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Proposed Pension Reforms it is now the longest industrial actions of frances seen in decades. And the shock and now spent rocking the British Royal family its being called the mags that prince harry and Meghan Markle announced and step back from boyle duties and spend more time and north america will take a look. Im serious almost gone its good to have you with us what caused a ukrainian passenger plane to crash in iran just minutes after takeoff all 176 people on board were killed in wednesdays crash the Ukraine International airlines jet was on its way from the iranian capital tehran to the ukrainian capital kiev iran says the crew put out no distress call but they did try to turn back to the airport before the. Down that ukraine is set a team of investigators to iran to join the search for answers the crash has caused shock and grief in both nations. Marking a day of mourning ukrainian president. Of the growing memorial to those who died in wednesdays crash. But the scramble for on says gets underway he appealed for International Cooperation to establish what caused this tragedy. The upper for sure i ask everybody especially when ukraine is in the middle of an information war to refrain from manipulation speculation conspiracy theories snap judgments and on verified theories yes. Dozens of the 176 victims came from Canada Western University in ontario the sense of loss is enormous the persian Canadian Community here tightly knit. And unfortunately yet to be a very close friend of mine lost his brother and i used to see one of the people who lost his life in the bus in a regular basis one of my friends lost his brother i didnt know him directly but. You know pretty much Everybody Knows someone who was either in the plane crash or was affected by it the crash coincided with iran launching missiles at u. S. Bases in iraq leading some to speculate the plane may have been shot down kind of the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said his country would join any probe say categorically one way or another that the plane was not shot down. I cannot it is too early to speculate i would encourage people not to want to speculate. U. S. Secretary of state mike pompei i was said he wants the u. S. To be involved in the probe but the iranians say they wont hand over the black box to boeing initially iranian and cranium officials both blames mechanical problems but the ukrainians later backpedals declining for a course while the investigation is ongoing. For more on the story we can speak to journalist Matthew Cooper from the kiev post matthew good to see you what is the latest you can tell us on the investigation from the ukrainian side. Well in the latest development the secretary of Ukraines National Security and Defense Council exceed the neil of has announced that the Ukrainian Commission is investigating up to 7 different possible reasons for the crash 4 of which he made public they include a potential missile strike a collision with some kind of a drone or other flying object a large explosion on the engine in the engine caused by technical issues and also possibly some kind of terrorist attack additionally he said that the Ukrainian Commission would like to go to the site of the crash to look for shards from a russian made tor Missile System this is rather interesting because it was based upon some photographs that were circulated in the internet but have certainly not been confirmed to be necessarily from the site of the crash its a pretty Big Development in that sense. Ok matthew so thats a perspective there in kiev how does that line up with some of the other information that has been emerging about the possible cause of this crash. It certainly complicates that information yesterday the Ukrainian Embassy in tehran initially said that they had excluded the possibility of a missile strike or a terrorist attack then they rescinded their statement and basically said that no conclusions could be official until their commission makes its final official conclusion it also complicates the iranian narrative of the crash of the iranian commissions preliminary report suggested that the emergency was caused by technical issues on board the plane did not send a radio signal of distress and tried to turn around and return to the airport. Matthew what about the 2 countries ability to Work Together here ron has said it wont release the planes black box to boeing or the u. S. So are ukraine authorities confident that they will get full cooperation from iran here. Iran seems to have backtracked a bit on that initial statement with the head of the Civil Aviation organization there saying that they had extended offers to cooperate in the investigation not only to ukraine but also to the u. S. To sweden and to canada ukraine does not appear to yet have concerns about whether it will get access to the black boxes of the plane president volume is a lansky in his in his video address released on social media earlier today said that the Ukrainian Commission the 45 ukrainian specialist sent to iran would be involved in reading the black box journalist Matthew Cofer speaking to us from the key of post thank you so much. Well that plane crash came on the same day that iran fired missiles at bases hosting u. S. Troops in iraq now President Trumps ambassador to the United Nations has said that the u. S. Is ready to engage without preconditions in serious negotiations with iran it appears to be a sign of deescalation but iran has made it clear that its determined to drive u. S. Forces out of the region either tehran or washington want the situation to escalate further diplomacy appears to now be the order of the day to solve the many open questions ranging from the Iran Nuclear Deal to the status of u. S. Troops in iraq. And lets get some analysis on the story now we have chris and with us hes a senior middle east expert at the bettles mun foundation a think tank here in berlin hes with us here in our studio christiane thank you for joining us its a pleasure talking to you so me what we said just now that diplomacy appears out to be the order of the day to get sides back to the table and we listen to President