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A carefully orchestrated Media Smear Campaign our answer to these questions will affect not only the future of this presidency but the future of the presidency itself. Also coming up the swedish teen and Climate Change activists credit to bear made headlines when she crossed the atlantic leaving practically no Carbon Footprint for now shes coming back to europe and shes found a green ticket to rock. This interation would of course have been different if he was not the president and i thought when he got elected that now people will finally now people must finally break out. To our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with the impeachment hearing of u. S. President donald trump and a 21st century test for a democracy working from an 18th century handbook when the founders of the us wrote the constitution in 1787. 00 they imagine a future for the republic that could include a president guilty of abusing his power as they laid out how impeaching trying and removing the president should proceed albeit in very general terms today donald trump became only the 4th president to ever face impeachment hearings in the u. S. House of representatives if he is trying to convicted in the u. S. Senate that would be a 1st and regardless of partisan politics it would be a trauma for the country but this impeachment process is already facing numerous firsts never before has an alleged abuse of power by a president been retold in public on Live Television by witnesses directly connected to the alleged abuse never before has the president been so vocal on his own behalf in the run up to impeachment hearings trumps twitter feed is full of tweets referring to the impeachment asked a witch hunt and never before has any impeachment been undertaken in a hyper polarized congress representing a deeply divided nation president s Richard Nixon and bill clinton never enjoyed unquestioned support by almost everyone in their Political Parties so far it doesnt look like republicans will abandon this president. The questions presented by this impeachment inquiry are whether President Trump sought to exploit that allies vulnerability and invite ukraines interference in our elections whether President Trump sought to condition official acts such as a white house meeting or u. S. Military assistance and ukraines willingness to assist with 2 political investigations that would help his Reelection Campaign and if President Trump did either whether such an abuse of his power is compatible with the office of the presidency the matter is as simple and as terrible as that our answer to these questions will affect not only the future of this presidency but the future of the presidency itself and what kind of conduct or misconduct the American People may come to expect from their commander in chief that was adam schiff speaking earlier today in that 1st hearing with lets turn to a man now who knows what a day like today in washington is why Nick Ackerman is an attorney and a former watergate prosecutor he was focused on the impeachment of the 37th us president Richard Nixon you may remember nixon resigned before his case went to a senate trial mr ackerman joins me tonight from new york its good to see you again mr ackerman you know when you and i last spoke a couple of weeks ago you said you had complete faith that the hearings would shed enough white on President Trumps alleged abuse of powers that his republican senators would pull their support for him well as it stands right now 53. 00 out of the 100. 00 senators say no to impeachment after seeing and hearing the testimony today have you changed your mind at all. No i dont think i really said that i said that the question is whether or not the public adding been educated im what trump did would demand of their senators that they vote to remove trump from office so i think it remains to be seen exactly how this plays out how these witnesses do and what we hear over the next couple of weeks when the 1st 2 Witnesses Today were pretty powerful. But again present i think were we are right now a scrum in the 3rd phase of this and pietschmann realty the 1st having been in the depositions where various pieces of that sort of leaked out to the public it was in the press and then we had leaked transcripts kamar id say most people didnt read those transcripts but they gave more context and depth to what people said but now the public really has a chance to look at that evidence and here with these witnesses are saying so and this is where the real test is going to be its not so much the senators changing their mind its bringing the public along to the point where the senators have to react to the Public Opinion when we think about those moments during the watergate hearings. But were thinking about the hearings in the senate not the house of representatives or what is it about the hearings beginning today in the house of representatives what is it that makes them potentially explosive in your opinion. Well i think whats different here is with Richard Nixon for example most of the evidence that the House Judiciary Committee had was developed by prosecutors i assume it was developed by the Senate Select Committee Investigating the watergate break in this is a situation where the house of representatives has really sink in this matter right from the beginning and has developed the evidence on it and is doing it on its own without any other organization having been involved in this beforehand so its kind of a unique opportunity in the sense that they have total control over the evidence they know what the evidence is and theyre putting it together from the public so i