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Spending to the health of the nation recover from the devastating bushfires despite some easing of the weather apologies are warning that there may be more fires later this week. Plus the stars come out for the Golden Globes and the world will one full 917. 00 takes the best drama and best actor or director of lords saving the top prizes from the nights expected big winner netflix. Kind of a warm welcome to you im with that. U. S. President dollar trump is valid to impose severe sanctions on iraq if it expels u. S. Troops deployed there Iraqs Parliament to score for foreign troops to leave but trump said baghdad would have to pay for the cost. An airbase if that happened meanwhile irans leaders have presided over the funeral of general custom stolen money and others killed in the u. S. Drone strike on friday. Weeping over the remains of irans top military commander. Bremer leader ayatollah ali how money visibly moved as he leads funeral prayers for his former close ally. Hundreds of thousands of mourners gathered to pay their respects to general cass and salim money killed in a u. S. Drone strike in iraq on friday. His assassination is considered a declaration of war by many iranians. Speaking at her fathers funeral the generals own daughter has promised reprisals there are higher than army quite that ive asked families of american soldiers in western asia have witnessed americas humiliation and syria iraq lebanon afghanistan yemen and palestine they will spend their days waiting for the death of their children. And the anger is spreading across borders in lebanon the ran back to hezbollah militia has threatened to hit American Forces in the region meanwhile the Iraqi Parliament has voted to end the u. S. Military presence in the country some 5000 u. S. Troops are there officially to help defeat socalled islamic state. U. S. President donald trump has already warned baghdad that it could be hit by tough sanctions if it follows through with this threat but its irans promise of revenge thats focusing minds to iran has already announced it will no longer abide by the 2015 nuclear deal raising the stakes even further. And for more on the story and its regional implications im joined in the studio by iraqi journalist. Welcome maybe so a lot of anger over this docketed assassination in tehran but its also risk tensions within. Iraq now how likely is it that baghdad could extend u. S. Troops as a 2nd to do america after the voting of Iraqi Parliament i think the condition of Iraqi Government to talk with american about their presence in iraq become stronger enough for the Prime Minister just to put another another kleeman other condition to talk about that topic i think in the end of the day the majority of iraqis now think that they are hit and. Respect and civility because we are talking about sulaimani but we forgot we are not talking about the 2nd and that has been killed in iraq. This which is is that the beauty of the chief of the hashmi shia militia which is part of the legal troops in iraq i think iraq is just not think about. That a guest has been killed a man about also their own man also in iraq thats why the anger is quite quite that on this day a very important man for iraq still the u. S. Has threatened sanctions if iraq what its really about u. S. Troops deployed and its country. Is the presence of u. S. Soldiers in iraq i think. So i think iraq still needs United States and other allies by the way also the knots of partners because still iraq would not have any full control over his some of threats from. Sales of islamic states still there from syria i think the stability is in iraq still fragile its not 100 percent stable in the end of the day how and when and how long the International Troops will be present in iraq this is a question i think Iraqi Government should answer again as they had. There john has vowed revenge over the assassination of genitally money what form could this revenge take and could this effect iraq as event definitely indeed because i think that there ruction would be a primary in the iraqi territory because iranian has a lot of proxies and they are going to try also through that proxy to targeting americans prisons in iraq were still talking about between 7 and 10000 soldiers in iraq which well known their positions and their equipment from iran inside i think in the end of the day iraq will be the 1st reaction battlefield if we can say for that and this is also a cost a lot of blood for you probably iraqi side and the countrys already facing a difficult time and they thank you very much for your insights. Now on the back of these tensions in the middle east german chancellor Angela Merkel will travel to moscow on saturday for talks aggression president Vladimir Putin this mean draw in our Political Correspondent Thomas Sparrow russia is a key player in the middle east germany not so much what is chancellor merkel hoping to achieve by meeting london the fortean. If you carefully read german statements on all this situation you will see that one of the key words is restraint to try and make sure that in any way possible there is deescalation are such german policies and germanys priorities now is to try and talk to different players that are important in the region you mentioned correctly that russia plays a very Important Role in the region and germany can play an Important Role when it comes to trying to influence russia in one way or another this has to do in particular with the fact that both. Have been in power for a very long time they know each other very well they speak each others languages to a certain extent so im going to speaks russian im very important speaks german and as such germany is seen as a country that in many ways can try and play some influence in russia and not forget that russia is also a signatory of