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Bit to a focused some dogs coming to you from mumbai the state of get in the week 6 of the Southwest Corner of independence india is the 1st to receive the onslaught of the more insulin shot was at the end of every year the visited a traditional of Even Community in central canada which last dones a flute handle one bites we was in the debilitating floods of 2080 how the if dont dismissively into an object of hope will definitely surprise you. If you. Can even tell me in. A game they need. They need to know that. He can move. Me. Again me and this miniature dollar has become a symbol of hope. Resilience of the people of good luck who survived a devastating deluge that hit the state in 2018. Really its gone good and each one is made by hand from hand lou materials that were drenched beyond repair in the flood waters. When they looked the fabric which was chlorinated and cleaned it still had stains and scars in it so and i could see that it was a true reflection of every miley those days because better way you go you could see stains and in every heart theres a scar. In august 28th in care last saw catastrophic flooding that cost more than 400 people their lives and 5000000 people their homes and livelihoods. The weavers of the traditional handloom capital of gender among them suffered damages that were estimated to be around 115000000. 00 rupees are close to 2000000. 00 euros it left them bad allies to. Put on the radio all the equipment was destroyed they were broken to the point to be felt there was no way we could salvage them i was the one who arrived 1st and i saw the dire condition i remember thinking i weaving days are over. There we would have to start from scratch and that was unlikely our. Own military record that i love the. Gentlemans alarms traditional hand rooms are made by around 500 artisans who for generations have been weaving textiles with a fine rare type of cotton yarn that is hardly found in india today. And i look around the world. Like 80 year old roger who sings to the rhythm of his 6 feet frame. When the wife dangle money he waves a traditional male outfit call it john the monkey lamond that is completely eco friendly and has earned a certificate from the government of india. Soon after the floods designer shot in the james got in touch with the weavers. Supported by her network of designer friends she dry cleaned some of the fabric and also managed to raise funds for the community through its. Board indeed for the society was that it most of their confidence gave the rebirth you know some light of hope that you know there are people out there people theyve never seen or heard of before who are interested in keeping to the muslim and normal life. The problem they feast was on a large quantity of their fabric and been damaged beyond repair and had become what. Luxury meant and is one of 2 designers who came up with the project to make dollars from the fabric that could be saved. They encourage people to not only buy the dogs but also participate in making them. These are the different types of dogs that does actually made in 9 countries by at around 50000 volunteers they expression the decoration everything is different in its actually that makes it all the more not Beautiful People are very keen to be part of it because they feel that if they make one chick with a dog they also have one for one brick in rebuilding. And the dollars in. Improved more profitable than the original fabric. If you buy a fresh set of front in the market if you get 84200500 but you can make it on 350. 00 from one side saddle and present a piece 25 makes it 1000 from a saturday so the saturday that was supposed to be burnt was in rating 1000 from one piece ringback. One of the 500 societies that contributed to the chico did all had lost fabric was over 2000000 rupees or 27000 euros in the floods. But the sale of the dog the dog and almost 350000 rupees or 43000 euros for the weavers in just 4 months they now take pride in their new identity. By living with people who knew of our work as the weavers of gen the mongol im but now because of che could be more people are interested in finding out more about us and what we do. In the. I scared law prepares for Climate Change induced floods again next year perhaps the check could be dollars represent a tiny testament to the states resilient spirit. Any more construction here or move by schools could only prove to be a gamble Global Warming could drive a much more dramatic increase in sea levels than anticipated new research has found that we might be underestimating just how many people will be affected by the rise exists. The independent science and News Organization Climate Central estimates that the number of people who will be affected by flooding could soon be 3 times higher than previously believed the new study predicts that by 2050 as many. 340000000. 00 people could be affected by rising sea levels indonesias capital jakarta is sinking faster than any other city in the world at the alarming rate of over 15 centimeters per year in fact indonesia recently announced plans to relocate its capital to the forested island of borneo one reason is the threat of disappearing under the rising waters of the java sea. Apart from evacuating cities several countries have engineered Solutions Like flood barriers and sea walls but experts are increasingly saying that Nature Based Solutions are far more likely to help protect vulnerable coastal ecosystems. Groups on the gulf of mexico have begun replanting the vanishing mangrove forests there. In india divers are helping coral reefs regenerate and around the world people have joined campaigns against overfishing to maintain ocean ecosystems. These and other efforts could give coastlines a fighting chance against rising sea levels. The dye was high but thats of the baltic sea between the land of the weaves between fresh water and salt water provide the best possible Living Conditions for many animals and plants species however tourism agriculture and the fishing industry have damaged the habitats of the shallow inland sea not just that the sea eats away at the german island. And then that was the sea is now threatening to divide the island into. This coastline is being repaired in a way that simulates nature several tons of sand of pumped out on to the beach the sun was taken from the sea floor further off. Coast produced the 5 metre high sun june designed to protect this stretch of coastline. 