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A chronology of selfportrait spanning for a delight and career from age 16 to his early eightys. Its an extraordinary journey through both his process of ageing the development of the artist from a young boy to old man but also you really get under the a skin of his practice and how he developed as an artist the changes in his painting the style the technique. By meticulously charting his own image lucian freud places himself in the company of the great masters of selfportrait dhruva rembrandt and bingo. This drawing fred made of himself as a student shows the young artist in shock or is it ecstasy a few years later his 1st major selfportrait fashions him as the great painter he hopes to become. Born in 1922 in berlin as the grandson of psychoanalysis pioneer Sigmund Freud lucian and his jewish family fled germany to britain the year of hitlers rise to power. For its mature self portraits reveal a painter confident in style who depicts himself playfully euroleague. Or in self mocking. He sometimes uses a mirror placed the viewer level below his imperious figure. Its as though hes trying to. Pitch himself against his developing technique and also in the older age he was incredibly unsentimental he used to say that he wanted to paint himself to death and he has this extraordinary unflinching scrutiny on to his own aging flesh and seems to be really preoccupied in how to surrender this capture this and translate this into a. Its an extraordinary painting that on the one hand so this seems to suggest the frailty and the vulnerability in terms of his aging body but also his gesture his holding up his palette knife is sort of quite victorious. Croyde body and his body of work unify the physical with the psychological thats what made him a master and. Incidentally lucian freud was the worlds most expensive living artist at the beginning of this millennium and speaking of expensive art this old painting was found in a kitchen in france recently it had hung above a cooking hot plate would you believe for decades fortunately it was spotted by an auctioneer who was conducting a House Clearance its called christ mocked by the 13th century florentine artist who way and has just finished 24000000 euros at auction in paris and to think it nearly went into the bin. Next week will be the 30th anniversary of the fall of the boat and wall so today we begin a series featuring artistic people from the former east germany telling us about their personal experiences on that or suspicious night for the actor muchas fry hoff november the 9th 989. 00 saw the premiere of the film he starred in coming out which was a milestone in so many ways his own coming out and the fact that the official east german film company day 5 made a film about gay people. Off their bio top the walking through the city ive often caught myself looking at the ground around me and thinking here at the latest they have shot me. For 41 years germany was a divided country from 1961 until 1909 a wall even split berlin into the western half was part of democratic west germany the eastern half belong to communist east germany. Guarded its borders zealously anyone who tried to escape was arrested or shot homosexuals were often harassed and denounced. Played the lead in the 1st east german film about homosexuality coming out the film had its premiere in east berlin exactly on november 9th 1909. Cannot social order a movie goer exiting the cinema was really you forget said this entire country needs are coming out oh. Yes my whole place filled a closeted gay teacher the film tells the love story between him and a man called mathias. Due to popular demand the film was screened twice at its premiere so those involved were unaware that history was being made at the berlin wall the only heard rumors. The number. One kept looking out of then we see. How comics are they was full of cars heading west towards one car after another all driving towards the west with the with. Only after the premiere party at around 4 am didnt go to the Border Crossing which was here on behind the street he saw with his own eyes that the border was open. By the big 3 pry open because you can walk freely across the bridge but i only went to the middle where the white line was which marked the real border line and i said somebody pinch me i just cant believe that im really standing here on this white line. On november 9th 1909 this Border Crossing was the 1st to which thousands of east germans entered west berlin freely without control. For recycling of it with the fall of the wall my world got bigger a whole lot bigger and i really enjoyed that but there are always moments standing on the wrong or on a boat in Niagara Falls when i get teary eyed i just cant believe that i was actually standing there. Coming out won a silver bear at the 1990 brilliant International Film festival in west berlin director hina cottle thought long and hard to make the film. Was a life that will go but it was a big relief that this film could finally be made after so many years we all celebrated that is a huge victory to follow. The model of the will mark the end of his repression as a gay man living under the east german regime offensive is this the month officially the state couldnt legally take action against gays though attempts were made and with the advent of hiv aids they naturally stepped up the controls for the east german state feared the contagion of the through this all for the even consider in turning gaze at camps and conducted more raids. So you