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About representing its own interests. And chillies in battle to president moves to increase the minimum wage would will it be enough to quell the country since last undressed in decades. Past we go to cameroon for a look at people making movies in a country where hardly anyone goes to the cinema. I dont welcome im under thought she was a pleasure to have you with us germany is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall and u. S. Secretary of state mike compeer is visiting the country to join in he served as an army officer in germany during the cold war. U. S. Troops at a Training Camp for 4000 u. S. Soldiers and nato partners in bavaria then with a German Foreign. Visited a village once divided by a wall that formed the eastward border hence its nickname little berlin. Pompeo is now in line says i spoke with the reporter Marina Shasta but what visit means for the 2 countries bilateral relations well since president tramps took office and 20 seventeens. The situation that relations between the u. S. And germany have gotten a little complicated to put it mildly. German defense minister and include calabar recently said that the friendship between germany and the us is still very deep and is still very important but to be blunt theres a long list of issues just to name a few of them yes once germany to spend more into france to fulfill the requirements of nato the u. S. Also opposes the nazri to a russian german project and the tariff that president is threatening with could hit the chairman car industry very heart and yet the list goes on the point below isnt live fish where you are what is on the shelf for the day. Behind me you can see the citys old men ha and this is where my compare one German Foreign minister will give a try and press conference later this afternoon and at the moment theyre meeting were still rights activists here in life they actually live sick used to be a very important city for the Civil Rights Movement in 99 some civil rights activists here helped down the wall and they also go to nikolai which was the place where these demonstrators back then mats and later on. Well go to hallow which is city close by here in your life this is where in early october a man tried to attack a synagogue and he didnt actually didnt succeed but he killed 2 people on the streets. Commemorate this victims right so this visit to a large fish has highly symbolic overtones. In life says thank you very much for your reporting from there now if elevations to mark the fall of the wall of 30 years ago are taking place across germany all week east and west germany were reunified less than a year after the wall fell at least at the political level but socially and economically speaking the process has been difficult and major differences remain at multiple levels did linda has this report. This is bear no washed last in the middle of berlin the wall is still here but as a memorial the citys physical division ended long ago but there are still great differences between east and west incomes remain higher in the west thats visible in each paycheck. The income gap may have narrowed over the past 30 years but on average westerners still earn a lot more. Reunification brought with it the collapse of almost all industry in east germany virtually nothing came along to replace it it wasnt for lack of money the government invested 1. 6 trillion euros in the former east. But high paying jobs are rare in the east mind and 3 percent of Major Companies are in the west in another key difference in the number of leadership positions in the east versus west after reunification the top jobs in politics education and commercial were filled by westerners what started as a quick solution to replace eastern germany executives has stayed almost entirely in place. Federal judges University Chancellor senior government officials Corporate Executives Decision Making positions are only filled by easterners. Only 1. 7 percent of top leadership jobs are held by eastern germans and theres also a lingering feeling of dissatisfaction in the eastern part of the country 57 percent of easterners according to polls consider themselves 2nd class citizens that discontent also comes to the surface in elections the far right populist alternative for germany is twice as strong in the east as in the west. Its. Recent Election Results have shaken the political establishment bringing east and west together is proving much harder than expected Great Strides have been made since 1809. 00 but experts say it will take decades more until the differences dividing germany are truly overcome. Now on this special coverage on the events fish led to the fall of the berlin wall 30 years ago including stories about what it meant for the people who witnessed it. Let me now bring you up to date with some other stories making news around the world police and medical officials in iraq say at least 4 protesters have been killed in clashes in the capital Baghdad Police officers opened fire as demonstrators attempted to move barriers their bridges across the river to exist more than 260 people have died in 5 weeks of antigovernment protests. Iran has resumed during enrichment at an underground Nuclear Plant in a further significant step away from its 2015 deal with werent powers and this comes after the United States we drew from the agreement and really imposed sanctions on tehran. The german flagship carrier lufthansa has canceled 1300 flights on thursday and friday