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Country all storage fees are struggling to keep the fire storms out today as the flames claimed 2 more lives and hundreds of places continue to rage. In iraq protesters chanting death to america attack the u. S. Embassy in the fact that they are angry about us as strikes. Pound carlos dunn is gone before mondays sun false feeling is japan but he faces trial for financial misconduct he says he is escaping the situation. On you tube as mckinnon thanks so much for joining us hong kong is the latest city to usher in the new year but this year residents are having to do without a thought what display. Well sorry shes decided on this show called a symphony of lights at the very last minute the city said safety concerns had influence that decision crissy protesters have been gathering in spots around the city for rallies for main human chains through shopping streets and neighborhoods its the latest development in months of protests. That chinese president xi jinping addressed those demonstrations in his televised new years address calling for calm and stability to return to hong kong she is address comes amid high tensions in hong kong the more than 6 months of sometimes a violent prodemocracy demonstrations have sent the economy into recession and tanishq the citys reputation as one of the wells states inst. I mean while australians have welcomed in the new year in sydney with a massive firework display marking the beginning of a new decade but despite the festivities that many in other parts of the country may not celebrating there are growing fears for residents and tourists trapped by raging fires in several coastal towns people have sought shelter on the waterfront and theyre preparing for possible evacuation by sea it is an unprecedented situation across the country the areas worst affected australias 2 most populous states in the south east New South Wales and victoria and the town of moloch just down there is where 4000 people have fled the fire to the beach now the blazes have claimed 2 more victims a father and a son trying to protect a home and several of the people still missing. Stranded by the seaside. Thousands of tourists and locals are being held hostage by reaching wildfire in the town on a kuta beach to. To leave. The beach. Along the. Beach. Across the region have made the difficult decision to stay behind. On their own. Temperatures on tuesday. In some places the places are so intense the thick smoke turnkey tonight and aerial reconnaissance and water bombing have to be hold that the fires are causing dry lightning storms that themselves are starting fires. When fawas are driving there on with our own have. Superhot columns that go up to 131415 kilometers in the air its not saif then there is obviously the very commonsense issue of not being out of the city so much my son much so much impact in terms of moving around australia has been battling huge bushfires for several months mostly on the eastern coast on tuesday almost 300. 00 fires were registered and the places have consumed more than 40000 square kilometers of land. And thats give you an idea of what emergency crews are actually facing the New South Wales fire and rescue Service Released this message of one of its crews being caught in a forest fund us about 170 kilometers south of sydney. But the crew did manage to escape the flames unharmed. Ok lets take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world today a court in slovakia has sentenced amounts of 15 years in jail over his role in the murder of an investigative journalist sultan and consists to sing as a go between and the killing of young and his fiance and murda and 2018 set off a political crisis. Bolivias interim president has expelled top mexican and spanish diplomats its alleged they were attempting to help form of the libyan officials flee the country the bolivians have sought refuge in the Mexican Embassy since the change of government. A us President Donald Trump has accused iran of orchestrating violent protests in neighboring iraq 2 people died off to angry protesters broke into the u. S. Embassy in baghdad stuff had to evacuate the building dozens of angry iraqis Shiite Militia supporters smashed a main door and set fire to the reception Area Security forces fired tear gas and gunshots were heard thousands have been demonstrating against american astronauts that targeted a rainy and backed militia in iraq on monday and more on the reaction from the u. S. Im joined now by our washington d. C. Bureau chief. On naaman alexander of the u. S. Embassy in baghdad is heavily guarded is the Worlds Largest how seriously is washington taking this incident. Well we can assume that washington is taking this incident very seriously after all hundreds of members of pro iranian leaders tried to storm this amber see they lit fires and they were or were chanting america death to america chances are they didnt manage to get into the embassy and apparently the Embassy Staff has not been evacuated and that could be regarded as a hinge that is still believed to be in control of the situation but this is a serious situation secretary of state compares spoke on the phone today with a rocky Prime Minister and the iraqi president and according to the state department he made clear that the u. S. Will protect and defend its people and he was reassured by the iraqi leaders that they will guarantee the safety and security of the you as personnel on the ground and you as property how will this