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We reporters out traveling to fix countries where borders have vanished or new ones are about to pop up and what governments foreign thing you can hear in wherever they can but they still take the use money. To. Play it ok ok but wait a minute this is a good example of how europe could why ill tell you more about that in a minute theyve made its made in europe please. When the bad weather and berlin becomes unbearable remember Southern Europe its not fall away you can take a cheap flights anywhere thats the e. U. I know. Hes. A few hours later and im on the beach in follow in the south of portugal i could just stay here for wanted to get a job or start a business but for people who are not you citizens its much harder the union may be softening internal borders but one is still quite difficult to cross the external border. Gazing across the atlantic towards home towards morocco. Every child heard that from his dad one day that my thoughts on the other side of the see there if you pay anything for to go you should work really hard in order to deserve it and. To go there. So honest a lot of us has made it at least in the eyes of moroccan fathers. Hes founded a company here in portugal which helps other non europeans to do the same. I imagine thats incredibly difficult to move to the e. U. And set up a company all the paperwork must be very confusing if you arent from here. I dont sell our us knows just how frustrating it can be thats why he developed an Online Platform that allows others to register a company with a mouse click even if theyre currently on another continent. Honestly its very hard to tell the intrapreneur from any african continent that europe is bad like europe has its pros and cons as every other continent but still these intrapreneur they want to grow they want to access bigger markers they want also to have a better social life and to gain entry. National experience new talking about International Experience ira certainly has plenty of it hes only 33 years old but his c. V. Is longer than many twice his age as a child he traveled a lot with his parents and that left its mark on him to begin with he became a jet pilot for the american army. Then he moved to south korea to work in space research. He later headed up large Construction Projects in japan indonesia qatar and canada before managing business in the middle east for a german company. Its a matter of if you want something badly. You just have to educate yourself right now like knowledge is everybody has access to the internet even in african countries so you have to have to educate yourself and you have to go after opportunities that kind of spirit certainly fits well with portugal a country thats super startup friendly especially its capital lisbon where its raining great. A recent study shows this relatively small city has become europes 5th largest stop for startups you need to hire. As an entrepreneur and startup lobbyist without the hype and the attention it generates its hard to build a momentum to do Something Like this here. She 1st Company Factory is converting an old Military Building into a huge office space for Tech Companies she works closely with the portuguese government which has launched a major push to attract Tech Companies and start ups a new business fees are makes entering the country easier for non european entrepreneurs. If they asked me how best to do it so we set up an online application process and did all the administrative stuff and then just let the people come to basically see how it would work other European Countries spend far too much time think. About something before actually putting it into action in the form of ma so far only around 60 startup founders have used the visa since the program was launched with no. Real strong Marketing Efforts from the government if you want to. Like this these youngsters in other countries but weve seen what theyre when you have to go and talk to them and help them come here. And i sell our us sees that as his task offering others the opportunity to follow in his footsteps because a border shouldnt be an obstacle to a good idea. Reporting from portugal has shown me that the advantages of being in the e. U. Are basically reserved for those who live in it and those advantages that not arise overnight. The neck of europe he wrote a beautiful princess in greek mythology carried to crete by a god wearing the form of a bull a figure that stands for the diversity of the continent that bears her name europes history has been one of bloody he was until free trade helped cement a lasting peace but the european idea is losing support in some quarters. The e. U. Is the largest trading bloc in the world in terms of economic output it ranks behind the United States as the head of china Member States share a common currency the euro but not all countries benefit to the same extent from the Union Germany for example and 3 times as much as italy with intra e. U. Exports here no border controls within most of the clock and no custom stairs e. U. Citizens can live and work in any country and sell goods and services there but theres a huge divergence in income and Living Standards across the block average wages range from 4 to 43 year as an hour and solidarity its crumbling the british want to keep out eastern europeans while hungary the Czech Republic and poland have refused to take in their share of refugees the e. U. Has an image problem many europeans see it as detached technocratic and practically run by lobbyists but much has also improved rules about the shape of cucumbers are long gone the European Commission now employs fewer Civil Servants than the city of munich but europe still gets blamed for things that go wrong for many in britain an argument for leaving the union. Europe could dare to be so much more a United States of europe with a common fiscal policy and wage equality. But many want the opposite and are happy to see the poor oprah carried away. The. Normal t. Shirt can easily travel 20000 kilometers before ending up in a shop but it doesnt have to be their