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Also coming up means the women fighting for sports in the worlds only all female elite consequential. And africas greets every footballer from our current ruling and international some well until goes head to head with liberian legend george weah. Im Eddie Michael jr your welcome to the program the i arrived in search of a better life but they are jenny came to visit. Pepper spray water cannon and mass arrests Rights Police detained around 100 foreign nationals after breaking up is sit in protest at the Un Refugee Office in cape town the migrants mainly from other african countries have been demanding that the un relocate them they claim they are no longer safe in south africa after a set of phobic attacks. They came to south africa to seek refuge or simply a Better Future now all they want is to get out for weeks hundreds of migrants have been camping here outside the uns Refugee Agency in capetown demanding to be relocated to other countries but on wednesday after an eviction order the police moved in. They fired Water Cannons and stun grenades. Police say there arrested some 100 foreign nationals who refused to disperse. For the protesters the use of force by the police is fueling anger over what they call as xenophobia atmosphere in south africa their 2nd record yet im standing on i think it was easier for the next military to let mr imus get the time i met every monday night that were putting in the circular definition of a little over 30 but you know even even at 1st it was going to talk ok can we afford it then imagine if everybody could still get film addicted. I many migrants from other african countries go to south africa seeking better job prospects. But after a spate of deadly riots and attacks in september many say they no longer feel safe here. Thats why these protesters in cape town have been calling on the u. N. To move them to another country. Last week the un Refugee Agency issued a statement saying false messages were being circulated about resettlement and that only a very small number of refugees and Asylum Seekers met the criteria. But that didnt stop the protests here. After wednesdays Police Operation remaining demonstrators had it on. For now their new home is a local church where theyve been given temporary shelter. Our correspondents at n. P. R. s has been speaking to some of the refugees about church here in the church where about 300 people are seeking shelter refugees you can see it is completely overcrowded so many people have the space it is not smelling very well of course of the stress levels very high the tensions are very high and people have experienced very terrible things on wednesday when they were the correct down on their protests and the police was attacking them i just talked to sylvie one mother who was a witness of what happened and she actually got injured herself. Im sorry i feel that anger because they had trades. Because whether the thing is today is the 5th in a 4 because in south africa because thats was done by the government. Because that is a new money that i saw with my sister if a policeman can support him are the current there is no future for my children distant i want to go out with you want to go anywhere as long as we are out of this country a place that were going to be safe where were going to feel that weve been the commands as a human being not like cockroaches or not like she can because were not going to be slaughtered every day this isnt going to sign thank you theres no better place than home and then is because i was forced to leave my country i did not choose to come to something i did not wake up one day and say let me turn to before only to south africa i was forced to leave my country and then to the u n c and this country knows that is not peace yes but if there was a peace i do. No but it was not pleased that i told them to look at it this way i can have peace bernie and refugee sylvie speaking to them chris that i spoke to garrett and you have head of the justice and Violence Prevention Program at the institute for Security Studies i began by asking him whether the polices use of force was proportionate well what we saw was quite the stress in you and certainly we do have a problem generally in south africa with the disproportionate use of force and i think from most of what ive seen in this instance what hes done to stand there for many days have been negotiations trying to get people to leave that area there where they believe it was a court order against me instructing people to leave and the police only call in as a very last resort and even the police try to negotiate to get people leave peacefully so only once all possible means of getting people to leave peacefully had being utilised the police start using direct force to try and clear that area and eventually arrested 100 people not you said that the police have been using force for some time now whats the problem exactly lack of proper training or is there a deeper problem here. Well theres a deeper problem and next the Police Believe that using force is an issue part of the job and i think in many instances they tend to use too much force when it comes to public order policing the units that were involved in this particular operation they do not have enough resources they need 12213000 trained officers and currently we have around 5600 and those officers are have seen a big increase of how declines it is not to incidence of incidents that they have to respond to by about 140 percent in the last 5 years so they are under a lot of strain and in many cases that means of a mountain too quick to use force to solve these situations quickly rather than a more protected and list false move dealing. Well that is one type of problem but you routing your recess that Many Police Officers hold off for because it seems because thats how play their role here it is