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Storming the stasi east germanys secret police were feared and tainted to date knox 30 years since civil rights activists forced their way into stars the headquarters in east berlin and prevented the destruction of millions by the communist state collapsed. Im phil gal welcome to the program. China poses an existential threat to International Human rights this assessment is contained in the latest daniel report from Human Rights Watch u. S. Based Group Condemns what it calls chinas domestic repression and its attempts to censor critics abroad they urge the International Community to challenge beijings actions or face what they describe as a dystopian future the head of Human Rights Watch was due to release the report in hong kong but was denied entry so qantas wroth held a press conference in new york instead the Chinese Government is trying with increasing ferocity to use its economic and diplomatic clout to silence critical voices abroad and to undermine global institutions that protect human rights chinas obviously long censored critics at home the government is now trying to extend that censorship to the rest of the world straight to the Chinese Capital then additives sobota who joins us from beijing welcome mathias beijings human rights record has been criticised for some time i have events in hong kong and with the wiggles have they worsened it further. Yeah you can say saul though we are talking about 2 very different situations in hong kong we are talking about the erosion of Civil Liberties in our from a previously high level and allegations of Police Brutality against demonstrators is that have been worrying manny people but it is nothing compared to what we are seeing in sin junk where we are syrian really seeing dystopian situation the internment of possibly millions of people in re education camps and a surveillance state and Racial Discrimination that is unprecedented since world war 2 so of course these the revelations about what has been happening in scenes young since 2017 that has when the 1st reports about of about this mass repression come pain this very unprecedented repression against a whole group ethnic group came out this has is of course a new dimension to chinas human rights record and so when and this reports from Human Rights Watch talks about chinas threats to critic some broad there with a talking about members of the weaker community have reported several times that they have been threatened by. Agents brought that their family members in china have been have disappeared and that their lives have been used to put pressure on them their fate has been used to put pressure on them we also see pressure on countries to to expel or to send weak is back to china we have seen some cases in. Our stand for people who are also. Victims of this oppression and we have also heard cases from egypt and from turkey overall china has been pressuring countries that are economically dependent to voice support for this campaign against the weaker as we have seen a number of countries signing an open letter that supports these policies and we have also seen pressure by china on the United Nations organizations those who deal with Human Rights Violations that is billing in beijing thank you. Well as i mentioned hong kong is just one of the focal points of the chinese repression activists there accuse beijing of using the Territories Police to enforce a policy of ever greater brutality but support for the communist party line in the Hong Kong Police is not universal some officers risk their jobs or indeed worse by speaking out is mathias pulling again. When david stern joined the Hong Kong Police force a few years ago he never thought that he would see scenes like these david tan is not his real name. Base was last november when protesters and Police Clashed for hours on the university campus. Police had come to town. And david says its not only the physical threats to the fact. Theyve been working long hours theyve been blind fingers pointed at them its very exhausting both physically and mentally. This is what hes talking about criticising and often could sing at the police many offices which theyve been accused of indiscriminate breasts beating up subdued protesters and threatening to shoot tear gas into apartments. Videos of Police Brutality circulating online. Bystanders who get into arguments with officers risk getting pepper sprayed a clear violation of the rules as david. Im just frustrated because some offices really just like the protesters and honestly they really want to beat them up but i think this isnt the right mentality we should be impartial as Police Offices we shouldnt take sides he says hes currently doing as much as 100. 00 over time every month while he isnt serving at the front line. In heist to be at the site of demonstrations david is hiding his identity feel being bullied by protesters online and he worries about professional repercussions. As a member of the Hong Kong Police force i shouldnt be criticizing it in public but as a citizen of hong kong i have to say the Senior Officers have basically messed it up. Was. Officials denied the police have done anything wrong the police has been the focus of the demonstrators since june when they 1st violently broke up a protest. Since then public anger has steadily grow especially among the young david says most of his friends have turned their back on him in the past 6 months. I was a bit upset about it because they were my good friends but then i thought about it theres nothing i can do. He says several of his colleagues have quit their jobs but while hes at odds with the current tactics he has no intention to leave. I should be staying in the police force and try to maintain the right mentality and to uphold the values of the police. Its a tough challenge for david stuck between loyalty and dollars. Lets take a quick look