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Key players to another peace conference it comes after Libyan Military commander refused to sign a cease fire agreement during talks in moscow by russia and turkey. Im burned off its good to have you with us the European Union has announced plans to dedicate a quarter of its overall budget to tackle Climate Change the Europe Investment plan will direct a trillion euros over the next decade into climate protection the go to reach Carbon Neutrality across the entire continent within the next 30 years. This is what the United States moon landing looked like when it comes to climate protection the European Commission is not shying away from drawing comparisons to that group shattering event. We do not have all the answers yet today is the start of a journey. But this is europes man on the moon moment a green deal for the European Union is were still a funnel lions 1st major policy proposal since she took office at the end of 2019 her vision commits the e. U. To achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2015 until then emissions of Greenhouse Gases would have to be reduced stored or compensated. The e. U. Commission says it wants to mobilize a trillion euros from various sources over the next decade to make buildings more Energy Efficient and industry more environmentally friendly as regions all over europe transition away from coal. Fund a lion urges the e. U. To move quickly and take the lead in growing a green economy. Are lets take this story now to our correspondent mark zonder he is in Strasbourg France tonight going to going to new marks so what will this green deal money what will it be spent on exactly what are the priorities here. So brett if the green deal is designed to slash Carbon Emissions and the Just Transition mechanism which has been which is being talked about at the moment is supposed to help countries transfer from a. Not so environment environmentally friendly economy to a more greener economy and at the same time limit emissions so just to give you an example if youre a coal miner in germany or in in poland for example then you could receive training in rescaling funded by the Just Transition mechanism by the green deal to work in a more environmentally friendly field and not having to lose your job once your country stops getting working in coal and at the same time also as we heard in the report buildings will be invested in to be more become more Energy Efficient and there will be some of the investments in electric mobility and the saying goes the budget give us the budget take it does this mean that other priorities in the European Union budget will will suffer to make these funds available. Not necessarily we heard a large number one trillion euros thats 12 years to be 12 zeros to be exact but only 7500000000 euros will come from the e. U. Budget thats the Just Transition fund and this money will be pulled from from from the e. U. Budget and from come from there the m. F. F. And where exactly this is after say thats the long term e. U. Budget and where exactly this will come from is not clear at the moment it could come from a social fund could come from from regional funds but the majority of the one trillion is going to come from private investments which the Commission Hopes to be able to leverage and these will be backed by the European Investment bank and you were talking about this is if its a done deal but there may be opponents hes likely to oppose this deal. Well one thing politicians lawmakers have taken issue with across most party lines here is that the the money coming from from from the e. U. From the e. U. Budget its relatively small 7500000000 out of one trillion and a lot of the money that is planned within this this master plan is not its not 100 percent sure yet and then another issue people are taking here is that some countries as in many you projects will receive less money out of out of this program than they pay any for example germany but that all aside most groups in the georgia political groups here decide that this is a very important deal and has to be done but they disagree on some of the technicalities or the correspondent wants to with the latest tonight on the European Unions plan green deal marks thank you. Germanys chancellor Angela Merkel has invited the 2 rival governments of libya as well as their generals and other countries supporting them to talks in berlin this coming weekend its an attempt to rescue a peace deal and to shore up a very shaky cease fire and it comes a day after the war lord Khalifa Haftar are left a peace conference in moscow without signing the peace deal that was reportedly already on the take. The talks will meant to bring an end to the conflict in libya and be a diplomatic victory for russia and turkey. But after general. Left the talks in moscow without agreeing to a long term truce they appeared to end in failure speaking to meteor a day off to hell with the Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov played down the outcome saying the peace plan put forward by moscow in akra was still a work in progress. Representatives of Libyan Society met in moscow with the participation of the russian and Turkish Foreign and defense ministers we will continue our work on this track so far there has been no definitive outcome. Libya has seen heavy fighting for months the countrys internationally recognized administration the government of National Accord led by fires sarkar raj is based in tripoli its facing a power challenge from general have todds rival administration based in the east of the country and the city of tal broke. After forces calling themselves the Libyan National army are reportedly being assisted by russia and regional allies egypt saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Meanwhile ankara along with the United Nations is backing tripolis government of National Accord. Earlier this month Turkeys Parliament gave president reject type one the green light to send troops to tripoli and after the moscow talks failed to offer a solution on tuesday another one provided a clear warning. If you know theyre not vigilant in the coming days we will be closely following the choices that the coup plotter have and the countrys legitimate government will make in the event that attacks against the countrys legitimate government and our libyan brothers continue we will never refrain from giving hafter the lesson he deserves i did little me john. Now the focus moves from moscow to billin german chancellor Angela Merkel has invited top officials from a host of countries to peace talks on sunday in the hope that this time around something might be different. And bring you up to date now on some of the other stories making headlines iranian Authorities Say that theyve arrested several people including the producer of this video in connection with the accidental drowning of that Ukrainian Airline flight over tehran last week a 176. 