can only be glad of the wall fell i mean tyler come on wolf was and that such perfidious ideas were never realized. If you because its in this what you believe in this is it for me. I hope still tours the world with coming out he aims to be a role model. From this month if this film is and i simply stand there and say look at me im going on 60 ive lived my life and i had a love life. In my mind and for that im very grateful when the president when i was even able to get married and have a charming husband. Who is not enough for one thing since the night when the 9th and the 10th and november 1909 was a very important moment in my life if they got a real turning point for this is you know maybe there was a time when you also had the feeling you were witnessing World History being made you would Say Something i sincerely wish everyone could experience. And well have more stories about how its just from the east experience november the 9th 989. 00 coming up this week and next week on v. W. There are lots of special programs marking the 30th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall including one about an art work which is a kind of flying carpet containing wishes from 30000. 00 people from around the world. Now its time for 100 german must reads featuring the best german books that have been translated into english and today a bit of an exception because the nazi on the balboa by his in the rot couldnt get published in german what was actually rejected 60 tellings by publishers here because the fictional protectionist is a nazi who appears to get away with murder it was 1st a success in america in the early seventys eventually being published in its original german in 1977 didnt you know that here in sherman its so important to make talks. Ok its not really that bad but making jokes about nazis was taboo here in germany for decades even if the person making the joke was a holocaust survivor. Author and holocaust survivor ed got his a lot pissed off a lot of people here in germany with this book the nazi and the barber its the story of 2 young friends mikes son of a prostitute whose father is who knows but definitely arion and his buddy finkelstein the son of a jewish barber now if you went by stereotypes you probably get them to make stuff up. My friend its it was blond and blue i had a straight nose and finally shaped lips and teeth i on the other hand marks sure its illegitimate though pure area and son of missile its had black hair frog eyes looked nose bobus lips and bad teeth. Its fathers kind finkelstein teaches the 2 boys about jewish traditions and how to cut hair now this is important because everything that marks learns from his buddies dad will later save his life. First though moxon joins the s. S. And becomes a mass murderer he possibly even kills his own friend its like after the war marx gets away with his crimes by pretending to be sick talk about chutzpah. Nothing max emigrated to israel and opened a barbershop there disguised as a holocaust survivor but hes haunted by his lies and his crimes the darker the subject matter the more wicked the author is humor has been once novel tackles anti semitism the holocaust the stuffiness of postwar germany and israels early struggle to survive. When he wrote it in the early 1970 s. No german publisher would take the risk of printing a nazi satire when the book did come out eventually in germany is allowed gave a public reading here at this berlin bookshop the next day the windows were smashed down eventually the nazi in the barber became a global bestseller but even today they need a lot of dark humor to enjoy. It and youll find reports on the other 99 jump on must reads on our website at v. W. Dot com slash culture so you can take a choice something every taste thats it for this edition thanks for watching and for the. Kick off. The days full parisienne mentioned defending them position at the top of the bundesliga with when i tell him against im tom franks. The mood is not so great that by an. Unconvincing when the underdogs but there is this true champions look like. Double. Secret drugs trials they. Have psychiatric patients in the hospital in romania. Being used as guinea pigs without that knowledge or consent. On behalf of European Drug companies and research institutes. Close up 90 minutes on d w. Im not going to look at well i guess sometimes i am but i stand up and whipped up and put the javelin thinks the consumer jemma culture of looking at the stereotype the question to me is think the solution to the country that i not. Needed seem to get for this drama there. Its all about hey look im a joke join me from the german sunday w. Post take a trip on aussie go Christmas Market hopping with d. W. In cologne and a wooden board up thats how obama airfare and hotel are included for you and a guest. Just tell us which german street is your favorite. Whats the most beautiful place in germany. What would you like to explore most to enter check in at g. W. Dot com slash travel good luck and enjoy some more mind. This is the w. News live from burlington key intel Kurdish Forces reveal how they tracked down the leader of the socalled Islamic State of rubble is all that is left of barker i doubt in Northern Syria after the American Range in which he died while the current state of their source provided the intelligence to let u. S. Forces to baghdad is hide out in the 1st place also coming up. Not backing down antigovernment protesters in iraq to find an army curfew fowling to stay

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