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England a new opinion poll suggests britains Opposition Labor Party will have a tough job meeting Prime Minister pours just Boris Johnsons conservatives in next months election we hit the campaign trail in northern england. And rescue teams in albania a race against time to find survivors of tuesdays earthquake the death toll rises to 40 making it one of albanias deadliest quakes after. Im sumi so misconduct thank you for joining us the European Parliament has voted to declare a Climate Emergency law makers hope the move will send a powerful signal to the un Climate Summit which starts in madrid next week theyre also ending to put pressure on the incoming e. U. Executive to take a leading role in the global fight against Climate Change or lets get more on the story now we have our correspondent garrick back to standing by for us in brussels hi gary good to see you how much support was there for this deck declaration among lawmakers in parliament. So i mean a clear majority here amongst the lawmakers in strasbourg backing that largely symbolic resolution and that was one of the main concerns for some u. P. S. Who have said you know it lacks the substance there is that there was the concern that it could fuel expectations that then could not be met and that is why the conservatives for instance said lets rather call it an emergency rather than emergency now while the majority of that house has now decided that europe is the 1st continent to speak of an emergency in case of the climate while some are saying that this declaration actually does not go far enough we spoke to Green Party Lawmaker felipe lamberts before the vote lets listen to what he had to say. The scientists are basically telling us that we wasted the last decade in terms of Climate Action which means that now the measures that we need to take a much more stringent instead of political will to do that its very nice to have a declaration on the Climate Emergency but if actions hes not following this is just hot air and when we have enough of hot air at the moment gary that is a concern that a lot of time activists certainly have i mean how will this actually be implemented. That very much to now depends on the new European Commission and the new head of the European Commission has a lot on the line has already announced that she wants europe to lead that fight a bit against Climate Change she wants to make it a top priority of her new commission to fight Climate Change and that is why she has put forward a European Green agenda where she wants to make concrete proposals exactly what mr numbers here is demanding in order to fight that now i remember very well 2017 when the European Union launched a directive to abolish inefficient vacuum cleaners and in order to save on c o 2 emissions and the result back then was an outcry across europe where people said look this is too much of a broch receive too much interference so it is difficult since she is in a difficult position making these things from europe rather than in the within the nation states of the 28. 00 Member States is where it will be very challenging it certainly is now very much on the agenda for the European Union how do you think climate activists are going to respond to this declaration the 1st reactions i have received here in brussels is that they do welcomed the fact that now the European Parliament has acknowledged how urgent the matter is the house is on fire is what piece for instance said and they are they are glad that every piece of now brought forward that rezzes resolution but they made clearer like mr lambert has said look we need concrete action we need investment in infrastructure for buses trains rather than cars which are the greatest emitters of c o 2 in the e. U. So a lot of actions if this remains an empty gesture and that is very much the feeling amongst the climate activists who are expected to be on the streets tomorrow in brussels again if this is an empty gesture it will do more damage than good. Garrick matters reporting for us from brussels thank you very much. Now u. S. President donald trump has signed a law backing democracy in hong kong the legislation means there will be an annual review of the favorable trade status that washington grants hong kong it also threatened sanctions against chinese officials who commits human rights abuses in the territory Chinas Foreign Ministry has denounced the new law saying it seriously interferes with its internal affairs but its being welcomed as a victory by hong kongs prodemocracy movement. Us no matter the administration and the congress they set a clear is that you know your presidency hong kong even is on the hot line rule of beijing but we are also the global city that will have foreign businessmen also that live here and how to safeguard hong kongs political at economy freedom that also would be quiet here and also one of the issue that presidency or kariya ignored or as we mentioned china has reacted angrily to the signing of the legislation this is what the spokesperson for the chinese Foreign Ministry had to say jungle. Hong kong is Chinas Hong Kong and Hong Kong Affairs are purely chinas internal affairs no Foreign Government or power has the right to intervene this will only make the Chinese People including our compound trips in hong kong more aware of the sinister intentions and had monic nature of the United States it will only make the Chinese People more united and committed the us probably doomed to fail. And we have didnt use clifford couldnt with us he was a correspondent in china for over a decade hi clifford thanks for joining us here it is still unclear how exactly china will respond in terms of concrete action whats your analysis well i think looking at the verbal reaction its kind of predictably angry theyre talking about hedging money and theyre using the language that of the struggle and theyre talking about plots and theyre clearly very angry about this they see that they see it as an attack on their