true that my research i have found Police Officers do hold hours in a fairly can after serving attitudes in this situation however i think given that there are so many journalists given that there was a large number of people from the public who are sympathizing with those migrants in those very few games. That there would have been very careful to try and act as much as possible in the procedures so i did not see instances where you wanted to do it it was a bit too much most news and im not sure how this instance whether thats as well because it ok now our public violence in south africa is rising and foreign nationals are particularly vulnerable what can and should be done quickly. Well the government is rolled out National Action plan to combat racism Racial Discrimination xenophobia and other intolerance and theres a number of interventions so party policing but i think we need to shift the attitudes of people in so that we will solve the problem. Garrett knew how i had of the justice and Violence Prevention Program how this is used for Security Studies in pretoria thank you. They are called the or brave ones and they make up the ranks of on all men in units in zimbabwe started in 217. 00 this unique unit takes marginalize all men who feeds the hardship and turns them into elites vangelis its founder says the project is changing attitudes to agenda conservation and corruption. This is how week a brutal physical and mental challenge designed to leave only the best game rangers standing. Among the strictly female group is cheered it so much married at a young age she moved with her husband and small child to some africa where she was physically abused by her mother in law she of it so eventually returned to girls and bubbling with very few prospects last bunty sense of african and donts if they were sending money for they showed emigrating to take care they took my documents. My initial idea message to kids maybe if they just get but now im here to employ myself to kill to kill off my child. The 22 year old is one of 160. 00 women picked from an initial 500. 00 7 to take part in the range of selections ultimately only around 80 will make it into the ranks of the wildlife rangers known as the aka shingo or the brave one started in 2017 the programme aims to turn disadvantaged abused and often young women from local communities into want life advocates despite breaking her finger she evades keep going. Here. Thats why im going to claim. Im going to be x. King. d d in the end of it so made the cut to become an acquisition or ranger the initiative in northern is run by the International Acting Coaching Foundation created in 2009 but strangely in sniping staying in mandurah a dangerous job after spending time in the special forces and working in private security in iraq he found renewed purpose in conservation what we found with this program is the womens ability to naturally deescalate tension and work with the communities they come from were not having a war with the local community in the government has. And had to make a choice between conservation or communities in so many ways women have become the bridge that conservation had to build into these communities in the 16 years before the program was launched 8000 elephants were killed in this area since the ranges arrival 2 years ago elephant poaching has dropped by 80 percent in this time the woman made 115 erased without a single shot fired. For my cameroon football star some will lead to confidence during his flame days and certainly not after his recent retirements either and so has stated that he and not this man liberian greens george weah was the best african football of all time he says his list of Club Trophies in europe trams wears 1905 by a long door. I dont need to say im the president in football of all time is a fact. I have a lot of respect for my elders but our careers speak for themselves now there are debates that are useless because we africans like to discuss these things that no way. But i dont need to claim anything its a fact its on paper with you except your own no its a fact. Well im sure the lives of a baby purely on d. V. D. Robot will have something to say about that so let the debate continue but what do you think is the best thats what our Facebook Page will leave you with pictures of some of the great african suck up there goodbye see your lifetime. Your link to news from africa and the world join us on facebook t w. You know that 77 percent because the younger man thinks. Thats me ends meet and. You know what time of course is. The 77 percent talk about the issues. From the parties the flashes from housing boom boom boom times this is where. It was 77 percent. This weekend on g w. One of frances top choreographers males of key it started his career dancing hip hop in the streets on this arts and culture will look at this a claim to work by males who keep a gravity defying dance called. Also coming up. Why this german photographer wishes more of the berlin wall had stayed up after communism collapsed. But 1st another story from here in germany about music neo nazi music because it turns out the far right Music Industry here is growing and concert organizers have all kinds of tricks for getting around germanys strict laws on hate speech they even get public funding for their events by registering as political demonstrations theres a new documentary just out on German Television about the neo nazi roxy and weve got this short look at it. The quiet town of tame out in eastern germany is home to just around 3000 people but 2 years ago tame became notorious as the location of one of the biggest nazi gathering since germany lost world war 2 the far right Music Festival with 6000 visitors. Please unfortunately its looking at these nazi rockets and sort of sort of whos who of organized neo nazi groups will he go

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