at some of the other stories making news around the world britain france and germany have formally accused iran of violating the terms of the 2015 agreement to curb its Nuclear Program e. U. Foreign policy chief jersey brown says the aim is to try and bring back into compliance but it could spell the end of the accord under return to sanctions. Germany has invited libyas warring factions to berlin this weekend in a new push for peace it comes after talks in moscow aimed at solving and the use conflicts and in stalemate countries un recognized Prime Minister fires out surat and rebel leader hafta have been invited. The u. S. House of representatives will vote later on a resolution to send articles of impeachment against President Trump to the Senate House Speaker nancy pelosi has also signaled that she named the lawmakers will serve as house managers for the senate trial. Might well arise to decide which democrat will challenge donald trump for the u. S. Presidency is heating up former Vice President joe biden and senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren were amongst the top 6 candidates to take part in a t. V. Debate on tuesday night it was the last debate before the democratic primary season begins in iowa in 3 weeks and poll suggests the race will be tight. A last chance for 6 remaining candidates to make their case before the democratic primaries begin and the candidates use their chance to attack President Trump on his Foreign Policy decisions or mon senator Bernie Sanders issued a stark warning about the fall out of killing the radio in general soleimani the true great Foreign Policy disasters of our lifetimes or the war in vietnam and the war in iraq both of those wars were based on law. And right now what i fear very much is we have a president who is lying again and could drag us into a war that is even worse than the war in iraq moderate frontrunner joe biden criticized President Trump of his decision to pull out american troops will syria Vice President biden would you leave troops in the middle east or would you pull them out i think its a mistake to pull out the straw the small number of troops that are there now to deal with isis trump offered his own counterprogramming at a rally in milwaukee in battleground state wisconsin he defended his decision to kill soleimani. Saw a man he was responsible for murdering and wounded thousands of americans it was actively planning new attacks but we stopped them cold. And frankly they already started the attack as you saw in baghdad on a very large embassy in baghdad that was already started in a moment to remember was a standoff between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren warren accused sanders to have said a woman could not be elected president of the United States i think the best way to talk about who can win is by looking at peoples winning record so kind of woman beat donald trump look at the man on this stage collectively they have lost 10 elections the only people on this stage who have won every single election that theyve been in are the women amy thank you. But Bernie Sanders rejected the legation. Understand why do you want to be here yet you are saying that you never told senator warren that a woman could not win the election on a script the star of the last debate before the primaries but a real winner did not emerge good news for joe biden who avoided a blunder this time. And that can consolidate his position as the front runner up the Democratic Party. Lets get more on this from doris foreman who is professor of politics at bhakta college here and welcome to the studio professor how do you think had the best of last nights debate its hard to tell i mean this has been the 7th debate so people are aware of it the the the viewership has gone dont over time so we dont even know whether he thought between war and and centers but i think the real default lines of the arguments like lie elsewhere and its mostly a question of whether the Democratic Party wants to return to a status quo and to so with the Party Establishment line of Hillary Clinton which would be bidens line or if it wants to take a new direction and i think this is what the caucuses and the primaries will be mostly about and of course i would the last couple of weeks weve seen events in iran build up the debate opened on Foreign Policy one to be about the candidates position well again i mean this is interesting because the Foreign Policy normally is not a very important issue in american politics it tends to be discussed at the very end so there was a bit of a shift here but we didnt learn a lot of new things the positions of the different candidates the candidates were relatively ambivalent most of them emphasized were going to do it differently from trump but the proposal its remade relative be fake. This is the last t. V. Debate before the start of the primary season so how significant are the Iowa Caucuses and who the polls suggest will win well the polls right now look as though sam sanders is leading in the polls for the i walk caucus its important symbolically mostly because obviously there will be a lot of caucuses and primaries all the way into the summer and the decisions in iowa arent arent final but it is the 1st of 1st encounter a 1st real encounter with the candidates and their chances so whatever takes iowa has at least a lead in the beginning money is just speaks loudly in these elections in the body count Sanders Campaign says it raised 1700000. 00 yesterday from 100000. 