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Latest also coming up in germany it spells Russian Diplomats over the killing of a former chechen commander he was gunned down in broad daylight in a park here in berlin german prosecutors suspect russian or chechen state involvement says it will retaliate. And the death of the 30 k. Pop star in 3 months sparks a debate about the pressures facing south koreas so left. Im burnt coffee its good to have you with us nato leaders have wrapped up a 2nd day of talks as they mark the military alliances 70th anniversary divisions between Member States have surfaced over a number of issues but today. A National Leaders adopted a joint statement that played to their own any fears of a lack of unity it said that the organization has to look to the future together and acknowledge the challenges posed by chinas growing economic and military power the 1st day of the gathering yesterday saw the emergence of sharp differences between the american and french president. When nato secretary general in stone back however said that members had recommitted so the alliance is a core defense goals and agreed to share defense spending more even boldly this were very clear we stand together that all for one on one for all all of commitment to article 5 the collective defense goals are all were alliance is our and count on allies further recognized the unprecedented progress we are making to achieve fairer burden sharing this is the think 50 year old rising defense investment. In fact you did p. In canada 138000000000. 00 us dollars and by the end though 10. 00 to 24. 00 that figure we rise to 400000000000. 00 us dollars. This is a president that. Are there was your big there speaking earlier today lets take this story down to london our correspondent max hoffman joins me good evening to you max your listeners remind our viewers max article 5 in the nato treaty basically says an attack on one member is an attack against every member its only been invoked one time after the 911 attacks in the United States why do you think. I found it necessary to say today that its still relevant. Up until the u. S. President took office 3 years ago it was just a ritual repeating at every nato leaders meeting that this was the core principle of nato but then everybody got nervous and the reason for that was that donald trump called nato obsoletes that has changed for the 1st time really at one of those leaders meeting that are sometimes also called summits dont seem to be the one defending nato against for example a minute and i call the french president so affirming to score principle of nato was a less of an urgency this time maybe back towards the direction of a ritual but nato has become less stable in the last years as we all know the problems facing they they dont have become more complex and so there still is a certain urgency to pronouncing that on the behalf of against the secretary general of nato but its maybe less urgent as i said in the past years because dumb chump to put it nicely was a friend and a full and you know as evidence that nato was definitely looking into the 21st century today for the 1st time the alliance talked about china as a big threat what are native leaders worried about most. It shows you that nato is really making that transition and also trying to applying its principles and collective defense to cyberspace and they perceive china as being a threat in that domain but not just a threat also they called declaration china not only a challenge but also an opportunity and the reason for that is that many members actually all nato members are deeply intertwined with china because they have deep trade relationships with them but whats coming up in many European Countries and also in the United States of america is the establishment of a 5 g. Network which will be decisive for many economic operations and as you know some Chinese Companies are leading in establishing that who away comes to mind and the americans really want to make sure that the europeans try to avoid the chinese providers here especially hugh away they warned the europeans before the summit because they think its a real threat for Data Protection yeah and its a political hot potato right here in germany at the moment before we run out of time ask you about turkey its been a problem member in the eyes of many within nato was nato able to iron out any of the problems. You know brant thats the real hot potato here and they were unable to iron out the differences they wont be as long as the other one insists that it was a good idea to invade Northern Syria almost no other nato country thinks this was a good idea and im going to remark on the french president reaffirmed that in his Closing Press conference here said he didnt really appreciate a nato member acting like that without really telling any of its partners what it was going to do maybe with the exception of the United States of america but they managed to tone it down they managed not to have it a fight out in the open which was probably fitting for the 70th Anniversary Party of nato but of course this this issue is still there it hasnt gone anywhere yeah i think thats the 1st time ive heard the word party used to describe this 70th anniversary. On the story for us tonight in london max thank you. Well heres some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world the European Unions new Commission President from the Alliance Says she expects a thorough and independent investigation into the murder of maltese journalist daphne elites in leeds who was killed in a car bombing in 2017 following her reporting on high level corruption in malta this politics and its economy irans president Hassan Rouhani has called for the release of innocent people arrested in protests last month inspirations of broke out across the country after the government raised petrol prices despite his announcement the