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Planning their own way forward a summit of brussels stands behind plans for a green deal which pledges to make the e. U. Carbon neutral in the coming decades. And we get a firsthand account of life in chinas internment camps for its weaker minority inmates are punished for speaking their own language and are subject to abuse and daily humiliation. Im sumi so much kondo its good to have you with us britains conservatives have won and overall majority in the countrys general election decisively ending 3 and a half years of political gridlock Prime Minister Boris Johnson says his government has been given a powerful new mandate to finally take the u. K. Out of the European Union for the Opposition Labor Party its an historic defeat after a near wipe out in its traditional heartlands lets take a look now. The results really represent a redrawing of the political map in the u. K. You see the conservatives here with a huge majority a far exceeding the 326 seats needed to become the Biggest Party and as we said huge losses for labor especially in the north of england and wales and they are the Main Opposition Party the Scottish Nationalist Party saw consider a considerable games in the welsh nationalists added 3 seats as well while the Election Results defied expectations for the main parties while the conservatives did far better than expected the opposition labor and the liberal democrats sought their hopes dashed labours leader is now on his way out and the lib dems leader has already gone failing even to win her own seat. For the man who called it this election was an all or nothing gamble do or die in the end narratives gave way to relief as he and his conservatives looked on course for a historic night. The unlikeliest rock star welcome to the far story of the result. That paid off thank god with this mandate and this majority we will at last be able to do what. The Pay Attention to is this this election being is that getting brits done is not the irrefutable irresistible although arguable decision. Of the british people this 2nd story is that of a labor party in need of a hug after its worst defeat in decades their heartlands did the unthinkable and voted conservative it is now no longer a matter of will leader Jeremy Corbyn go but when. This is obviously a very disappointing night for the labor party with the result that weve got on also make it clear that i will not lead the party in any future general Election Campaign. The start story is of a dish United Kingdom the Scottish National party racked up a landslide north of the border roy motions got the better of some. But they couldnt distract from renewed calls for a 2nd referendum on Scottish Independence. But its johnson has no right firstly to take scotland of the e. U. And secondly norway to block the scottish people choosing their own future another headache which johnson in Northern Ireland where for the 1st time parties backing a United Ireland outnumbered poor british unionists the final lesson of this eventful night is of voters overwhelmingly rejecting the pool european liberals their leader was ousted ending any effort to keep britain inside the European Union. These results will bring dread and dismay and people are looking for hope. I still believe that we as a country can be warm and generous inclusive and open. As day broke johnson returned reinforced to downing street choosing to walk the final few yards in a cold and frenetic Election Campaign boiled down he promised to finish braggs it once and for all whether he can and at what cost to his country is a story still to be told. Lets get analysis of the election now we have our correspondent standing by for us outside number 10 downing street and also in london quentin peel who is a senior fellow at Chatham House good to have you both lets start with you you have been talking to so many voters in the lead up to the election talking to lawmakers how do you explain the scale of this conservative victory well sumi what were seeing this really the transformative effect of brics it to kill only one really look at the label heartlands in the north of england where i have actually traveled to and i was personally baffled by the words that these traditional labor voters in constituencies where 400 years there has been a labor majority the words that they had for the labor party and particularly for for Jeremy Corbyn they really were not good they were quite colorful and that the conservatives have now managed to reach into reach out into these hot lines and get the labor seats where people want to change they wanted to vote for braggs if they didnt feel represented by the labor party so that they in the end very few conservatives that Boris Johnson has managed that that really is the biggest victory for him that he could have hope for clinton coming to you now theres a lot of talk in the last week in the lead up to the selection of the polls tightening of labor catching up are you surprised at the scale of this victory for the conservatives. You think. The. Absolutely disastrous campaigning and both johnson was kept very carefully on message and there was only one message that he really had to get done and those 3 words just got through to everybody and even though theyre rather meaningless because we all know its going to take an awful long time directionally finish this process leaving the European Union that there was a sense of exhaustion i think in the electorate so they chose the lesser of 2 evils they didnt like johnson and they didnt like corbin but jones they light a little bit more than gold it. It is a precisely that the message of get breaks it done that helped Boris Johnson to man such a comfortable majority what did this come down to. Yes for sure i mean its an easy message its really compelling its short its something that people can relate to and my personal