00 donations that best fundraising day says the campaign was launched. We can confirm this figure but if its true what does this tell us well its surprising 1st of all because hes one of the oldest candidates in the field he had a heart attack so that people would bet for him and put money into his complaint is a signal its important in american politics its very expensive to even become a president ial candidate so the money really doesnt matter and many of the candidates that dropped out of the race cory booker and others coming to harris dropped out because they ran out of funds so it is very important for the centrist campaign its also symbolic sign ok and briefly much is being made of Elizabeth Warrens apparent refusal to shake Betty Sanders hand what do you make of that i think in 2 weeks time the group will remember. About his former professor of politics at bard College Advantage thank you. Lets take a look at some more news from around the world of australian authours as ive installed traps at a major down in New South Wales to prevent ash from the areas bushfires contaminating Drinking Water they want to gamble down is sydneys main water source severe storms are expected in the coming days and officials fear heavy rainfall could cause the reservoir to become polluted. Dozens of people in the United States are being treated for minor skin and lung problems after a passenger plane dump fuel or the several schools yeah lightens the nonemergency return to los angeles airport after experiencing mechanical issues the federal Aviation Authority is investigating. But today marks the 30th anniversary of a key event that followed the fall of the bernard wall angry citizens and human rights campaigners occupied the headquarters of the stasi communist east germany feared secret police they succeeded in preventing the destruction of the stasis a surveillance files on millions of people one of the activists who to pot has been telling us what happened he was there both gang temp lean a former east german civil rights campaigner 30 years ago he and other demonstrators pushed their way into east germany stars the headquarters its still the resting place of thousands of files on citizens who were spied on. So if theres oh yes i said so you know what we want this peaceful disarmament of our actual takeover of the whole thing will happen a lot faster theres no. Was was open the gate the storming of no man in street was a key moment after the buildings and other cities had already been occupied in the preceding months several 1000 people now poured into the berlin headquarters was the status the workers tried to destroy files up until the very last minute but the activists were able to rescue most of those files. Their comfort. But the fight to save the files was far from one that took a Hunger Strike extreme effort on our part to convince west german elites politicians and those who wanted to keep a lid on this for various reasons. After all nobody knew exactly how sensitive the information that hes germanys state security had collected was in the end the files were made accessible to the public full temp lien applied to see his own. It was certainly a unique experience i was part of the 1st group that got to see their files in 1930. 9 u. S. An opposition figure it was highly unlikely that a very comprehensive file a whited me it was very thorough but there was also one from the 1st half of the 1970s that was classified as a pup a try to follow. For 2 years template himself was an unofficial status the informant he ultimately quit and got involved with civil Rights Groups later he was arrested and kicked out of east germany. After the fall of the berlin wall he returned and took part in the negotiations to dissolve the stars but hes still struggling to cope with what happened to this day. A lot of people say yeah well it was so long ago. If we think about the nazi era and im not saying that the same just comparing that to it took decades to process the monstrous things that happened back then. You have. The stasi files will be transferred to the National Archives from 2021 as long as they remain easily accessible to ordinary people templin has no problem with that. I think a closer look at the significance of the release of these files when they dont do politics or talk about the honor cautioning welcome max so stars in one of the biggest secret Police Forces in the world how did it shape communist east germany well you just need to look at the sheer number of this apparatus that was working in film is germany so 90000 or fish away because they have been part of the Surveillance Agency then another 170000 people being in informal informants for them and over 250000 people being imprisoned not counting those who have been. Abused or intimidated by the agency so this of course created a big climate of fear in form is germany and shaped the lives of those People Living there what was that what was the point what was the purpose of spying on your own people well the the purpose of the point the way it was seen and the way historians are currently addressing it is of course that it was trying to. Keep an eye on how people were seeing this experiment of a socialist states and how like trying to keep tabs on people but of course it came into its own kind of agency it became like develop into this noble idea of surveillance and into this as we said climate of fear so you it ends up having a purpose however dark and then just is there for its own sake and thirdly is all these these stasi files thats going to very sensitive and emotional issue is of course because the people who have been affected by these files are still living lives in east germany or in germany today some of them so living next to the former informants i mean this was something that was a very day pos of a life in eastern germany and we said as effected and created this fear and of course not everybody has in the last 30 years the courage to address is own past or the way he or she has been affected or involved in the stasi agency and so of course when nowadays these revelations are so maybe. Had a just a couple weeks ago famous german publish i who had just bought a been a newspaper was being revealed to have cooperated with the stasi and of course having to look back at this involvement is full of people