president said protesters who used weapons should be dealt with by the wall. Google founders larry page and sergey brin are stepping down as heads of the internet giants Parent Company alphabet they will be replaced by current google schieffer you see right there it shot will is facing growing criticism here in europe and in the United States over its privacy policies. Well in the u. S. The house of representatives is considering the evidence for possible grounds to impeach President Donald Trump for impeachment experts are testifying in a 2nd round the public hearings and this comes a day after the inquiry into the president s dealings with ukraine released its findings House Democrats are investigating whether president from abused his power by urging a foreign leader ukraines president to open an investigation into one of trumps political and. Personal or lets go to washington now w. s top of holy alias is following the story for us good evening to you pablos today law professors are basically laying out their arguments i think 3 for one against one why trumps behavior could be characterized as in teachable behavior what did they been saying. Hi brant well theyre starkly different those called in the legal experts called by the democrats obviously differing very differently to the legal expert told by the republicans ill start with a republican expert now hes professor Jonathan Turley and he said clearly hes not a trump supporter but he said if you rush this impeachment youre going to leave the country behind this is not an important by item and he also said that its moving at a record fast pace in talking about this ongoing impeachment inquiry and he also said that trumps actions towards ukraine do not represent a clear case of bribery and also yet pretty strong words and he said that it was a narrow 5. Mph winds have failed and that was very different to what democrats have to say democrats also focused on their experts basically saying that there were grounds for an impeachment to take place to even outlined what exactly the articles might even be and its important to know before we get on to what their legal experts said at one of the 3 professor Michael Carey hart said that if what were talking about is not impeachable then nothing is so strong words as well from him in public its good that were learning all of this from these witnesses but arent they basically telling Congress Things that lawmakers should know if theyre already proceeding with impeachment proceedings. Yeah basically what theyre trying to do is i would line exactly what has happened already the investigations that have taken place what the witnesses have said and like i said you know the democrats have outlined or at least hinted very obviously out what those potential and peach mint articles might be and theyre very clear and very easy to understand and very easy to understand for you know an American Public which is pretty jaded in many respects with this ongoing impeachment inquiry they said that abuse of power and bribery is one of them obstruction of congress and obstruction of justice might beat those impeachment articles so you know its going to be a busy day there are several hours left of this taking place here in washington it remains to be seen if it will bridge any of the political divide in the United States or before us on the story for us in washington public thank you. Well the u. S. House of representatives has passed a bill to impose sanctions on chinese officials over the crackdown on weaker muslims now more than a 1000000 weak and other muslim minorities have been detained in what beijing says are reeducation camps the legislation calls for an end to what it describes as arbitrary detention torture and harassment of minorities china says that the bill is a smear and that the camps provide bouquet tional training but many wiggers who have fled and gone to other countries they say they did that to avoid persecution. It will be another long day for parole. The weaker exile spends hours in front of his computer portal. Documents the destruction of mosques part of an alleged government effort to eradicate muslim religion in a weaker culture he says 10000 mosques have already been destroyed. Means no or in egypt no islamic region so this is a crime this is war against muslim is very important to the International Community who understand this and more pressure on china. Beijing regards Chinas Muslim population as a Security Threat its response to this perceived threat has been severe. Over 1000000 muslims are reportedly in concentration camps scattered across chain yank most of them are weekers. The government claims these are Vocational Training centers but there is strong evidence that incarceration in these sites entails torture rape and brainwashing 11000000 weekers live in chain yank the Security Apparatus there combines facial recognition cameras and sophisticated Surveillance Technology with enough press of Police Presence even small expressions of identity can result in arrests one of the victims this programs father the editor of a week or newspaper he was detained and put in a camp his son has not heard from him since. So i have to fight back if i choose silence and. So many pain in my heart if i fail fight back i feel a little bit better because fathers fate means programs fight for weaker rights is personal. A Murder Investigation here in berlin is now a full blown diplomatic storm between germany and russia earlier this year a former Chechen Rebel commander was shot twice in the head as he walked here in a park in berlin on his way to a mosque German Authorities have now expelled 2 Russian Diplomats over the killing believing russian intelligence may be behind the garage. Denies any involvement and says that it plans to retaliate for the expulsions. This decision could mark a new escalation in relations between russia and western countries german chancellor