way from start to finish my home grown homemade fully european t. Shirt on the travel a fraction of that my 1st stop was in lubec germany. Sandys to law runs a chain of clothing shops but he rejects the basic principles of the fast fashion industry. Faster cheaper ever greater volumes that is not what he is interested in. In the us then youre in against me the most important thing for me is that nobody gets exploited and that we protect the environment we only have this one world and they are going to the end of the earth. In order to reach isnt vicious goals he follows a strict policy. There are many sustainable fashion brands but we differ from most of them in that we try to do things entirely within europe from the Raw Materials to the finished article we aim to do it all within our region and by that you know i mean the European Union. To. Fashion made in europe the Single Market should make it really easy. Im going to check that out for myself. And retrace his production across europe the 1st stretches shot just a few kilometers to silence headquarters and warehouse. This is where the online shop as many new collections are designed. And the chances made to print t. Shirts. Its also over there stop before my new shirt is delivered. From your i set off with this wendys salute to poland. In which she has his own factory with a staff of 10 there you can set his own standards with one booklet do you really have to ship a piece of clothing 20000 kilometers around the world that is it is of course much much cheaper to manufacture in asia youve got over there i cant exert any influence. On it by force. In terms of volume you still cant compete with the fast fashion produce outside the e. U. But still this location does serve advantages. In an around which theres an entire infrastructure for the textile industry and it takes 2 to make clothes you need more than fabric and thread you also need my buttons dye works knitting factories all you need lots more as well things like zips its much more fun as you can get all of that right here this year. This is where my t. Shirt takes shape its cut from dyed fabric song together. And and package. Nearby is the knitting needle where thread is turned into fabric. Then its tied at the same company producing in poland guarantees at here and you Environmental Standards and the distance to siren and specter is minimal. Retracing my shirts path now takes me to greece thats where the cup in comes from. Greece produces 80 percent of the copy grown in the European Union but that accounts for less than one percent of Global Production most of the cotton used in europe. Its imported from far away. The company but that source does things differently the family owned yarn producer uses cotton from local farms but that isnt cheap. Much it should cost about 20. 00 europes thats a lot more expensive than a comparable t. Shirt from fast fashion industry. Quality has its price and if were not prepared to pay for it as european citizens then someone in asia pays a price for us namely in the form of work for low pay in accordance with the fast fashion logic of producing more and faster so that we can pay less is a problem the bubble vessels company has to contend with thats just the reversal of recent years have to do with high production costs and with the Asian Community which often is much lower prices and we are working on it the idea is to keep our entire production inside europe and be transparent about it and balance is that. More transparency about how close are made and at what cost can help my consumers across europe more aware of the issues and that might inspire them to buy more products made nearby. My new t. Shirt demonstrates that things can be done differently. Fair fashion made in europe. I got up at 4 30 in the morning. Flew to london. Changed airports there. In order to fly to a place between borders the place full of millionaires. Its jersey u. K. Alex spain that asterisk later. Literally every single. I think. The plane is a fine. Its what jersey has become famous for Financial Services lured by the islands tax haven status. To finance industry has made its presence felt everywhere. And. If. Not all of jerseys 100000 inhabitants are profiting from the island tax haven status but how did it come about in the 1st place. Jersey used to be a quiet island that lived from agriculture and tourism most people had nothing to do with finance. But jersey isnt just any old british ireland. Its a crown dependency meaning its under the direct sovereignty of the British Crown the union that is through air but that doesnt mean jersey is part of the u. K. Confusing right it means it has its own government and makes its own laws one of them is 0 tax policy on almost all companies and jersey has one company for every 3 people and over 330000000000 euros of funds under administration. We say of rich people around the world we say that. Thats what we did get it thats jeff suppan hes one of the few open critics of jerseys tax policies this is joe morning again hes the chief lobbyist for the finance industry he wouldnt put it that way increasingly International Business wants to be based in jurisdictions or wants to use jurisdictions that are well regulated well respected and we would certainly meet all those requirements well its working apple based 2 of its subsidiaries in jersey from 2015 to 16 allegedly to save billions of euros in tax and nobody knew until the paradise people sprouted to light we have strange information with the authorities that need to know. On what basis should everybody know about. That business and tightened. Confidentiality as long as one is is is not breaking the law this system attracts wealth and wealthy people as a result of living costs have skyrocketed in the past years. And average term costs about 600000. Neros but prices can reach into the millions that average annual wage 44000. 