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Will go to washington for more also coming up tonight fresh tensions between moscow and berlin comments by plaza reports in over the killing of a former Chechen Rebel here in berlin have angered german lawmakers and questions are mounting after new zealands volcanic eruptions with the death toll rising to 68 people missing and dozens severely injured people are asking why a tourist were allowed there in the 1st place. Also on the show shes a nobel peace laureate once held as a defender of human rights smell me in mars on songs that she is in the hague and shes being forced to defend her country against accusations of genocide. Im burnt off to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world we begin tonight in the United States where democrats on capitol hill have concluded that President Donald Trump should be impeached for abusing his powers and for obstructing congress the speaker of the house nancy pelosi and the heads of investigating committees today announced 2 articles of impeachment the democrats accused of soliciting foreign interference in next years president ial election and of attempting to conceal from Congress Evidence of those efforts and heres how the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee adam schiff described the actions of the present President Trump solicited a foreign nation ukraine to publicly announce investigations into his opponent and a baseless Conspiracy Theory promoted by russia to help his reElection Campaign. President trump abused the power of his office by conditioning to official acts to get ukraine to help israel action the release of hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid that nation desperately needed and a white house meeting with an ally trying to fend off russian aggression in so doing he undermined our National Security and jeopardized the integrity of our next election and he does so still are there was and should speaking earlier lets take this story now to washington our correspondent all over salat is on the story for us good evening to you oliver so weve got 2 articles of impeachment walk us through tell us exactly what they tell us. When brant number one the 1st article of impeachment the most important one perhaps is abuse of power and that is basically at the heart of the impeachment inquiry and goes back to that now infamous ukraine phone call between President Trump and president of a lot of mayors a lenski back in july the allegations made the allegation made here is that trump pressured selenski and ukraine to interfere in the 2020 Election Campaign of the United States not number 2 the 2nd article of impeachment made is obstruction of Congress Interesting lee that theyd spent to right after the inquiry began and essentially that President Trump instructed the white house to not cooperate with the inquiry he instructed his aides to withhold documents and even prevented them to to testify on capitol hill and there could have been another a 3rd article of impeachment but the democrats really decided to focus on ukraine as they were afraid that they could weaken their case if they extend that impeachment inquiry in the articles here and we knew that the democrats in the u. S. House theyre convinced that the president will be impeached and should be removed from office has there been reaction today from the u. S. President. Well absolutely a president from took to twitter in his usual fashion and he called the allegation ridiculous he also pointed out that the ukrainian side to confirm that there was no pressure made that surprisingly by the way the typical line of defense that weve been getting from the republicans here in recent weeks is interesting lee he didnt deny that he was seeking help for his 2020 Election Campaign the republicans have been standing very much united until now their strategy has been to discredit the inquiry sort of like arguing the democrats are afraid to lose their reelection and the to lose the election excuse me in 2020 now later there was a press conference of the House Minority leader Kevin Mccarthy all the republicans lets listen in what he had to say the speaker is more concerned about tearing the president down instead of building the country up this is the day that Alexander Hamilton feared and warned would come this is the day the nation is weaker because they surely cannot put their animosity or their fear of losing an election in the future in front of all the other things that the American People want to know over despite. Those complaints by the republicans we are in a situation now where we could easily see the u. S. President impeached before christmas right. Thats right on thursday the Judiciary Committee wants to vote on these articles and that would open the way for a house floor wold so the house of representatives will vote on articles of impeachment as soon as next week and that in turn would trigger that socalled senate trial in january but lets not forget its unlikely the president will be removed from office as a result of that due to a republican majority here so the democrats are hoping for a shift in the Public Opinion despite all of this bi partisan animosity in washington today the democrats signed on to the president s new north american tree deal why are they giving giving trump such a huge political victory today. Well they dont see this necessarily the democrats dont see this as a major victory and nancy pelosi the speaker of the house talked about improvements that were being made to that initial deal itself for instance there were a stronger environmental and labor standards and all part of that trade deal between the United States mexico and canada and also if you want to look at the date most of the air time and you know off the News Coverage today is consumed by impeachment so its definitely not that dominating news story that President Trump was hoping for our correspondent in washington all over salad on the story for us tonight oliver thank