the j c p o h o the Iran Nuclear Deal and thats something that germany wants to say that some of that germany wants to work on so are such is a very important meeting between the 2 leaders a meeting that by the way will also take place with germanys foreign minister if that is true heikal masa foreign minister is also going to be there at this meeting which is considered by some as unusual what kind of miss is does it give us. It gives a very clear message that this is a very important on a very delicate situations or germany is going to travel to russia not only with the german chancellor but also with the German Foreign minister both of whom have been playing a very Important Role when it comes to trying again to deescalate to show restraint to try and mediate for example has already announced that he will be talking to his iranian counterpart to try and find ways out of this situation so this gives you an idea of how important this is that germany is also trying to speak to different players but in particular russia as i explained because germany sees that with russia it can have a particular role now the German Government is facing criticism for failing to define a clear position in veals the escalation of tension between iran and the United States is not a fair accusation to luss germany has indeed been criticized for having a soft position or a position that is not clear enough but lets not forget there germany when it comes to its Foreign Policy when it comes to these kinds of crises its rather slow moving machine and as such germany has always focused on deescalating on trying to negotiate on trying to find ways of opening channels of communication and thats something that germany will probably continue to do even though it might face criticism here internally from some of the opposition parties and maybe even abroad as well dont most of these Political Correspondent thank you very much for that assessment. Let me now bring up to some other stories making news around the world islamic militants stormed an army base used by u. S. Antiterrorist forces in kenya islamic county on sunday killing 3 americans these pictures purport to show the firing off tomorrow Authorities Say 5 attackers were also killed in the 1st assault by the group on u. S. Forces in kenya. 4 people have been killed in a fire at a hospice in poland another 22 were injured in the blaze in the western town of see a Police Spokesman said the blaze was caused by a patient smoking. Police in the german city of gals and should have shot and killed a man who attacked them with the knife this is the man 1st attacked a police car before prove offices Authorities Say theyre investigating whether there was an extremist motive behind the attack. Police in india say dozens of people were injured when a mob attacked students and teachers at a well known university in the capital delhi the violence at Jawaharlal Nehru university has sparked outrage with critics calling for action to be taken against the perpetrators. Australias government has pledged the equivalent of a 1000000000 and a half us dollars to help communities ravaged by the devastating bushfires but Prime Minister Scott Morrison warned that the fires would continue burning for months to come at least 24 people have died and thousands have lost their homes. Its a warning no one ever wants to hear we cannot guarantee your safety at present if you are i able to defend yourself mentally. Or physically or take yourself or your homes. Eightys recommended that you leave. Thousands of australians have been forced to decide stay and defend their homes or leave and lose everything. My neighbors. Property and i didnt study it back or i did. Want the world sworn so sorry. Lets go. This is what many will return to over a 1000 homes have been destroyed in recent days. The by animals of the silent victims burned paddocks and on the roadside. Experts say over half a 1000000000 animals have been killed those that have survived a burn down to their skins. Now the army reserve has been called up to help the relief efforts. This is the largest single. Of the Defense Force reservists working together with the full time Defense Forces to provide a support which this country has never seen before the Prime Minister is fighting political fires after being criticised for his handling of the crisis. More scorching days are full cost the only thing that can stop the blazes is rain and no serious showers are expected for weeks. Chinas new top official in hong kong says he has full confidence in the citys long term prosperity and stability despite 8 months of antigovernment protests lou flaming said he hoped the semi autonomous chinese territory would soon be back on track following the sometimes managed demonstrations prodemocracy activists in hong kong are campaigning for more rights and freedoms. China correspondent mathias building has been following that story for us he gave us this assessment of beijings new hong kong official. This is the 1st reshuffle since the hong kong crisis has started almost 7 months ago and it is the 1st time beijing does something that can be seen as admitting that their ongoing policies so far have failed law or evening the new head of this heavily guarded Liaison Office the Central Governments Liaison Office in this city has never had anything to do with Hong Kong Affairs before it is a fresh start and it shows that the cim of officials that has been managing beijings interests in this city so far has lost trust off the Central Government this might not mean however that the new policy will seek greater dialogue with the opposition that they will take a softer approach on the city everything that we hear from beijing so far points to that their analysis is that they have been too lenient on hong kong in the past that facility is spilling reporting from hong kong here watching the news