Angela Merkel has defended the expulsion of Russian Diplomats often germanys federal prosecutor general said evidence points to russian state involvement. This isnt a meeting the russian president next week and then i will let you know whether i have spoken with him and how that goes and weve taken this measure as you know mainly because we have seen that russia is not supporting us in investigating this murder and of course ive spoken with allies about this through bilateral contacts. And contact but why dont you just call it up in that you know in august a Georgian National was shot in berlin in broad daylight soon after the assassination suspicions arose that the Russian Intelligence Services were involved the victim was a formal rebel commander in the early 2000 he fought against russia in the 2nd chechen war this is spectacle is a 49 year old russian currently in custody moscow denies any involvement in the killing. The investigation is underway in germany we dont have anything to say because we dont possess any information relation of this incident have to the russian authorities these are absolutely groundless assumptions. Germanys interior minister. Told reporters the investigation was ongoing. In germany there was a criminal process that deals with this kind of thing and in the case of a crime of this magnitude and with this background i can only thank the attorney general that he has taken it on that Say Something about the significance of this crime including his political background it was the be told the. With moscow still refusing to cooperate in the investigation criticism of russia in the west is getting louder. Im joined now here at the table by our Political Correspondent months in the young and coaching studio see you again and we have to tell people that this this crime is very unusual for berlin or for germany this former chechen commander was shot twice in the head broad daylight in a park that almost never happens here and now 3 months later weve got diplomats being expelled why so the reasoning that the Foreign Office and the general federal prosecutor have given for these steps is that of course investigation has been taking a while and one of the reasons for the Foreign Office declaring that to Russian Diplomats position on the richest diplomat speak for them being effectively that spells of the country. Theyve been saying that russian authorities have been repeatedly asked to cooperate in this investigation and have done so so that is the reason the Foreign Office gets gifts for the expense of expanding bus on the same side the general federal prosecutor handelman he was the highest Investigative Authority have been taken on the investigation theyre calling it now a Murder Investigation and theyve been saying that there is indication that Russian Forces may have been involved in this killing and therefore these cases are only being taken by the federal prosecutor if the security of the states so the state of germany is at d risk and that is another reason why theyve taken a strong measure you know i mean its a big deal when the police are told you know were going to take over you know its now a federal investigation what is this going to do do you think to relations between germany and russia i mean weve been talking about the problems with russia at nato this week for example of course if since theyre already in their reaction from the kremlin that they didnt take this measure this diplomatic measure well they have been calling it. Kind of not having great faith and russian relations but the relations of germany and russia always have been a tie its fork in the sense that theres always been some tension and germany especially is trying to have a bass in very diverse cases on the one hand for example for the uk back in 2014 the annexation of crimea by Russia Germany has been leading the sanctions again russia at the time but also in the same time when the ukraine crisis happened germany was the country who took russia and ukraine back on the table to to get to the table with france and forward the minsk agreement so germany knows how to kind of trying to be both tough but the same time be conciliatory and i think this kind of tactic were going to see also in this case and we hope thats going to up next 1000000 kosha as always we appreciate your reporting thank you well the russian government says it had nothing to do with that murder went here in berlin lets bring in now journalist political commentator constantine. Constantine its good to see you i want to ask you about what we heard today from Vladimir Putin spokespersons he said that russia knows nothing about this case and had nothing to do with it. What do you think i mean thats the i guess that is the explanation we would expect to come from the kremlin isnt it. Absolutely of course nothing like a bit minutes anyway but. That is he said to be expected and overload frankly speaking having a Russian National at least test of the russian possible detained by the German Police is something that is quite serious and that makes sense quite a distinct feeling from the events that happened over the killing of. Alexander litvinenko in london in 2000 sake saw an attempt on the life of 7 gets through parlance all the very last yet so there is a suspect and this suspect will be worked on by the German Police by the german less to get it so there may be quite unpleasant surprises for russia in store but of course its total denial and im sure this Investigation Continues well see a truly for ration of theories conspiracy theories about who really did it by the kremlin and from an controlled media you know to deflect attention from its only investigation make it as hard as possible as weve seen in many other cases including m. H. 17 the case of malaysian airliner showdown over over ukraine in 2014 you know those are all very good points a lot of people that they have been comparing this