think it remains to be seen how this all plays out what this is the right way to do it. Id like to take a listen to part of the testimony that was given today i wrote that withholding Security Assistance in exchange for help with a domestic Political Campaign in the United States would be crazy i believe that then and i believe it now i do not believe the United States should ask other countries to engage in selective politically associated investigations or prosecutions against opponents of those in power because such selective actions undermine the rule of law regardless of the country vesa solomon also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake by earlier telling ukrainian officials that only a white house meeting with president s lewinsky was dependent on a public announcement of the investigations in fact about solomon said everything was dependent on such an announcement including Security Assistance he said the President Trump wanted presents olinsky in a public box by making a Public Statement about ordering such investigations the member of my staff could hear President Trump on the phone asking ambassador solomon about the investigations. As a silent all present trump the ukrainians were ready to move forward following the call with President Trump the member of my staff asked investor solomon what President Trump thought about ukraine as a sauna responded that President Trump cares more about the investigations of biden which giuliani was pressing for mr oxman to me that testimony is certainly damning for the u. S. President but have we reached that moment where we can say as it as they said in the 1970 is that there is a cancer on the presidency have we gotten there yet you know or definitely there is no question about that the question though is whether or not at what point do we get public support on removing trump from office such that youre going to get 66 senators to vote removal thats the question done this is not just a matter of look you know its also a matter of how it effects the u. S. President today said that he was too busy to watch the hearings but his Reelection Campaign we understand has set a Fund Raising Goal of 3000000. 00 over the next 24 hours because of the hearings i mean this is the 1st time in u. S. History that a president faces both impeachment and reelection how important is that do you think well this is exactly what Richard Nixon said during the time on these hearings that he did watching him Pay Attention to me its hard to believe hes an engineer but sure this is a reality t. V. President who kind of revels in this sort of behavior where he can create lots of conflict and get people all riled up and use it to make money i mean thats what he doesnt. In 2016 trump said that he would recognize the Election Results if he. Was declared the winner maybe remember we said that. Trumps white house has ignored subpoenas in this impeachment investigation i mean for the 1st time weve got a president who openly shows his disrespect distain or violates the rule of law and he gets support from his party in congress so its highly doubtful that trump would accept a conviction by the senate in this process music truck trumps not a Richard Nixon who flies away on a helicopter i mean do you agree do you see trump accepting conviction if it were to come. I dont think you have any choice because if theres a conviction it means that the republicans have jumped ship and have turned on me at that point be very similar to what happened to Richard Nixon when Barry Goldwater who was really the dean of the Senate Republicans took a delegation from the hill to the white house and basically told Richard Nixon its all over he doesnt have the votes and by the way im one of the senators thats not going to vote for you so thats where it has to be and if theres that kind of support in favor of removal im trying to trample the industry at that point but that remains to be seen as it is a former prosecutor today the republicans said that they want to subpoena the whistleblower and they also want hunter biden and joe biden to testify what are your thoughts on that. Both that all those are ridiculous i mean then 1st of all the whistleblower has nothing to add he didnt have firsthand knowledge he was told by other people what happened everything that the whistleblower has said is all the now confirmed the corroborated by other witnesses who have come forward including most importantly the transcript of the conversation between President Trump and president selenski so thats just a diversion the dividing and the hunter biden im stumped is precisely what trump was trying to do it on the strength or somehow create in for instance they did something wrong when there is absolutely no evidence out there that either of them did everything wrong i mean again this is a typical trump diversion tactic to try and throw whatevers out there in a different direction on somebody else. You signed an open letter along with other watergate prosecutors recently calling for impeachment proceedings against president dropped if trump is impeached but not convicted in the senate and then reelected next year what will that it in your opinion mean for were the the health of the u. S. Constitution. Im probably be pretty anemic in the mic at that i dont know i think that would be just a terrible result. But the democrats have no choice with this i mean if this is not an Impeachable Offense its essentially bribery which is listed in our constitution as a grounds for impeachment i mean this is classic bribery where the president was holding back on nearly 400000000 dollars in military aid to the Ukrainian Government and using that as leverage