00 people were killed in the crash after a missile struck the plane irans president says a special court will be set up to probe the tragedy protesters in lebanon are back out on the streets for what they are calling a week of anger to pressure the countrys political elite into taking action lebanon is facing its worst economic crisis in decades the National Currency is lost over 60 percent of its value in recent weeks the protesters are blaming government mismanagement and corruption spanish media are reporting that at least one person is being killed in an explosion at a chemical factory in the North Eastern is city town i go into a number of others said to have sustained serious burns the Emergency Services are warning people in the area not to leave their home. The u. S. House of representatives will vote on wednesday on a resolution to send articles of impeachment against u. S. President that will drop to the u. S. Senate House Speaker nancy pelosi is also signaled that she will name the lawmakers who will serve as house managers during a senate trial of the president. Where Human Rights Watch has published its world report 2020 today and one of the major countries in focus is china the report highlights the plight of the 1000000 muslims held in socalled political education camps in western china says that they are forced to disavow their identity and to become loyal government. Subjects beijing has not only continued censoring domestic media its also successfully put pressure on Foreign Companies such as car makers volkswagen to the hotel chain maryon to quassia any criticism the report also focuses on china for its mass surveillance of its own people calling it the most intrusive public Monitoring System that the world has ever known and the people at Human Rights Watch they can talk about that now with a lot of credit bill what they were going to talk about then im joined here at the big table tonight by the men from Human Rights Watch german even some accounts because its good to see you again you know we had your boss the executive director last night kenneth roth on the show here talking about he wanted to release this report yesterday in hong kong but he was refused entry into the country or into the territory on sunday were you surprised to see china or the authorities in hong kong say no you cant come into the territory. We knew it was a risk because of china squashing off free speech and. Any criticism about china and on china and but i mean it was also a proof of what we are saying that china is not tolerating any questions so with throwing us out or not letting us into hong kong actually punished the ones who was treated sizing the oppression of the Chinese Government its sins the message that china not only wants to silence the message its also willing to keep the messenger silent or out of the picture absolutely and we see this increasingly and thats probably also why we published the report with a focus on time. This is yeah its because chinas Human Rights Violations spreading now globally we have seen your Rights Violations within china for many years and becoming worse and worse that increasingly the reach of the Chinese Government to silence its critics is also globally its reaching out abroad to other countries students Chinese Students in australia for example universities they are being punished by criticising china its like a contagion isnt it the more power the more influence china has globally then the higher the likelihood is that people will think twice before you know speak their mind or they do things that we would consider part of basic human rights absolutely i mean china 16 percent of the World Economy so they have a lot of power a lot of power to pressure other countries to stay numb thats why we call on states governments to bat up together those who dare to speak out because if one country does it its very hot to to keep this going so we need to see teens of countries to speak out against the bully china reporting on this report is part of that effort but you know we know you and i both know that china does not allow w. News to be shown to be broadcast within china so the Chinese People they dont see us so at the end of the day you have to ask can this report really change anything in john. Well we think so because this report is calling on the countries to stand up against the big bully china and we want to motivate and we want to encourage the countries to stand up for the rights of the people those countries who still think its worth fighting for human rights in some accounts and the director of Human Rights Watch germany even so we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us tonight thank you. And heres a reminder of our top story europe announcing its green deal for the future of the plan to spend a trillion euros to stop using coal and to become Carbon Neutral in 30 years that is a quarter of europes total budget youre watching the w. News up next business with ferguson stick around im sure she will enjoy your company well see you tomorrow. And. Cast lead which of course is. Video and audio. Im not laughing out. Loud because sometimes i am but i stand up and wish it happened recently i dont think so

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