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1948 un declaration of human rights education should be one of the global Success Stories and yet theres a widening gap between education standards across the world children in developing countries around 100 years behind those of industrialized nations. So why is that while many children in developing countries have to work outside of school. And Armed Conflicts can prevent them from attending school regularly. In wealthier countries young people typically attend school for an average of 12 years in developing countries for just 6 and a half years. And there are differences within the industrialized nations themselves to a childs back. Around too often determines their success at School Poverty can be a huge obstacle when it comes to gaining a good education those who can often spend a lot of money on their kids school willing parents spend around 90000000000 euros worldwide on extra coaching every year partly because theyre afraid their kids wont otherwise make the grain and so the gap widens in china too many parents and kids have one objective when it comes to schooling getting a good leaving certificate. It decides whether theyll be wealthy or poor later in life. Joe waits here every day at 330 for her sons class to end she quit her job so that she can spend more time raising shall show. The 7 year old spends 7 hours a day in school. But thats only part of his education but other factors. Joe ng has organized a schedule of activities for his afternoon one love love love love they started 4 pm with a talk about the days homework. I dont look at his grades so much but i do Pay Attention to his study habits in 1st grade his chinese characters 1. 00 very neat but hes improved its his attitude towards learning that counts. Like many middle class parents in china she feels the regular School Curriculum is into not for her child its common for families to pay for additional classes and tutoring. Must be. Just the arm round here which show shows extracurricular lessons including good chinese swimming exercise and math chinese parents spend an average of 15000. 00 euros annually on private tutoring. I have 8 minutes to complete this page. That. Was with her let that high do you think his schedule is very tiring but children have Endless Energy when it comes to doing things they like you just have to make sure hes in good spirits when studying gets dull hill is interest and you need to stop. The schools here expect parents to get involved in the childrens learning process. For her this is the schools app. Using the app gets daily reports from shows shows teachers on her sons performance and his homework. In china homework is a tough job for the parents if they can give you a heart condition. By 5 45 pm show show is finished his math and english exercises he and his mother take a break for dinner his father. Works 12 hours a day so shall show barely sees him during the week chinese children are already being trained for their later workload. Watersheds eyes i think i have enough time to play if i get my homework done quickly i have more but if im too slow i have less sometimes i have an hour a day sometimes 40 minutes or just 20 hours it depends. Its time for his evening class of language and writing course chinas technophile society enthusiastically embraces new teaching methods especially if theyre more playful than traditional learning by rote but joe ing sometimes asks are selfish shes pushing him too far she. Says if that many children now in china excellent students but then they fail an important exam and they cant deal with the frustration and they jump off a rooftop what matters most to me is to raise a healthy personality. Thats an issue thats much discussed on the internet in china the competition to enter the best schools in universities is fierce and there is one thing that has not changed for generations chinese characters require a lot of practice by the end of Primary School children are expected to read and write 3500 characters practicing those characters as show shows final task of the day. At 930. 00 hes finally done bedtime he just finished 12 hours of studying and activities. Now its sunday but hes not off today either weekends are the busiest time for tutors besides regular school subjects theres a broad range of subjects that parents can book for their kids from ballet to chess are calligraphy and even scheme for children like show show saturdays and sundays can be just as busy as the rest of the week prior to the. Show Shows Parents have decided to limit his activities on weekends to one class per day on sundays he gets tutored in physical fitness. Schools focus on intellectual activities the space for physical exercise is limited most kids spend a lot of time sitting and doing homework i dont have enough time to train the body. Another tough week is over for shall show no more classes and no more homework in the afternoon his parents have Something Special in store theyre taking him to a museum. Whether through apps or Virtual Reality technology is on the rise in the classroom many experts believe that acquiring skills in the latest technologies will be essential for childrens futures after all around 2000000000. 00 low level jobs likely to disappear in future as a result of increasing automation and yet in developing countries as many as 9 in 10 children typically leave School Without any such skills. 2 here at the time or Interest School in the small coastal town of no children from the indigenous while he tried are learning about social justice and democracy. Damaging Even Initiative that is working with the marginalised tribal communities in the high low who have historically been denied their right. To hell with education or decent living to access to their forests and this is a community that is at the bottom rung of the society for way it is and isnt the school is are not just a school its an experiment instead articular or doner dave to say that education must be about social justice and together along with this group of people to be experimenting with how open source open tossed technologies can really bring about change. This approach means that the childrens families dont have to buy any school books tamarind only uses online Educational Resources that are accessible for free. This system is no less open education which works on the premise that high quality educational material and technology should be available to all. The time or interest to use it once the lesson is to be fun its a radical departure from the more hierarchical system common in Indian Schools the School Computers use open Source Software thats also available for free the children can then modify it themselves and Young