you. What he said the fact that he said it its russian president Vladimir Putin is drawing the anger of german lawmakers tonight over his comments about a former Chechen Rebel who was murdered here in berlin last august german prosecutors say the killing may have been a hit job ordered by the kremlin last week germany expelled 2 Russian Diplomats over the kates putin has denied any involvement so monday he told reporters the man who was killed got what he deserved in the german lawmakers should be happy about their. Machall and poison both still have something to clarify the meeting in paris should actually have been about ukraine but merkel was concerned about something else. Is illegal. Was shot twice in the head at close range in broad daylight at the end of august in central berlin a targeted assassination. The suspect a russian citizen was later arrested gradually investigators gathered evidence indicating russian intelligence may have been involved in the killing. As a result berlin expelled 2 Russian Diplomats from germany the reason russia did not cooperate in the investigation of the case. At the joint press conference in paris the russian president shot back he said the georgian who was killed it was a killer himself. That. He was a bandit a bloodthirsty brutal person which among other things he was involved in planning an attack on the moscow subway i dont know what happened to him but if someone associates with such criminals anything can happen. German politicians were outraged by those comments. If indeed the evil plot from being president putins choice of words was inappropriate you know we will just im appalled that he was trying to justify a murder by implying the victim was a terrorist the reason. For the courts to decide what will thailand it was in so far its a very cynical what the russian president has said and for us germans its intolerable that what was apparently a contract killing took place on german soil. Putin has complained that expelling the 2 diplomats was unjustly he said german diplomats would be expelled in retaliation for the the german chancellor appealed to russia to cooperate if he did also. Get off on a lie think the russian side will share information with us in any event that would be a good thing and. The circumstances of his death are still being determined federal prosecutors have taken over the investigation Zelin Khan Congo she really had long been afraid of being attacked and had already reported his fears to German Authorities and 2017. Are for more this is bring in our chief Political Correspondent Melinda Crean shes here in berlin can even see you melinda so this is classic what amir putin he says that the georgian man who was killed here in berlin was himself a killer and he got what he deserved help does the German Government view comments like this. Well as we heard in the report there was a widespread condemnation of those remarks from pretty much all the german Political Parties with members of the parties governing together in the grand coalition saying that those words were tantamount to a threat or an admission of russian involvement however the chancellor took a rather more. Restrained tone at the press conference itself choosing to concentrate instead on the more cooperative remarks that putin had made we heard them also in the report namely his statement that the russians should help their german colleagues and and participate in the investigation and the chancellor as we heard said that she would find that to be a very good step but she also emphasized that the investigation is ongoing and absolutely left open whether the German Response might change over time as more is known and putin also. Gets you threw a dart right at germany today by accusing the country of not on remote scales earlier requests to have this judge and extradite him why is the German Government you know mentioned or why is he mentioning that now and why arent we hearing the German Government react to them well in fact German Government spokes people did say today that they know of no such extradition request whatsoever and and as you know in fact the diplomats were expelled by germany the Russian Diplomats because russia had not been cooperating here again that looks an awful lot like a red herring coming from mr putin and demand to be extradited because georgia not church and what does all of this mean for german russian relations at the moment. Well. Put in trying to downplay that saying its not a crisis but there is no question whatsoever it does burden the german russian relationship and that at a moment when many german Business People had been hoping that the time might finally have arrived when one could Start Talking about rolling back economic sanctions on russia but in fact expelling diplomats is a very serious step hearten as more facts are known i think we will certainly hear more calls for a stronger response possibly also a coordinated European Response such as the one that we saw last year with the expulsion of of Russian Diplomats by many countries at the same time after the poisoning of the russian double agent sergey script hall and interestingly enough president mccraw of france who had been viewed as trying to be conciliatory toward russia made it clear that if the facts justify it france would be on board with such a reaction. Who responded to Linda Greenlaw story for us tonight here in berlin linda thank you. And here is a round of now of the other stories that are making news around the world ethiopias Prime Minister of the off limits has received the Nobel Peace Prize at a ceremony in norway the Nobel Committee praised for his efforts to end 2 decades of conflict with ethiopia as one time Enemy Territory ill be warned that militant groups continue to pose a threat to the peace in the region. And the other nobel prizes were given else had a gala ceremony in stockholm sweden they included the literature prizes for both 201829 t. Into all. Of poland and peter hunka of austria last years literature prize