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The gallery is responsible for the highest number of people and the greats in pro capita than any other african nation and thats truly shocking if you consider the size of the population here but now a lot of young people are coming back in fact the International Organization for migration estimates that on a monthly basis over 100 retired means a stepping right back into this country question is is the country prepared to take care of them and who better to ask this question for me than troll gambians and well begin with mr demba here he is actually one of the people who left the country as an immigrant and you decided to take the back roads known because it is that your regular way of going how was that journey for you was it worth it how long did it take just give you a little insight into what happened. Judy was so hot something i took time from. At the synagogue till night and then to physically i came to my new agapit did they they couldnt. He said if you dont pay him when he was going to bring over to the prison here in mali so many try to get that money believe me theyre having a lawsuit going back to you say too difficult to punch through plus the police to. You know when you can that they would actually money if you dont bring money do would be to me on the most serious crime ok let me come are you one of the very few women actually because statistically women from the gambia dont migrate its men who make up 97 percent of those people who are leaving and im curious to know as a woman if that journey was more difficult for you and if the government has been there for you since he returned is was very difficult we me i dont talk see it and i destroy a lot of money there could not need there after i get there couldnt make freeview i get the kidney problem before i am claiming i meet him there i think care of me because that then i was going there. In. That is thats was my still wish and its very daniels but they are very take care of me take me to the hospital return me back to you and i thank you so a lot of gratitude being expressed particularly to i. O. M. Which i find interesting what disability you are a social analyst do you think that the gambia is too heavily dependent on International Organizations to solve a local problem. Thats for sure because gambia does seem tough the capacity 200 this every right to depend on those International Organizations International Organizations i dont think theyre doing well i think theres a lot of smoke screens and we do that here of course the girl is she just thanking the National Youth council without them she would not speak here so these are some of the problems from the National Youth council to the International Organization for migration on the e. U. Projects. In the Success Stories that didnt come but on and on billboards in the country nothing is being done here this conflict is not ready its not able to 103. 00 tonys on the better for the International Community to make sure that our young people im not seeing for have on look for a long term situation change on the pushing but mr somebody on here now talking about people who were forcibly treated back into their countries but these ones return voluntarily gambians where should they be taken wish will they go but they should come here what im saying here is under you know whats happening in libya it came about from the media because according to. The International Report the European Union was collaborating with disobedience to talk to an entity of all young people im sorry i cant allow you to say such things without backing i mean we i. Mean theres fact theres no reason to raise on the International Report i can send you the link you gave me a study of this stuff that is confirmed ok so some very serious accusations being leveled not just against you but International Organizations that are just here for the power point presentations of the end of things here i hear effective as i aware or any u. N. Agency or any International Organization our role in any country is to support the government to address its concerns and a huge part of that is as rightly mentioned perhaps 2017 there was a limited capacity on behalf of the government to manage this issue but i think at the same time its a bit unfair to say that any intern. Organization will solve the entire problem on its own expertise in a. V. R. Which is assisted voluntary return and reintegration so many of these individuals. Were in a situation in libya they just could not stay in its inhumane and we believe that you mean assistance to provide to assist them in returning home and when theyre home we can provide them reintegration in the form of skills training in the form of setting up a micro business but at the same time we understand that i. O. M. Cannot support returning for ever and i think we all need to Work Together with many different organizations to address this issue one of them being of course the National Youth council the i. O. M. As his has rightly said is not here for the long haul what are your plans for people like demba and me you know 2030 years from now and for the thousands of others who still havent reached the shores of the gambia i think. Supporting but its an International Going to. Us did. He have to compliment the government to force this course. And sort of government in the process not allowing this is a. Very you all part of this government you are representative of government and youre speaking as though its a foreign entity what are you doing what have you done. Its not just about government sort of government or the minister what we do is basically advice from government in terms of what ive been on. Because you just provided for them ok i dont know what has been provided you said no what has been provided is coming from i. O. M. In terms of providing them support what we want is to see examples of. Coming from government to say this is what government is doing and not just continuing to say this is what i am and what im going to do is what is coming from so. The this question is to ensure that we work with government and we can bring out the example to see Government Hospital by that i mean young dollars or 10000000. 