internal affairs and thats a been a big thats always a big issue with china whenever theres comments about human rights or democracy people chinese reaction is always this is our internal matter so theyve also said that its the wish of the of the hong kong people not to have this which would seem to run counter to the Election Results we had at the weekend in the district elections were prodemocracy comes its 190 percent of the vote so. So basically in terms of the verbal reaction there clearly angry how this will unfold oh its still unclear on a lot of it of course will be related to the ongoing trade talks now with the u. S. You know lets talk about those trade negotiations because the u. S. Is currently trying to ease that trade conflict between the u. S. And china at the moment how do you think this could affect that i think it could have a very serious effect noting the language that donald trump was using when he was signing it that he was basically trying to trying to play both sides so it could impact on the chinese position obviously the economy is very important but we should never forget that the communist Party Everything is political and this is a big political move and politics will always trump excuse the pun the economy so i think its going to have a very serious impact on these talks what about the u. S. Position because we heard President Trump say we have to stand with hong kong but we also heard him say im stand almost all standing with president xi hes a friend of mine those are very mixed messages absolutely i mean i think he was. He was he couldnt make any of the decision really i mean it was nearly unanimous backing for the for the package in. For the bill and so he is from within his own party as well so he couldnt dont sign us but hes clearly aware of the fact that he does the trade talks and he wants to keep he wants to play both sides and hes talking about xi jinping being his friend as you say so i think its puts him in a very difficult position. At the same time the chinese have a lot to lose in the trade talks and he considers himself to be in a stronger position. So i think that. Whatever the chinese do i think trump will probably be able to absorb it and ultimately i think we could have a lot of to ing and fro ing and is going to be a lot of harsh language i think before this is finished on a lot more statements like we had today with the with the Foreign Ministry but ultimately i think that they will still have to come to a deal if we look at the situation in hong kong we heard from a former hong kong leader lynch and yang saying you know beijing only promised a high degree of autonomy in hong kong not complete autonomy why are we hearing that now well this is this is the ongoing thing about the basic law hong kongs many constitution and the interpretation of. Beijing is taking as a different approach to the basic law now and thats what a lot of whats caused a lot of these protests where people feel that their autonomy is being is being worn away and so i think beijing is very keen to show that its now in control that we had the handover in 1907 but now its into the sort of the 2nd phase and that beijing is in control so i think thats the direction that things are going that they want to sort of wear down the democratic side of it and focus more on the chinese ownership was aware of. Did use clifford couldnt with us thank you for your analysis. Now in vietnam the 1st funerals have taken place for some of the 39. 00 people found dead in a truck in britain last month British Police investigating the deaths have arrested several people including the driver of the truck was pleaded guilty to conspiring to assist illegal immigration the victims of violence were flown to vietnam on wednesday. 2 families paralyzed with grief finally though able to lay their loved ones to rest. Cousins when and whine the previous day scores of villagers helped as their coffins arrived in rural vietnam in an emotionally charged and grim homecoming. Kept an agonizing wait for the bereaved families who kept vigil for weeks. After a month of waiting the family has been saw sad we couldnt eat we couldnt sleep. The younger of the men was just 18 years old he had joined his cousin to embark on a shared dream together. He went to work abroad with the hope that he could earn money for a Better Future for him and help the family but its devastating that hes died its really painful. The pair traveled to britain in search of jobs but their journey ended in tragedy inside this lorry among 39 people to suffocate at the hands of human traffickers. At the funerals all the focus was not on justice or the nature of their deaths but on their lives. Now to some other stories making headlines around the world north korea has test fired too short for ancient missiles thats according to south korea and japan observers say the move could be an attempt by pyongyang to pressure the u. S. Over a deadlock Nuclear Talks the north has set an end of year deadline for negotiations to restart. Medical sources say iraqi forces have shot dead at least 16 protesters in the Southern City of nasiriya as unrest continues to grip the country on wednesday demonstrators set fire to the iranian consulate in the city of najaf outrage over perceived iranian influence has been fueling widespread antigovernment protests. The United Nations says armed groups in eastern congo have killed 3 Health Workers responding to the Ebola Outbreak the Development Fuels fears that the outbreak of the deadly virus in the country which had been on the decline could regain momentum and hungary and prosecutors have charged the captain of a cruise liner in connection with a deadly boat collision on the danube in may the Ukrainian National was charged with misconduct leading to mass casualties and 35 counts of failing to provide help 27 people died nearly all of them trysts from south korea. Britains Prime Minister Boris Johnson is heading for a big majority in next months general election according to a major poll the hugo polling analysis which accurately predicted the 27000. 