act prosecutors in this trial have already arrived on the senate floor and now they are formally presenting the articles of impeachment those articles are being read aloud on the senate floor and then as you have already mentioned chief of staff john roberts will make the trip across the street from the supreme courts to the capitol to we sworn in asked the presiding officer of the trial and then every single senate old 100. 00 senators will be sworn in as impartial jurors of course how impartial there are going to be that we will see probably next week when the trial will start in earnest on next tuesday and as youve been speaking weve just been watching some of the shifts on his feet speaking into. The heart of these proceedings of the president s dealings with ukraine now new revelations about some of those years of mr trumps personal lawyer have provided a new twist over night. Yes and those revelations are explorers if we have to say left panos. That the president knew about everything what was going on with regards to ukraine and he also implicated almost everyone in trumps inner circle especially Vice President and the pants he also said that everyone involved in that was a word of the fact that trump was not interested in fighting against corruption in ukraine he was only interested in getting called to get reelected in 2020 so explosive revelation debts were already dismissed by the white house they say that. Is not a credible witness and we have to admit that he is under indictment and out on bail but he apparently has documents and Text Messages to prove hes claims so briefly xandra will the president be called as a witness well what will certainly happen is that a summons will be issued to the president so he will have the opportunity to address the charges however we expect his response to be in the written form and this response will be then read aloud on the senate floor was wonderful norman washington thank you. So heres a reminder of the top story at this hour germanys foreign minister heiko mohsen on sunset libyas a gravel convexity for how tough was agreed to us by 5 a ceasefire on that meeting in benghazi general hoft i was also going to attend this weekends conference in the lead and it ended to be a civil. V. W. 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