affecting 8180000 passengers thats due to a 2 day strike by cabin crew of a payday and work conditions the industrial action mainly affects flights leaving germany airports. Journeys defense minister wants the countrys military to take on more responsibility internationally in a speech setting out a new defense priorities on a get. Also said it was time for just need to be more robust about representing its own interests and shes proposed setting up a new National Security council and thats a National Security council of this nature would make our contributions to International Crisis management faster and more effective it could also make an important contribution to how we formulate Foreign Policy strategy through foresighted Agenda Setting so. Good to so for more on that im joined by our chief political editor. We see that tell us more about this idea of a National Security council how is it supposed to work. Well you didnt go into the nitty gritty details but clearly here she is aiming for more streamlined policy geared towards german National Security interests in this National Security council and that would stretch from Economic Policy but also to International Development aid this is Something Like that countries like the United States have been doing for decades here in germany is something of a novelty and it could meet quite a bit of resistance here in germany as well and the defense minister and a good about also outlined new priorities and a vision for the German Armed Forces what did she say. Well she basically said that germany needs to be engaged more that it has to become more of a player strategically and she didnt which usually is what you hear from german politicians including the german chancellor Angela Merkel that did not exclude committing more troops to regions like the south held area where germany already has troops stationed in the country of mali but she also mentioned the indopacific that there needed to a push be a push back towards china joining allies there this is a completely new take a new commitment shes voice there and quite clearly this is not German Government policy but this is the woman who wants to become Angela Merkel successor is german chancellor so shes taking quite a bit of Political Risk here. Political editor thank you. Done enough to chile where president Sebastian Pinera has pledged to raise the minimum wage in an effort to try and quell the protests that have to shaken the capital santiago for almost 3 weeks they were sparked by a hike in some way affairs but they widened into a Mass Movement against inequality. Demonstrators clash with police in santiago unappeased by the governments latest concessions. Protesters build barricades. And police respond. But according to to name Prosecutors Police tactics do not stop with tear gas Water Cannons and arrests they are investigating more than 800. 00 allegations of abuse by Police Including torture rape and beatings. President says his government has nothing to hide he has vowed to investigate crimes committed by police with the same tenacity as they pursued demonstrators who destroyed property mean the force of the word was with the same force and rekha any abuse has been committed and the lack of respect use of force will also be investigated by the prosecution and the court of justice if. Thats what happens in a democracy look at the rule of law thats in about it. What started as a protest over a rise in subway fares almost 3 weeks ago has grown into a movement to gates what many on the street see as the yawning gap between rich and poor and the lack of support for ordinary people highways are just one of the Many Services chill ams pay for directly Truck Drivers block the ring roads around the capital they say tolls for the roads operated by private companies are too high i am. Not a good reason why we agreements have been in place since 2006 the companies have turned back the investment 8 times over and they keep charging us and people lined it up a bit some demonstrators wants a new constitution for chile one that protects social services and resources from being privatized for them increasing the minimum wage is just not enough i heavy rains are causing record floods across east africa more than 2000000 people across the horn of africa are affected although Emergency Assistance has. Begun to drive the heavier the norm rains are affecting if you pia and box of northern kenya somalia and south sudan have been hardest hit in south sudan a civil war has already devastated the country and more recently it has been recovering from a prolonged drought now the rains are making things worse and full comes to say theres more rain to come. Water to the horizon entire villages have been submerged aid workers say theyre among the worst floods in the areas history south sudan has declared a state of emergency rising waters have pushed out more than 400000 people but not everyone can leave easily. Though this is so hard for disabled people like me that everyone is trying to save themselves 1st you know now. Whether or not all of the water is getting deeper every day and i cant crawl in it. We need help to improve the situation here. For the u. N. And aid groups providing relief in south sudan poses a huge challenge a brutal civil war has already worn down the countrys infrastructure and Health System and as waters rise so does the risk of disease. This situation is so bad spent and i were living with dead animals waste and garbage all submerged under the water where afraid