coming up ahead a surprise win at the Golden Globes was the one epic 917th stills of this rama and best director awards from under the nose of netflix well bring you all the details later in the program. But 1st to venezuela which has seen fresh political chaos to rival lawmakers are claiming the post of parliamentary speaker following to set. Votes on sunday opposition lawmakers have reluctant leader one guy though to the post but thats after he was blocked from entering the National Assembly legislature there the ruling socialists under Nicolas Maduro elected their own candidate. Venezuelas parliament on sunday amid extraordinary scenes will make a luis posada is sworn in as new parliamentary president. I wonder why you all sorry why dont you as we all did that he needed to be here no one stopped me from coming in he didnt have enough votes thats why he decided to stay outside the parliamentary palace. He was. In his supporters could clearly not get in the man who calls himself into him president even tried to climb the railings members of the National Guard stopped them entering the building. Looking b. B. Q. The constitution has to be respected today every member of Parliament Must have the right to vote but were going to stay here until we get inside but. He and his supporters outside were completely cut off from what was happening inside that they were sure any vote without them would not be valid and ya know there was no way the necessary number of people were in there and they would have never had a majority but parliamentarians were held back by force that prevented the seating even being properly opened. The position of parliamentary president is significant a year ago quite oh declared himself into him president of the country he cited doubts over the reelection of president Nicolas Maduro the constitution says west but hes failed to get the militarys backing leaving the country with 2 supposed president s and entire us. Madura recently said that the opposition dominated parliament which backs quite oh had only damaged the country given some of us unless you know how much is being abused as a place where conspirators work to damage venezuela financially to create a coup and enable a Foreign Military invasion whats going on here i mean the pattern where now why job is also talking about a coup against parliamentary democracy. You know this is the day that the rule of law was wrecked the republic was killed and that if only the question of who is president is just the 1st of many that urgently needs an aunts. Form of him to do so Harvey Weinstein has arrived in court in new york for the start of his trial weinstein is facing charges of Sexual Assault and rape based on the counts of dozens of women including several top hollywood actresses weinstein has denied the charges he says any sexual encounters were consensual. The disgraced former hollywood mogul leaving court in december 67 year old Harvey Weinsteins health appears to have to terry aerated sharply in just 2 years after the scandal around him started to unfold. In 2017 weinstein was still a cochairman of the Weinstein Company alongside his brother bob. Together they produced a number of highly successful movies including pulp fiction shakespeare in love and django unchained. In october 2017 several women many of them actresses came forward to accuse weinstein of Sexual Harassment the allegation sparked the global feminist me to movement which soon spread from the Film Industry to many other aspects of society weinsteins case continued to bring forward one new account after another he led me to his bathroom pleading that i just watch him masturbate. My heart was racing and i was very scared. I pulled my arm away finally and headed to the door he started following me and telling me that he could introduce me to Bob Weinstein and i could get a 3 picture deal and that he would green light my script but i had to watch him masturbate about 80 women have spoken out about Harvey Weinstein among them actresses Angelina Jolie ashley judd and Gwyneth Paltrow according to paul cho she was 22 years old when weinstein made sexual advances against her. Following the accusations the academy of Motion Picture arts and sciences which awards the oscars expelled weinstein he was fired from his own company in october 2017 immediately after the scandal broke weinsteins wife Georgina Chapman announced she was leaving him. The criminal trial against weinstein is based on 2 cases of Sexual Assault and rape dating from 20062013 but prosecutors will call on several other accusers to establish a pattern of predatory sexual behavior. Now for more on Harvey Weinsteins trial im joined by the correspondent for the whos outside the new York Supreme Court welcome now theyre both men who accuse Harvey Weinstein of sexual how dismissed but only 2 of them being go to trial now involved in this trial how come. Well youre absolutely right 2 of many accusations and were focusing on 2 women one of whom identity has actually hasnt been revealed the accusations that theyve brought against Harvey Weinstein took place here in new york am and i were talking as well of a very serious charges fall even total 2 kinds of predatory Sexual Assault about word predatory were going to hear time and time again when it comes to this case one kind of criminal sexual act and 2 kinds of rape very serious crimes that if Harvey Weinstein is convicted of and he just actually arrives several minutes ago here at the new york or times and im standing in front of he could face life in prison as the accusers the 2 accusers are expected to take the stand and it is also being said that other accusers of Sexual Misconduct will say against Harvey Weinstein are also going to take the stand for the probe for the prosecution and even though charges werent brought against Harvey Weinstein in those particular cases its a