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Pontiff told thousands of worshippers packed in st Peters Square to let the light of christmas heres the darkness in human hearts he also made an appeal for peace around the globe. And the old wounds of for millions of christmas revolution the country marks the grisly anniversary of the execution of a communist dictator 30 years ago today that helped bring the countrys bloody revolution to an end. So glad you could join us to our viewers in the United States on p. B. S. And our viewers around the world a very warm welcome and we begin this broadcast in syria according to a relieved group more than 200000 people have fled a government assault on ad lib promise most have been having to. At the Turkish Border Syrian Regime forces backed by tanks are continuing their ground offensive against rebel held areas in southern and eastern it live about 250 people have been killed in this latest flare up of violence. Syrian tanks fire on targets as the ground assault in italy province advances. Government forces captured village after village their immediate opening a major highway thats been closed to 7 years the army ultimately wants to recapture the province from the outside of the militias which control it. As the troops push forward civilians try to flee the line of fire tens of thousands are on the run. That are we are leaving because of the shelling were worried about our children and that the situation worse why else would we leave why would anyone leave his house. A regiment table. With the Turkish Border closed the only option for shelter is makeshift camps like these its cold and damp the conditions are desperate. To. Scam for a couple roma because of the shelling. Can hardly survive here in the sort of mud. People are suffering because of the work record. The situation in the camps is likely to deteriorate tens of thousands of syrians are already stuck in places like these. And every day thousands more take to the roads to get out of the war zone. Outlets of hearing out from many yards. Of who are us which is a syrian basic Human Rights Organization and he is talking to us from sweden a very good evening sir are you in touch with some of your aid workers there on the ground in syria are they in the province what are they telling you about the situation on the ground. Good evening yes were in touch or is there our colleagues on the field and the situation is like that and it gets catastrophic brutal continue to live in targeting civilian infrastructure and homes over 200000 civilians have been forcibly displaced since the start of the assault and according to unicef 60000. 00 children have been displaced since december the end and marital norman now is goes down 13135. 00 schools in the city have been closed completely. 48500 children have denied their right to education as 348 schools in the region have been suspended. The Host Communities for the displaced people are struggling to keep up with the hard lights as many of them are already have been displaced before. Nowhere is safe in. The moment as even camps are being targeted. Even though there are no armed groups or military installations in the area. That was human rights activist at a yard and there were us who talked to us some time ago now in his christmas address in german president of funk of alter steinmeier has appealed to germans to overcome their differences and respect each other as equals shimei are also note at the high points of 2900. 00 clipping the 30th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall and low points including the far right attack in october at a synagogue and hala. For the german president the holidays are a time of rest and reflection looking back on the events of the past year the anti semitic attack at a synagogue and how to how to profound impact to buildings locks door prevented greater tragedies. It bears the traces of some 20 bulletins from but you see the splintered wood and the metal remains in the bullet holes. This is the this door guards the entrance to the synagogue and how it is a miracle that it held and that no more people fell victim to this brutal anti semitic attack in which 2 of our fellow citizens were murdered and some up for the 5. States by the. Visited the location of the anti semitic attack as soon as he could on christmas he asks germans to fight hatred and defends democracy. Democracy and selfassurance citizens who have a confidence and drive common sense and decency and to show solidarity with others when they know that all these qualities are present. In this society because of steinmeyer says what exemplifies germans is their daily commitments to improve society. You lend a hand to help your fellow human beings in your neighborhood in your clubs as a volunteer or a salaried employee thousands of you are helping even tonight for example in police stations hospitals and in care homes. President don meyer says he hopes germans can continue to find courage and often is in the coming year so they can find the strength to create a better future. Well the jurys Political Correspondent kate brady a joins me to talk more about the president s address and imus this time i said that the event that that he reflected reflected on the most was the anti semitic attack in hollywood does that tell us well it really underlines the importance of this issue right now in germany and in other countries as well but specifically of course the number of reported on to semitic crimes in germany has been creeping up in recent years and they have vents in hala in october that attack that really show could German Society and he really used this attack as a symbol in his speech specifically the door which actually prevented the attack from ensign entering the synagogue backing up back in october saying that if that door was Strong Enough to stop that attack germans now Strong Enough and capable to stand up to against the semitism but also why didnt they Strong Enough and capable to stand up against any kind of racism and any kind of hate and that was their kid brady our Political Correspondent the german president s christmas address well you can hear president steinmeyer speech in its entirety after our newscast that said to midnight here in berlin thats just under 3 hours time but 1st so i want to take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world. 