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Me. Its good to have you with us along meant to provide protection against persecution is feeling violence in india and these behind me are some of these scenes unfolding across the country as protests spread against the citizenship Amendment Act before it became a law it was called a citizenship amendment bin or cab now the new law provides a route to citizenship for religious minorities persecution in pakistan. And a bangladesh but mostly these countries are not included in the purview of this act the act has led to protests across india in the state of in the North East Delhi west. Just some of the states where there are protests but the reasons driving people to protest are different lets begin with assam which shares a border with bangladesh and where residents have long complained of illegal migration from bangladesh. So we do not want the sun to lose its identity and overdo it and overwhelmed by the external powers they started force an extended people coming from bangladesh because we know that we will become the minority in our own hands now listen to what is motivating another protester to raise of course against the bill i think people have come out in large numbers because they understand carters government is damaging the fabric of the country in the most names everybody are equal we want that equality we want to move to as good a quality among speeds different sections of this is so 2 Different Reasons for protest against the same act i missed out on our youve not joined me from mumbai she was herself at one of these protests were not welcome thank you for making the time now in most parts of india this act is being viewed as and the secular and anti muslim but thats not the case in the Northeastern State of assam whys that. Thats true because the northeast instead of a sever some more nuanced argument because the not these has been you know has all these side issues with my korean population in a sound but in this issue all the bangle and he was is the. Those large magnets and from the board was somebody always been a more ethnic issue as opposed to just this issue than what we are seeing in the country at this point that was more of a i think muslim os and installed by the government so as some of your again its on the issue which should not be in the book is that what is happening right now in a country which is basically an. Opposition a majority in bill burton by the government isnt it didnt reference to this being that the u. N. Called it a court of fundamentally discriminate in nature that is how the u. S. To this but not doesnt the government have the prerogative to decide which persecuted communities it wants to extend protection to. Well its a government 8 for all the different decide but this is not the governments problem to change the constitution of india and that is not a not for discrimination on the basis of race sex religion and thats exactly what Indian Government is doing right now if it. Was going to minorities why hasnt it countries like myanmar. Was every day and a lot of the minorities are now in public and how do you have very very. Tiny opposition of course every day in delhi and in government to put them out of the country so the consist basically its its its basically still being a majority in sentiment in the country by saying that this country does not belong to muslims and it also has to be seen in conjunction with the national. Presence which is basically. The interest of my as citizens across the country which is already deal its divisive since in the northeast of citizenship amendment but in conjunction with the National Reserve citizens and which is why it makes it i discovered its an anti muslim. Which is important by the by the Indian Parliament and thats very very leave it for the time being thank you so much for speaking to us from mumbai thank you. Made media trying to use the more than 6 months of protest in hong kong as new terrorism fanned by external forces leading the charge have been naughty state controlled outlets which reflect the official line of the Chinese Government but its the voices of the ordinary citizens on the mainland that are missing one has made it his mission to give them a platform despite the censorship and control china exercises. After lunch i changed into a new set of clothes covered my face with a black mask and merged into the stream of black people. Do i know why hong kong people are protesting im very clear about that do i know the risk of participating in these protests as a mainlander very clearly yes if i get arrested i would likely be sent back to the mainland where i might simply evaporate into thin air nobody would see me alive again and if i died nobody would ever see my body. The testimony from chinas mainland in support of the hong kong protests one of the voices the Chinese Government is trying to silence this man who calls himself midway dude is trying to make them heard he was born on the mainland as well. I know that there are people in china who love democracy who love freedom and who support hong kong but with the Current Situation they cannot speak out. Because hes afraid of retribution and has relatives on the mainland midway dude cannot reveal his identity he grew up on the mainland and moved to hong kong at a young age it was here he started questioning that nationalism he was raised with little by little he grew to support on kwames democracy movement. When youve gotten to know freedom its very hard to go back to a situation where you dont have any freedom at all. Mainlanders who support hong kongs protests might be a minority but midway do things they should be heard they can submit their story to him via an anonymous form then he posts them on twitter and his blog even he himself does not know their identity