of catching diseases and getting hurt we need help people are hungry all our supplies have gone with the water we are appealing for urgent support we need tents food and places to sleep east africa is no stranger to cycles of drought and floods but experts say Climate Change is making oceans warmer and weather extremes worse the indian ocean which sends rains to east africa is unusually warm right now that means up to another 6 weeks of heavy rain for a region already under water. In other news the International Criminal court in the hague has sentenced a warlord to 30 years in prison for war crimes and crimes against humanity both go into gunder was found guilty in july of murder rape and sexual slavery to the ethnic conflicts in 20022003 he has repeatedly denied the charges. French police have been clearing to makeshift refugee camps in paris officials estimate the tent cities are home to as many as 1200 people including children about 600 Police Officers a score to the refugees 2 buses to take them to reception centive. New Zealands Parliament has passed a law that aims to cut Greenhouse Gas emissions to a net 0 by 2050 Prime Minister just in the afternoon praise the measure which was passed with support from the main conservative Opposition Party the law allows some exceptions for emissions associated with animal production. To former 20 employees have been charged with spying for saudi arabia a complaint from the u. S. Justice Department Published in the Washington Post detailed the saudi governments efforts to recruit to the 2 men and. Use them to pass the information off government critics including a journalist with ties to the murdered writer jamal khashoggi. The german engineering conglomerate zealands has reported a rise in its 4th quarter profit in virginia beating analysts expectations the company said it achieved its fully our targets for the fiscal year 2019 despite headwinds from a cooling economy the womens is in the midst of a restructuring process that aims to make the group fit for the future. Siemens chief executive joe kayser has big plans with his vision 2020 plus strategy he wants to make the industrial giant ready for future challenges hes going to do this by splitting it into 3 major units Health Logistics and digitalization as far as hes concerned the era of large corporations is over britains or him or their name is concerned. With our corporate concept barking on the biggest transformation in the companys 172. 00 histories this is a significant even on the storage milestone stories from. The Health Care Division has already gone public with the listing of health nears last year after some teething troubles its now a successful business siemens still holds the majority of shares then there Siemens Energy yunus with its troubled gas turbine business this was the groups core business for many years the plan is for this to go public as an independent company the energy unit generates around 40 percent of siemens total sales of 30000000000. 00 euros it employs 80000 people that leave siemens digitization business its Railway Technology sector and its stake in health nears this should make siemens leaner and more profitable but this restructuring is risky critics fear that siemens is in danger of destroying itself. On the political and match day full of the Champions League dave granik from the sports desk is here to talk us through the action welcome dave not a games left in the group stage and weve already had a couple of a few teams which if qualified any favorites among them yes so p. S. G. You ventus and byron munich are the 3 1st teams to go through and theres some of the biggest teams in the world so of course you always expect them to be in the mix and im not sure if i call any of them really favorites byron got through for instance and they are in in the midst of some complete chaos at the moment theyre really struggling actually just last weekend they let go of their coach. And have had interim coach on the flick run the show for the 1st time last night so theyre going through a lot and still manage to get through and we actually have a quote from him see about that theres been little ice and im very pleased with that so for most of the team put online its not been an easy week for the players and stuff comes off the coaching change. Weve reached the last 16 of the Champions League and we have very happy feet. So flick the interim coach is very happy but it looks after all a lack enough to performance by buying munich is that enough to reassure fans that mines back in form for the season can save the season yeah byron really werent very convincing in their 2 nil win over the bionic coasts they displayed a lot of the kind of issues that theyve been showing over recent weeks theyre defending was really out of sorts and once again they were bailed out by a goal from robert de and off ski he keeps scoring but if he wasnt around you hate to think what theyd even look like and thus far its on the flick goes hes only been there a couple of days and i dont really expect him to be very long so things are still in flux and at the end of the day its biron unit there are always you know title favorites or at least in that discussion absolutely the bines been was obviously a big guy live as we said but there was plenty of action Champions League and theyve also some surprises it was truly a wild night you had rodrigo an 18 year old for real madrid become the 2nd youngest player in the history of the competition to get a hat trick you had to