to get them to open these best a geisha and where trump was holding back a promised visit to the white house and using that as furthering the average to have them announce investigations i mean if thats not impeachable and that doesnt result in an impeachment or removal either by the senate or by the voters were in big trouble in this country let me ask for one out of time weve been talking about the role of social media and this impeachment proceeding and the role of fox news what do you think if Richard Nixon had had twitter and fox news in the early seventys do you think he would have resigned. I think the still had the smoking gun tape that came out at the end where hes. Telling his subordinates im to have the cia call the f. B. I. In tell him to lay off on the watergate investigation because of National Security i mean i think that basically put the nail in this it towards coffins i mean they just couldnt go forward to the no. Course the problem here is youve got some of these people i mean no matter what he does they dont really care which is problematic so it really comes down to the public again is the public going to be moved by this testimony of this evidence thats going to come out over the next few weeks thats 2 critical question here because you cant go ahead with a new teacher in and once youve got a public behind you its the public thats going to move the boat and we will definitely be watching and measuring public sentiment move in forward mr nick i commend attorney a former Watergate Special province prosecutor mr ackerman as always we appreciate your time in your insights and we hope to talk again pretty soon thank you thank you for having me. Or the American Electric car maker tesla is set to build its 1st european factory on the outskirts of berlin the c. E. O. Elon musk announced the plan of a ceremony here in the german capital the new gigafactory will produce vehicles power trains and batteries musk says tesla chose germany because of the countrys reputation for having the engineering prowess the new plant will be built near berlins new long delayed airport its expected to create around 7 to 10000 jobs and as you might guess germany is pretty happy about the jobs an expanded tax base that the new factory will bring take a listen. I mean thats more not and then over the last months there has been intense competition from various European Countries and the fact that germany has won this award is important and good news in this offers germany the chance to provide new and long term jobs for the future. To moving to germany now gains more International Appreciation as an automotive hub. And 3rd this is a milestone in electoral mobility and battery cell production of. The w. s Javier Aguayo does is hear from all were business. Thought when i hear the economics minister say that there were no subsidies involved in this thats hard to believe how would it to the to be true i mean is it true its probably not really true most of the talks that led to this decision where held behind closed doors there were even secret talks but lets not forget that even if there is no direct negotiation with tesla some subsidies and some incentives will come automatically 1st of the level of the European Union any company that makes bold investments and brings jobs to the e. U. Gets incentives from the European Union then we have the federal level of the federal government of germany even though they might not have to cast subsidies or incentives with tesla the federal government of germany in september announced a big package of measures including heavy incentives for electric mobility that is part of the Climate Change package of the federal government that must have played into the equation as well and last but not least there is the Regional Government of berlin the city that is also a state and the neighboring state of brandenburg where the airport is and where the factory will be located where the airport to suppose is supposed to be and those officials have already said that anyone bringing best ones and jobs to the region will also be supportive of that support will look like is probably. To be ok so the subsidies are kind of built into the system as it were you mentioned the European Union so what happened to britain in the competition for this factory was is this a bricks related decision from mr musk probably yes himself said that britain was simply too risky to build this planned on right now and it is true that britain would have been a logical choice 1st because of course its a close ally of the United States tesla is an American Company and theres no language barrier and it is also a big player in the Auto Industry and other companies have made similar decisions to at least hold investments in britain right now were talking about the likes of need sun or dyson that wanted to produce an electric car so this is a pattern that weve seen in other big players as well yeah i mean you have to think the brits when they must be hearing this news and kicking themselves and what about the car makers here in germany youve got folks wagging youve got dimer tesla is coming right into the middle of the nest how bad it is or how big is the competition going to be for tesla well the competition is already big for tesla tesla as most important achievement perhaps is showing the world that you can build electric cars that you can make it work and that electric cars dont have to be uncomfortable eg you sit in while you drive through the city but they can be big and cool and fast other car makers especially here in germany the luxury car makers the likes of die in there with mercedesbenz or audi portion have listened closely and they are