00 euros and the tax breaks also mean that the government is slowly running out of money to pay Civil Servants for example. Weve lived through the last. 34 years with austerity policies will stop weve got a tremendous gap between the rich on one hand and the poor. Behind the shiny facades of government statistics show that one in 5 islanders find it difficult to cope financially. Thats why people like pat lucas are striking. In the last 3 weeks 2 different teachers have said that their families are having to help them with money how many banks do you need we served. And nurses. Police we need unless they are considered and treated properly and paid properly they wont be there. The teachers have been holding strikes since january and theres no end in sight. Somewhere on the way to becoming an island for the rich jersey seems to have neglected its own average citizens. Im off to hungary in Southeast Europe it has been a member of the e. U. Since 2004. Its both cosmopolitan and inward looking. The mood is volatile but nobody really wanted to talk about it with me. Im going to talk about the politics well i dont really like to talk about politics because its not and i thought that here. In. Hungary is also facing a serious brain drain young people are keen to leave disheartened and unwilling to endure the political situation and corruption. You know the far problems of the current government but i think. While some hunger ariens tried to get out people from outside the European Union are keen to come in to find work and have a better life. On the up to the whim of the option if i try to motivate myself every day. I have a dream. Things that i want to achieve. Because thats why im here. I just want to regular life. For someone i dont believe. In generally 2019 down here cause my bid farewell to his home country serbia and headed straight for the e. U. He felt he had no choice but all he wanted was to earn more than 250 euros a month a temporary Employment Agency brought him to hungary as a serb hes allowed to work here for 2 years he got a job with a german car parts supplier b. O. s assembling roofs for audi companies here are desperate for people like daniel. Going there i think it would be quite easy to find another job theres a lot of work in hungary and not only here but in the rest of the e. U. As well. Hungarys labor shortage runs through all sectors the us fields it is specially. Developing new product ranges is a complex task and impossible without foreign labor. At the same time wages are climbing repertoire. To keep working at the company even for a few months managing director gary hart fish bar has to offer a pretty good deal. We had to pay 30 percent more in 2017 this year we also saw a double digit percentage jump if you dont keep up with the going rate you dont get any workers b. O. s employees over 2000 people in hungary some 300. 00 of whom are temporary workers either from inside the country or abroad despite the generous pay hikes only free out of 10. 00 workers stay with the company for long many hung guerins considered the wages too low and move over to austria but theyd rather not say so on camera. As we talk a lot to our employees and hear how dissatisfied they are with the various Health Care Systems and schools and so on its clearly got worse over the years theres been a lot down your costume or has decided to stick around hell try to keep moving up the ladder to send more money to his family in serbia 450. 00 euros a month is all he keeps for himself. Cause maher lives in the outskirts of marshawn my yacht over not far from the austrian border. Although he is not an e. U. Citizen he still could move on and earn higher wages if he got a job offer elsewhere. He shares a 15 square meter room with 2 friends from serbia but 3 of them came to hungary together. Instant coffee and cigarettes other small luxuries they allowed themselves. To go to many of their conversations revolve around the home they left behind. Its hard to be here when everyone else is back. And its just the 3 of us here. Weve made some new friends but all my old friends my brothers and sisters the entire family theyre all in serbia and weighs on our hearts. 10 years brothers will soon be joining him here in hungary they too are willing to make the change for higher wages. Which are a lot of the time i really do feel like an outsider here and that makes it pretty tough on me. But i guess that ill just have to get used to it. Marginalized but with more money in his pocket for 10 years. At least for now. I think its incredible what people are prepared to do to get into their. Lives so much we havent shown you we should set off again straight away. Little. Odd. Germany they usually end up in museums modern countries suburban real workhorse mosig cars from diamond dispensable an indestructible op take you up for a drive model down for eternity mercedes old timers around the world in 15 minutes mancini doubled. His future mission soaring into outer space charlie the robot. And other Intelligent Machines are the future. But theyre already carrying out valuable tasks in the present what can Artificial Intelligence do. And what are its limits. Charlie and the humanists mock. D. W. I. The attention of the finnish naturalist and explorer. To celebrate alexander from the boards 250. Marking on the floor of the discovery. Expedition in boys. Dont play. But it is easy transit get across the city. These natives developments of course complicate the battlefield. Theres a republican peter lease threaten to close the strait of hormuz. We dont trust this corrupt government. Was not our senior fellow and. All of Us Latin America millions are fleeing from violence. The expectations are definitely there. So for families its not very much because the 1st place to. Double. Play. Lead. Player. This is news and live from but in the new year begins with australias bashaw is claiming more lives amid rescues and evacuations these firefighters made it out and i bet any other people have not been so lucky 7. I think the dead since monday among those who stayed behind to save their homes. Also coming up whole called police fired tear gas to break up a violent antigovernment protests this all to tens of thousands took to the streets in hopes of a peaceful new

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