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A small town in northern germany resides after receiving Death Threats from your nazi is surely under estimating the danger from far right extremism. On little rock that you so much for your Company Everyone the government in iran has denied a cover up after admitting it accidently shot down a ukrainian passenger jet killing all 176 people on board while protests took place in a number of cities over the weekend demonstrators have criticized the government for initially denying it was behind the disaster and tehran Security Forces have used tear gas to Disperse Protesters but they deny accusations that they used live ammunition. Shouting and chaos as onlookers help people. Shot and bleeding on the streets of tehran this video was taken near the square where crowds have gathered outraged at the cover up after iran shot down a ukrainian passenger plane. Video shows tear gas being fired into the crowd. They disperse leaving a trail of blood as they flee. In signs of increasing defiance images of irans heroes are being desecrated ordinary iranians are speaking critically about the crash that even talking about it makes my heart beat faster and makes me sad. I feel ashamed when i think about their families im so sad that he. Is all of our media try to describe it as a technical problem because of their interests and political and international reasons but Later Development changed the game and they had to tell the truth or. Progovernment newspapers are also voicing their disappointment and printing lists of the names of the victims shame reads this headline in farsi and on forgivable just days earlier the Iranian Regime had been celebrating its missile attacks on Iraqi Air Bases Housing u. S. Forces. Now that narrative is also changing the commander of the revolutionary guards telling the countrys parliament that they had purposely avoided killing american troops earlier state media had falsely claimed theyd killed 80 and further signs of cooling tensions irans top officials met with the emir of neighboring qatar a u. S. Ally both sides agreed that deescalation was the only way forward. All right lets get some analysis now from julie norman of the department of Political Science at the University College of london a very good day thank you for joining us were witnessing these remarkable scenes of defiance of playing out on the streets of tehran. Can this government survive this. Well thats certainly a big question right now and as weve seen these protests have been carrying on for several days now starting saturday night continuing all through yesterday and then continuing on today these arent just a response to to the handling of the crash of course protests were on moving very strongly in iran back in november as well and were played quite severely by the regime at that time so weve seen this challenge to this state building for a while the grievances that were there several months ago are still there and if its only more intensified so there is going to be incredibly increasing pressure on the state and there are some calls for the Supreme Leader to step down others are calling for something a bit more moderate just calling for some kind of accountability to the crash itself so what this means for the state more broadly thats still to be seen but there are a lot of grievances on the street right now a lot of grievances but im just wondering is the genie out of the bottle in terms of what kind of peace these protesters right so at this point again theres a lot of different a lot of different motivations for people coming out right now the people who are protesting are taking great risks to do so as weve seen from the clips if you will being hit with tear gas on reports of live ammunition and again coming on the backs of quite severe crackdown in the past so people who are out there really are very committed to pushing for some kind of real change with that said the extent to which that will be able to happen is still unclear and as weve seen it looks like this morning the state starting to use more harsh measures measures of repression which may make it more difficult for these protests to sustain to sustain lets widen our perspective for a moment and turn to the regional call flix and also the bilateral a cause that weve seen a some deescalation by both tehran and washington will it hold or do you think something this is not over yet. Right so as weve seen today on the team from qatar was in iran over the weekend also trying to encourage this you know policy of deescalation we can assume that the official response from iran to the u. S. Killing of so amani was probably limited to the strike that we saw last week and weve seen calls from both washington and tehran for deescalation sense then so thats obviously what were hoping for in the official scale however its well known of course so money was very instrumental in cordoning a number of militias across the middle east region in iraq in lebanon elsewhere and its unclear to what extent those groups may or may not carry out and sanctioned attacks or continue to try and get some kind of some kind of Response Force on the money is done even outside of official iran response is i want to follow up on that with you because the events of course of this pos remarkable days the killing of the iran you know general sort of mini by the u. S. Drone strike does that mean that the standing of tehran today right now is a lot weaker than it was 10 days ago. So this is an interesting question because we saw such