still very problematic so is the way that germany handled these files opening them up to the public is not seen as some sort of template for the way other countries treat their past i think the way germany has addressed this issue has certainly been very unique its been a unique process that has involved a lot of different parts of German Society and the german political system and a lot of countries have been looking to germany and when they were trying to think about how they can sort of process their own History History of wrongdoings and so theres always been this idea that other countries look towards sharing in the way theyve treated but of course everything thats on his has been of perfect and theres currently a lot of criticism for example because this these files are now being becoming part of the National Archives they used to be as weve just seen the reports part of a very contained own archive the stasi archive and these files are now becoming part of the German National coffin 2021 and that has drawn criticism because people say theyre so specialist so sensitive to shouldnt just be one fall among saw this. Movie on a concert question thank you. In sport the ticket designs for this years olympic and Paralympic Games in tokyo happen veiled in the japanese capital and japanese paralympic canoeist monica said he took part in the unveiling of the tickets come in 4 colors and their feature pictograms and each event the designs have been inspired by the kimono a traditional japanese government and games organizers say nearly 4 and a half 1000000 tickets already pains. Dozens of designers the showcasing their creations in paris mens fashion week and begin brings fashionistas from all over the world to the french capital several brands are making their debuts including the u. S. Brand route and a british label thats quitting london ahead of brett states and he see this week as proof of perry cementing its dominance in the fashion world. This is g. W. News these are our top stories a new report by Human Rights Watch says china poses an existential threat to International Human rights the us based group has condemned what it calls chinas domestic repression its attempts to censor its critics of promoting the rights clinton has also urged the International Community to challenge beijings actions for its what he calls a to stop in future china has attacked the report accusing Human Rights Watch of biased and distorting the facts. European powers are formally accused iran of violating the terms of the 2015 agreement to curb its Nuclear Program e. U. Foreign policy chief Joseph Burrell says the aim of me folk into deals dispute mechanism is to grain iran back into compliance that could spell the end of the year and the return to sanctions. The democrats top president ial candidates have faced off in the final t. V. Debate before the start of the primary season i would poll suggests a tight race between a former Vice President joe biden a month senator Bernie Sanders we massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren in circles this is the. News from got it from all followers on twitter at the w. s office of the web site t w dot com. After 18 months of damaging economic conflict the u. S. And china due to sign what theyre calling phase one of a trade agreement later today kris kobach from date of business we welcome chris i took us through the essentials of this trip well essentially china agreed to buy much more stuff from the United States lets go through the figures here 30000000000. 00 more in Agricultural Products 50000000000. 00 more in Energy Surprise 80000000000. 00 more in manufactured goods now experts are skeptical whether these goals can be reached in the next 2 years but it would certainly help to well try to close the trade gap that the u. S. Has with china which President Trump has been im talking about so besides getting more stuff what else are the chinese get out of this deal well they get that new terrorists have been put on hold which is essential to them because i wonder now they sell more to the United States than then they import what else beijing hopes to get out of it and how the real problems like transfer of Technology Intellectual Property rights the fate of czech tech giant qual way from china can be tackled ill be talking about an expert with an expert from the institute of time studies interesting problem and project risk over from the daily business with you as he said very shortly ill be back at the top of the. Success talent. In makes both choosing a career and finding a job easy so they say but do special talents automatically lead to success. What does a talented person need to get started in a career and how many talented people does the job market even. Made in germany 60 minutes t w. What secrets lie behind the small. Discover new adventures in 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. E. W. World heritage 360 get kidnapped now. Education is not only fought and blindman riggers on his Foreign Policy im saw that in coming times of the war of the. Called through in kolker devalues all tolerance. Mutual understanding these things cannot be ignored forever because the fundamentalist forces and the fanatic forces are also acting very deeply and intensely and. Not undermine the apollo the power of communication to hollar all technology ordinary people must not modernly support them must not solicit his support that the International Community has to invest more on their education rich guy and prevent young people who entered into that trap kind of the courses c. Its still growth but germanys expansion of just 0. 6 percent is the weakest in years well find out if its just a blip all part of a cooling trend also china and the United States prepared to sign phase one of a deal aimed at ending their months long trade war major issues remain on result

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