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The shock and grief felt by people belong to someone remains high hear more about the victims and the International Community is more mourning their loss. Omarion evan stand its good to have you with us we begin with breaking news iran has announced that its military intentionally shot down a ukrainian passenger jet killing all 176 people on board tehran says it was a case of human error western countries based on evidence including this mobile phone footage had been saying they saw in the rainy and missile brought down the plane after initial denials irans military now says the people responsible will be court marshaled. Well meanwhile you irans foreign minister zarif tweeted a sad today preliminary conclusions of internal investigation by armed forces human error at a time of crisis caused by us adventurism lead to disaster our profound regrets apologies and condolences to our people to the families of all the victims and to other affected nations well earlier i spoke with journalist cast day in tehran i asked him why iran has now admitted to launching the missile strike that brought down the ukrainian plane after initially ruling out the possibility. Well pressure of Public Opinion. Of foreign troops all the social d media with. No other choice for the contrary to meet it must of. If. In the statement the armed forces said immediately after the incident it formed or it could mean to probe into the incident. Include the government. Or in the Investigation Committee so somehow it exonerated the government ive heard from my colleagues and sources that the government was on the. Shoot out yesterday friday. No mother how the other government was d informed or not it is embarrassing. For the contrary. There are anger among the nation all right. A journalist from tehran we thank you so very much for that update. Well for the view from the ukrainian capital were now joined by correspondent david stern standing by for us in kiev hello to you david so has there been an official reaction from the government in kiev on the statement by iran admitting that its military shot down the passenger plane oh yes its been a very quick turn of events just yesterday they were talking about there not being evidence enough evidence or not reaching any conclusions until they sift through everything now we have the confession by or the admission by the iranian government and very quickly after that it just within a couple of hours the ukrainian president bloody murder zelinsky issued his own statement in ukrainian and in english the english on twitter read in follows he said this morning brings truth but at the same time the president said that ukraine insists on the full admission of guilt we expect iran to bring those responsible to justice return the bodies pay compensation and issue an official apology the investigation must be full open and continue without delays or obstacles so obviously there is a welcoming by the president but at the same time insisting that the Investigation Continues and that the story is not entirely over well david that is a very clear list of demands a made made by ukraine but what can key of do if these demands are simply not met by iran. Well the president didnt say that i imagine he will we may hear from again in fact hes going to be speaking to the president of the Islamic Republic later on this afternoon 2nd half of the day but we did hear from the foreign minister yesterday he held a press conference and he said that there were legal steps that could be taken now at the time this admission had not been made but he said that if it did turn out that the missile had brought down the brought down the airliner then of course they had legal steps they would be working with their partners and allies and in fact it could be going to the United Nations as necessary and he also used the example of the a Malaysian Airline emirates 17 if you remember which was shot down over ukrainian territory back in 2014 and which the ukrainians are also trying to. Pressure a form of just pressure justice for that one as well when you mention this a Malaysian Airlines flight that was shot down over Eastern Ukraine this is once again a situation where ukraine finds itself caught up in a tragedy thats connected to International Conflict david how are people taking all of this. Well ukrainians obviously have been reeling have been suffering and have been reacting very much to the news of the airliner that it was Ukrainian Airlines as well as that there were 11 ukrainians and in addition to other nationalities on board theres been a general welcoming but also theyve been pointing out the parallels to m. H. 17 now i mean 17 was shot down a dutch investigators have indicated of accused a russian that they say that a Russian Missile was brought in or a missile complex was brought in from russia into the territory and was shot down they have actually. Had made accusations or against 43 russian citizens and one from ukraine against us but this is not moving forward so theres a sense that some justice may be served with iran but at the same time theyre also very conscious of what was happening with i mean 17 david stern in can we thank you very much well canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is calling for a complete and full investigation into the plane crash that took the life of 57 canadians many of them were highly qualified iranian canadians who held academic teaching and Research Post at universities across canada and the tragedy has led to an outpouring of grief for the victims. This tragedy has hit an immigrant Community Hard many of the victims of wednesdays plane crash you know ron dear to the hearts of many here in canada the majority were iranian or jewel iranian canadian citizens returning home from holidays in iran. To scurry back home from a ship you want to see his mother on holidays and you know i swear i dont know her grief about her daughter is almost willing to. Destroy. Their