00 election suggests the progress that johnson would win a comfortable 68. 00 seat majority the result would all but guarantee britains departure from the European Union by the end of january the gains would come at the expense of his opponents labor theyre on course for their worst result in decades. And lets go right to london our correspondent is standing by for us hi burka so there is one major poll suggesting a big majority for the conservatives does this mean that Boris Johnsons election gamble is paying off or are voters just tired of breaks it. Well sumi i think there are several reasons one is that Jeremy Corbyn the leader of the labor party is really extremely unpopular his pastoral writings really drunk bottom hes also being vilified one has to remember by large sections of the British Press so that could be one reason the other reason though is that burroughs johnsons message his illusion i have to say of saying lets get brecks it down lets get it out of the way lets move on that that seems to be successful with the british voters they really are so fed up of hearing about it his critics of course point out that breaks it going to be done at the end of january but that is just the beginning of the whole trading cozy ations of the whole written new relationship with the European Union and they point out that its really almost offended fantasy to say that the bracks will be out of the way but a lot of british voters seem to think that brought johnson is the person to to get a clear way forward and weve been ive been to the north of england and we talk to voters and politicians this is where the labor party had their traditional strongholds and we wanted to see how labor and how the conservatives are fairing in the north of england so lets have a look at that. The town of Bishop Oakland used to be a train building hub today the factory haughton which carriages were once built empty. The Unemployment Rate is above the british average and a key majority of the population voted in favor of leaving the e. U. Bishop oakland was once a bustling market town with a striving night life now there is a sense that towns like these former mining and manufacturing communities in the north of england have been forgotten. And people want to change a large number of shops on the high street have. There is money available for redevelopment but many feel it has been put to wrong use they blame the labor party which has been the dominant party in the area for almost 100 years. And dont have anyone here. And can ask you do you know me and service know my phone because i dont trust the labor party i dont. Think in general politicians of the right direction the fishbowl impulse to labor a strategy to draw attention to the conservative party. That they say are to blame for the citys money. This is not about brakes its only its about the policies of the past weve lost a quarter 1000000000 pounds from our county council through austerity through tory cuts. Davis and this the conservative party candidate. John kerry the main message labor has not done enough for the area and must finally be implemented so that other things can be dealt with. Obviously people are worried about. Here on the ground. Today and the biggest. Event in a pub hockey anyone says they will vote for labor even if they have. Yes they all want to leave the e. U. And believe the government will deliver that the north of england has always been. Where the conservative party. The more affluent people and with. Genuinely think the spanish huge shift in peoples. I do strongly believe the conservative party is going to when. The people of Bishop Oakland almost all agree they voted for greg said and now they want their voices heard before too long they have felt ignored by petitions in london. And syria was very striking we really try to find people that are backing labor but it was very very difficult we nobody wanted to say on camera that they going to vote labor and even in private conversations a lot of people really expressed their dismay of the current state of the labor party and it really goes to show that traditional education says at least in the north of england changing it was also striking very hard to share both conservative and labor voices in your report say that this election isnt just about gregs and what else is it about. Well particularly the labor party is trying to shift attention to Public Services to domestic policies they and nonsingle really quite dramatic investments in things like a Green New Deal they also try and shift the emphasis on the Health Service and we know from opinion polls that brags and the Health Service are the 2 main subject that voters are interested in at the moment labor party is saying if britain least the European Union we can already see that this government johnson is in touch with the us and that the us pharma and Us Health Care services will take over and will supply the services and on the cuts our an h. S. A. This is something that they know that very many voters dont want so there is a point of contention here and that will become sharper in the next 2 weeks until the elections im sure. Hes reporting for us from london thank you. Rescue teams in albania are in a race against time to find survivors of tuesdays earthquake the death toll has risen to 40 making the quake one of albanias deadliest ever powerful aftershocks are complicating the search and forcing nervous residents to sleep outdoors crews have flown in from across europe to help with search efforts. Sniffer dogs from a croatian rescue team scour the remains of a collapsed building. A girl is still missing in the rubble. Piles on the street people who have lost their homes way try help the coastal city of duress is one of the areas hardest hit by the quake 27 buildings have been destroyed killing at least 12 people. After the main quake on Tuesday Morning 2 rez was shaken by several strong aftershocks. Fearing the earth may shake again many residents are scared to stay indoors some are spending the night in their cars. Or under canvas hundreds of people have sort shelter in a camp a steely set up at the local football stadium. Here is the 2nd night theyre spending here. Just quickly because with it why should i go home im afraid ivan is back just to take my medication and you shaking began and ive run out im scared why should i go back we will never of course. We are terrified. It was something we did not expect we were all asleep and everything started to shake and. Its all it was a night. Tonight were staying out with the baby. Yeah while aid workers 100 food and drink to the evacuees the search for survivors continues. A team of atari and firefighters the sun comers down into a wrecked building to look for the missing. 