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Does cross on her. With ideas that are her future looks out a card to. Play a. Small part documentary starts now in the 14th d. W. The food. Apples new credit card cant buy gender equality a court in new york is investigating apples partner Goldman Sachs for allegedly giving more credit to male customers. Also on the program sawzall job saved as chinas g. D. P. Group steps in to buy bankrupt British Steel. And how working there fossils plans to boost the economy in Domestic Production are threatening to backfire. Its. For business on the w m how you know i guess its good to have you with us you yorks department of Financial Services is opening a probe into gender discrimination by Goldman Sachs the bank behind apples new credit card critics say men get a far higher credit limit than women the scandal broke after apples cofounder Steve Wozniak said he received 10 times more credit than his wife even though they all share assets and accounts apple has reportedly responded to user concern saying the credit limit is defined by an algorithm the apple cart was launched in august in partnership with Goldman Sachs as an option for users with limited access to credit. For more on this i am now joined by jose luis de i do our financial correspondent on wall street will take us through this issue has abused its good to see you so we do know that this looks like a bumpy start to this new apple product how important are Financial Services for apple does this mean big trouble for the company now. The Current Situation have you heard more Goldman Sachs. Regulators are looking to banks a Credit Card Department and not our poll today to mine have any of the states and also were broken that said any potential could be a headache to 40 i phone maker out of time pays a transaction volume in revenue more than doubled from a year ago aapl call to maybe call me a crucial driving factor of growth in the near and medium term as he becomes a part of the Companys Services engine honeyed could also said the tone for a macho rumor scription program that could go on to more regular and stable flow of revenues for the Company Going forward now as a result like to talk to you about the week ahead especially there where you are on wall street we are anticipating remarks by both donald trump and Jerome Powell what can we expect. Investors are in a wait and see mode. There is a still some optimism about phase one trade deal with china but the devil is a still in the details and tension turns now to President Trump he will be speaking at the new York Economic Club on tuesday so we may have an opportunity to see if he is happy with what has been achieved so far. Pushing to deescalate and cancel tarbes of a trance administrator and will probably only accept to do so in a timely manner as he still needs a safeguard that china will comply with whatever its agreed and keeping investors busy this week and will also be fed chairman your own poll expected and thursday in capitol hill and you will be there to tell us all about it thank you very much from wall street. Chinese conglomerate buying up British Steel British Steel accounts for a 3rd of u. K. Steel production and employs a total 5000. 00 workers with a further 20000. 00 links to its to plant supply chain but its been in liquidation since may when london refused to keep it afloat any longer and its sector wide problems and. Ging he confirmed it will be investing nearly one and a half 1000000000 euros in British Steel to put it on a sustainable competitive footing jing it gets pretty steals huge complex in scornful and all it so the u. K. Mills it also gains a u. K. Engineering company and its stakes in its dutch and french subsidiaries although the British Government have been paying wages in the hope of buy a could be found one deal had already fallen through and the future looked bleak so the genie takeover puts an end to months of fears yeah a little bit. Ok no good but i like our job to say for the moment. Were joined on the. Genie says the deal will save thousands of jobs in britain the group specializes in iron and steel but also has investments into resume and real estate. It says it employs 23. 00. 1500 people with 5000000000 euros assets. Are chinese investors are also investing heavily into portugals Housing Market has been is a favorite the prices are low tourism is booming and there is another incentive for a nurse who have enough money can get themselves. The old quarter in. This is where lotus pinero was once met now shes on the road to help victims of real estate speculation who are mostly women. That they do not know how did the guy that i sent over repair your light young have something to eat today margarita lopes she is one of the last original residents here with more and more tourists arriving lisbon residents are being pushed out whats really. Come in and take a look at the landlord has left the broken roof open for a year now its rained in here now the roof has collapsed its destroyed everything i had theyre not going to repair it theyre just trying to get me out so the vessel even if its going to leave wash that me i saw was all the other stuff she lots of people rent to foreigners for a lot of money in the house below margarita as foreign as a paying 900. 