explanation is that a lot of people are also so confused by what is actually bricks of the day that they cling on to these sort of easy on says get bread sit down they just dont want to hear about it anymore and what i found surprising was that particularly in the north of england even people who had voted for remain they said that they were going to vote conservative because they thought that this was the decision of the country and that they wanted to have it seen through they wanted to be listened to and i think you know in this really complex environment an easy message definitely played into bars johnson sand and the other explanation is the really huge unpopularity of jeremy cording corbin the leader of the labor party a fairly left wing manifesto and somebody that the british voters probably dont really could envisage as somebody like the Prime Minister who doesnt seem like a Prime Minister doesnt act like one and they really did not like him at all. Clinton coming back to you know the other story line of this election is what it means for the union there are gains for the Scottish National party in scotland a poor showing for Northern Irelands unionist so what do you make of that. Well i think it just really underlines how divided the country is so the 2 into sides of the main one but its johnson and the conservative party secondly the Scottish National party which really has not most of the seats in scotland and the means that they are going to demand until the independence referendum probably even before christmas theyre going to ask for it 1st chance of the said flatly hes not going to grant that because both westminster and didnt have to agree on having a referendum on Scottish Independence so were ready for a real old constitutional battle and thats a little better situation this is the Boris Johnson has done with brussels and hes going to push through on the. Detested it is a Northern Island because it will. Put a fluid border right down the irish sea and they think thats the beginning of the end. Of this part of the United Kingdom so we need very well see and to the United Kingdom because the brits. And beckett just quickly looking ahead with that Boris Johnson already at 10 downing street what will be his main priorities now. Drags it drags and bricks thats the show at all next week the parliament is going to sit and wants to get hit with a troll deal with the e. U. Through parliament he will achieve that most likely and then the u. K. Is going to leave by the end of january then of course the arduous process of negotiating in new agreement with the e. U. About the future and thats probably not going to be as easy as it was johnson has promised. Clinton feels in Chatham House in london also back at my surprise spot at their thank you both very much. U. S. President donald trump has sent a congratulations to Boris Johnson on twitter trump tweeted congratulations to Boris Johnson on his great win britain and the United States will now be free to strike a massive new trade deal after a break that the u. S. President has long been a supporter of the u. K. Leaving the European Union. And European Union leaders are holding a summit at the moment of course theyre reviewing what this election result means for them. Is at the European Council in process for us hi carol what kind of reactions are you seeing there. Quite a bit of relief sumi seeing that a disorderly breck sit in the very near future at least for now is off the table and see that Boris Johnson will be the man at least that is the perspective here from brussels he will be the man who will take the divorce steel that brussels worked so hard for together with the United Kingdom will get that deal over the line on the other hand a number of leaders have expressed some sadness the czech Prime Minister here said that this is good news from the perspective that it is clear now that the u. K. Will be leaving the European Union. Regular brakes it does appear not to be imminent but the deal on the future relationship with the e. U. That is not yet settled carrick so what kind of negotiations are we looking at. Think of franks it as a triathlon i mean athletes have just come out of the water and what theyre now facing is 40 kilometers on a bicycle and 10 kilometers running so in other words what we have now is a divorce deal and its very likely that well get a crowd of over the line avoiding a disorderly fracs of what we do not have is the breaks a deal i eat the future relationship how that will be structured will have to find out within the next year and hammering out a trade deal within the years time is very ambitious so leaders today will talk about that perspective again lots to talk about on banks that and theres another big issue the leaders last nights talk about for 10 hours lets take a look. First suspense. And then a little disappointment journalists in brussels knew the result of the u. K. Election means one thing that breaks it most likely will happen. But leaders focused on another topic that might fundamentally transform the e. U. In the years to come it was very interesting to see the lead us and door saying and supporting. A complex European Green deal weve been debating all the opportunity it brings along that debate took almost 10 hours the result of all Member States indorsed the goal of the e. U. Becoming climate neutral by 2050 but one country did not commit to actually implementing that goal poland. We agreed to the principle that poland can achieve climate neutrality at its own pace and she came out that. The reason for this exemption is that poland is heavily reliant on coal and fears the costs of transition to a greener economy the Country Holding back on a commitment seems like a serious setback to the deal but the german chancellor did not agree its been done in. Im quite content and if the circumstances change but europe is not divided into