2 years ago how awful storms caused significant damage the sea rushed in washing away the sangean that used to be here and more besides. The coachman it oversaw the planning of the new strategy. Part of the island it was a dam has always had coastal erosion because of the way the ocean current flows here so to preserve the shape of the coast and the environment theres a general plan b. Down by the State Government that we need to protect the coastline using this method. At the nervous part of the sea is threatening to divide the island into. The local fisherman cant go out to sea for 3 weeks because of the construction work they fear their huts which are right by the water could be washed away at any time. So this work is certainly better than nothing but a longer lasting solution would be better. Or geotextile they would definitely stop the sea from coming any further storm you might bring in a bit more sand but thats it all this year costs money to start might only last 6 months or maybe chain years but no longer than that. Wooden posts are also designed to stop the sand being washed away the final tune will look like this with plans to keep the sand in place nothing more. Conservationists like. Believe this is exactly the right solution. Think of this is the right path to be taking. Using gentle measures to preserve the coast by stimulating. Natural processes and. Sound is being brought back here to create a normal sand dune its definitely better than using concrete or stone where you just shift the problem to 23 or 400 metres further along the coast so i dont know if you know. The song. On Germanys Baltic Sea coast known as bowden also need protecting here too says flat salt Water Meadows in keeping with the landscape sufficient the World Wide Fund for nature and another Environmental Group have invested 2 and a half 1000000 euros to buy the land and turn it into a haven for endangered plants and animals. They have an area of 100. 00 hectares if this was farmland which you can still see and were going to give it back to nature this will be turned back just salt Water Meadows it will provide a natural salt water habitat for grassland birds and coastal birds. This entire Coastal Region was once covered with salt water and now there are a few such areas the german state wants to set up 100 square kilometers of additional salt Water Meadows the progress has been slow with many questioning whether flood wetlands provide sufficient protection against flood waters. When the wave rolls in this will provide a natural break and this area will soon be covered in water so when you have a storm the force of the waves will be reduced here as they meet resistance from this area and then ebb away. Behind the meadows low level dikes provide additional protection to residential areas the conservationists are hoping the salt Water Meadows protect the coastline and effectively and naturally. And you. Call still protection is not always about Nature Conservation often the driver is the money to the brains of last year the tropical islands of the maldives in the indian ocean receive nearly 1400000. 00 visitors new hotels and airports to accommodate them are being built at a cost to both me and the locals. And big corporations and businesses they all call this team to win no matter which government is in power. Humans wont stop traveling and recrimination is the only way it will be closer to the airport right now so will there be more coming absolutely over the next 45 years you will have probably another 6070. 00 resorts here. 150. 00 leg or started developing at once there is so much of destruction sedimentation that leaves one which would definitely have a negative impact on. The International Airport in the most d. V. M. Capital mali provides a gateway for tourists from all over the world then taken by boat to the resort islands that are just a short distance from the airport that provides a logistical advantage especially when storms hit. In just 15 minutes the visitors arriving crossroads a mega resort made up of 9 islands a night in one of these bungalows cost 650 euros 2 years ago this was all just water satellite images reveal how the artificial islands suddenly emerged in the middle of the coral reef goon 2 and a half 1000 palm trees were brought here from other islands if you didnt know youd think it all develops naturally those in charge of the project are keen to uphold that illusion its still a natural island literally came from minutes away from here so or alternately this is still how far off want all the palm trees are from neighboring islands very often because they were developing something on the island say an airstrip or or a construction. The whole issue of artificial islands and replanted palm trees has long called the attention of the Anti Corruption ngo transparency multi. Under a number of deals reached by the previous government nearly 60 color surrounding the capital mali were leased to investors and they are now building more and more artificial islands for tourists this means the need for palm trees is growing and they are in short supply as multi even law states the trees mustnt be brought in from abroad why are these trees being transported to that resort to the islands where there is. There are many islands been reclaimed put the purpose of extending. For the people to live. In the ponds any trees. Transparency multiverse says that tourism is given more significance than the environment the countrys environmental protection. Agency used to assess terrorism projects before they were approved but the previous government changed that. Specially if youre consider the areas closer to the capital. There are a lot of. I think richard not concentrated making resorts. Rather than doing that reassuring were focusing on our. 6 new airports were scheduled to be built this year and next to improve access between the islands the island of call her to show she was stripped of most of its mangroves to accommodate its their port but most of the time it stands empty as its not really needed the next airport is just a 20 minute boat ride away activists like adam up to take to twitter to report on the latest building projects theyre using the twitter hash tag save multiverse to speak count and engage with the authorities. I think its a huge risk to beso economy on just a Tourism Industry a lot in order for the proliferation of tourism were destroying the very thing which our Tourism Industry is best on. These coconut shells have spent 9 months soaking in the mangrove swamp to get them soft enough to gain 5 is used for making groet. For 400. 