was postponed due to a sex abuse scandal involving the selection committee. When more than 300000 people have marched in a number of french cities as trade unions press ahead with another day of strikes to protest the governments plans to overhaul the countrys retirement system now in their 6th day the strikes have caused mass disruptions to transport and other Public Services the action is in response to president emanuel proposed Pension Reforms which unions say could force workers to work longer and then receive smaller pensions. Correspondent has been following the strike force on the ground in paris. The strike here in paris is a pick test for the french president emmanuelle my call whether he can implement the reform of the Pension System of the retirement system in france as he has a promise he thinks the system is unfair and its sinking into debt with an aging population in france now trade union and the protesters here they clearly argue against that there are concerns that their friend pensions will simply shrink and they are not ready to compromise here asking that the entire plan is going to be scrapped the people in paris prepare themselves for many more days of traffic chaos. Is reporting in paris in new zealand the death toll in mondays volcanic eruption has risen to 68 people are still missing presumed dead and dozens are injured many with severe burns search teams are not returning to the volcanic island saying that they fear it could erupt again and last week the threat level on the island was raised so why were tourists still allowed to venture so close to a volcano that was ready to erupt. It is a search operation because rescue is considered unlikely 1st responders a flank of a few carry island after the volcano erupted on monday afternoon local time 47 people were on the island during the eruption most of them had a narrow escape but a few are still missing with little hope of finding them alive. The scale of this tragedy its devastating. Police and Defense Force personnel have undertaken a number of aerial reconnaissance flights over the island since the eruption however no signs of life have been detected. Clark was one of the 1st on the scene after the catastrophe hit the paramedic flew in by helicopter what he saw when he arrived was shocking. There was just it was just blanketed in a shit was it was quite quite a. Response there was a helicopter on the wall and it did it all sleeping there at the time. Was thats right of lights were off it. Authorities believe the bodies of the missing people remain on the island but they say its too dangerous to recover them if youre the volcano could erupt again some people still wait to hear from their loved ones. We do know are all. Safe. And said this morning. He was on the. The one missing i didnt come up to me so the money we think i might be in most of the intellectual the new Zealand Police have set they launched an investigation scientists that noted an uptick in volcanic activity in recent weeks the question to be on spirit why were people allowed so close to a disaster apparently waiting to happen. Well here is a roundup now of the other stories making headlines around the world Alberto Fernandez has been sworn in as president of argentina he accepted the president ial sash from his predecessor reseal mockery in his inaugural speech the center left politician valid to put the peoples needs ahead of repaying argentinas Foreign Debts his Vice President is former president Cristina Fernandez to kish. A new study indicates the ice covering greenland is melting faster than previously expected and is accelerating Scientists Say that melting ice from greenland alone could raise sea levels by 20 centimeters by the year 2100 the study was published in the journal nature. Listing now with the topic of climate Climate Change in the past year a 16 year old swede has become the most recognizable face in the fight against Global Warming but gratitude bags not the only young person calling for urgent action at the uns Climate Summit in madrid earlier today and 8 year old from india addressed leaders at the event and she was she had a heartfelt message after overcoming one of the obstacles that comes along with being a child in an adult world. And finding them a few jewel. Moving my future is more like proving like a few points on the stock market. Value of just before maginnis the generations to come im going to speak for the balance of the stomach just like were in the will rise and i want are for more on that im joined here at the big table by my colleague. Its good to see you again so in an 8 year old speaking to the adults how did that happen well actually shes been involved in kind of our business for over a year and a half now if you can believe it she had her 1st speech to a Climate Convention when she was only 6 years old that was in mongolia and after that speech this was actually before going to turn berg was in the news after that speech once the fridays for future protests start picking up she got involved with that she went to the parliament in india and people saw her there she got picked up by media in india and that kind of launched her career so to speak and we can talk about a career for an 8 year old but of course behind every 8 year old world travelers usually an adult in this case its her father he is the chairman of an organization for use activists actually so. Hes been supporting her along the way and is used when shes been very creative in how she protests right thats right one of the things that got a lot of attention was this invention that she calls its you know the suki food incident where that you came up with it stands for survival kit for the future she post about this on instagram and twitter we can see a video of it here. What she did was basically. Oxygen mask attached to a plant in glass box she calls an invention i would maybe refer to it more as an artwork but a science project yes exactly whatever it is its a poignant image though because especially in