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Which pledges to make the e. U. Carbon neutral in the coming decades. Plus rescue workers launch a Risky Mission to recover the bodies of 8 People Killed in a volcanic eruption the new zealand just one breath of the toxic gases on the island could prove fatal. Im calm assman welcome to the program it looks like britains conservatives now have their mandate for bracks at all signs point to a massive win for Prime Minister Boris Johnsons party in thursdays election the official exit poll showed a Strong Majority in parliament and thats being confirmed as we see results starting to trickle in with conservative candidates winning seats even in traditional labor strongholds thats raising questions about the future of labor leader jeremy course. And you see him there his party appears to have suffered a historic loss dropping below 200 seats for the 1st time since the 1930 s. Vote counting will continue to go on throughout the night. In the meantime lets take a look at exactly how those projections break down by party now remember the magic number for a majority is 326 seats the conservatives projected for 368 thats a gain of around 50 seats from the last election a labor projected for just 191. 00 of the s. And p. Party with 55. 00 seats the lib dems on 131. 00 seat for the green party and then a grab bag of parties with 22 seats including the plied party that is a party from wales we have Team Coverage all night tonight joining me in studio to help break this all down is u. K. Politics analyst rob much and standing by in london for us is our correspondent barbara vais all. Because we know it is cold out there now before the election barbara experts were predicting this could be maybe a slim majority for the conservatives some even pointing towards maybe a Hung Parliament this is looking like a projected landslide i mean how surprising are these projected results. These experts were so wrong werent they because it is going on throughout the night is the votes come in and the counting scam in as throughout the last 30 minutes later lost another 6 seats to the conservatives and it is where those seeds are that is significant it is the red wall of labor that is coming tumbling down its the north and the north east the northwest throughout those traditional heartlands of the labor party and that the conservatives really making inroads remember remember Boris Johnson had in the last desh during the last 2 to 3 days of the campaign sort of crisscrossed these areas and everywhere sort of what he was being shown carrying fish around and delivering milk and beating him and pushing his party into a of an in a pipe factory doing all these really folksy things to sort of let people feel i am one of few and even though that is absolutely not true nothing could be farther from it but people have been buying into it obviously and they also bought into his one Campaign Message that he repeated over and over again 100000 fine please the way we felt that he had breakfasted done and it seemed something that resonated with voters some other maybe less important but still somehow politically significant results are the breaks the party that had started on such a high do we remember who nigel for us was it is not sort of gaining any traction anywhere and the liberal bubble has burst the liberals who had been on this incredibly incredible polling high in october where everybody thought you know the new 3rd party would be rising in britain theyre theyre not going anywhere theyre going to be stuck with like a rounded. So this shift here is from labor to the charities and the labor have just sort of really grabbed the harjo off the labor party the conservatives have grabbed the heart of the labor party and squeezing as barbara mentions there i mean those results starting to come in and they are backing up what we saw in those projected exit polls and already were seeing the reaction from the u. K. Tabloids lets take a look at hot off the presses here and of course this reflecting really the division in the u. K. You know celebrating rejoicing a victory for Boris Johnson a victory for the conservatives and yet some also saying this is the nightmare before Christmas Rob this is still a divided u. K. Even maybe now more than ever absolutely reflected in the headlines and. I think what we will see over the years to come is how deep the divide is and how more polarized the country will become as. These traditional tribal contour lines seem to be completely blurred now and. I think it will take years before we see some sort of realignment to what we expect to what we used to see in the country lets head back to you quickly because this as you mentioned was a lection delivered by a simple promise maybe along with a few Food Products as well. Maybe a bigger issue then pollsters thought it would be this seems to just simply be about brets it. It looks like it and it seems that many observers got it wrong and a sense and particularly of service sitting in the big cities the metropolitan areas of britain because there of course the feeling is completely different but if you look to the north the north east the working class areas where many people really live on the breadline. That this had a totally different meaning obviously in the motional meaning meaning that is connected to identity and that is a rather removed from their own economic interest because if they had been looking it could not begin 1st they should have been up holding the labor party and saying never vote tory because for them the policies that the story party pursued during the last 9 years have been pretty busy the disastrous but obviously the corrected issue was overriding in their considerations it carries sort of superior meaning that still has to be analyzed much later by many clever people are opposed to in the british universities to look at what really why really people did this why really it moved them so much why it is so important to them so. You say identity politics must somehow be enough at the moment this election will be im sure studied it and looked at it and were not even we dont have all the results but we do know the business shaping up to be an historic loss for labor meanwhile