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Filling out a welcome to the program. We begin in the former soviet republic of belarus the story about death squads killing these 3 opposition politicians who disappeared about 20 years ago about who says what we consider to be europes last dictatorship ruled by president Alexander Lukashenko after the politicians disappear there was immediate speculation that he ordered their assassination now in exclusive interview im honest told the top of it he was a member of the death squad that killed the 3 politicians. Yuri graf skee is living in a Central European country and is seeking asylum there in a deitsch avella exclusive he tells us about his time in a regime death squad in belarus and reveals new details about a series of crimes. A number of opposition politicians in belarus disappeared 2 decades ago and its still not known what happened to them on the evening of may the 7th 1909 yuris a hot nko parked his car here near the Old Fire House in minsk and was never seen again. At that time the former interior minister was a leading figure in the opposition. Her ranko and his supporters wanted to prevent the country descending into dictatorship and to remove president alexander look at. Look who had organized and won 2 controversial referendums to expand his powers and neutralize parliament. Since then has ruled the country alone. Is considered the last dictatorship in europe. This reenactment of the murder of your is a harangue who is based on statements made exclusively to us t w by your a corrupt 4 members of a special military unit abducted and shots of her uncle dead in a forest gorecki tells us he was one of them and an accomplice to the crime and that as a member of the armed forces he had no choice 20 years later he has a message for the harangue close family. Here but. I offer my sincere condolences. I took part in the murder. I offer you my apologies. I can show you the burial site on a map the rest is up to you and bella ruth says Law Enforcement system. Is a her records family is living in exile in the german town of munster his eldest daughter yelena hears from us for the 1st time details of her fathers abduction and murder she calls the informant a man without a conscience. If you knew on it you would say its just its knows about him its about the entire insisted that each one of us morrison and you just said one cant blame him people are dependent on the system not that you lose diet they forced to commit bloody crimes in its name. Every autumn a vigil is held in minsk in honor of you resign her rank you and the other opposition politicians who disappeared. He says he also knows what happened to them so perhaps off is the frequent user of programs in russian and that mail he claims that he has some important knowledge of these disappearances 20 years ago in his home country then we set up an Investigation Team for colleagues of mine russian natives with a strong knowledge of the region and me responsible for the t. V. Output ok so some strong claims there how did you verify his story and indeed his identity 1st we decided to clear his identity some Data Based Research was done and we also did some inquiries on the ground in his hometown and minsk then we met with him on several occasions with it for long very long interviews and in these interviews we again and again repeated the key questions related to these cases he was talking about and we even found minor contradictions in these interviews we did and worked on these contradictions and presented the evidence we got to some legal experts in europe there are some few of them who are familiar with the case and ok so if we believe him these are crimes that he was party to 20 years ago so why is he telling the story now good question yuri told us that eventually he wanted to go clear that he wanted to remove a stone from his so well thats how he put it and thats fair enough but there were we were not 100 percent sure there. No other motives behind it perhaps even people who told him to flee to take refuge in the west and go out to the public with his story but we never never found any facts that gave us really evidence that there is more behind it than this person of motive someone who wants to go clear as it was so hes left a better person presumably because these are allegations that as well as anywhere else his Asylum Seeker in a western country right so again if the revelations are true where does this take us. Years ago the council of europe already conducted an investigation into these cases and. In the 2004 report council of europe investigators talk about a quote conspiracy of high ranking officials in belarus and in the light of this new evidence we now know or have some evidence what happened to the bodies we now know who shot who killed the politicians that might this minsk might be reopened by the council of europe and there might be a mandate to investigate officially investigate what happened so president look at shaker is not a man who broke opposition so does this have political implications for belarus itself im afraid yes and they might be quite dire but i was is a country pretty isolated pretty much isolated in europe no one wants to do business with that country due to the very dictatorial style mr because anger is running his country and the situation of human rights and so on in the last 23 years below rest was working out on breaking the chain and finding being re accepted as a partner in europe and all these efforts now could suffer serious. Investigative reporter christiane thank you. And you have more story on our website d w dot com and on our huge huge chart of the w. Documentary and that is some of the other stories making news around the world and more than 300 people were killed in irans 3 day crackdown on protesters last month the new figure from Amnesty International updates the previous estimate of just over 200 deaths iran has a knowledge that protestors were killed but has not released figures. Thousands of lebanese processes are valid outside the parliament in beirut and clashed with police there calling for a new independent head of government doesnt have connections to the countrys established Political Parties the president has delayed consultations on designating the new Prime Minister until later this week. Turkeys president has flagged to the possibility of closing to military bases used by the United States credit tire burdwan was responding to a question about potential u. S. Sanctions the congressional resolution that recognizes the Armenian Genocide in chile airbase is a key facility for u. S. And nato war planes. Now hong kongs chief executive kerry lab has received the full backing of chinas leadership despite the demands of prodemocracy protesters that she stepped down chinese president xi jinping told ms lam that hong kong had had what he described as its grimmest and most complex 2 years since its return to chinese rule 22 years