Students are learning the chord theyre learning to program probably as they go order them learning to make small video animation games are there new to produce things that. The other very important principle and im in trees world is that as we said earlier we are part of the open Source Movement so every thing on our campus is. Michelle charlie and he moved from mumbai to over 15 years ago since then theyve worked closely with the local community determined not to turn this into a Charitable Institute the School Charges the parents fees ensuring that they stay invested many of the childrens parents are unable to read and write the School Office their children the chance of a better life. Its easier for us because food. So the parents of the students really just have faith they just have trust that ok border with this guys are doing there must be doing it right because they didnt have an idea. After centuries of discrimination these children are the 1st from the tribe to experience this kind of respect their education will give them the opportunity to overcome the limitations they would otherwise face in indian society. In our global t. V. Series we meet young people from around the world. Looking team. This week our team comes from india and hes a big fan of school. And im my names current rushed of i see. That my father is a teacher and works in joel or district. He teaches the children social sciences. I know both. I love to go to school because i get to meet my friends there and i love spending time with them. Also the teachers at the School Teach Us something new every day so i really like going to school. That there is no medical. Matter for them and making good to let my free time i like to play cricket. I also like to read books i read. I moved on and i like to write camels. And camel sometimes i also take the buffaloes out to graze on the moat theyd come in the mother to. Them as im someone i think pollution is the biggest problem in the world at the moment. The. Pollution is harming our farmland. Ruining. Our plants the crops are unable to grow properly. And landmark dioxide is increasing that c men because we dont have enough plants to take it up there isnt. Going to thing. Local television there i like how my parents and grandparents used to live they stayed healthy they didnt get sick often they ate desi game and they drink buffalo and camel milk. Camel camel milk doesnt cost diabetes. Nowadays all people do is run after money half their life then they spend the other half of their life curing themselves of diseases for. The community. Around 260 babies are Born Every Minute how things then go for them is determined by their background their place of birth and the medical care they receive every year around a 1000000 infants die within a day of being born the highest mortality rates are found in african countries thats why doctors in madagascar focusing on training mate wives. Crowds wait in anticipation for the arrival of doctors. She supervises 30 Health Care Centers in the highlands of madagascar she wants to improve the health care of vailable to pregnant women in this area. No need to be afraid it wont hurt that this expectant mother has never had an ultrasound scan doctors as shes known here has brought the equipment with her as she and her team work for the Nonprofit Organization doctors for madagascar not even the midwives here are familiar with the ultrasound equipment so understandably many of the pregnant women need reassuring. There is still thirst for us it because they think they have to be a friend that there is no way back for the baby but they are still afraid. It might be dangerous but we still live for and thats just it its actually for. The assassin to see you. Of course many of the women are very happy when they see the baby for the 1st time. And theyre all so happy that these checkups a free of charge yes and their. Doctors are providing training for the midwives one focal point is the importance of hygiene which is vital for the health of both mother and child but the midwives are also learning more about what they need to do during the birth. Crikey the middle east it because monica. The midwives often only have basic medical knowledge by providing them with additional training n. G. O. S doctors for madagascar wants to improve the standard of prenatal care at the Health Center that in this way potential complications can be recognized earlier. Doctors for madagascar has also set up a Digital Health insurance system its called m tamati its particularly helpful for the pregnant women and they pay 3 year olds a month into the Insurance Scheme then they get free prenatal checkups and all the hospital costs for the birth are also covered the womens mobile phone sim card is their membership id. Doctors. Visit a pregnant woman who wants to join. In this remote region there would be very few families who could afford to pay for transport to the hospital. This mother wants to use her new sim card to transfer the equivalent of 5 euros to. After that shell pay 3 month whatever customers pay in gets automatically doubled thanks to donations from germany once theyve built up a credit of 30. 00 euros their medical care is covered. We have heard that. Her. So. Thats nearly 10. Of the way there. In the evening turns to the capital. The next day ready. She arrives at the office of doctors for madagascar the organization 8 years ago and now employs 30 people including doctors midwives and specialists like. His team is working to improve the digital platform for m. Tamati which records all the insurance payments and medical treatments. German physicians julius emulation is one of the founders of doctors for madagascar he set up the platform 2 years ago. This is the reason to talk about rushed we figured hed been totally surprised at how many of join it. We have more women and families using it than we expected and were also getting requests from hospitals including ones in completely different parts of the capital and others outside the city to always wanting to use the system also we think its great to just gonna forget the one thats been retired. He already has 6000 paying members and now the government of ghana has also expressed interest in this Health Insurance scheme. Health care security a social network as many as 4000000000 people worldwide have no access to such basic protection with the lowest levels of education a most at risk in brazil casual trash pickers and now being given the chance to train as official waste saltus instead. This patch of land 20 kilometers outside the capital brasilia used to be the biggest landfill site in latin america last year the dump was closed and the 60 meter High Mountain of garbage was covered with. Construction waste