but wrong. Show Jeremy Corbett he just couldnt get the message across i think it was a. Popularity contest. And unpopularity can see exactly won it and we can already see now the the blame game within labor has already started it was a tweet just now for bomb maker and he said it was clearly a leadership issue on the other hand you have John Mcdonald who is the shadow finance and. Actually saying i told sky that it was bretts itsy so we can already see how the blame game has started and will continue throughout the night and the next the next days obviously and i think at the end of the day. Colgan is no longer tenable perhaps you think later in the they may i think you have to. Here in studio with me Barbara Faisal in london for us thank you very much to both. Well as european leaders digest this Election Results and what it means for the future of the e. U. In brussels there was agreement on one of the blocks most ambitious proposals Member States of back plans to drastically slash Carbon Emissions theyre aiming for net 0 emissions by the year 2050 its part of European Commission president or split on Alliance European green deal. First suspense. And then a little disappointment journalists in brussels knew the result of the u. K. Election means one thing that breaks it most likely will happen. But leaders focused on another topic that might fundamentally transform the e. U. In the years to come it was very interesting to see the leaders and or seeing and supporting. A complex European Green deal weve been debating all the opportunity it brings along. That debate took almost 10 hours the result of all Member States indorsed the goal of the e. U. Becoming climate neutral by 2050 but one country did not commit to actually implementing that goal poll that. We agreed to the principle that poland can achieve climate neutrality at its own pace. The reason for this exemption is that poland is heavily reliant on coal and fears the costs of transition to a greener economy the Country Holding back on that commitment seems like a serious setback to the deal but the german chancellor did not agree. Im quite content and if the circumstances europe is not divided into different parts we have one member state that needs a little more time to think about how to implement this so that we have a good outlook for success if you. Can afford it was not the outcome these activists had hoped for though before leaders kicked off their meeting they try to create a sense of urgency by bringing fire and smoke to the summit venue it appears the message did make it to everyone inside the building. In new Zealand Police say they have recovered the bodies of 6 people who died during the volcanic eruption on. Island off the countrys northeastern coast 2 other people are missing and they are presumed dead this was a risky Recovery Mission scientists warn that gases on the island after mondays eruption are so toxic taking a single breath could be fatal. For more on the Recovery Mission im joined by. A reporter in auckland new zealand. First of all hows the recovery operation going so given the Police Commissioner said its not over yet they for treeview 6 bodies this morning but they do believe that there are still 2 victims remaining there on the island right. Correct this morning new zealand time a Defense Force team of 8 successfully recovered 6 bodies from the island the operation itself started at 8 am local time and it took 4 hours from when they land until they had to call for the bodies on to the navy ship wellington they were placed in coffins and will be received by families at the airport a coastal town 50 kilometers from white island before they are flown to auckland late later this evening for id if occasion purposes as there are still 2 bodies believed to be on the island the operation is not over yet Police Believe at least one of the remaining 2 bodies could be in the water surrounding the island they have to deploy to a dive squad into the waters and further aerial searches are carry out are carried out this afternoon. Chris a do we know why this operation was given the green light were hearing how dangerous this was how even breathing a breath of air was potentially fatal what led to the response to just say hey lets go and lets try to get these bodies. Well it sure has been an emotional event for the police both the local community and particularly for the families and friends of the victim. I think its due to the mounting pressure from families and locals who who are wanting to take matters into their own hands 7 and now the relief to hear that the operation went to plan during the press conference earlier the Police Commissioner was thankful to the 8 person Team Involved 6 now and 2 woman and he is hopeful all of the bodies can be identified but he cannot absolutely guarantee it crowd gathered by the waters in phuket overlooking the island cheered when they heard the bodies were recovered but there was also sadness for the 2 bodies not yet uncovered mounting pressure from locals and families resulted and this risky yet Successful Operation although as the Police Commissioner mention it is not over yet not until they were treated the other 2 bodies are not over yet the risk of hermes an auckland new zealand for us thanks very much. Heres a reminder now the top story that were following for you at this hour an exit poll is pointing to a big lead for british Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his conservatives in thursdays general election theyre on track for an absolute majority in parliament as official results now continue to trickle in the Labor Party Led by germany corben is projected to lose some 71 seats the results could allow johnsons and secure britains departure from the e. U. In january. Watching t. V. News live from berlin coming up for scoble well have your business wrap and ill be back with more news at the top of the. Earth. Home tunes of species. A home worth seeing if you can. Get those are big changes and most start with small steps bloom dios tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world. News that contributes to it to stop Green Energy Solutions and reforestation. Community interest

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