an Intense National unity after the killing of stolen money during his funeral im just really this outpouring and really unprecedented level of you know supports and kind of a coming together that has certainly been shattered and challenge over the weekend with the way that the state handled the crash in particular and again and building on the grievances that have still been there so we will see i think kind of a return almost to what we see in iran in the past and that yes there is going to be some you know ardent supporters for the regime but many many in the opposition and many in the universities and elsewhere who are looking for real change julie norman of the department of Political Science at University College london thank you for your expertise thank you want to tell you now about some of the other stories making news because many of the victims on that plane in iran were from canada mourners across canada have been paying tribute to the passengers of the plane shot down in iran at a vigil in edmonds and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he would pursue justice and accountability for the victims families and friends 57. 00 canadians many iranian descent were killed in the disaster. Britains prince harry is due to attend the crisis meeting with the queen and senior members of the world family over his shocking decision to step back as in see your royal on the agenda will be how much money he and his wife megan will still receive their oil titles and what commercial deals they can strike. Retired at home but it dicked that 16 that has spoken out to defend celibacy for towns the creeps observers say the appeal in a new book is an extraordinary intervention in the clerical affairs of a successor to the pope francis is weighing whether to allow the ordination of married men to address a shortage of priests. Authorities in the philippines are warning that a volcano near the capital could be on the verge of a dangerous eruption the tall volcano about 60 kilometers south of manila began spewing ash and lava on sunday the citys International Airport was closed and thousands of people have fled. A warning shot from top kaino as it spews a column of ash and steam into the sky the ash plume generating enough static electricity to produce volcanic lightning. Although one of the philippines most active volcanoes it last erupted more than 40 years ago now experts say an eruption affecting a larger area could be just hours away the ash and steam have prompted thousands of People Living in towns close to the volcano to follow evacuation orders. More with all the well when the volcano started blasting steam we ran away up here the road was crowded ticket with cash and pebbles were falling from the sky. Yeah but i dont know about the ash fell as far away as the capital manila some 60 kilometers north of Manila Airport authorities grounded all air traffic affecting dozens of domestic and international flights. In the standoff with the forces. On the toughie. As travelers wait so do the people of the philippines to see what else style volcano may have in store. Exactly with the experts warning now that the volcano eruption could get a lot worse lets get you an update of how things are right now g. O. P. Correspondent anna santos is in the capital im in the lot not very far from the volcanic site where all this rest of activity is taking place and you visited the site can you describe what you saw. We were up at the site earlier today about 6 miles away from volcano and all through out the day we saw the volcano spewing out. These ash clouds were initially white and then they turned to gray and at some point they were all so black on the roads going up to all volcano there was the roads were fish were covered with sludge this is because of the volcanic ash that mixed with rain so the roads were very slushy and slippery and it was very difficult to move from one place to another because the roads were dangerous also the ash fall covered entire swaths of plantations and mostly pineapples in this part of the country and also you know the weight of the volcanic ash made the leaves on trees droop entire towns were covered in gray they looked like a black and white photo now against all of this some people or most people didnt really look like they were in a state of alarm a lot of them were going about their daily business like for example at that time which is a very popular tourist site was done attracting a lot of visitors who were taking selfies in front of the volcano and really mesmerized by the terrifying beauty of its continued eruption you also saw farmers washing away volcanic ash from their livestock and just trying to go about their daily life and people were wondering wheres the panic or wheres the harm now a lot has been said about the resiliency of filipinos in terms of coping with natural disasters but i think that can be drill down deeper to 2 factors both starting with letter f. One is frequency we are one of the most disaster prone areas in the world so we experience natural disasters of all types on a fairly frequent basis so that. You get used to it and another hand theres also a mix of fatalism which. Very much because of our predominantly catholic country so you have to believe that you know these things happen for a reason and that nothing you can do it anything about it and i just try to find ways to deal with it as you can and i just want to get in there very quickly what will happen to the people yes there is a sense of you know we experienced that before because obviously