00 and this is about investing in terms of supporting young people really want to continue courting to say i am a supporter or to see beyond the possible but we want to be able to say as a government this is what we have gone and we have led the process of supporting our young people and not continuing to rely ok going to support the right and let me come back to will suffice here because you know were hearing from the n. Y. C. That they have plans these are things that might happen in the future but you know already doing something about it do you think your government has let you down. Provided it is not definitely reach in damascus. People whove benefited like me. Can you can you tell me tell me how you benefited through n. Y. C. Weve secured. You know 4 members through weve got our integration which is. Not quite hard to start something but at least youve got something from them but does not you know if thats not what you think enough of almost everything most of the tonys i can see. Not receiving to support us which is really neat we are also doing our best. To make sure that you put more and minds of the attorneys and makes. At least something to hold on to ok well what i want to come back to you because you are very passionate about the issue of deportation is its immoral for western governments to return or repack cheri young gambians back to this Economic Situation yeah i think its a model of several levels i told you about the role of these various start governments that destroyed our society our culture on everything through cold colonialism. Thats one part the 2nd part is the western government is very aware of the gumby particularly unique situation we came away from what they call 22 years of dictatorship country almost went into flames in december 26th in the collaboration of the International Community we were able to. Now the situation of the migration i dont even call it illegal migration its been there for years im not seeing people should not return im not seeing that at all of course i know the situation in europe i know ultimately did have to come what im saying this whole rush to bring them back off of this problem started to be i think thats morally wrong because you know our situation there know we had a Coalition Government that the Coalition Government right now has been torn apart they are trying to get. The economy to deal with the situation in december we dont know whats going to. Be a peaceful we hope for a peaceful resolution of this potential impasse the International Communication Community Knows this why do they want to push these young people to come here these young people have traveled theyve gone through some of the boot our circumstances theyve gone to some of these people have been exposed to drugs some of them have been exposed to arms so forcefully pushing these young people right now its like. Striking and much on the. Dry fully with detroit ok i want to. You share the same opinion do you think its unfair to expect. Any other european nation. To hold on to your citizens until youre ready i think. Interest we have our own interest and the whole issue has been politicized to some extent securitized by politicians both in europe and also in africa. I dont think its ready to receive all these in germany or in. Italy or in the media because already we have some distress in. You have the more graphic than i make playing against the country we have like you mentioned over 40 percent unemployment we have a lot of young people doing our streets doing nothing i think what we feel to do is we have known the problem. Is a big why we always focus on the economic aspects of it that are Socio Cultural aspects that is a problem how do you solve these problems how do we bring all these boys about without creating a cataclysmic situation in our country ok so weve been talking about deportation but i think its important to recognize that there are those people who come back terribly and i just want to find out from you what percentage of returning from europe and what percentage from africa so basically since 2017 has assisted in the return of over 4200. 00 returnees an overwhelming majority of them are from africa the voluntary returnees from europe dont even amount to 100. 00 out of. An overwhelming majority of them are from libya 3000 of those are from libya also 3000 of the. 27000. 00 come are coming from libya but right now were seeing a trend of less certainly from libya but more from the share actually so it really is along that route in africa that were seeing most individuals opting to return home ok so coming back to you moment because most of them have not even reached the shores of when you were and they want to come back and youre saying were not ready as a country what do they do for those in libya on the situation is very dire i think. To bring them back but still like weve all agreed here the. Most unique situation right now cant handle this none of the statements here convinced me that he is ready for this. Economic level to level to be a coming back to families some of the coming a lot to get disappointed. Go to these countries now coming to economics which is actually fundamentally important its about the social stigma that will have to deal with. You when you didnt make if youre coming back we dont have a. 100 people who have mental issues we know of an issue of under 20. 