00 women on the island of cool her for she is the only source of income one that is now drawing up plans are afoot to remove the islands last month groves to make way for a building project 70 year old i should have spent most of her life making rope 1st come in about 44 the airport was built a community was asked if we wanted to keep the mangroves and everyone said yes one of. The politicians simply ignored the residents wishes thats a problem people on the island of corrado have been complaining about 15 years now. Their standoff with the authorities concerns this channel of water sand is to be taken from it regularly to preserve the beaches of the resort opposite its Standard Practice in the multiverse residents on the island to gain nothing from the resort but sand is being taken away from them. Early from transparency multiverse says the island is shrinking trees along the coast are dying as the beach is steadily eroding shes collecting evidence in a bid to give people here a voice but theyre fighting a powerful opponent. The current one is also connected with some of the leaders of this country so. If if would really be hard. For a Committee Like this to stand up and fight against it i hope that with the new year. Come in they would immediately like stop. Projects go but its very sad that a lot of this project. If we want to preserve our environment we also need sustainable policy the indian. But dolphin for example is protected but its habitat isnt the ingenue dead or conscious is working with fishermen and tourists to build a very this and introduce responsible tourism practices. Indias beach paradise offers the perfect escape to eager tourists seeking adventures on the open sea all year round and over the years the regions fishermen have become more and more indulgent of tourists. Theyve become the main source of income for most families in this region like some e more g. s. The other traditional fisherman of course when used to go to catch fish some years for tourists would come up and say could you take us to the dolphins we used to take them and charge anywhere from 100 to 2000 rupees but we had no clue what a dolphin was used to think its just another fish. In 2016. A conservationist working to protect dolphins in the seas of north go up one of the big things we need to members who i think this is the underlying principle of my work is that we dont have a natural domination over everything around us everything deserves a life of dignity and compassion and has its own reason for being on the planet and it doesnt have to justify its existence to us and im for the people expect everything to be justified in relation to the morning Everyone Welcome to. Experience middle started there are conscious especially to tackle that mindset and create responsible travel experiences to make boat owners like more avera of the environmental damage they could cause. I just have 4 things id like to say when we see the dolphin put off. Stay paddle to the animal if we have to move dont cut this part of travel around it can we do these 4 things on the trip and said ok should be a problem you just tell me when you want me to do it ill do it. With a few boat operators like morgan the fault it was in time to help tourists understand the concept of compassionate dolphin sporting mitras travel experience or to this includes a detailed presentation about 3 kinds of dolphins found in go us borders how they live how they communicate with each other. The money terror conscious earns is used to pay the boat operators and guides who are partnered with them and invested in Educational Programs the organization is hoping to expand and so do more to help the impressive indian ocean humbugged dolphins and other species whose numbers are declining due to the laws the creation and pollution of their habitat. To raise awareness of the problem takes her tourist to a sandbank after their boat right to collect garbage and clean it up for the dolphins and also for the birds that use it as a nesting site. And i must every single guest who has come with me whether domestic or international has sought wholeheartedly and with joy participated in the clean up of our little kids as young as 5 years old having competitions who can pick up more trash and doing feeling proud and gibbs who have gone back in their parents or texted me and said mike it is no longer asking for the straw mike it is no longer asking for small plastic dinky toys which can be recycled my kid has said they dont want to do high speed water sports because its going to disturb dolphins and totals. 2500. 00 rupees thats about 32. 00 euros per adult make transcript to the dolphins could be called steep compared to the prices before she came into the picture but with more and more willing to risk shes a bind here in marine ecosystem conservation at the same time shes creating a sustainable life is good for the regions fisherman turn to those boat operators following the decline in the marine fishing industry here. Well i think todays stories highlight the increasing need for selfawareness is spent. When it comes to our roots in the environment we live it its up to us to consciously devolves we inflicted upon the planet if we want to leave it to be hard for the upcoming generation as i hope you have many more tickets to well be back next week until then good bye. To the. Code. And see a micro douse of l. S. D. To improve your life. There are courses that teach you how l. Anstey in many doses not hands of recreational drugs but to help fight depression the funding to start conducting research into psychedelics. Become socially acceptable again legal analyst he is back in face to make its job. Was and now im going affectionately but as affectionately as you can. Be mayor pro tem in the middle of his Election Campaign in the year 2000 but documentary was filmed for russian television. To turn the camera back on of course the film secretly chronicled a power grab actually everything was precisely played instructional. Featuring top supporting role. To the freedom of russia. And featuring a lead role like youve never seen before. The other mirsada mirror of itch do the ends justify the means. To tims witnesses starts december 13th on t. W. I was issued when i arrived here i slept with 6 people in a room for the night similar it was hard i was fair. I even got white hair. Learning the gemini language head me a lot this gets me a little bunch maybe 2 in truck loads of say you want to know their story in full license her fighting and reliable information for margaret. D. To know that 77 percent of africa are younger than 6 of fox. Thats me and me and you. You know what its time all voices. The 77 percent people. This is where. The 77 percent this weekend on d w. This is the to use live from berlin nato search for unity in along that as Alliance Leaders seek Common Ground at their 70th anniversary summit there is agreement in one area that china presents new challenges for nato more last longer also coming up

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