ago but carol lam has beijings unwavering support despite her governments poor performance in recent local elections and this months huge prodemocracy rally. We will continue to firmly support you and your leadership of the Hong Kong Government in exercising government powers as mandated by law we will firmly support the police of hong kong in strictly enforcing the law. We hope people of all walks of life in hong kong will unite and Work Together to push hong kongs development back onto the right track. Straight to hong kong where we joined journalist laurel cho a welcome so when present gives hes full backing his other diplomatic nicety or does it actually carry weight i think it does carry weight and shows that the beijing government hasnt changed their stance they are still fully supporting not only kerry i am but also the police trying that they do condone everything theyve done so are showing off that they are continuing to not address the protester demands it also shows that there isnt really a solution in sight and the protesters arent backing down from their demand or the hot government are not backing down from their stance either so the situation seems like this is going to continue as it is right now after a while he said ok so the box the status quo demonstrates as i dont change their demands does that were looking at an escalation or are we looking at a further crackdowns. Its hard to say in the past few weeks there has been a slight well. Over the weekend we saw your grasp of the person in 2 weeks as it is quite rare and its been quite rare in the last 6 months to get it we can add the interior asked for it so also depends on the approach of the police to the stories of protesters we did get a new commissioner last month we dont seem to have slightly different tactics and doesnt provoke the protests there as much so theres a lot of different factors in play. But whether the protesters can continue this. Any longer is our 2nd question theyre tired about 6000. 00 have been arrested so far so that is probably going to affect the numbers and make it onto the streets once they start actually getting convicted and going to jail or at least theyre going to be afraid of being arrested again it aggressive and once so i think the protests will probably continue its just a matter of whether theyll be able to continue at the scene intensity and see and regularity i think well still see flare ups but while theyre all still you weakly being is yet to be seen especially with the heart is coming up and so how people reacted to present the statement. I dont think anyone surprised or even particularly angry about it its nothing unexpected it seemed think that the government has the repeating for the past 6 months and its nothing new for nothing government either so its it doesnt particular and your people because its completely expected good talking to you thank you for joining us a little chill in hong kong. Now to india where there have been violent protests over a contentious citizenship law passed by parliament the legislation provides a fast track for citizenship for all refugees from bangladesh pakistan and afghanistan but it doesnt apply to muslims opposition to the law has been especially strong in indias northeast an asylum state which borders badly dash assams an ethnically diverse region with a large Muslim Population but the unrest has also spread to other parts of the country people say it goes against the constitution and india secular traditions in the capital daddy demonstrate to set fire to buses Police Responded with tear gas. Delhi riot police fire a volley of tear gas their target student protesters holed up inside the capitals prestigious Islamic University this is the latest front in the battle for the soul of india. Students took shelter here after protests descended into chaos theyre angry at what they call a muslim then. After trading rocks with the Police Demonstrators finally surrender with their hands a lost life assured on to buses to the destination want to know. If it was ok but it does dumb as it does goes almost about property it does go to some money to certain people. There goes one part of the total but the storm is almost one we have and we had i would only interest is the number of tensions were running high across india earlier in the day burning buses ford told the violence that would follow. In order a con hundreds marched in opposition to the bill some here value retribution should the government ostracize muslims i. Come to be ready i think support the government but if theyre going to. Harassed muslims and it wont be tolerated muslim groups will launch a Massive Movement against it. Back in delhi and hundreds were again gathering at the University Campus the crowd electrified by claims of Police Violence the night before i arrived the police came at us with its hands while they were protesting peacefully they entered the campus the police even attacked the students who were studying in the library they were not involved in the protests they threw tear gas shells in the library and does not respect our fundamental rights as a citizen of this country and the states is sponsoring this has been shameful the Police Students have broken their bones. Authorities maintain they responded appropriately to this youthful demonstration but with the situation on a knife edge here their next move will be watched closely you through the earth. But 1st us are also taking place in chennai journalists. Joins us from. Santa those processes unprecedented in many cities and universities why are people so angry. Amendment act basically fos tracks this isnt just process it was 6 religions from st country and all of these countries are muslim countries theyre the majority of the population is muslim and theyre called themselves and listen country so there are a bunch of religions who are minorities in these countries and a persecution by the muslim majority and india wants to foster track. Citizenship process for them of course. The regular citizenship process is also available what is causing all the problem is the fact that muslims have not been included amongst these 6 diligence and this has forced a lot of anger in india because the Muslim Minority feels that. They have been discriminated against and also seen that the need to. This is probably the start of some kind of village just the fighting that is like to take this in the future what is the justification for the exclusion of muslims in this. The Prime Minister has basically said that these 3 countries afghanistan pakistan and these are muslim majority countries and therefore you know muslims dont leak need. You know fast track citizenship in india because they already have countries. And they dont you know they can go there and they can find stuff but they wont meet minorities in those countries so this is the rationale that this has given and in fact has also said that this. Amendment the amendment this is the ship