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After dozens of women including several top hollywood actresses claim that he sexually assaulted the. Brain all thats left are memories all strongly and count the cost of bushfires and appeal for funds to help save their unique wildlife but the government promised the danger is not over yet and the battle for water a river valley in the philippines could become a reservoir to supply in the thirsty capital manila but at what cost to the People Living in this green and pleasant lane. Im burnt off its good to have you with us we begin tonight with more threats traded between the u. S. And iran iranian president Hassan Rouhani has told donald trump to quote never threaten the iranian nation he reacted to trumps threat today to hit as many as 52. 00 targets if the Islamic Republic retaliate for the assassination of general cost him in tehran huge crowds today turned out for the funeral of the general and others who were killed in that u. S. Drone strike. Weeping over the remains of irans top military commander. The Supreme Leader ayatollah ali hamdani visibly moved as he led funeral prayers for his former close ally. Hundreds of thousands of mourners gathered to pay their respects to general kasem sulaimani killed in a u. S. Drone strike in iraq on friday. I mean if you have bob on the couch then a piece his assassination is considered a declaration of war by many iranians. Speaking at her fathers funeral the generals own daughter has promised were prizes positive margin higher 5 other than army quite that i dont want families of american soldiers in western asia have witnessed americas humiliation in syria iraq on in lebanon afghanistan yemen and palestine not yet they will spend their days waiting for the death of the children. And the anger is spreading across borders in lebanon the iran backed hezbollah militia has threatened to hit American Forces in the region yeah. Meanwhile the Iraqi Parliament has voted to end the u. S. Military presence in the country some 5000 u. S. Troops are there officially to help defeat socalled Islamic State u. S. President donald trump has already warned fagged that it could be hit by tough sanctions if it follows through with his threat. But its irans promise of revenge thats focusing minds terrine has already promised that it will no longer abide by the 2015 nuclear deal raising the stakes even further. And im joined here at the big table now by my colleague iraqi journalist amir with ali amir its good to see you know we asked you to come on the show tonight because you have reported a lot from iraq and iraq is now part of the story there are real real fears tonight that this conflict if it becomes know a military conflict between iran and the u. S. Could destabilize iraq how likely is that i think not just destabilizing iraq could be the next battlefield between the United States and iran iran will nuts risking to have a direct confrontation with the United States on their own turtoni in iraq they will use the rocky to return through their proxies and not forget that is another also proxies in afghanistan they should also have been using from the spigot to attacking also soldiers in afghanistan and we are now facing some speculation about the reaction of iranian about i think in the beginning all the sort of thinks will begin in iraq what do you make then with the Iraqi Parliament voting to basically kick out the u. S. Military i think this is a symbol it could be and it is not a binding right you know it is not a law it is just just want to give it back up for the Prime Minister when he want to sit with american americans officials talking about then youll illegal or legal structure and. The presence of United States in iraq because iraq is really very angry about that because not of all silly mommy because were not talking about the next the 2nd man thats been killed by the on. This will disease iraq enough fishel and killed by the americas in iraq in International Airports well how do you read this weve got the United States saying that iraq is a us ally but at the same time youve got the Iraqi Parliament saying it wants the u. S. Military out and you have the u. S. President threatening sanctions against iraq i mean thats thats not how allies talk with each other is it. By the way you are talking about thieves very important point because the allies should be talking and discussion but the midst of bread president decide without number talk with his allies especially rock specially the the land where his troops is operating that i think iraq is still. Looking for a said you should how the how this is illusion looks like because the main cost is going to pay is iraqis well what about a russian or a chinese solution if you will there are reports that china has told the Prime Minister in iraq that Chinese Military assistance is a possibility now well. You solve the problem with the americans and then come the chinese i think chinese of course they have interest because that is a 1000000000 deals have iraq signed with chinese with china the last months and i think also interesting just to see how the. United states in iraq and just to fill that vacuum in iraq what about what about Islamic State to be the reason that we that weve got these u. S. Troops in iraq the official reason is to protect iraq from Islamic State exactly we still have sleeper cells in iraq in syria state and the possible vacuum of United States specially iraqis is not able to control the sky you know in iraq and they are not capable to call everything. Every day in iraq i think the threat is still there and thats why i think iraqis should. We should think civil time just before they decide to kick off the United States outside iraq yeah i mean its definitely volatile