the philippines very disaster prone earthquake typhoons volcanic eruptions but still thousands of people have been moved out of harms way what will happen to them because you know they have they have had to leave their livelihoods behind whos taking care of them. So about 8000 or 1010000 people have been moved to Evacuation Centers or to some safer areas now earlier today the the governments latest update was that they are actually preparing for 2 very extreme scenarios one is where an eruption can take place over the next couple of days or a prolonged eruption which can happen for a series of months we saw another volcano in another part of the philippines last year do this it just takes erupted continuously over a period of months and this is something the government will have to prepare for how are you going to keep these people who are in harms way safe over a prolonged and indefinite period of time and how do you do that with a minimal disruption to their lives and their livelihoods right now thats what theyre going to be busy with in terms of mapping out the different scenarios and possible intervention and it sounds also reporting from tucker thank you so very much greatly appreciate it. And back here in berlin local politicians have been facing a spike in intimidation over the last couple of months and his threats from the far right that are causing particular concern while a quarter of all german mayors have reported being insulted or threatened and physical attacks attacks rather have been carried out on about 2 percent of mayors or their staff while the number of unreported cases is thought to be even higher well the worst case so far was that of course if you might remember the progress e. G. Politician kept he was shot dead in front of his house a neo nazi extremist has been arrested in connection with the killing all these incidents are having an effect with some elected officials quitting Public Office one is arent the mayor of a small town in northern germany he says hes stepping down to protect his family best off as a quiet village in northern germany about 1700 people live here the next big city is an hours drive away over the last few days many people in germany have been curious about whats going on and passed off because of the news that rocked the town right before new years eve may announce he was resigning because of Death Threats from right wing extremists but ordered 20. 2 nights in a row i received notes in my mailbox one contains an explicit racist and sexual slander you may think and also maybe it was meant for someone else but it wasnt funny it was horrible but the 2nd one was worse it said were going to gas you with. The phone right after christmas a nun perpetrators vandalized his car window with a swastika he decided to step down from office in order to protect himself and his 14 year old son. I know that. I dont want same to have this politicized mayor that i want to protect him but also the office of the man i dont want to be politically trying to. Focus on was mayor of stuff for 8 years even before that he was socially active for example he was a soccer coach for the local club in charge of young players. The 1st criticism from the right came in 2016 when a refugee family moved to town right above the sports clubs clubhouse. Soon thereafter there were right wing extremist stickers all over the Playing Field their message this year is a nazi zone many people in the village were shocked by his resignation work with folk in the local council the news came as a surprise to him. Because their mind we all think that its not good news where the losers in this story which is very sound. And focus states very clearly that the village of stuff does not have a nazi problem there are a few extreme rightwing people in the community but he says the problem lies deeper in society itself as a society is a catastrophe the problem is that people can suddenly say out loud what they wouldnt have even dared to think 5 years ago and thats not only in the supposedly left behind eastern germany apparently people here also feel left behind. The focal case is now being investigated by German Authorities but on focus doesnt want to give up even though hes no longer mayor he wants to keep fighting the far right. Id like to turn now to our political correspondents me and of course your crew is covering this story for us so much mayhem how widespread is this problem put it into context for us is a problem thats now been reported from of the countries that weve heard reports from south of germany east of germany west anyway and its something that has been underestimated as well weve just seen in the number us its not only locum a. S. But its all kind of like local political activists or representatives if you look at that number like taking Council Members into consideration its 40 percent of those people have already had experience with harassment and communities now reporting that in one out of 10 communities there have been incidents of physical violence where representatives of local governments of communities have been threatened and who is behind this is are these just discount old individuals is this an organized group do we know so far what investigations have shown is that this is something that is done often by individuals but those who are very well connected so in some cases where authorities have been investigating these threats they found that the people who are sending threats for example have also been referring themselves to other groups of far right extremism one example