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Whole chunk you mentioned the 1st time in my 25 years living in a hong kong i see the truth you mention closed nothing of the like happening but when the Police Water Cannon house the nearby mosque that day its great blue dye on the entrance of the building although the police later apologized and the protesters saw it as a deliberate attack on the citys south asian population most families had moved here during british rule as the city moved away from its colonial past there gotten little attention suddenly that all changed a week after the paint incident the protesters were back at the john king mentioned this time folks remained open. To everyone who voted to try mention the god study vote here they also this hour. They are home contests. Suddenly the south Asian Community was a focal point of the protests. Because but holds himself a 3rd generation pakistani of hong kong or has also taken part in some of the protests why most elderly prefer to stay out of politics he says more and more young south asian hong kong those have joined the movement drawing attention from the protesters and the media to that moment of the medias coverage of issues. Many south issues i hold because begin to realize that we have to speak out if you. Have the speaking on hold the protests have shaken many certainties in hong kong they should ship with its minorities seems to be one of them. For more than 30 years east germany encouraged people can be to move there to help deal with a labor shortage after german unification many vietnamese were sent home but some others were allowed to stay. Home told to always dreamed of owning her own restaurant in 1976 the 62 year old came to the former east germany from vietnam. For me my white flower dress represented germany because it was given to me by german aid workers. So when i got the job training offer i immediately said yes i had no idea what i was getting myself into. It was an equal. Release she liked life in the former east vietnamese people work instead of to be very industrious but after her job training from 2 to had to return to vietnam that had been destroyed by war. Then in 1987 she was offered the opportunity to return to eastern germany in a small town as a contract worker but the attitude towards foreigners had changed him of envy i dont call for war become and. So. Whenever we went shopping the cashiers look look down at us as though we had just walked out of the jungle well as. This is the building that home to 2 used to work in. Former garment factory she quickly realized that people like her were only there to make up for the lack of skilled workers in east germany they were encouraged not to have contact with east germans. Then in 1989 the war failed germans were overjoyed but it was a precarious time for contract workers. Over the following years the government tried to depart the former contract workers on top to was allowed to stay because she was married to a german. But she ran into opposition including her doctor he had been in charge of contract workers in her small town. He asked me what are you still doing here i answered i live here he replied but you dont mode you anymore there is no east germany anymore and the. Hatred of foreigners exploded in 1902 with aggressive Gang Violence right wing radicals set apartment buildings on fire and burned cars that belong to vietnamese contract workers. We havent just been miles on my money we saw the attacks on t. V. My husband cried. And i told him these are hard times for us i might have to leave the country. But home to intrastate today she feels more at home here but racism has again been on the rise in germany and its beginning to scare her. Not only. Of course i hope that the people i like will remain in the majority so that we wont be in danger. If i wished it germany has become her home but home torture still has her vietnamese passport just in case. Now we move to the west african country of senegal where the government is using education and Family Planning programs to try to cut the birthrate well talk to one of the people who is taking these programs into local communities. Every day goodness are girls door to door visiting families in her darker neighborhood she is a buddy in gore a district god most are empty and she wants to see change in her community. In the privacy of their homes she talks to women about sex and contraception. He pulled. Every woman is able to go to the clinic and choose a contraceptive method. She needs spent to agree and sometimes also her mother in law having mediators at the Grassroots Level makes a big difference say so if you build your truly a midwife there on the real Health Center 10 years ago the government launched this Outreach Program to make Family Planning a priority they hope to decrease maternal and new a natural death according to the world bank the 1st cd to rate dropped below 5 children per woman in 2016 it was a 1st time in senegals history the birth rate is no at 0. 7 lower than other countries in the region such as new share or nigeria. I think its because of all the awareness campaigns the media the fundings also women now realize the benefits of spacing out pregnancies for their babies their husbands and for themselves. Give said. This was our 3 comes here very clearly to get the pill she doesnt want any more children as she wants to make sure her kids get the best education possible. With Family Planning i have peace of mind now i can do whatever i want without thinking of getting pregnant. With. This woman in senegal around 95 percent of the population is Muslim Society here is conservative file is part of a growing young generation of religious leaders who promotes Family Planning file has trained more than 2500 him arms across the country he insists that the koran advocates breastfeeding and spacing out pregnancies but you know well see when you read they had a lot of the professor you can clearly see that he was against good pregnancy because he said they had terrible consequences for the newborns and for the mother but also a lot more progress has been made but theres still a long way to go Health Workers hope that more women and girls will soon have full control of the decisions concerning their bodies. Now we travel to the netherlands where the coastline is threatened by rising sea levels in the port city of rotterdam theyve come up with a novel way to house livestock away from the threatened my own hands 34 cows have moved into their new home a floating barge what makes cows happy and feed and. Fresh air so the shed has everything they need even if its a float thats why the feed for the 34. 00 strong herd has to be carried along a narrow gangway. But other than that the shed has everything a land based unit would have the difference is that this one rises and falls with the tide up to 2 meters a day the cows dont seem to mind. Around to all tell us also get transported by sea or by by ship so i dont think they get seasick but. Yeah i think they look happy if they get enough food i think they will be having. Space is at a premium in rotterdam harbor theres lots of construction down at the waterfront it started with apartments and now theyve added the cow shit. Im saying this far enough part of the hot going to end sensation we call this the sands are me adding some farming till the sixtys and that will make cities more livable. But if youre looking for a traditional countryside barn youre in the wrong place this one is high tech floating solar cells supplied with electricity the cows are milked by robots. And another robot collects them a newer. Part of that goes to fertilize green areas in rotterdams inner city. Youre close to the waste circle so waste of produce there and then it gets feedback that to the city as a higher product. And soon counties wont be the only ones adopting to an aquatic lifestyle she can factorise and greenhouses with also soon be taking to the water. Just take me to me and get in her early twentys lucy want to go was a victim of domestic abuse. She works in the slums of nairobi to promote selfdetermination for women it also supports victims of abuse conduction aids Information Programs in schools and campaigns for womens rights. 3 times. 30 minutes on g. W. You see india. Rice india there are more than 100000 priorities of the popular food but now theyre being replaced by just a few hybrid species. Farmers cull the no no culture farm and cast aside the morning return to traditional methods for a sustainable future. 90 minutes d. W. Cutting through the noise. Where i come from people are known for being tough but fair new york and a lot of people tell it like it it is they call it the concrete jungle the melting pot of a city that never sleeps its this energy that makes it feel like home but amid the hustle its important to listen and Pay Attention because its not just the loudest voices who move to be heard we all have a story this is how i see it is my job as a journalist to go beyond the obvious now im based in europe and my worth taking. You know round the world but my instincts for me of the state to tell the important stories behind the headlines is what is the heart of the story why does it matter who live in power. To stay focus what you want. To cut through the noise to get to the troops. Fighting terror telling them i want you to death to. Blame. Blame. Blame. The but. The but. This is g. W. News live from berlin hong kongs leader to listen humbly to voters after they send a clear message to beijing prodemocracy candidates make massive game as a probation vote collapsed in invisible elections to vote for the National Referendum on hong kongs political trouble. Also coming up a spectacular heist at one of the worlds Oldest Museum thieves break into a dress in the green vault in eastern germany and make off with treasures and jewels that could be worth up to a 1000000000

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