different parts we have one member state that needs a little more time to think about how to implement this that we have a good outlook for success and good to all assist often we can afford it was not the outcome these activists had hoped for though before leaders kicked off their meeting they have tried to create a sense of urgency by bringing fire and smoke to the summit venue it appears the message did make it to everyone inside the building. Ok carrick so we know what the goal is climate charlady by 2050 is there were a roadmap to get there. The head of the European Commission was in our fundamental line made quite clear that the strategy is twofold on the one hand it is as you have mentioned meeting those targets that have been agreed in the paris climate accords and setting a standard that europe wants to lead the fight against Climate Change on the other hand she wants that this is also seen as an opportunity to create chops to boost innovation and i think it is this field really the commission will put in an emphasis on thats where they will try to put money in or in order to move things forward after all we have to remember that the energy mix itself is something that only the Member States of the e. U. Will have to decide in the future the e. U. Itself the e. U. Institutions have no say in this field what about the question of poland garrett will get special rights because of its dependence on fossil fuels why did the other Member States accept that. The german chancellor was rather relaxed about it and that is also because she knows that if poland wants to tap into the money that was enough on the line has for seen as for compensation some 100000000000 euros a fund that will be targeted for those countries that are struggling with a changing their energy mix if poland wants that money they will have to play along and they will have to come around at some point what the council realized yesterday is that poland will just need a little bit more time to think this through and so that time moves was approved to give you a scared mattress reporting for us in the process thank you carol. Lets get a round of now some other stories making news around the world the u. S. Has test fired a missile over the pacific better long been banned under a treaty between the u. S. And russia the arms treaty was abandoned last summer amid deteriorating relations arms control advocates say that the test risks fueling an arms race between the countries. Vote counting is underway in algeria after a tense president ial election Authorities Say turnout was low at around 40 percent after the opposition called for a boycott now in some cities protesters to try to disrupt voting algeria has been in political limbo for months since protests helped its longtime president. In the city of bloodshed book in eastern germany at least one person has been killed and more than 20 others injured in an explosion in an Apartment Building police are still evacuating the area the cause of the explosion which took place just before 9 in the morning is being investigated. And a power blackout that hit iceland earlier this week is in its 4th day now thousands in the northern part of the country have been left in the dark after a massive storm broke power lines and covered others with ice icelands National Security councils been holding an emergency meeting to deal with the crisis. New Zealands Police chief has praised the military mission that recovered the bodies of 6 people who died during a volcanic eruption on the white island commissioner my bush said the team members showed absolute courage in an unpredictable and challenging environment 2 bodies remain on the island all together at least 16 people died and dozens more were severely injured in the eruption. The recovery operation began at 1st night on friday when 2 haiti compton is essential fulfill cari island and the ever present threat of another eruption. Its looks old is about 4 hours to recover 6 bodies which they airlifted to a naval vessel and cut off the coast. To more bodies could not be found police said another operation would be launched to find them we do believe that least one of them is in the water. We. Want a strong and we have a. Right to turn the war. Arriving back on shore friends and family off those who died on why tide and at sea theyve taken part in a maori blessing for the victims. For this is still missing dive teams have been deployed in the waters of around the ident police said a number Aerial Search would be conducted on friday. Now it is the largest internment of minorities since world war 2 more than 1000000. 00 ethnic weaker muslims are locked up in specially constructed prisons they are located in chinas North Western region of shin jang and the government here has a consistently claim that the camps are voluntary we Education Centers to counter extremism but recently leaked documents known as the china cables tell a very different story they show that the camps are run as high Security Prisons or inmates face torture and abuse in recent years thousands of workers have fled into exile and many of them had for turkey one woman who says she was trapped in a Chinese Detention Center for more than a year spoke to our correspondent you leon in istanbul. Going for walk with her grandson just a year ago. Wouldnt have dreamt it was possible. At the time she was in china in one of the internment camps for a week is for Education Centers as the leadership in beijing calls them. Were on the. Good this is from the day i was arrested it states my name of my birth date of them and that i am a terrorist it is thought i have been called that good about how says the chinese authorities never explained why they thought she was a terrorist. She tells us about the cruel conditions in the camps about torture. And humiliation we all through talking with a lot of the quite a few because we can we go you were locked up in a dark room but we also had to write out lines of praise to the Chinese Communist party every 10 days we had to stick our arms through to get an injection we didnt know what it was but the younger women stopped having their periods because they all good about that we had to do sit ups in the nude. It didnt matter if you were 14 or 84. 