case with the screwball case in the u. K. We heard from moscow today that there will be retaliation for these 2 diplomats being expelled i mean what what can that look like do you think. Well 1st of all lets face it what the German Government did is not comparable tools at all to what the British Government did last year over the screwed up cases it was massive expulsion which some say is really disrupted at a lot of russia does just gathering across the globe expelling to diplomats is basically Standard Practice and i think that moscow will retaliate bikes and expelling 2 germans from the German Embassy moscow but i think it would be that this will be this this will be it for now. Moscow net that it can rely on the sentence agree of understanding both in berlin and in paris to major powers that in the e. U. Germany and france are inclined to listen to the ground and as weve seen recently their eyes you rightly said said there is a movement with regard to the nominee talk so over ukraine so i think that mr putin the look be interested now in toto or russia well see next is what happens when investigation develops constantines anchored as always constantly we appreciate your analysis thank you. Thank you k. Pop is one of south koreas biggest cultural exports and the 3rd death of a young celebrity in recent months is highlighting the intense pressures k. Pop stars face and the latest is actor cha in ha who started his career as a k. Pop performer because of his death has not been released but 2 other performers goo horror and souly are believed to have taken their own lives earlier this year the deaths of expose the dark underbelly of south koreas Entertainment Industry with Cyber Bullying and video pornography rife. Cleancut and baby faced the south korean actor cha in how began acting after its successful singing career he was found dead in his home in seoul aged just 27 years old the police have not revealed more details about his death his real name is leach a hoe and he was starring in the korean series love with flaws and the banker before that he sang with a k. Pop boy band fans of the performa are devastated. He was my age which made me sadder i think they might be in pain even though their lives look very glamorous. Was heading in the. Heartbreaking and sad that young and talented celebrities have made a tragic choice. The agency found go that represented in howard made a statement mourning his death and they ask fans and the media not to spread rumors about his passing. The actor didnt experience the personal attacks and Cyber Bullying that k. Pop female singers who harra and sally received. Both women were subjected to vicious online abuse on social media the 2 singers died in unrelated events in autumn both deaths are thought to be suicide and its not just tragic deaths the wholesome image of the k. Pop industry has been tarnished by scandal and crime last month to musicians were sent to prison for raping a woman and sharing a film of the act with members of other boy bands. With the 3rd death in as many months the dayglo culture of koreas Entertainment Industry is revealing a dark side. This is g w news and these are our top stories nato leaders meeting in london have wrapped up a contentious summit marking the military alliance is 70th anniversary they adopted a joint statement recognizing the challenges posed by china and they reached agreements on defense spending. Germany has expelled 2 Russian Diplomats over the killing of a georgian citizen here in berlin former Chechen Rebel commander was shot dead in broad daylight in a public park here in berlin back in august a suspect is in custody russia denies any involved. For legal experts are testifying in a 2nd round of public hearings in the impeachment inquiry into u. S. President duncan trump there giving testimony on whether president trumps behavior urging the ukrainian president to investigate trumps political rival joe biden whether that meets the definition of an impeachable offense. This is deja vu news from berlin from or you can follow us on twitter and you can go to our website at d w dot com. Youre watching b. W. News ill be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by the day at sea of the. Truth the conflict zone with team sebastian. Is just 3 months since india has decided that it will have to change in kashmir my guest this week here in london is jason comes up National Vice president and one of the chief spokesman of the ruling b j t obviously also the charges of widespread Human Rights Violations in kashmir conflict. Cutting through the noise. Where i come from people are known for being tough but fair new york and a lot of people tell it like it it is but they call it the concrete jungle the melting pot the city that never sleeps its this energy that makes it feel like home but amid the hustle its important to listen and Pay Attention because its not just the loudest voices who need to be heard we all have a story which is how i see it is my job as a journalist to go beyond the obvious now im basing your opinion and my work takes me around the world from my instincts for me and the state to tell the important stories behind the headlines what is the heart of the story why does it matter who live in pakistan to stay focused if you want answers to cut through the noise to get to the truth. My name is sarah kelly and i want you to death. To. 0 information silence its horrible to see this is a blatant cover up why the silence by the media in general push me we are facing an undeclared war from across the western border its just 3 months since india decided that it all had to change in kashmir it tore up the Region Special status and imposed direct rule from delhi thousands of people were arrested and a Communications Blackout imposed my guest this week here in london is jade pond National Vice president and one of the

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