shock hard to nascar have a crazy last minute comeback from 31 down against you know but for me what really was the highlight of all of this the most interesting thing was Manchester City right back kyle walker who you see there behind us had to throw on the gloves and getting a goal for 10 minutes which is really a very rare thing it only happened because the 1st keeper was injured and had to come off and then the 2nd one received a red card so walker. Behind the between the sticks and actually he counted pretty well for himself he didnt do too bad though he might want to stick to his usual position. Thank you very much should we get up to date with all thats floating action. And south africas Rugby World Cup winners kicked off their nationwide celebration 2 in the capital of pretoria today the springboks were greeted by jubilant fans including president obama a south African Rugby Union have placed an insurance policy on the web ellis cup trophy while it parades across the country believe it appointed a person to manage the trophies movements during the parade and make sure only squad members and the president get their hands on the cup. Now the west african country of cameroon has very few movie theaters in recent years most of them shut down because people prefer to watch cable t. V. And thats rough for filmmakers whove been deprived of their local market but it hasnt stopped fashion directors from going out on the occasion and drilling the camera. The cameras are rolling in cameroon every month several low budget movies are made by independent filmmakers here. Raise funds but theres a problem on Distribution Companies or even movie theaters filmmakers like direct to can a cry of force to find other ways to show off their work some raise funds by holding exclusive premieres for friends and family oh they get lucky if theres a Film Festival on the story youre telling is good enough and you get lucky to be selected and the 1st of all you can have the opportunity to have your people see of movie or are for some reason so powerful that it in addition by. Most films have a local theme such as the recent saving bang go which portrays the struggles of a cameroonian family but in spite all the hard work few here are able to watch the result demaris dam has starred in more than 10 films but shes still struggling to be seen youre only expected to want to say hello was your movie and you know. And he feels for straight sometimes when you dont get that part i dont put that 1st my number one reason for doing what i do is the passion for the art i love what i do a super p. Come on now even though they havent found much success on the domestic market cameroonian films have done well internationally many have won awards and made it to festivals around the world but it hardly pays the bills so most filmmakers like canny a do other what survives. But he could never give up his true love. When the passion is what drives you when the enthusiasm is what drives you it becomes very difficult for some for for if america income alone to want to do something because you feel like filmmaking is who you are while premieres like this are for some glitz and glamour and an opportunity to watch the movies its out on the streets that these film crews get their real buzz. Youre watching the news coming up next on news asia the next 1000000000 Internet Users deja vue talks to a digital expert who bought the myths about why theyre going online. Whats hidden in the ground in this remote town in kyrgyzstan is making people sick and a landslide could make things even busts. And South Koreans pretending to die to know how to live better lives. For that and more coming up when do you get the news egypt with melissa chant and dont forget to watch video before us precious coverage of the events that led to the fall of the berlin wall 30 years ago i leave you now with pictures of the longest stretch of the berlin wall which is Still Standing today at school but if i gallery and its hosting a light show to mark the anniversary enjoy. Was. Just. Coming. From. A shortage of teachers in rural areas its a big problem for russia and a huge problem for children. Mito you know arsalan jaan isnt a teacher but he wants to do something positive for. Evolving terribly travels to remote areas and teaches kids to open doors of opportunity for them. In 60 minutes t w. Colin sullivan chimes of the famous naturalist and explorer. To sing the bridge to the next on the from the worlds 250th birthday we were embarking on a voyage of discovery. Expedition voyage on t. W. A. Playing. Such a bit of. The link from africa and the world our link to exception stories and discussions. Of easy to our website debbie that comes to us to join us on facebook. For. Nicole pietz in germany to learn german. Published in the. Why not learn with him online on the mobile and free to suspect that he believes in learning course because vic. Takes place personally. With all of the wonderful people and stories that make the game so special. For all true fans. Because more than football online. This is d w news asia coming up do you spend more time on the internet reading news or be honest here hanging out on social media a digital expert tells t w what billions of people in asia are up to. And it was once a secret soviet era mining site now its an environmental disaster zone that could get even worse. Plus why some South Koreans are taking a break from their fast paced lives in comptons. Lead

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