00 thats how they violated our will on. The current talked. Istanbul is home to around 25000. 00 we go for example visit in borno district like many have found refuge here some even say that the capital of the week is no longer inching junk but in turkey. In Primary School the children of those who fled china a dad would be singing reading writing in their mother tongue. The teachers here say in china that would be impossible. Many we go to say that ethnic and religious ties with turkey has made building new lives here in istanbul easier for them at 1st glance this neighborhood appears lively bustling but the community has an open secret almost everybody here they say has a relative or friend who has disappeared into one of the camps in china. My brothers are imprisoned my sister was sent to account if i get out they dead or alive i dont know any more. I havent had any contact with my family in 5 or 6 years not even a phone callers im 99 percent sure that theyre in the camps or in prison for a man and his own children that i havent heard from my family and 5 years. Dozens of versions of the same story. For some its too painful to talk. Chinas ambassador to turkey admits that some weekers have trouble contacting their families he says steps are being taken. But he rejects reports of Human Rights Violations inching junk. In the Education Centers are not prisons they are not concentration camps as some media reports say but in fact these places are more like boarding schools and the basic human rights of the. Students are respected probably true which they can contact their families and receive visitors so we have the impression that some media and powers are abusing this subject to cast chinas policy in a bad light and just dont. See things very differently she would like Foreign Countries to put more pressure on china she says the whole roles she experienced in the camps of ching jiang have changed her and shes speaking up in the hope that others bad her fate. 100 poured in there from istanbul. Now nearly 10000000 people from all over latin america have descended on mexico city to celebrate the virgin of guadalupe thats mexicos patron saint of folk focal point of the pilgrimage is one of the Catholic Churchs holiest sites the church of our lady of guadalupe where pope francis held mass for hundreds of pilgrims the virgin of guadalupe is a powerful symbol for millions of latin america catholics traditionally some pilgrims croll a final stretch of their journey to the church. This is did news these are our top stories britains Prime Minister Boris Johnson says his government has been given a powerful new mandate to finally take the u. K. Out of the European Union Johnsons Conservative Party won an overall majority in the countrys general election decisively ending 3 and a half years of political gridlock its an historic deceit for the Opposition Labor Party under german corben which lost seats and many of its traditional strongholds. European Union Leaders have agreed on one of the blocs most ambitious proposals to drastically slash Carbon Emissions to net 0 by 2050 it is part of the European Commission president green deal poland to endorse the goals but said it needs more time to reach climate neutrality. New Zealand Police have recovered the bodies of 6 people who died earlier this week when the. Volcano erupted the high risk operation went ahead despite the ongoing threat of volcanic activity on the island the bodies of 2 other suspected victims were not recovered. This is news from berlin for more follow us on twitter at news or visit our website. No forget you can always get the news on the go out from google player from the app store that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news and you can also use the d. W. App to send us your photos and your c. D. s. Coming up next monica jones will be looking at Market Reaction supports jobs big deal when the in the u. K. Election stay tuned for that. Clear message from the international perspective. As u. N. Climate negotiate. Since enter their decisive phase done to this demand the World Leaders get serious with evidence of catastrophic effects mounting is the current climate anxiety too little too late thats are tough theyve gone through to the point of just 60 minutes on the d w. What secrets lie behind them swallow. Discover new adventures in 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites the cool w. World heritage 368 get kidnapped now. Im not laughing at the germans well i guess sometimes i am but i stand up and with the family but i dont think deep into jamma culture shock. New did seem to take this gram a day on the east coast its all about who they know im right so join me for me to get a funky couple. Was the speech of his life perhaps hes back certainly his most difficult. The speech by calling dressed him on december 19th 1989. Shortly after the front of the of the chancellor addresses the people of east germany. The movies tense the crowd clamors for german unity journalist pretended borg was about to seem. 30 years later he looks back on the time interest or. Starts december 19th d. W. The british pound such as far as johnson beats the labor opposition in the u. K. Elections and best as well come the conservative partys landslide victory hoping to find. On londons call. To also help the british car industry make a post. With the e. U. Being its most Important Companies hope breaks it wont put the brakes on trade. Stock markets rally on the possibility of us

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