affect diplomatic relations between iraq and between iraq and the u. S. I mean its a serious situation. Yes it is and its fair to say i think that the earth strikes that the u. S. Conducted on sunday targeting from iranian militias in iraq has resulted in a serious crisis for the United States in iraq the Iraqi Government condemned those airstrikes iraqs National Security council has even threatened to reconsider its relationship with the u. S. Led coalition so this is some serious cry as a stance has a potential of stalking and americanism in the country and u. S. President trump is blaming iran for masterminding the attack on the embassy will the already tense relationship between the u. S. And iran deteriorate even further because of this. Well they could of course we should say that President Trump has promised his space to tease going to end americas wars that hes going to bring back us troops and he has repeatedly said today that the u. S. Is not looking for any new conflict in the middle east so that could be a reason that the u. S. Did not respond with military force to iran was accused of shooting down an american drone after iran was accused of launching an attack on Saudi Oil Production but iran is a centerpiece of the trump of many through asian foreign poll c. And the trial of ministration is clearly blaming iran from what is going right now in iraq so there is a danger that the situation could ask is if there are any any new incidental or provocations w. s islets on the phenomena in washington d. C. Thank you very much. The former renaissance carlos ghosn has jumped bail in japan where he was awaiting trial on financial misconduct charges hes now in lebanon after arriving on a private aircraft the car tycoon said he was seeking to avoid injustice and persecution. This is the house in beirut where carlos cone is believed to have fled but there is no sign of him and the security guards outside say hes not here but a neighbor is shown up wanting to welcome him to lebanon with a card. Many lebanese feel the former nice and c. E. O. s a successful businessman and is a symbol of the countrys large diaspora but in tokyo the unexpected turn of events has sparked outrage. Almighty my i think he fled because he did something wrong. But whoever escapes wins you know. People with money. Go as main lawyer says he heard about his clients flight via media his entire defense team has lost face in japan as they repeatedly said there was no risk that gold would run away. We were gone completely by surprise im dumbfounded personally i dont yet even know how to make contact with him. To skate to lebanon as the latest stunning twist in a roller coaster journey that saw him fall from boardroom to detention center. Here he spent more than 100 days in spartan conditions far removed from his sometimes extravagant lifestyle. The automotive tycoon stands accused of underreporting is salary to the tune of 85000000. 00 prosecutors also allege he skimmed off millions of dollars from the company for his personal use. Go on has repeatedly denied all accusations in a statement the 65 year old said the Japanese Justice system was quote rigged and that he escaped injustice japan does not have an extradition treaty with lebanon so its unclear what steps tokyo might take next. Japanese chancellor Angela Merkel has warned of the threat posed by Climate Change and her traditional new years address the past decade to see 9 of the 10 hottest years on record in germany experts say temperatures could rise even further in coming is. Urgent action to tackle the problem. Global warming is real it threatens us it is caused by human activity as are the crises that arise out of Global Warming so we must do all that is humanly possible to combat this challenge to humanity there is still time no its just new can and you can what chance does address insulates as a day. Now the end of the Holiday Season is one of the busiest times to travel but our next story is about a remarkable journey made. Of killer whales a group of all cause has stunned researches by traveling more than 6000 kilometers from iceland to the Mediterranean Sea in just a few weeks it was spotted by fishermen initially it could hardly contain their excitement but its. Very a bird now this amateur video captured assigned few people would ever have expected in the mediterranean. These 2 italian fishermen certainly never imagined that when they went out into the strait of messina near sicily theyd encountered 3 massive killer whales swimming along. Signed their boat the 1st thing they noticed was giant fins reaching out of the water going quite a lot wed never seen anything like it and then we realized it was a killer whale 1st we were scared of animals or twice the size of my boat but then the excitement overcame the fear but we managed to film the video. Uploaded of the. Researchers say the orcas are part of the same group that came from iceland and was spotted off North Western italy earlier this month its one of the longest migration routes ever recorded for the species the killer whales can be found around the globe they generally favor cold waters and are rarely seen in the mediterranean its unknown why the animals ventured this far from their usual habitat where where theyll travel to next. And adventurous you are watching news life from that end up thats his business hes a chef a minute his mechanic thank you so much hell come from a. Clean slate. Carefully you dont. Need to get

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