delhi where the air is so porter breed you see this 7 or 8 year old out there trying to make do with what she has it is interesting isnt it that when we were talking about an 8 year old were talking about gratitude it is children in. Theyve become the most prominent voices and faces when we talk about preventing Climate Change and you know you can ask whats behind that i mean but certainly it certainly is a bad sign for the adults who are in charge right now isnt this right some adults some adults like it some adults really hate it and he told off a child i think a lot of this does go back to gratitude never fighters for future movement has inspired a lot of young people to skip school a lot of them with the consent of their parents as well yours but you know that you kind of started a movement of young people that its now being encouraged by organizations like the un who are kind of giving them the platform not to speak out a lot of people criticize this thing that theyre just being used as props for adult activism i actually brought this question up with her father was the father of a subject kind of job and he told me that while he is an activist and she does have activism in her blood shes completely selfmotivated shes afraid of Climate Change she wants to change the world so shes shes out there doing it and we if we didnt have the young peoples voices it could be very silent you know what it is it would be i mean its as always thank you from. Me of mars leader aung sang suu kyi has appeared at the International Courts of justice at the hague she did serve to defend her country against genocide charges the case which is that the Uns Highest Court claims it mean mars military committed mass killings and abuse of her hinge of minorities suit she has denied any wrongdoing by her government shes expected to speak at the court on wednesday. She was not obliged to appear at the hague in person but she chose to do so critics say that her aim is to raise her profile ahead of elections in may and more in the past few days suchi supporters have held large rallies many see her as a defender of the embattled country on the global stage but were hinge refugees they paint a different picture. In the refugee camps of coxs bazaar a woman who once represented hope is now a pariah the consensus here on sunset she must answer for what happened to the rohingya. I feel however having said all that we pray to a law that we will get justice. She is not a good person we once prayed sincerely to god for her we supported her when she came to power she did no good for us shes a liar we hate her she did nothing for us she is responsible for the genocide she talks to does she really does. From one doorstep to the next march testimonies of ruthless violence at the hands of me and most military. You know theres no other way out of the 2 soldiers help me down while one of them raped me in front of my mother and 4 children was a job i said shit out of my shoulder. My daughter was crying so they hit her on the head with a weapon out of there go to the time honored by so hug. I lost 8 of my sons and grandsons they were all but shot by the military. Really at the bottom on. A military burn to homes. We were a family of 18 and they killed 12 by burning them alive. They were more than 2000 people in our village and all their homes were burned in on a hill. On some suci has long defended me on mars 27000 crackdown on their him saying a target militants and shell do so again at the hague. And buddhist majority myanmar the scrutiny of the uns top court has stoked indignation. Theyre not just accusing one pastor to me and mock theyre accusing the whole country we actually believe everything that unsung suchi does they are. A decision from the hague over me and marse treatment of the ranger could take years a long and uncertain week for justice for people that have already lost so much. More Champions League now in title holders liverpool have secured their place in the knockout stage of this seasons turn a bit liverpool one against a red bull they go through as winners a group with 2nd placed italian side napoli also qualify. The woman with the voice that made it famous all over the world has died singer Marie Fredrickson passed away on monday at the age of 61 the swedish pop star died after a long battle with cancer after a short break ill be back to take you through the day but 1st well listen and remember to the voice of rock set and the songs that we all know by heart. The be. The be. The be. Belonging to one official estimates more than 1200000 venezuelans live in colombia legally and illegally. Already. Returned to venezuela. To visit friends is that i dont think id ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i dont know so im not sure. Bearing witness global news that matters. Made for mines so close and now come to look at me affectionately which was affectionately as you can. Fly the mayor putin in the middle of his Election Campaign in the year 2000 a documentary was filmed for Russian Television but director vitali months asia captured much more of the bid to turn the camera back on to the young man of course were going to the film secretly kroner gold a power grab actually everything was precisely planned in structure. Featuring top supporting roles. To go in the press. To the freedom of russia. And featuring a lead role like youve never seen before let me be clear with you i have to act in ways that i feel necessary and people go to simply understand that. You can put your foot a marriage to the ends justify the means. To terms with mrs starts december 13th on t. W. The goal of the Paris Climate Accord is to save the planet from Global Warming the plan a Carbon Neutral world 0 c o 2 emissions how many countries are putting paris into practice try 0 a report released today at the Un Climate Conference names and shames everyone and as for those c o 2 emissions theyre still going up im burnt off in berlin this is the day

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