also developing electric cars as we know folks pledged to convert all its models the complete lineup to electric or at least offer electric versions within 4 years so they have something coming out next year as well yet many made many models have been either turned electric or are being a producer electric only so that means that they are making bold investments but according to many experts despite that. Tesla is still years ahead in some key technologies because its. Not only about being a lek trick its also about self driven cars in the long run that will play an Important Role in the german carmakers because of german legislation that is or is more difficult are definitely lagging behind in that aspect as well all right so this is definitely even going to be a major win for for germany for building cars for the local economy besides being a catalyst to get this airport finished here in bridges i mean how important is it then for berlin it is extremely important for berlin because if you think of berlin it is a big city it is a start up hotspot if you will but it is not an Industrial City that has to do with the time where germany was split up and berlin was essentially an island within communist germany so industry industry had to go away thats why german car makers are not here they are in southern germany and they are in western germany brylin is definitely not a Natural Choice because of that so it is very important as a sign that berlin can again become an industrial hotspot in germany that being said the city the local government the local government of brandenburg are now inexperienced when it comes to hosting a company in a factory like this yeah thats a good point you make i was also reading today a commentary that said you know if you look at help things have gone with trying to open this new airport then mr musk is you know he may run into some serious Serious Problems in dealing with the locals that said lets talk a little bit about iran musk he is known for having the midas touch hes known for alpha male behavior and decisions is he going to fit in here in germany i would dare to say he might fit in in berlin perhaps but not necessarily in brandenburg not necessarily in the rural areas that are will be crucial as well. His mentality in general is definitely not german especially when it comes to. Regulations when it comes to commissions bureaucracy many foreigners have big problems with those aspects are in germany and that delays production he wants to go fast he has to move fast because the competition isnt going fast so it will definitely be a problem for illinois to move as fast as he wants to and have this factory ready within 2 years and when he is 21 ryan will see it as a challenge when hes known for challenges which he likes well see if you can keep his word on that savvy as always thank you. Big Climate Change activists credit she sailed across the atlantic to new york as part of her campaign to get World Leaders to take action on Climate Change she wanted to continue on to the cup 25 Climate Conference in chile next month but the conference has been moved to madrid leaving 2 in on the wrong side of a very law large ocean hitchhiking hoping to catch a no Carbon Footprint wrong. Shes found the right. Back wants to go back to europe but wont take a plane so she asked if anyone was sailing her way and gotten off. Fittingly for a campaign and his message spread around the world via social media shes traveling with a family that found fame and income fly instagram many say the teenager has been pivotal in raising awareness and pushing for action on Climate Change she credits u. S. President. Hes so extreme and he says so extreme things. So i think people wakes. People wake up by the way so i think if he the situation would of course have been different if he was not the president. When he got elected thats now people will find the way now people must find the way. Shes done her best to leave a smaller Carbon Footprint as possible but shes left a mark on the United States. Prepares to leave america artists unveiled a tribute in San Francisco her next focus 1st the Climate Conference if i get to the cup 25 in time then i will participate in that because i received an invitation to do so and then ill go home my friend. To go with the shy smile and the fierce message is on her way. You know shes ready to go home the day is almost done the conversation continues online. News you can follow me at bring golf t. V. When you want to is to use the hash tag of the day and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you then everyone. This republic is a digital lab lithuania and its 90 sector. Ninoska is a how for exciting new start ups. Young talents flock to the capital of fallen back stairs back to new firms in the Digital Economy to splurge seen. The boom last. Next on d w. How do you want to. Discover the bauhaus code what happens when design becomes the universal term for what we called life the visionaries of modernism developed a formula for touch it was designed. 100 years house documentary follow house world cars one to decode. As many see on t w. I i subscribe to do you know where your books are something more in the world than what we make our captive far. Dont read books are known to. Be. Not often kept at the gym well i guess sometimes i am but i stand up and whip it out a pretty good job of thanks even to the german culture of looking at the stereotypes aquatics put in here thinks hes a country guy not. Needed seem to think for this drama they are. Its all that they know im rachel join me for me the german fundie w. Post. Going to sleep thank you. 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