Trump statement yesterday after the Iranian Missile strikes he seemed to open the door to the plan see as well how seriously do you take that is this a new start for relations there there is a window of serious possibilities for diplomacy and mediation thats thats right sumi. There was also one last year in september when the United Nations General Assembly was it was a convening there was a lot of talk that there might be a possibility that that negotiators or diplomats from the trumpet administration and the Iranian Foreign minister and his team could sit together in order to try to direct talks to find compromise on their bilateral conflict relations and then the Supreme Leader in a. Has said has forbidden them to get in touch with the americans during the u. N. Assembly this has a lot to do with the deep mistrust on both sides especially also on the iranian side they look to north korea and they think maybe for tump its just a nice photo with us but we need to have get rid of the sanctions so where is really the outcome if we get into direct talks with a nice photo so that other questions around around around getting engaged in a direct diplomatic talk so weve been here before what is different this time tristen. The question is. How for how long time the iranian leadership has the Financial Resources in order to. To to deal with the really High Pressure of the u. S. Sanctions the u. S. Sanctions are really hurting the economic and financial. Regime of iran and weve seen protests social protests which have been cracked down by the regime couple of weeks ago. So so that either ship really needs ease of the sanctions i have sometimes the feeling that they trying to wait until the u. S. Elections are over that there are different political. Less emotional. Framework for getting into direct negotiations there are a lot of countries in the region iraq tried him on tried to get both sides in the negotiation table now iraq is weakened you know because the confrontation between the u. S. And iran has been dealt with in iraq but it needs now also a utopian European Initiative with the regional players to try to build bridges between washington and tehran so what does that European Initiative you know what is the state right now of the 2015 Nuclear Agreement we heard president robin estate and call out european allies to abandon that deal holy to say that it no longer is valid is that the right way forward and will europe oblige the europeans Foreign Ministers are meeting tomorrow on friday in an emergency session in brussels so they know that there is not only on concerning syria and libya its also on the iraq iranian file there is an urgency that the europeans really translate their their common wording about their joint policy also in action. That means that that the opinion of the ether eat this of germany france and britain who are signed from the european side the Nuclear Agreement that they need to get up their mind are we going really to try to stick to this Nuclear Agreement with russia and china and tried to get back the americans in. Or really tried to give the iranians the financial the financial benefit of staying in the Nuclear Agreement they still are now facing and how do we react with the iranian pulled out of the next Nuclear Agreement so theres a lot of work to do more diplomatically that have to be done in the next one to 3 weeks all right well have to leave it there christian one of the senior middle east experts from the bettles month foundation thank you for your insight it was a pleasure lets catch up now on some of the other stories making news around the world at least 20 soldiers have been killed in a militant attack in the town of grunow in northeastern nigeria thats according to witnesses and military officials they say the attack sparked a fire that destroyed hundreds of homes an Extremist Group linked to the socalled Islamic State has claimed responsibility. Lebanon has issued a travel ban on former nissan chairman carlos gone after authorities questioned him over an interpol notice going out fled to lebanon from japan where he was awaiting trial on corruption charges going disputes all allegations against him and says that he would not get a fair trial in japan. An estimated 2000000 roman catholics in the philippines have joined an annual procession to pray to a centuries old with the statue of jesus christ known as the black nazarene. Walked barefoot along the 6 kilometers route and prayed to the icon that they believe performs miracles. Now in france thousands of people have hit the streets in another day of strikes and protests against president in my one proposed Pension Reforms his push for change has unleashed one of the longest strike actions in france in decades and its cause weeks of travel chaos lets go to our correspondent lisa lewis shes standing by for us in central paris covering this story for us hi lisa tell us whats been happening there in the french capital today. Well people here there are 10000 tens of thousands of people who are marching from some points in the east of paris. Towards the west of paris to the gulf. Obviously there are more than 200 protests and demonstrations happening across france today and this is the 36th day of strike here in france which is bringing to a whole lot really at least local transport here in paris and the train the right way transport across france this is the longest strike since the 930 is the longest right away strike lets hear more about what this is actually about. For more than a month no french workers have taken to the streets they are worried they will have to work longer for and contribute more to their pensions. The reform is one of the manual key electoral promises a single points based. Pension system for all replacing the 42 separate pension schemes that offer early retirement and other advantages mainly to Public Sector workers. When the faced with popular anger the government consulted Union Representatives earlier this week but wants to get the proposed reforms through parliament as soon as possible meanwhile unions insist that the planned increase in pensionable age be taken off the table. Pension age measure must be withdrawn its what our