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780000 spectators a year is it balanced rejects stuff past the worlds biggest yet to stage. The dancers work long hard hours until the show is absolutely perfect they master everything from classical ballet to just dance. To me what i see is very special here is simply this incredible stage and experiencing it every day it dont so wants to be on stage and here you have the opportunity to be on it every day as much as 8 times a week thats my personal highlight this is my anniversary to highlight. Every 2 years the freidrich stop palast criminals and only show up to pay the tix. For each production new costumes are created by big game designers like sean paul gaultier. Kristen aquash. And penetrate. I the production costs for this show called vivid amounted to some 12000000 euros but it broke even a long time ago. It all began in this old market hall. In 1980 s. The director Max Reinhardt opened his truth to special spiel household granby itself starting in 1024. 00 police or refuse representative Hollywood Star ma. Nina teachers one stops in the course like. In the 1930 s. Operatives like brown do not play to sellout houses in the sixtys now east germany the stage hosted International Stars like Ella Fitzgerald and josephine baker. In 1900 the old building ghost town down. For years later the new one to open its doors this is where the former g. D. R. Put its best foot forward until the fall of the berlin wall in 1989. And new production is already in planning in some a 2020 the predict up process will no doubt true but it can be big. And even more. Well its yet another dark chapter of german history but when namibian communities rose up against colonial rule in 1004 in former german southwest africa Imperial Forces responded with decrees of extermination well the result was the near annihilation of the herero and the nama peoples in 2004 the German Government formally recognised the atrocities and issued an apology but to date no reparations have been paid well now namibian artist isabelle is addressing this National Trauma with an installation here in berlin. Ancestors are one of the namibian tribes the german colonial power that tried to obliterate over a century. With her to exhibit here in berlin. Gives a voice to those who are silenced they tried to various you know they they they tried to kill the whole. Ethnic group the heroes. And they didnt succeed you know were still here when were here to tell the story. From 1004 to 1908 the german army brutally suppressed the herero unama rebellion killing up 2100000 people or more. The 1st genocide of the 20th century shaped modern. Maybe descendants of victims were displaced today 70 percent of profit land remains in white hands germany has returned remains of victims to be buried properly and has so far we fused calls for reparations. To the. Fragile masts of the artists own face lie half buried in sand the work feels like an untended mass a brave people such a v. V. Hopes to start a discussion about the crimes of the past before they are for god were our biggest thing is acknowledgment to acknowledge its history to acknowledge that it happened because for so many years its just been denied. Germany has finally stopped denying what happened in the may be but the path to healing more than a century of trauma has barely begun. A very moving installation and joining me in the studio is scott roxboro who made that report welcome scott more than a century of trauma you said there caused by this is genocide more than 100 years ago its a trauma thats ingrained in the psyche of namibians what was it like to actually experience this work you know its interesting its actually quite disorienting as youre as youre walking over the sand over these all of these places i was really scared i was going to step on one and break them because a very very fragile but. If you told me actually thats sort of the point i mean she made the point that even to get to this exhibit in berlin you have to go over the Holocaust Memorial because its quite nearby and she said you want to make the point that while walking our cities over or you need an ordinary street or actually walking over history and were walking over or over forgotten graveyards and that we should we should be remember that and tried carefully unbelievable not is a bad patch of beauty herself has of course a deep historical connection to to this genocide and these events in the media but also very personal connection can you tell us you know her father is. Peter cutter v. V. Who was a farm passenger to germany from maybe to germany and he was very key in getting remains returned to me particularly there were skulls that were brought after the genocide to germany and presented as sort of an example of whites period already and a number of these calls were then finally returned to the libya in 2011 and they were just incredible scenes of sort of mass celebrations people stormed the airport to to see these these these skulls being returned and it really is vip important because thing about this genocide that makes even more tragic is they dont know where the bodies are buried so theres not even a place they can go to to memorialize their ancestors so what isabels main goal with this installation well she is in favor of reparations she is in favor of returning of artworks