because this project tree hole in chinese legend the place people will spend their secrets into. There is a trend in china in recent years that your colleagues your friends even your family members all students will report you to deal for a g. s. They think you are not nationalistic enough they think your betraying your country. These past 10 years ive seen with my eyes wide open how my favorite comics t. V. Shows and books were banned and have disappeared from the shelves in Mainland China i saw how the best opinion leaders were arrested or silenced. I said nothing and i did nothing now i regret that i deeply regret that. Thats why i cannot bear to see this happen again. This guy truly has courage he lives up to his words and he walks the talk i have Great Respect for this he has received over 200 messages so far 200 little signs of dissent from a country where at different opinion can be a crime austin football star mesut ozil is at the center of a political storm after posting comments critical of china social media also hit out of chinas policies against its we good Muslim Minority and called. On muslims around the world to speak out the methods of serious reaction in china Chinese Government documents show that we are being forcibly held. In the region where they undergo political indoctrination and for job. Training centers and says they are part of a drive to terrorism. For more. Rich what exactly did. So he posted quite a lengthy statement on his social media camp some Facebook Twitter instagram and those accounts he has over 76000000 followers so a very wide reach and in his statement he accuses china of serious abuses against its we are Muslim Minority when in quran killing muslim clerics forcing we women to marry Ethnic Chinese men so a very Strong Political statement directed at china and there are also other parts of the post that beijing could view as a provocation. Is the name. Referred to chinas in john region and he uses an image of the east turkistan flag and both of these are used by separatists engine gian who are pushing for independence from china though he posted this statement in turkish not english so it may have been directed at a turkish audience but with a Statement Like this it was by him to get global attention and what is the reaction to this so it immediately sparked outrage on social media in china funds of arsenal have posted images pictures and videos of themselves destroying their arsenal kits their arsenal jerseys and so arsenal of course club and the English Premier League moved very fast into damage control is posted a statement on weibo the chinese social media platform saying that those comments were his own personal opinion. And that the club does not get involved in politics but there have already been repercussions for arsenal in china its much on sunday which was supposed to be live broadcast on c. C. T. V. The state broadcaster that was pulled and today the global times thats a newspaper which is seen as a mouthpiece for the government in beijing it ran an editorial and it said that. Ruined his image in china among fans in china and it also said that there will be implications for arsenal and those into cations could be very costly because arsenal it has commercial interests in china sponsorship deals partnership deals it even has its own chain of restaurants so very lucrative interests stop. Could fall away and we already saw this back in october with the n. B. A. The u. S. Boss the bullied one of the general managers there he tweeted support for the protesters in hong kong but did not go to and while in china the n. B. A. Is still trying to repair the financial damage there. Are all were at and its the rich thanks so much for that. Thats a full hour we need an hour worth of pictures of protests across india it is the new citizenship Amendment Act thank you for watching well see you next time but. Im scared that the they were not hard and in the end there is a me you are not allowed to stay here anymore we will send you back. Are you familiar with this. With the smugglers were lions and. Whats your story ready ready. I mean when i was a women especially in victims of violence. Take part and send us your story we are trying in all it is to understand this new culture. Another villa turn other guests you want to become citizens. In for migrants your platform for reliable information. Help were running out of stops germany wants to look a still. Workers from asia to help fill an ever widening gap left by the countrys aging population and today german business you need us and Union Representatives are meeting with chancellor merkel to disgust what is quickly becoming a Skilled Labor crisis. And could this be the beginning of the end of the u. S. China trade war both sides agreed to suspend further tit for tat tariffs as china posts better than expected monthly data. This is business as are your updates on asian and Global Business news on the w m d i have elf as well come germany is in desperate need to fill vacant positions in many of the economies most important sectors the government in berlin has called a special summits to see where they can be found and how to provide the necessary work visas in a more efficient way in the trades alone there are a quarter 1000000 Job Vacancies which are as already put a damper on the Construction Industry researchers say there is now a critical shortage of qualified personnel for 400. 00 different careers thats overhaul for the job categories investigated underscoring the gravity of the problem it turns out that 79 percent of the jobs listed but germanys Employment Agency are in job categories where the shortages. Went down universe if search for a new employee for his i. Q. Solutions business and he found a perfect candidate for the job

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