35. 00 civilians almost all of them women were killed by a hottest near the town of erbil on tuesday while 7 soldiers and 80 attackers also died in the shootout afterwards that lasted several hours president. Called for 2 days of mourning. In algeria thousands of people accompanied the funeral procession of army chief salah who died unexpectedly on monday salo was instrumental in forcing the countrys longtime president to resign earlier this year. Over 100. 00 families have been left homeless in the central philippines after typhoon fast food batter the islands with heavy rains and destructive winds of thousands more have been forced to evacuate their homes spending Christmas Day and shelters. Now pope francis has given his christmas address from the vatican and his annual a or b. Which is latin for to the city and the world the pontiff spoke about migrants and people whove endured what he called unspeakable forms of abuse that was a reference to these spiraling allegations of sexual abuse in churches around the globe while the pontiff also called for an end to world conflicts if initially by blessing the catholic faithful who packed st Peters Square in rome. 50000 people gathered in st Peters Square in bright sunshine for the popes christmas address its the 7th of his papacy and again the condemnation of war and violence was the heart of his message with conflicts in Europe Asia Africa and the americas francis issued a call for peace. He still. May rise to bring his lights out to the many children suffering from war and conflicts in the middle east and in various countries of the world. Community and may he inspired governments and the International Community to find solutions to allow the peoples of those regions to live together in peace and security. And put an end to their suffering in. The list of war torn regions its long francis again called for better protection for people fleeing the violence and he criticized europes policy of expelling or refusing entry to migrants toward the end of his address he gave the traditional blessing for the or being to the city of rome and the world. And then a more mundane message to the thankful around the globe. And joy your christmas lunch. In Hong Kong Police and demonstrators have clashed again as protests continue through christmas riot police used pepper spray and tear gas and a major shopping district activist block streets and smashed shop windows calls for flash mob protests to continue into the new year and a government demonstrations in hong kong are now in their 7th month and are a correspondent in the territory because of this update. Protestors in hong kong station other run of them and station on Christmas Day which also marked the 200th day of the movements again to pick the popular shopping malls as the platform for rallies as they want to create a kind of economic pressure fun of government meanwhile the police also are well prepared to tackle the protests and many of the malls were heavily guarded by riot Police Office us throughout the day we also witnessed rounds of tear gas fired outside of the Shopping Centers and some of the demonstrators as well as bystanders inside a mall sway are arrested and half was great as a result of the crash as many of the malls were forced to close down much earlier than you show and this is that the only one of the worst christmas for many real tellers in hong kong and tension hasnt been so often during holiday but is that heated up as we have and this is a huge contrast with the posing only. A celebration. Phoebe. From hong kong lets take a look now at some of the other news. In france belly dancers took part in the strike against the governments pensions reforms by performing parts of the swan 7 lake on the steps of the opera have the party well dancers currently benefit from a special Retirement Plan if the reforms are implemented many of them i face living in precarious conditions. In our traditional christmas address Queen Elizabeth the 2nd focused on peace harmony and the transformative power of hope the queen reflected on this past summer 70th 75th rather d. Day Anniversary Commemoration she cited the event as an example of peoples capacity to overcome deep seated divisions. And were going to turn our attention now to remain in that country is marking 30 years since the execution of former dictator nicolae ceausescu and the overthrow of his communist regime while she ruled remain you know for over 20 years and imposed a highly author a tarion form of leadership on his country following a brief show trial he was executed along with his wife elena on Christmas Day 1989 his fall from power was preceded by demonstrations against his rule as well as a brutal crackdown in a bid to quell the protests when the revolution broke out in december 1909 danville ina was in the thick of it this barracks in tega vish to remain ias hate to dictate to nicolae ceausescu and his wife elena were on trial valena a young prosecutor at the time crossexamined the couple. The. School was a dictator if you consider all the atrocities he committed only one charge was possible crimes against humanity and theres only one punishment for that. Was in the churches schools were executed immediately after the trial they had no chance to a pale and had little to do with the rule of law but after the short trial broadcast life the shooting in the streets stopped the death toll in romania had already reached 1000. 