brother. So the family last night said that. The effect of the crash is being felt across regions and professions in canada at least 17 universities have confirmed they lost staff or students. Since the us hot and its policy towards iran the number of iranian students in canada has more than doubled. Knowledge about what caused the crash is unlikely to ease the grief of those close to the victims. All right lets get some analysis on all of this and for that im joined in the studio by raphael bo song hes a Security Policy expert with the German Institute for international and Security Affairs hello to you rafael so now that iran has admitted to downing the plane what are the consequences i mean this may sound a little bit strange but could something possibly good come out of this could this be a moment for tensions to deescalate could we even possibly see iran and the United States reengaging in the wake of this well i dont think it will have an impact on the american iranian relations and i think it is a stretch to say this can be turned into a constructive direction however i mean i think we can see that the iranian government is trying to me. Taina line of deescalation i mean the real question is of course what happens with the atomic greenland and the further sort of diplomatic discussions with europe and also other partners like russia but within this Bigger Picture this is just maybe a sign that were trying to keep our discussions open and not shutting down the trust trying to pretend that everything is fine and were just doing what we can to keep control i mean the i mean the Iranian Regime well weve heard from our correspondent in tehran who is saying that Public Opinion within iran itself there is a lot of anger being expressed against the military following this admission do you expect any serious internal of repercussions in the iran in the wake of this thats very hard to say but yes of course the regime is not only under external pressure but also very much under an internal pressure i mean very recently last autumn and winter there were severe protests which were sort of pushed back only by military force and yes people may be scared to go out in the streets again but the anger hasnt gone away and of course the regime also knows that it cannot just rule by force so yes there were iranian victims among the shot down plane and so in that sense the government has to respond and cannot just pretend its the americans what kind of response is likely what do you think might satisfy the public well then again this is an internal matter but they said that would punish the people responsible possibly it could be finding some you know someone to blame and i dont know what punishment will be meted out. Probably not much more than that but in general as this had a beginning i think its a sign that the government tries to listen at least theyre trying to show with apps and but whether thats going to be enough for people within the country i strongly doubt that all right will we thought perhaps this is irans effort to show more. But missed but could it backfire i mean the United States has announced fresh sanctions on iran could we see the country becoming more isolated because of this well were right in the middle of it i mean really hinges on the other International Actors to see whether you know they have continued to offer a raise in iran alternatives to the u. S. I mean the e. U. Talks for months already about providing aid and credit potentially as a compensation for u. S. Sanctions but so far this hasnt really materialized and this is really the more important the bigger question whether this will be actually coming to practice to make up for the u. S. Pressure or whether in the end the europeans will say rather side with the u. S. And of course within your of there is no real agreement or has already said he wouldnt want to support this kind of line which now france and of course german to some extent are following so it within this big picture of the plane i dont think will change that much rafal both song we thank you very much indeed for your insights lets turn our attention now to taiwan where polls have closed following president ial elections the campaign was dominated by the issue of relations with the islands large and powerful neighbor china an official early results show incumbent president citing one in the lead to win a 2nd term her Democratic Progressive Party campaigned on protecting taiwans independence against threats from china the Main Opposition Party headed by hand q you had advocated for closer ties with china to improve trade. Correspondent phebe kong has been following the election in taipei she says the results of this vote will have a big impact on taipeis relations with beijing. Poes up close already up to 8 hours of both saying across taiwan about us not being counted to determine taiwan the next leader will have one of the incumbent president s high in what they pay for her free election comes up some but ive already hear. Waiting result this lonely and election to pick the man i love. My friend. The same way so lets let this make the jump that high 100 greatest on the way but on the run the arrival hung. Around his supporters in. Time one of the ways down the road goes down to the choices made by nitin how well these are not the medias taiwanese photos. I think it was about beijing and the well because this will be a limit result so moch high was the show way so. A quick reminder now of our top story. Iran has admitted to shooting down a ukrainian passenger plane in iran says the aircraft was brought down by accident after it flew near a sensitive military site 176 people were killed. Here up to date now on d. W. News america has been stealing from me and the entire team here in berlin thanks so much for being with us. Marty ties on drugs we deliver urgent lifesaving brookss we give our everything to reach those who need us the most everybody feeding their futures

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