actions will be about in the coming days and weeks. As the standoff between unions and government continues strikes go on dividing public opinion. Sick she says its horrible im tired af come back from holidays and poor things have improved but no i think its even worse. So i hope things return to normal soon as it was because i think its getting on everyones young and old its quite annoying. But this is. It annoys me but its fine its for the common good. I think its worth it because from what i understand were going to work a lot longer a lot less. Concessions have been made to some in the Public Sector with those born before 1075 exempt from the new system but others especially the Younger Generation are determined to strike until they get what they see as a fair pension deal so lisa as he said you know these strikes have been going on for weeks is there any end in sight. Well the government is negotiating with the unions again since the beginning of this week they the government especially wants to convince the c. F. D. T. Union which is the most moderate union here in france that union is opposed to one specific measure included in the reform that is have to push up the age the pension age which will it which you would get a full rate pension here in france from 62. 00 to 64. 00 though so see if he is radically opposed to that if the government withdraws that measure or water sit down at least there is chance that the c. S. T. Union will agree on that however there are more radical unions here in france and they have pledged to continue the strike until the government withdraws the reform so we can actually look forward so to say 2 more strikes ahead more weeks of strikes ahead lets just be clear here the government doesnt really need the support of the union in that it has a majority in parliament at the plan is to introduce the draft law in the cabinet later this month and discuss it in parliament next month but obviously the government of iran in a car the president wants to make sure that it gets the largest share supports of support from the people here in france can. We say looks like nobody is prepared to to budge how important is the standoff from both sides. Its really important for the unions but also for the government the unions want to show that they still play a role here in french politics you know just look back over the past year there were yellow vests protests each week and the unions didnt really play a large role there and they have to show that they still you know can actually make the government move and have an influence on National Politics the government on the other hand in my car has pledged to push through the state for me was part of his election manifesto when he was elected in 2017 and many people here say that if he doesnt manage to bring through this reform its very unlikely that we will be able to put in place any other major reform in the last few years of his time in power and also it diminishes his chances to get reelected reelected in a few years time alissa just quickly we heard some voices of frustration in that report of travellers or how popular is the strife movement. Well the san frenzy of the french who supports the strike us is still higher than those who dont support it and also and most of the people put the blame on the government so for now it looks like the strike has have the biggest share of the french population on that side. Puerto lisa lewis reporting there in paris thank you so much. To a shock announcement in the British Royal family the duke and duchess of sussex prince harry and Meghan Markle say they want to step back from the royal duties and spend more time in north america reports say the news took Prince Charles and the queen by surprise and the head of the royal family is apparently not amused by that decision. And megan on their wedding day it was thought to be the start of a new chapter for the British Royal family but it was not meant to read like this in an Instagram Post the couple explained they would stay back a senior royals and were deemed to become financially independent it seems the cult even the queen of our guard shes reported to be heart one commentator said it was beyond belief last year was pretty grim for you for the royal family this has begun in a way that is not only completely unprecedented but potentially it undoubtedly has of various serious consequences in a terror statement the Royal Household said these were quote complicated issues that would require time to work through ever since they revealed their relationship to the world harry and megan never looked all too comfortable with the rule when their son archie was born the kept the details under wrap much to the era taishan of britains for racial top lloyd price. After the 2 of africa last summer their rift with the media widened when they said they were suing a newspaper over invasion of privacy. And in december they said they would break from tradition to spend the Christmas Holidays not with the queen but in canada. Outside Buckingham Palace and the reaction to the bombshell news has been mixed i have. Taken a step back from the media because ive been there in the media so much so if they want to live a private life that. Maybe they. Can you can but youre responsible you think. They should be ice coating with. It may be that such High Expectations have brought this rupture but that and were at leeds next only harry a mega no. Right a shock for the royal family. Dollars been looking into the story for us hes with us hi peter what reactions have you been seeing to the story so i mean it is move over rex it theres a new hashtag its called mix it its been trending ever since the shock announcement and its a pretty mixed bag some saying that you know the royal couple theyve theyve gone too far like this one saying they didnt even bother consulting the queen calling it grateful and calling them entitled brats. Others are saying they havent really gone far enough like call an escape mall b. Who said you know cant blame anyone for quitting the family its an Outdated Institution which ruins the lives of most people in it is going to quit though they have to quit properly so ditch the royal titles and the