00 prosecuted danville in the insists the summary execution was just defined he points out the bullet holes where the chad was shot against the wall but 30 years on hes still waiting for a truly fresh start for remaining. Genever its time the new generation followed their feelings began to build the rule of law for young people back then they gave their lives for. Danville in often visit the cemetery where the revolutions victims are buried most of them were under 30 teenagers students and workers many of the perpetrators have yet to be identified. Through books such as even to this day for all these young people who were murdered in december 1809 there is still no justice the wounds left by romanias communist era and the bloody revolution that ended it 30 years ago a still gaping wide. And ditto the arpanet search she joins us now he was there at that momentous time in history right after the execution of. Take us back with you to that very moment when you arrived there would did you find well people were euphoric they were happy that ceausescu was gone and they wanted to have ample Food Supplies on store shelves again they wanted to have medicine available in pharmacies they wanted to have heating back in their homes and all these things were incredibly rationed because ceausescu was obsessed with paying off the National Debt and so he exploited everything he could imported very little and almost everyone suffered except of course and his higher political lackeys and i think that was the Tipping Point for most people it was the Tipping Point so extreme austerity now what makes this so fantastic to have you here is you were out of book you also directed a documentary film im just going to hold it up why what sparked the interest well it all started back in thats a city in western remaining a very close to the hungarian border and a dissident protestant minister named. Was using his pulpit to preach against the injustices in the country and against the dictatorship and of course you know that would have a very short shelf life in a country ruled by it nicolae ceausescu but he had an advantage last had an advantage he had a brother in Montreal Canada who had defected 2 decades earlier and that brother is fun to fish was using the media to keep his brothers name in the spotlight at least in north america ok surely an International Media and because he knew that ceausescu was very sensitive to any criticism from the west he was hoping that would keep his brother at least alive usually you would disappear if you were a distant like that and then what he did was he sent in a couple of reporters into the country from montreal they did a secret television interview. And where that interview was then broadcast out in the west and because of that. Dissident protestant minister was fired and he was given a deadline of december 15th to get out of his church or he would be forcibly taken out and what happened that day is hundreds and thousands of people surrounded his church to protect him the army and secluded thought the secret Police Attacked was a bloodbath spread across the city spread across the country to was taken into internal exile in minya in deep in romania and. Within days the army switch sides and all of a sudden he opens the door no more interrogations and hes a free man. Who is executed and eventually becomes a european member of parliament. Wow talk about having 9 lives almost well you mentioned the European Parliament remaining of course now is a full fledged member of the European Union its come a long way from its dark past that you just outlined of the seminal moment in its history how is it doing the wounds are still open are there challenges. Give us an update a lot of people think that the people who are responsible for a lot of the injustices in the country it wasnt just who have not been taken to task are not have not been made accountable yet and also theres 2 major problems still in the country one is the population at least 3000000 if not 4000000 have left remaining to work in the west because of the low salaries in romania so theyre in spain especially in spain in italy in germany in england and theres no sign that theyre coming back to remain and thats one problem the other problem and this is people are very sensitive about this is theres a culture of graft a culture of corruption in romania and so people are desperate to try and find honest politicians who will deliver what they promise and there have been countless demonstrations about corruption going on even from rumanians would move to the west they came to book arrest a number of times to protest about this horrendous situation there at least this is democracy freedom of speech all that but still its got a long way to go are you optimistic about the future i mean im optimistic about the future. Sure and. It needs time it needs another generation of use our part so she thank you for enlightening us about this seminal moment in for me as history. Next we go to argentina where few people there have much