act is 1000 percent today and hes taken the one argument back to the time of partition in india and pakistan. By the british in 97 and he said that a lot of you know. Im going to for religious minorities from india with this and sikhs they had gone across to pakistan which became a muslim dominated country and secured and then sort of. Says it like as if its revenge about 70 years later which is you know it absolutely belies logic to talk to you thanks for joining us on sunday. Also in todays news u. S. Media reporting that the white house is plotting to withdraw. Troops from afghanistan President Trump visited membership personnel that last month has long sought to recuse the u. S. This 13000 strong presence in the country. Delegates from europe or on the u. S. Have attended a ceremony in belgium marking the 75th anniversary of the battle of the bulge it was one of the world war 2 bloodiest episodes in which u. S. Forces defeated a german attempt to stop advancing allied honors in december 944. Football of the draw for the 1st a knockout round of the Champions League has taken place at germanys buying munich will face English Premier League side at chelsea theyll meet over 2 legs in february and march biron famously lost the 2012 a final at home to the londoners bursar dog and have a showdown with their former coach thomas to cool on his perry sunshine aside last 16 debutantes abi leipzig will face last seasons runners up top look at the pick of the other pairings record winners real madrid meet english champions Manchester City and holders liverpool play athletico madrid. Germanys bundesliga brochure are merging cloud back ive slipped off the top for the 1st time in 2 months meaning that i be live 2nd now lead well code bloodbath went down to want to vote but they conceded a late goal for the 2nd game in a row after being eliminated from the Europa League in midweek. Marcos a coach out spoke to the Austrian League title last season of a glass no lead lance to 2nd place while spork hadnt won any of their last 3 home games but they came out swinging 0 mercy young took sobber should lager to open the scoring in the 13th minutes the austrian netting his 1st one just legal. Back responded fast rail mbulelo equalising just 2 minutes later the 6th goal of the season for the swiss international. One all the score at halftime. Things remain tight in the 2nd half with plenty of scoring chances for both sides but both kept on wasting their opportunity i just sider came in injury time maximillian on old making it to one for of all scored the late victory at it by a pair of misplaced headers from the club back to france to sit in and. It was really great weve got 98 minutes so i have to say we deserve to win for the. Sport celebrate their 1st bundesliga home win since october. Hang their heads after their 2nd away loss in a row. Baseball bat used by the great babe ruth has been sold for more than a 1000000. 00 but used to hate ruths 500th home run back in 1929 sports at a california auction and identified another baby bats used to hes 1st home run at the old gang he stadium sold in 2004 for a record 1300000. 00. And the hit film billy elliot a boy from a poor home in england ends up becoming an International Ballet star well it looks as if the story is happening in real life in russias far eastern city of vladivostok the w. C. How to shatter met a young boy at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy there whose dreams come true after months of hard work he got a solo pot in the traditional christmas ballet the. Ringback in the Class Schedule its called dance classical dance. Ringback d but in reality its work hard work and it comes with a unique language thats only understood here in atlanta and the dance more now turn out at i. E. S. E. Tech in the valley or shoulders down a hole in your tale. Of his getting ready for his big performance in the not cracker in vain christmas ballet. He dances every morning for hours. Being a ballet dancer is beautiful but exhausting than other things that especially if you come from the country and try to make it here here in front of us took an offshoot of the Moscow Academy of choreography also called the Bolshoi School ballet. Nigger it is for the 1st time i heard them say pulling your tail i thought what tail and how can i pull it in order to turn your knees rotate the thighs outboards. For over a 100 years russia has been known as the place where the stars of classical ballet are trained with the competition is fierce some your needs more than strong legs he needs to have a strong character. For over 3 months the 11 year old has been living in a boarding school and there was talk he really sees his mother. Today she traveled from their hometown of. 1000 kilometers away to see her son simones Big Christmas from year. We miss him so much you know were also so proud of our boy. Did you miss me too. Of love the opera house posters last nutcracker rehearsals for. Us immune is very excited he has a solo. For instance and im scared out of this huge stage of reality dancers i dont want to embarrass myself or to do what i would do this they laugh at me im afraid if that. And then his big day comes simulants 1st performance on a real stage. The vladivostok opera house and sold out your own family is sitting in the audience they came all the way from beauty john to be. Here. Thank. You friends that was my big chance and Ballet School they said this was a chance of a lifetime and i was like really bring it on for its. Roses for the 11 year old. The 1st bouquet of flowers have seen on stimulus belly career is from due to be john. Its the 1st step on the long road to success. It ought to be doubly news coming up next a news backlash against football star mesut ozil all mine comes painful way to rights in china what price will he utters club awesome. Responded to it will have a story on more than just a moment so ill be back at the top of the hour how could. The be. Coming from. The be. The best. Live. Listen. Live. I dont think that. I just sometimes am but less than nothing that. Thinks deep into the german culture of looking at the stereotype clad in here think the future of the country that i not. Needed to be taken as gramma. To me its all about. Im rachel join me to meet the gem and bundled up your. Post. In the army of climate change. Clothes from the city. Of. Much use to. The years do they have their future. Cut. Deep blue dot com for their groceries. Could enter. This. Coming up protests across india over all the un calls discriminate free of all provides protection to non muslims fleeing persecution so why are people protesting well ask a journalist whos been in the thick of it plus. Descended from the mainland a chinese man gives a platform to mainland chinese eager to express their views on the hong kong protests. And try not to tell me its off the football stuff mr criticises beatings persecution

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