tactic thats being used by the prosecution to show that this is there has been a pattern of behavior by Harvey Weinstein that is step stretch back decades now the defense is claiming that the 2 accusers the sexual relations that took place between them were actually consensual so you know were also expecting a pretty long trial amrita and the we can see this heavy security at the Supreme Court in new york where youre standing now what can you tell us a month what is said to happen in this trial. Youre absolutely right there is a huge Media Presence here both nationally and internationally and also many members of the me too movement of come here advocates ive seen a few actresses walk by in just the past few minutes some of been speaking to the media whats going to happen today is the opening day of the trial tomorrow choose day to jury selection will begin that will take a couple of weeks and then once the jury has been selected then there will be a probably 8 weeks of actual you know. Trial taking place followed by of course the deliberations so we could stretch up into some time in march when we will be seeing a verdict against Harvey Weinstein and in fact it was a scandal will be weinstein that that sparked the need to campaign what impact do you think this trial is going to have on the move when you said various members of the need to move there. Youre absolutely right theyve come out to sort of make a very you know strong point here that this is not just about the Entertainment Industry this is you know an issue that has been affecting women in all industries here in the United States and across the world and also theyre very concerned that perhaps if Harvey Weinstein is not convicted of any of the charges that are being brought against him it will have a negative impact on other accusers of you know sex crimes because it will make them sort of more fearful to go to our thirtys to make accusations or make claims against people so you know theyre focusing very much on hopefully getting as theyre saying a conviction against Harvey Weinstein on region. One side the new York Supreme Court maybe can help police sounds huge security presence thank you very much for the like update from there. Ok now 2 years ago the Golden Globe Awards who overshadowed by allegations against weinstein but last night so many got back to the business of celebrating the best a film and television its often seen as an indication of what to expect at next months all scuzz but last night was a night of upsets with 7 surprise when is taking call in the evenings most coveted prizes. The red carpet lit up with smiling celebrities and flashing cameras as the stars of hollywood gathered for the Golden Globes Award Ceremony its the 1st major red carpet event of 2020. The big surprise when it was director sam mendez film 1970 which won best drama beating favorites Marriage Story and joker. Quentin tarantinos film once upon a time in hollywood won best comedy. Own and in t. V. Comedy quirky hit seriously bad skip the top prize while the shows triple talent writer producer and actress Phoebe Waller bridge to come the award for best comedy actress for what you believe is only one. Thing to make me an author maybe it will ruin my life. Tom hanks won a Lifetime Achievement award for his decades of roles and many well loved films. Many recipients use the stage to call attention to Current Events and political issues like gender equality Climate Change and the bushfires in australia. That is facing you straight to gether hopefully we can be unified and actually make some changes its great to vote but sometimes we have to take that responsibility on ourselves we dont have to take private jets to palm springs for the world sometimes were back with these. Comedian and host Ricky Gervais has closed the ceremony asking the audience to donate to australians affected by the fires to australia right. Here watching the news coming up next on the job news. A mob attack on a university in delhi leaves india in shock with the finger of blame being pointed at the government. And the struggle for education in the philippine city thats recovering from this cause of the. Death and more coming up on news asia for. Me on the touchy mum and the rest of the news team thank you very much for your company more International News with sara kenny at the top of the hour a. Plastic list is it harmful to humans. More and more micro particles in the ocean are entering our food chain. From the flood or only is it hurting the environment but is it also bad for our. German scientists warn the mormons who live. Tomorrow today in 60 minutes on. Every journey begins with the 1st step and every minute reaching the 1st word im looking for the koch. In germany. Why not born with him. To stuff it simple online on your mobile and free. W z learning course speak german maybe see. Every 2 seconds the person is forced to flee their home. The consequences to say stress our documentary series displaced depicts traumatic humanitarian crises from around the world. Focusing we dont have time to think i didnt go to university to kill people. That way i mean painful people feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of course who stay behind its a claim. My husband went to peru because of the crisis. If he hadnt gone there we would have died of hunger one of them. Displaced towards china or 50 on. This is a doctor theres a shop coming up and on president a mob attack on an Indian University mosque goons run right through a Prestigious University in delhi students and teachers i enjoyed the servants but what prompted the attack and why is the opposition blaming the government for it plus. A city reduced to rubble in an all out battle against isis whats going to take to get thousands of children evacuated during the siege back into school

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