1 of the institutions people with mental problems this guy killed 2 people. So these issues are so complex im not seeing those in libya for instance im saying they should be you should not come back but the International Community International Organizations like i. O. M. Should go beyond the billboards on the very flashy short videos the social media and come down to the level of the people and help people ok so speaking of social issues i want to come back to them because you actually told me that you lost both your parents during your time in libya and you ended up breaking your foot in fact you were telling me that it was hurting now when you came back did you have a support system where your friends good to you or did they treat you differently supporter of anybody so my only brought up my brother was supposed to me i went to him just simple as destructive sometimes i mean those supporters supporting him but still no no but i dont have support ok i want to talk to only here for a 2nd because you are recounting something horrific that you were not only kidnapped but you had kidney failure so you come back to the country did you get psychological help did you get financial help. I dont have any i have without. I mean i have one parent without my fire maybe its not so now you can answer but they are doing a lot for me because my daughter in gambia was they made me or 3 men its going to be here it cannot be here i have to go to dhaka then i got to go to that that are also there me. I have to do that i says that they can help me but its not that its not too it meant but what is it 3 men is didnt translate blame him for show how to call it master you counsel they dont have that money to help me for that and factor here is your friend far too i also understand that you took that trip all the way did you make it to libya. Also. Libya. Have you received any support forget even the government from your family and from your friends that they welcome you back or did they start treating you differently no i i thank god for my family me and my friends it was the time i came back here the only people wholl give me support to survive by this time he was the ideal one who helped me to give me some more need to clarify something for myself so im thank god for that ok i want to come with a from our journalists here what is the attitude for the young people of ghana never left the country who then see people like me and mostafa being i would even call it showered you know because it might look that way from the outside what is the attitude of those who never left. They usually see people who are torn feel you are some of the huge for one reason is that those who succeed on cross us usually kind of what ive heard we know to us suspect people because of how the money put themselves on social media is one of the key influence when it comes to base it on migration for example if you go to sunday today you find so many so many think because by gunmen migrants living in italy or in germany. Those in my weve. Got to really force them to be torn up on the 2nd bus because on the slender force and that is illegal or if it were my gruesome is the last choice of a huge concert out in the middle of the gun mia this operation on what she do you would have been negligible so many years so hopeless so you are spending that amount of money on being the lead on the mend. The kid not been a beginning of the end of the day you are returned back to the country your people are. Also feeling. Let me come back to you because it sounds like the more we dig into this issue the more complex it appears to be so what needs to happen to resolve it if every step towards resolution compounds into another one i think what we should admit is that we have fairly young people we have feeling our young people and we are continuing to feel our young people thats not the kind of news i want to be putting out there because we dont have it i mean how can you get National Project which should be responsibility of the state. Sort of sponsibility use our citizens what problems have we good for the future what are we doing not in front of what to ensure that in 2020203020 extension 351 of the timing here again talking about the same issues when this is happening now its because we have feared to be a country for these people that is why do you want to leave anybody who decides to die in the ocean in your own thats a problem you know can be thats a quote that our Political Economic system as a problem in our country how can we ensure that the young ones dont follow the same path. What is for me you know what is the solution for what can we do to ensure that we have our young people well i think leaving be a reason why do i question is what im interested in why are young people wanting to leave 0. 5 percent of gambia. Everyday i want to leave that they migrate away for that is the question and we will fail to generation will continue to feel our generation for me in as much as we have to put policy some systems in place to receive them to make sure we integrate them back into society but we should also ensure that we come up with policies proper to ensure that we rectified these whole mess because its a mess nobody wants your citizens to be dying in this in libya in these areas. We have about 16000. Young people in germany what are you going to do with those people were going to bring them back like that even its going to be a logistical nightmare for the 16000. 00 but its a problem ok before we get to n. Y. C. Just on the call on the topic of reintegration as a solution to deter irregular migrants how does that work how does one become reintegrated back into their own country we have a team of reintegration assistants who is able to counsel these are 3 nice and gauge what their interests are what their skills are and reintegration package toward what we think would work for eternity now i think the one thing we can do more of and you know as an International Organization were always ready where we can improve a lot of this reintegration happens on an individual basis so there are questions of sustainability especially when it comes to how communities are being supported so one thing we want to do with i. O. M. Is to shift reintegration to be Community Based what that means is to develop projects for attorneys that involve the entire community to be built so we can ensure that other individuals who have not yet migrated irregularly can benefit as well from these projects. Judger the i. O. M. Has a game plan for the future what. I think follows the discourse one is from the start a lot of this young ones that are leaving the schooling dont have a skill when they get. The medical doctor in germany or in europe wouldnt be. Gumby on. One second because we must not conflate issues were talking about irregular migrants then there must be hundreds of thousands of gambia living all across the world who are there regularly. For me to point of departure. For. The quality of education we are providing for young people in the. Gambia to be meaningful and. If you look at