situation i mean it was always as always we appreciate your reporting thank you. Well amid the growing tension in the middle east and nato has called for deescalation after an emergency briefing natos chief. Has warned iran against further violence take a listen. We agree iran must never requires a Nuclear Weapon we shared concern about irans to me such tests and we are united in condemning iran suit ports for about all you feel all different types of scoops and you conflict would be in no ones interest. So we are on must refrain from further violence on provocations that was to his native there you speaking earlier today heres some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world forces under libyan strongman Khalifa Haftar say they have entered in taking control of large parts of the coastal city is located midway between the capital of tripoli and huff they held been gonzi if confirmed it would be an important gain enough tars offensive against the u. S. Backed government in tripoli islamic militants stormed an army base used by u. S. Antiterrorist forces in kenya on sunday 3 americans were killed now this footage purports to show the fiery aftermath Authorities Say 5 attackers were also killed in the 1st assault by al shabaab the group which is in kenya police in uganda have detained singer turned president ial hopeful bobby wine as he arrived for a rally they say the it was illegal although it had been authorized by the Electoral Commission why it is hoping to run for president next year he has been facing arrest from the authorities for a man described as britains most prolific rapist has been sentenced to life in prison for in student rain hard sunanda from indonesia was convicted of 159 sex offenses not all of his victims whom he drugged in lowered home have been identified. Well the trial of former Film Producer Harvey Weinstein has begun in new york weinstein is facing charges of rape and Sexual Assault brought by 2 women at the same time he faces new charges in los angeles this strict attorney there is charged him with raping one woman and sexually assaulting another back in 2013 weinstein has denied the new york charges he says any sexual encounters that did occur were consensual the disgraced former hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein arriving at the new York Supreme Court the 67 year old continues to use a walking frame as a result of an august car accident for which the Police Report details no injuries the Film Producer will face 5 charges brought by 2 women including one of rape the woman who accuses weinstein on that most serious charge remains anonymous the other is former Production Assistant who alleges the pope fiction produce a forcibly performed all rule 6 on both of my clients in this case. Have been very brave very courageous because theyre willing to testify under oath to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help them god 6 women in total to testify if found guilty on all charges one sting could spend the rest of his life in jail and were going to continue to press on and remind everyone that in this great country you are innocent until Proven Guilty actress patricia that was one of more than 80 women who came forward in 2017 to detail complaints about mr weinstein from a social media hash tag at its beginnings the made to handle became the name for a Global Movement that now has its dying in court facing the man whose actions are now under the judicial microscope. While the emotion of the day runs high i join these other brave women who are also harmed by Harvey Weinstein to say. We are going anywhere the case continues in new york on tuesday the trial is expected to last up to 2 months. And for more on Harvey Weinsteins trial and joined now by our correspondent public. Signed the new York Supreme Court where the troll is taking place probably even see you we know that about 80 women a huge Harvey Weinstein of Sexual Harassment but this trial is only about 2 cases why is there. Hi brenda youre absolutely right it is you know just whittled down to 2 cases that they did take place here in new york and its important before going into more detail on those cases that i mentioned of course that there are now new charges of course being brought against Harvey Weinstein across the country in los angeles stuff has just been announced today here in the United States were going back to this trial of course here in new york there are some very serious charges which are being brought against Harvey Weinstein there are 5 charges in total 2 kinds of predatory Sexual Assault one kinds of criminal sexual acts and 2 kinds of right and if convicted of these charges Harvey Weinstein could actually end up in prison for life and today we saw him arrive here at the courthouse behind me with the help of a walker and there has been some criticism against Harvey Weinstein for that claiming that hes sort of acting off. Surgery that he had thats what his lawyers have said is the reason for using the framework and also with regards to the charges being brought against him we expect that both accusers will take the stand and also the prosecution wants to bring in other women who had allegations or acustom Harvey Weinstein all of the sexual acts a against him to also be brought in as witnesses. Spike the fact that those accusations didnt end up in charges being brought against Harvey Weinstein the reason for that is to sort of build up the prosecutions case to show that this is a mine who has allegedly been engaging in you know pretty serious behavior over the past decade or 2 we know theres been a lot of reporting to be attending this trial especially today we also know that Harvey Weinstein in these accusations the hash tag need to movement how will the outcome from