is that theyve called themselves for example the end is you to point out the and as you National Socialist underground was a group of neo nazis who have been killing people across germany in the last decade. Of course of this isnt the only incident that has happened of course we had a fatal incident not so long ago which has rattled this country why do German Authorities or Law Enforcement have such difficulty getting a handle getting a grip on this problem theres 2 aspects to this issue the one is the harassment which is happening very often online and social media platforms all through online communication tools and German Authorities or investigative authorities are still struggling with these kinds of cyber crimes how to investigate them and also how to prosecute and this is the one issue and then also of course these social platforms can be an accelerator for these issues be seen as only in the of regards to local politicians or any conflict to sins but this in general so the destruction in the way people are discussing on social platforms they often say that the tone in which people are talking is getting tougher and thats something that is also contributing to this issue. In a stark reminder of how bad it is for how bad the situation is for some local politicians one a local politician applied for a license to carry a concealed gun in response to the threats that hes getting now i think a lot of people in the states that might not be a big deal but for here for somebody to apply for a license to carry or a weapon to for self defense thats almost unheard of it is and in germany by gun laws youre not necessarily like you not in the situation where you can carry a gun for self defense so that is a very Cross Movement by somebody who obviously feels severely threatened and this shows how much these Community Members are in need of authorities investigative and prosecution authorities in germany to step up and to take these threats seriously and to not only investigate them but also start prosecuting them all right and nixon corsica thank you so much. Now to some other news libyas foreign rivals are expected to hold peace talks later moscow this after fayez as saraj and his u. N. Backed government agreed a conditional truce would rebel leader and the fall huffed are both sides of accuse the other of violating the agreement. Rain is forecast for New South Wales the state worst affected by australias bushfire crisis Prime Minister Scott Morrison has seen his popularity take a nosedive on largely due to his handling of the crisis is said that he could have handled his response to the fires a whole lot better. Well another casualty of the bushfires has been the countrys koala population at least 25000. 00 are feared to have died since the start of december while some are being offered refuge in a wildlife park on south australias Kangaroo Island but the owner is also having to make tough decisions about which animals to save and to say. Theyve been through hell burns on their noses paul as far. Mitchell usually has 15 koalas in his wildlife visitor park on Kangaroo Island at the moment there are more than 100 and every day they keep coming. Into 3 knots a guy there was a lot of 50 percent of the habitat still over mining but then of course. Have continued to burn more and more grams. So we need to collaborate with the government as to whether or not some will be moved to the mine lands however the mine land is also burning as well the arrivals never stop some fear that 80 to 90 percent of all koalas on the island are dead the wildlife park has become a vet and reclaiming the kitchen transformed into a treatment room sometimes vets have to put down half of all new patients. Who are trying to do and hes not exotic zakk science and it is not easy these decide which of these animals have the best chance which of them have no chance. And send them in the right direction and it really is very difficult. Not far from the wildlife park miles and miles of barn asked soldiers wrongly area they collect dead animals charred or small poison kangaroos bards and koalas through we dont have the cities to wall off because i own property but also. As part of Mental Health support and for welfare reasons they start off in the. Population of control and can rapidly return back to normal off the authorities no want to drop emergency plans for the rescued koalas with their Natural Habitats barns out the cannot return home without serious of starvation. This is you know news and these are top stories. Protests took place in iran over the weekend after the army admitted its forces accidentally shot down a ukrainian passenger jet demonstrators chanted antigovernment slogans and called authorities liars for initially denying they were behind the disaster. Of all kaito near the philippine capital manila could be on the verge of a dangerous irruption a tall volcano has been spewing ash and lava when it was International Airport was closed and thousands of people have fled. Libyas war in rivals are expected to agree to a cease fire later in moscow it comes after the u. N. Bank government agreed a conditional truce with rebel leader before half dark. Britains prince harry is due to attend the crisis meeting with the queen over his decision to step back from his duties as a senior royal on the agenda will be the funding he and his wife megan will continue to receive. This is due to a news from berlin for more follow us on twitter at g. W. News or visit our website thats dot com. 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