the quantity that no government is the primary employer in the convivial you have government as a primary employer is going to be a lot of unemployment so we need a government that provide the environment for the private sector to thrive. In the business of this young people ive provided implement that they need ok. Im sorry we started i really have to jump in here because youre sitting on the National Youth council surely there must be an agenda 420202030 things that are already in place you mean to tell me these are all discussions happening in the ether. Thats and i should have mentioned the governments agenda in the n. D. P. And sort of guys i had a month of unemployment so the government in the wrong in diverted saddam once did use this well im just going to 5 percent that has been able to provide the needed employment for the young people how do you answer that environment is definitely conducive said that i said business is able to thrive and employment has been able employment is created for this young people in the long run will be something that will stay above who let me once we have continued to be high dependency that would suddenly leave this country and continue to look at let me ask you know im not a gambian but im not convinced i want to ask the people standing at the back there are you convince of the government is working to ensure that not only are you going to be as we turn but also the ones who are here every day come close up is. Basically. Not for coast if i said we be fighting to the government here because these government as we speak is a Transitional Government and as a Transitional Government its a look. Into into some kind of reforms and thats done so in addition to that also seems to 27000 up to date how many grants have we received unloads in this country its far more than 20 times the whole population because if you talk about 1800000 youre talking about 11000000 euros youre talking about 20000000 you know support from the world bank youre talking about or that you support so basically when i report. Thats one thing and not acting how can we create jobs for both who are in new country and those who are coming to join us so basically we need to. Look from different perspective those who travel how many people are in the country who are unemployed so if we are saying these people have to come back and create jobs for them then we need to redouble our efforts and we should not deport. And tally on dont know again hes repeated that cease and you know. If you put it into good use we can create more jobs says the coming of these government how many new companies have we see all institutions that employ more than 1000 gum yes we have not seen any so basically we need to walk more all right i like that we need to work more what works in your opinion what keeps people in their homes well i think 1st of all and i think as all they are they all rightly mentioned people need to have a reason to stay here and we can raise awareness and share information about the dangers of the back way but if people dont have a reason or any alternative to stay in the country then our efforts will be for nothing so i think to be fair to many actors in the gambia there are a lot of for example funded in initiatives like the Youth Empowerment project projects implemented by g. I. Said the Belgian Development cooperation all working toward Skills Development and Youth Empowerment so i think its really building that the root causes and i dont want to speak on behalf of these organizations not thats not iowans mandate but i think we all need to Work Together with these organizations because thats whats going to create an environment which gives our youth a reason to stay in the country ok and very quickly dr i want to finish with you what do you think the gambia needs looking forward so that were not discussing the same thing 2 years from now would need to have an open mind all these young people have skills and put in so we must develop otherwise wed be doing the same thing government cannot employ everybody but everybody is a businessman some people are going in sports in swimming in bus could well in painting we need to explore all these sectors and see how we can help dont be to develop the potential so they can live in dignity to live in the you know in countries will go and look for dignity in some other place and that is what i think about very well and thats where were going to conclude this conversation is definitely very complex and multi ned at the beginning we asked the question what does it take to get people to stop migrating irregular and so was resoundingly give them something to stay for. Thank you for watching. The utmost. We call life. You can change anything in life. Your football club. Follow their team. But why is that why you are a football fan so more oil. On w. Hows your view of the world. Where i come from the dollar that it doesnt go just like this chinese food doesnt matter where i am the sole reason reminds me of home after decades of living in germany chinese food is one of the things. I miss the most i bet taking a step back i see they wanted to differentiate knowledge of the brain of fluids a person is going to a sends that exists to at the heart of the lord havent been ever to mention it in china catch me if im not the Chinese People wondering if their hosts a good move but if i have a right to our laws that is this is their job just under the law how i see it i dont understand why i have nothing my job because i tried to do it exactly it was an hour a day. By name of the uninsured and i was added up to. Lead the league beyond. The issues above is from. The bill to. Be a reason to love me and show some respect to the budget place above. The big. Blue slowly. Lists the bowl up mothers. Mother told. Her. Love and respect. The. Load the body. This is deja vu news live from berlin there is record turnout in hong kongs local elections chief executive kerry levis under pressure prodemocracy protesters want to send her and beijing a message also coming out. Pope francis takes a stand against Nuclear Weapons the pontiff makes a symbolic visit to nagasaki and japan where he calls upon

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