this trial how will it impact. Will the me too movement of course they had a very many of the advocates were down here at the courthouse some still remain around here now even though its a lot quieter but earlier this morning there were many down here to to speak to the press to speak to the media which. Is well theres a huge Media Presence here deserves a lot of interest in this not only here nationally in the United States but of course internationally and they were speaking about the gravity of this on how important it is that these charges result in a conviction against Harvey Weinstein to send out a message to other people women who have been you know the victims who are the victims of these kind of crimes that are being brought against Harvey Weinstein that he is convicted on they do feel that if they go to the authorities it will result in these predators or these people who carry i. D. s acts actually seeing so many you know charges being brought against him and actually being convicted of those crimes so they want to stress that today here at the courthouse here in manhattan and humble you know the news of these new charges in los angeles against weinstein you know thats just coming in right now how much of a shock is is that where your. Well its come as a little bit of a shock because of course its well known here in the United States stuff there were 2 open fronts well say against Harvey Weinstein one in los angeles and also one in london and its reporters so you know in many respects it comes a bit of a shock that its taking place today and the opening day of the try the trial which is expected to take place firstly we need to jury selection then its going to have were going to have 8 weeks of. You know a trial and then well have to deliberations so yeah a big shock here in the United States it is coming particularly today at the start of this day to be used. In new york public thank you. And now to australia that countrys government has today pledged the equivalent of a 1000000000 and a half u. S. Dollars to help communities ravaged by the devastating bushfires the Prime Minister Scott Morrison is warning that the fires will continue burning for months to come at least 24. 00 people have died thousands have lost their homes. Returning to the rubble a break in the weather is giving some bushfire victims a chance to reflect on what theyve lost. Everythings just gone weve got nothing to memorise. Right before the shovel or something in the shade or something but thats about all that but we do have edibles. So weve just got to be thankful for that the videos are still emerging from the recent days of devastation this one from an air force plane trying to deliver supplies to trapped residents it was forced to turn back. Here what was once a skiing resort in the Snowy Mountains is now a charred wasteland. Similar scenes abound across australias fire ravaged southeast and while cooler temperatures and some light showers are providing sprinkles of relief wealth already is worn worse may be said come. We cant be complacent the last until at least the end of march and given where the conditions could even be on the time the fires are still burning the fires are still burning and theyll be burning for months to come after facing heavy criticism the government now says it will commit billions of dollars to the relief efforts but more helping hands are still needed Animal Rescue shelters caring for injured wildlife seeking donations. This rich country is now fighting to save its natural treasures. Chinas new top official in hong kong says he has 4 coffins in the citys long term prosperity and stability he says that despite 8 months of antigovernment protests. When he says that he hopes the similarly autonomous chinese territory will soon be quote back on track following sometimes violent demonstrations that weve seen recently for democracy activists in hong kong they are campaigning for more rights and freedoms. Or correspondent bullinger he has been following that story for us and he gave us this assessment of beijings new hong kong official. This is the 1st reshuffle since the hong kong crisis has started almost 7 months ago and it is the 1st time beijing does something that can be seen as admitting that their own policies so far have failed law than you had of this heavily guarded Liaison Office the Central Governments Liaison Office in this city has never had anything to do with Hong Kong Affairs before it is a fresh start and it shows that the team of officials that has been managing beijings interests in this city so far has lost trust off the Central Government this might not mean however that the new policy will seek greater dialogue with the opposition that they will take a softer approach on this city based everything that we hear from beijing so far points to that their analysis is that they have been too lenient on hong kong in the past and that was didnt use much he is willing are reporting from hong kong in the philippines a lack of rain is threatening Water Supplies for millions of residents of the capital manila a new chinese funded reservoir in the north may help but critics say it will also displace thousands of Indigenous People and destroyed large areas of forced. To mali and since this exclusive report the country while river has always run through the share a modern Mountain Range in northern philippines and a controversial dam project could change its course forever. Up ahead is the planned construction site for the collie walk down and all along this forest wall here a big tunnel will be built and you have to imagine that all around us will be submerged under more than 60 meters of water washing away communities like this one the village of seato cuba is closest to the dam site here the indigenous dumaguete people have lived alongside peasant farmers for generations signs opposing the downed abound. Well. I dont agree with the. Especially if its going to destroy the sources of income. Like a cross and a coconut tree. Build a down at the expense of all families livelihood. It may well serve others. But whats about to us by putting the economy down is meant to secure water supply in manila the capital 40 kilometers away. The other to greater than metro by then but hes serious. About. Growing the most without the so really what. Philippine authorities argue displacing thousands is worth securing water for more than 12000000. 