royal patronage is you cant have it both ways think in other spawning more tongue in cheek saying what you can resign your family. So mixed back there yet it seems to have evoked such strong emotion i mean why is this such a big deal well there are a number of reasons for this and try to stick with me one are you know or these were the most popular broke couple a reason you go poll. At harry just trailing narrowly Queen Elizabeth as the most popular. Of the world family just in terms of sheer popularity this is a huge blow for the royal family secondly though make it had very much been billed as you know the royal familys britain hope they had just the right mix of pomp and progressiveness and so they were seen as kind of bringing in this new era for the royal family that maybe more people couldnt meyer and relate to and that really was sorely needed. The role of family. Seen a lot of scandals in this is specially last year Prince Andrew had to step down amid criticism of his friendship with the late disgraced paedophile geoffrey epstein. And so lastly and this is a point that i think a lot of people didnt grow up in monarchies may not really fully understand at a time of political turmoil the royal family families really look to for a kind of a sense of continuity instability and you know Prime Ministers they come and go the crown is for life and so from exit to come less than 3 weeks before thats really an earthquake what about the future of herion magen 1000 mean we saw in that statement they said that they want to make themselves financially independent how are they going to do that you know well before you begin to secure theyre not going to have to sleep in the streets right theyll keep their titles theyll keep their role cottage their security bill will still be paid for what theyre doing essentially by stepping down the senior members of the world family means that theyre giving access to the suffering gran and that is the annual funding mechanism of the monarchy and so theyre now free to earn their own money just shortly after making the announcement they rolled out this new website its called sussex or royal dot com and they actually trademarked mark that name back in december and that already feels a bit of speculation that they might be up to something but whats interesting is that. Theyre basically relaunching myself this is brand right so not unlike the obama swore the clintons or belittling the gate in macon are now going to use the reg name recognition to launch a big can potentially very Successful Charity if that doesnt work out though it looks like theres a job opening over the daily show for the know the host of the late night comedy show jokingly published this job yesterday saying hes looking for 2 new employees they must be very good at waving how the 10 to one or more weddings the balding sorts and make any council man or theo to be able for parties so not all hope is lost there is a prospect for her to make it all right our reporter thank you so much. Now the tokyo 2020 summer olympics will be a green games for athletes all competitors will be sleeping on origami beds that are cardboard based and the bed frames are made from recyclable cardboard and have a Load Capacity of 200 kilograms so theyll support even the biggest athletes and the mattresses are long enough for the tallest athletes theyll be reuse for Plastic Products after the games making the most of the 18000. 00 beds that will be required at the village in tokyo bay. And finally the show must go on thats the motto for an Elvis Presley festival in australia diehard fans are boarding the elvis express bound for the annual extravaganza dedicated to the rock n roll legend a 5 day event in rural New South Wales is going ahead despite the bushfire disaster that is a gripping much of the country festival goers are being encouraged to make a donation to the fund for firefighters battling the blaze. Lets get a reminder now of our top stories here as people mourn those killed when a ukrainian International Airlines plane crashed soon after taking off from tehran theres mystery over what cost back crash irans air Traffic Control says there was no distress call for the plane did try to return to the airport. And on the day after rainy and missiles hit faces hosting u. S. Troops President Trumps ambassador to the United Nations has said the u. S. Is ready to engage without precondition in serious negotiations with iran that appears to be a sign of the escalating tension signaled by trump on whats. Coming up next on news asia a new virus could be behind in the like outbreak in a chinese city our science correspondent i have details and tsunami survivors from indonesia ride the waves to tackle the trauma of the disaster that hit their country 16 years ago. Will have those stories coming up on good news asia thank you for watching. Here i am been taken. To closest place to hell im just. In standing here. And gangsters a camp. All trains keamy and more ignorant than you. Nice news and keeping. Mom. Eleazar story. Because a. Must. Starts january 27th on d w. Every 2 seconds a person is forced to flee their home nearly 71000000 people have been forcibly displaced. The consequences have been disastrous our documentary series displaced depicts dramatic humanitarian crises around the world not. Forgetting when i didnt go to university to kill people that say i dont want to have my boss come to me and tell me to kill someone having in many and if i dont theyll kill me. People feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad suborn. Scares me the most about this stage seem to arise is that someday we wont even see the really sad. But what will become of us who stay behind and say my husband went to peru because of the crisis. If he hadnt gone there we would have died of hunger. Lets run on down the. Just one store chain of 15. This afternoon coming up the virus behind an outbreak join us is a new kind of virus called the pneumonia like m. S. In the city of 159 patients to the hospital but how vigilant is it and should we be concerned plus. Suffering through the pain tsunami survivors from indonesia find healing in the

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