is still being dumped over thats illegal the National Waste policy ends to eradicate landfills and promote recycling with residual way stipends sin aerated or going to sanitary landfills that protect the environment but there are still 2 and a half 1000 open landfill sites across the country. Fernandes worked here as a waste picker for 20 years mainly at night she supported her 4 children by selling anything of value she found they used to live in a shanty town right beside the dump and. They were always in a struggle with the trucks of the bulldozers and with more than a 1000 other people working here i thought it was survival of the fittest bad that my was that i was you took as much as they could get. And for women it was very challenging people lost their lives working here very tough. At 1st lucy a friend and this was very much against the closure of the garbage dump she had little faith in the city authorities pledged to provide jobs for some 750 trash because in new recycling facilities but now thats where. The whats and shes changed her mind. You know up and say well shit i never thought i might one day have a real job me a simple waste picker with no rights and no social insurance. And now i work here i even have an office up if only it paid a little better it would be perfect as you say im ice she used to and 4 times as much scavenging on the old dump she and her colleagues now belong to a cooperative that operates one of the recycling facilities whopping depends on how much trash they sort on average only about 200. 00 euros a month so far because for now not enough waste is delivered to the facility. And watch how many other fernandez is a supervisor she makes sure the work is done properly but how many. Cafes nicely to come upon if there arent enough people working on the Conveyor Belt a lot of recyclable material gets through life then we have to check it to make sure things dont end up in residual waste that dont belong there if i see that happening i put more people on at the end of the belt that the process is set to become more efficient with the help of some students from the university of brasilia. Until recently that professor powell says so does race gomes was Deputy Director of the municipal sanitation all for a seat he helped restructure brazilians Waste Management systems. Kind of everybody is collecting Something Different shes sorting out glass bottles shes sorting out plastic bottles further along somebody is pulling out the cardboard im afraid its possible the process could be made more efficient if the positions were switched around thats something we need to test this tell us. But not all the trash delivered here to be sorted can be recycled much of it has to be disposed of. The aim of the program is to increase the proportion of waste that can be recycled. Everything that can be stored and soldiers returned to the production chain to the recycling at district if it doesnt end up being dumped so were saving the cost of taking it to the landfill extending the lifespan of that site and reducing emissions. This is brazil has nearly landfill site far more waste is ending up here than planned one mountain of garbage is complete and being covered with. The pit for the 2nd one has been lined with waterproof sheeting to protect the groundwater from contamination the plan is to capture the gas produced by the decomposing waste and use it. In brazil Greenhouse Gas emissions from the waste sector have continued to rise dramatically in recent years. The German Development agency g i said is advise in brasilia Sanitation Authority on how to reduce emissions. By even if were investing in expanding Waste Sorting and the composting of organic waste that will allow us to reduce the volume of residual waste and thereby emissions of methane as well. As the army as what they are brought at the same time. To raise Public Awareness so people start their recyclable trash. Professor paolos race has organized across disciplinary seminar at the university. Students from various fields are working on developing sustainable Waste Management solutions. One approach is to make Waste Sorting more efficient another is to focus on technology trucks sensors logistics others aim to raise environmental awareness how can the public be involved more closely in the Waste Recycling process than use the program bring students together with representatives of them in a simple Sanitation Authority the recycling cooperative and also commercial enterprises in cooperation with g. I. Said the university of brasilia setting up a Postgraduate Program in Waste Management. Among brazil cities the capital has taken the lead into validating a sustainable Waste Management strategy. Sorting out election have just been expanded across the city. Is optimistic about her future theyll now be more waste delivered to her cooperative to sort and that means she and her. Colleagues will soon be on the mall. Thats all from us this time what did you find particularly educational about the program let us now global 3000 at devaney dot com see you next week. Opportunities for everyone regardless of ethnicity or parents unfortunately for many migrants in germany that may be a distant dream. Many companies are trying to make our application process is more inclusive but does that really help against discrimination. Made in germany a few minutes w. W talk show. Strong honest clear positions from an international perspective. Last. Every week we get to the point on our current topic. Open. Commitment. To the toilet. D. W. Means time to take a step back. And face. Time youre up just such the up. And fight for the troops. Time to over come down trees and connections. And its time for help. And you dont really use coming up ahead. Minds. This is a 15 year old girl. Being gang raped. His teacher is beating a boy for talking by complots. On the rest of the class once as. Im sure a toddlers been killed by his mother. Breaking up last. A child sleeps in the streets because her family through her. Fear. Online bullying. Pushes a teenager over the edge. Just because you can see violence against children doesnt mean others and there are invisible visible of us might violence against children disappear. This is d. W. News live from the bird land leaderless and in limbo bolivia descends into violence after the departure of its former president abel morales is now in mexico in exile he says an offer of asylum saved his life but he claims he was forced out in a coup look at the latest on the power vacuum blast behind in bolivia also coming up fears of more violence in the middle east israels targeted killing of a topless indian militant leader in gaza is met with a throng

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