00 euros a month people here cant afford that so lots of people wear the lisbon has become a name of late for each resident there are 9 tourists here our city is selling itself into oblivion says return from the organization. The single mother lives in a suburb of lisbon people are being forced to move out there as well shes come to campus to organize resistance today shes in one of the better neighborhoods and this neighborhood has been sanctioned for plunder like all of this been. This house and 700 others was sold to an Insurance Company in one go it says stop the evictions on the wall of the bookstore thats the Meeting Point for the victims of real estate speculation. The bookstore owner was also supposed to leave long ago if the i mean offer area source proving a legal whove been living here for 5060 years of being thrown out without any alternative so now theyre losing their livelihoods. For their little lives off bookstore favor the. Buildings are being renovated and built whoever invests 350000 euros in portugal gets a visa portugal has issued 6000 socalled golden visas to date mostly to chinese investors thats pulled in over 4 and a half 1000000000 euros theres no end to the boom in sight either. Its like a tsunami wave of speculation attracting investors to the city the big question is what will happen to our city theres no room for us and our children to. Feed him as a residence here have opted to face the tsunami head on by helping the victims and winning back the s. T. T. But you know those temporary ban on importing sugar and cooking oil is backfired a small west african country simply cannot produce enough of the staple foods for itself many are scared that prices will soon skyrocket. Here in bonn for in western kenya fast so only 20 employees are left here making sugar and production will soon grind to a halt and the reason for the slowdown there is no Storage Space left for domestic sugar the state run company isnt able to sell it because imported sugar is cheaper. Than. Many merchants are importing legally but there are other merchants who import illegal sugar the market is saturated and we cant sell what we have in storage here we just cant compete with the low prices of imported sugar. It could look the production Cooking Oil Producers and book enough so are having similar problems with illegal oil imports they know the country depends on foreign cooking oil. When his team will be q. C. According to estimates booking a fossil needs 100000 tonnes of cooking oil annually we can only produce 13000 tonnes of said if you count all the domestic producers together we produce around 25 percent of whats needed with one quarter. Not being able to produce enough is just one Problem Companies there are not catering enough to the needs of their customers who would prefer buying oil in one liter bottles the import ban is hitting wholesalers hard theyre hoping it will end soon. But it caught a lot of people by surprise but the measure itself didnt mean there were long conferences between the companies and the government and theres the result of looking at it more closely its not really a ban there just no import licenses being issued. Hairsplitting that doesnt interest the Sugar Factories managing director in bun for a hes just happy with the results. And the amount of product in storage is going down but when the imports were banned we had 24000. 00 tons of sugar in storage now its less than 14000. 00 tons that means that the measures of cause customers and outlets to buy our products of us weve also been able to win new customers. To us but the governments policies could also have a negative effect many analysts are saying that sugar in oil will be hard to find here in 2 months. Before we go egypt is marking the 150th anniversary of the opening of the suez canal one of the worlds most important waterways connecting the mediterranean with the red sea it took a 1000000 egyptians 10 years to build it in a feat matching the building of the pyramids and dramatically cut shipping times for the growing International Trade between europe and asia and you 72 kilometer 2nd plane that opens in 2015 allow traffic to increase to record levels. And thats all for this edition of business thank you very much watching well see you next time or whatever you like the new delhi dot com to take care of. Syrian born on man visits a local bar in berlin. He lives just opposite with me who was a member of the hitler youth as a child. Some residents are suspicious of refugees in the neighborhood. But americas curious about the bars regulars across the road worlds apart. Close up next. Because india. How can a countrys economy grow in harmony with its people and the environment when there are do or look at the Bigger Picture india a country that faces many challenges and those people are striving to create a Sustainable Future clever projects from europe and india. In 60 minutes t w. Their wealth isnt calculable. Their egos consensual. Their rivalry deadly. 3 princes. Who dream of leading the arab world. Their hunger for power and boundless ambition have touched the middle east into a great crisis such. As the life of princes of the gulf states nov 27th on t. W. By the. Goal. Of as indeed the who was the germans as if israel when i was in syria i didnt have a clue what your minds were like mind their people of course

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