and so forth but what she told me was that her main point is to get people to acknowledge this trauma as possible for people maybe to move beyond it and she said what she definitely doesnt want is the modern people of germany to feel a particular sense of guilt or shame about the past lets have a quick listen to what she had to say earlier today. They themselves dont do anything and i think what they need to do is then just come to the table and help us you know get this history into the limelight get it known and everything just help us on our journey of healing. Scott its such a huge issue how how can art to what extent can really heal. Is the big question but i think at least we can start the process i think art is something that can express. Issues that are very difficult to express directly and i think with with her work she is trying to look at the the trauma of her people but do it in a way that makes it understandable for someone outside for maybe the entire world and maybe a start if we can begin to understand the extent of this trauma maybe that is the 1st point to begin the discussion to begin a process of you we talked about repatriation of ancestral remains and its interesting that germany just yesterday returned the largest number of aboriginal ancestral remains to australia ever are receiving a larger International Effort to return these kinds of colonial spoils to their rightful homes what does this potentially mean obviously for museums all across europe well i mean if you take it to the logical conclusion it could mean youd have to clear out a lot of museums because huge numbers of big museums in the in your argument you are still just boils over and so forth im not sure thats ever going to happen but i think these discussions are being have by museums all over Europe Europe now and they have to be had and i think thats the main starting point and a lot of these works will be returned as they as they should be but i think the important thing is as isabel said we need to have discussions need to acknowledge the trauma and the loss of these people as a way to as a starting point to go forward well they tried to bury us a very moving installation by is about. On until december 8th here in berlin just a short time Scott Ross Perot thank thats very much for bringing us that background. And well finish off with a puzzle that giovanni kentucky can transform into art 1st of all the 24 year old italian is a whiz on the rubiks cube he can solve it in literally seconds which i already find amazing but he doesnt stop there because hes also a pioneer of rubiks cube art so lets get him to show us how its done. Giovani come tardy puts more than 700. 00 cubes and as much as 2 hours into each of his portraits what he doesnt put into them is glue either the frame holds the cubes in place or the image falls to pieces as soon as its completed he has nearly 350000 followers on instagram he generally makes portraits of famous figures some of the stars share the images on social media winning him even more followers share his fascination with the cubes. When people look at you solving a cube in 10 seconds think of someone from another planet same is with the artwork but its something more fascinating comes harvey started out by setting records he said an impressive 60 italian records 9 european ones and 3 World Records he solves the rubiks cube in less than 10 seconds even underwater. Giovanni khan tarty lives in the town where he was born paediatric participate hes able to live from his art and is even under contract to the new york city calorie that sells his works to collectors around the world for 5 figure songs but he sees no need to leave his are hes done a portrait of the towns most famous son opera composer Giacchino Rossini good publicity for the opera himself and the town. Is very important for me. Outside of here for 4 years. During. That experience or go i love that i dont understand how i like my rope being with friends i grew up where my family of course. From the very 1st cuba took giovani come tardy only about 90 minutes to complete this mona lisa uses over 700 rubiks cubes deconstructs the portrait line by line taking short breaks now and then thats important because its easy to make a mistake but extremely difficult to fix it later on. Of course the very last block is a ways satisfied. Law fascinating stuff well if youd like to see it again just pay a visit to our website not brings this week to a close and so until we meet again all the best for myself and the team and from berlin. Can inspire change. People. Go africa fantastic right. Join them as they set out to save the environment learn from one another and Work Together for a better future. Many songs do you all for tuning it cool africa in 90 minutes on d. W. Bush hello. This is speaking when i come to the show with a ding dong xoai. Gets. On. In. Blogged down this evening following a terror attack that left 5 injured officers called a stabbing at London Bridge near the u. K. Parliament i witnessed a video shows civilians tackling a man on the bridge before police shoot a suspected attacker claiming will last monday dont force prisoners mobile things from the city above the places that are going to put this just there to go to see to another position to give birth to their house

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