00 people and were at the controversial loan from china of more than 200000000. 00 critics say less damaging and cheaper alternatives like smaller dams were ignored as was due process. But there. Were insisting on the law according to the Indigenous Peoples rights act. The president to tear to should have gotten our friends and informed consent. Before he borrowed money or entered any kind of agreement with china. Or. The government has vowed to use extraordinary powers to force the project through many fear the loss of a way of life in accordance with the rhythms of nature and protective of the environment. That happened im old what about my grandchildren and their children where are they supposed to live what if they relocate us to manila how do we survive when were not used to life there. Here in the share a modern mountains the stage is set for an ever recurring impasse between the desire for preservation against others insist is progress. Right sort of news now in terms of the bundesliga title race is shaping up to be the close in years and for one so byron munich are not the favorites believe it or not after sacking their coach the coco back in november the bavarians turned to his assistant on the flick its flicks 1st top flight coaching job but that has not lowered by aarons sky high expectations. Have the flick has had to get used to being the center of attention but during his Introductory Press Conference in november he small or stole the limelight just a moment in. Super. Did someone say hey siri. Flick hasnt needed siri to help too much with performances on the pitch they buy and havent Won Every Game under his stewardship so far results have been good enough to keep his superiors happy. Hes doing a good job with very satisfied with the teams performance were also very satisfied with how hes handling everything as it says each. Team of buy and stature being 3rd in the table at this stage of the season is not especially satisfactory theyve been even worse off once in the last decade in the 201011 season and then by and didnt end up as champions it flick wants to extend his time as head coach to be on the end of the season only the title will do for that hes relying on team spirit but he says look goal is a team sports and there are several people involved im someone who enjoys having a strong team behind me and being able to involve all my backroom stuff and play is. But not everyone is present said bynes winter training camp. Flicks injury depleted squad is still missing long term absentee nicholas zuma a key defender as well a star striker robert levin hardly ideal for a coach whos under the microscope this season. Or this is g. W. News and these are our top stories huge crowds have gathered in tehran to mourn the countrys top general. Money he was killed by a u. S. Drone strike in baghdad so the money successor is valid to expel American Forces from the middle east in response. The cost of australias fires is emerging with the government pledging 1500000000. 00 in assistance to fire victims and the Prime Minister is warning that the crisis could continue amid forecasts of more hot dry weather. The trial of a top hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein has begun in new york he faces charges of rape and Sexual Assault by 2 women he says in encounters more consensual as the trial began the waltz angeles District Attorney who brought 2 new sex charges against whites to. The film. 917 was the surprise winner of best drama at the Golden Globe Awards in los angeles last night. Was once upon a time in hollywood was named best comedy and stars name and you Joaquin Phoenix one best actor prize. Well this is the w. News from berlin for more you can follow us on twitter i did you news or you can visit our website at the top we used dot com. Youre watching the w. News wire from berlin more news coming up at the top of the hour ill be back then with world news followed by the day i hope to see that. Fridays from minus 30 celsius in the german Cola Research station the scientists want to set. Out on the front line of Climate Change Research Take up half finding. A disappearing ice. To talk to. Close selfish. Here i am going to get. Sick claims displaced to hallams nuisance and standing kin. And gangsters a camp at all it. Came a lot more than you. And i sees and you can do more the unfortunate. Mom. I want to follow the story. Because a. Must. Starts in january 27th on d w. I was here when i arrived here i slept with 6 people in a room for the night. It was hard i was fair. I even got white hairs that. Learning the german language help me a lot this beats me and could help us to maybe to instruct the slaves you want to know their story the lights are fighting and reliable information for margaret. What. Were going talk to the coldest continent on earth. A fragile ecosystem that were only just beginning to understand. Because Climate Change threatening the penguin colony is here. To get soil in the soft some of the species dont exist anywhere else if they disappear thatll be that those even. The little drama always global

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