to celebrate this christmas the country is going through its worst economic crisis in years the government just introduced a package of emergency measures in an effort to ease some of the peoples Financial Burdens but one of the countrys favorite holiday treats is now an affordable to many. Christmas fruit cake argentinean style. Lemon peel the nola raisins nuts run cinnamon cloves and of course lots of sugar. Depend also this red. Argentinians can survive the days between Christmas Eve and new year without it. Italian immigrants brought it with them in the form of catatonia. And it evolved into something south american. For bakers add that means over time. Whether to return it or i dont traditionally belongs to every christmas in argentina but now it costs up to 10 euros people can hardly afford it anymore but i think. Once again argentina is in the midst of an economic crisis workers are being laid off incomes are falling while inflation is rising. Prices for electricity gas rent and food are all increasing as well as the number of soup kitchens many people can barely afford to buy anything at all including the beloved christmas cake but master Baker Serafin oregano says thats not acceptable his pendle say is low priced and highly political alert them to the old hopefully well meet again in a couple of years and god be able to say see we got through it its like this all over the world only if we work hard things will get better. There pages are un the. In the past 4 years argentina was led by a probusiness president somewhat unusual for the country but since october elections a left wing paralysed is once again at the helm sara few know already goes on around the change in political direction with his planned also his fruit cake costs just 3 euros cheaper than the competition he donates the proceeds to soup. Kitchens. At the moment if you find any we have and hugely as im enjoying we will find solutions to overcome the crisis that weve been living with for so long in the. Government policy should benefit the people the workers not like it has been until now where only a few rich people benefit the masses but that on their most of. The argentinians are probably south americas most politicized people even on Christmas Eve. Well here in germany Christmas Markets are among the most popular features of the Festive Season in berlin there are over 60 or 70 i should say to pick from and they attract people from all over the world right up until new year as well we went to one of his favorite Christmas Markets to hear what visitors enjoy the most. In the center of berlin at the diamond market Christmas Market there is no shortage of artists in all crafts. There are butchers and bakers. Even candlestick makers but the principle offering is an atmosphere. Thats hard to find anywhere else. You see that one 1st i mean i mean but in the end this is our 1st time experiencing Christmas Market its really nice its just. I was in when i was expecting its better. To just cheese. Is when it is like very christmas and we all have these kind of markets in a spain its unlike anything we have in the states so. Its kind of a its a nice time here its warm cozy you have warm and hot drinks its my 1st day here in being and this market is so nice this is the best one. And whats your whats your favorite part about this marc. It to eat everything. I think i love it spit so. If the goal is crowds and mary mint then isnt dumb unmarked has it in abundance where a simple stroll also offers a chance to learn holiday greetings in half a dozen different languages hey you never knew that. There wasnt. Much that one no proof read stuff. That you cannot now. So i dont know how everything will. Go by now. All right a group of berlin servers calling themselves the sea dogs have upheld a Christmas Day tradition by taking a plunge in a cold leg just outside the city well they breed water temperatures get there so just 5 degrees celsius that is very cold while some sea dogs complain the lake was too warm they may miss the snow and ice of previous years. She looked pretty cold already to run out of the top story that were tracking for you this hour Syrian Forces have been pounding a rebel held areas and live promise as hundreds of thousands of people fleete the funding most are heading north to the Turkish Border which is close to germanys president is asking citizens to overcome differences and respect each other as equals conquest of time meyers message was at the heart of his christmas address. Label rock n roll and thank you so much for spending this part of your day with me. Be in good shape. Epileptic seizures are often unpredictable. Epilepsy is a chronic disease the sudden onset. If someone has a seizure you have to act quickly. Experts and patients explain what to do. In good shape next on t w. Yeah. I am. And knocked me out. And call me crazy. But they never defeated me back i am now caught the. Other half from i. Know theres nothing. On the back of my feet got my brain began to get dark monarto far from the dont know. Or for a joke about to put. Him in a whole other more. Coffee cup in the Public Perception africa is now assuming the position to which i was always entitled to from you it is because theres. Something genuine on. Me and. Welcome to you in good shape. Heres your host dr constantly. Hello and welcome to in good shape their illnesses you can get rid off by taking medication or undergoing surgery and on the other hand the illness is that full stayed with you for a long life and one of those illnesses is epilepsy and come a

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