2 days off to the main earthquake struck the chances of finding anyone alive and getting slimmer. Youre watching news still to come on our show cullen ery court battle in france we find out why this cheesed off shellfish suing the Restaurant Industry is bible the michelin guide. But 1st lets look at some more stories from around the world turkey says 2 of its troops have been killed in a mortar attack in the town of action on the border with syria the mortar round was reportedly fired from syria near areas that turkey and its syrian allies seized last month turkey says its forces retaliated. Apple was agreed to russian demands to depict the Crimean Peninsula as part of russia the region is currently shown as russian territory on apples maps and whether apps but only for users within russian borders russia sees crimea from ukraine into went in 2014 and later annexed it in a referendum that kiev and its western allies say was illegal and berlin is preparing a law to protect German Companies from foreign takeovers economics minister peter outliers the government wants the right to veto bids by non e. U. Investors if they plan to acquire at least 10 percent of a german firm the threshold is currently 25 percent that the changes would affect Companies Involved in Artificial Intelligence robotics biotech and quantum technology. Could only happen in france a cull unary court battle has begun after a renowned chef lost a coveted michelin star over allegations that he used the wrong cheese in the souffles. Claims the downgrade from 3 stars to 2 left him depressed and he denies using inferior cheese. The knives around after a row over a return to do a chin in stone reached boiling point decorated french. Was demoted to stars in january less than a year after being awarded the highest accolade in the cullinan bold. And i mean for that they gave me 3 stars and then they take going away i want to know the reason why. There are restaurants la maison de poor in the french alps was demoted after a mission inspector snubbed his souffles the celebrity chef was accused of using the humble Cheddar Cheese instead of french fry it is there are claims he used saffron in the dish which made it appear yellow like the color of cooked cheddar. Cheddar gates by restaurants inside it its the 1st time a chef has sued the prestigious guide mitchell and has bitten back branding vera a narcissistic diva suffering from pathological egotism. And guide has just said that michelle is excellent but not a genius mr heart does not accept this because to him no one has a right to say that hes not a genius its not the courts route if mark farah wins this case it will set a precedence for other disgruntled chefs the outcome could see him become the toast of the food world once more on leave it bitter taste in his mouth. Lets get a reminder now of our top stories here on d. W. The European Parliament has voted to declare a Climate Emergency its in line with the priorities of the new European Commission and lawmakers hope the move will send a powerful signal to the u. N. Climate summit in madrid next week. And china has reacted angrily to u. S. President donald trump signing a law backing the prodemocracy movement in hong kong on state Television China called the law a serious interference in its internal affairs. Coming up next the conflict zone Tim Sebastian interviews turkish president ial spokesman abraham collene please follow us on twitter for all the latest headlines our handle there at the w. News for all of us here in berlin thank you for watching. Into the conflict zone with Team Sebastian turkey has outraged many of its allies and fatness with its military operations in syria my guest this week here at the Foreign Policy forum in berlin is turkeys president ial spokesman in britain colleen how does he justify his countrys highly controversial policies. And approach conflicts comes next to go through. The power of words. Where i come from i never saw the sun where it. Had gone up in brazil my son was always a man since the portuguese word for son is masculine and when i move to germany as a 10 year old i want to come to him on t. V. And that would change how i see the world because into a man with his family i. Found fame and now but the side of a good listener sorry the ponytail instead of a deep voice exterminates guy seemed absolutely incredible. I realised how language shapes the thinking how definition far not only mentality may just put our whole perception of the role. Did inside save my life and was one of the reasons i became a journalist im a storyteller and i use my words to help with Intercultural Understanding my name is in one way and i wear it and to tell people. When you do it in the west its for public order them to do it its so fresh ok god of the week is any further you cannot fight 134 than i was a shit with another one turkey has outraged many of its allies and partners with its military operation. In syria and a whole catalogue of Human Rights Violations against its own people my guest this week here at the Foreign Policy forum in berlin is turkeys president ial spokesman Ibrahim Kalin how does he justify his countrys highly controversial policies. And abroad

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