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Delegation seeking a cease fire in Northern Syria but he makes it clear he will not bow to pressure from washington on the ground russia says its troops are pretty trolling to contain the conflict. And the fight to end rampant violence against south africa when. Cesar millan i in south africa look even in countries with these awards. Were late was used as a tool of war and using it didnt mean you didnt use. One woman is working to reclaim the space for she was assaulted and her friend was killed. Im sumi so much going to thank you for joining us prodemocracy lawmakers in hong kong have interrupted a major policy speech by the territorys leader kerry la she was forced out of the legislature after opponents heckled her and called on her to meet the demands of hong kongs protest Movement Demonstrators want to see 5 things implemented in hong kong including free and fair elections. So the speech was in peril before it even began. In the chamber fellow make his head coach chief executive kerry lamb. All makers please be silent or you know anyone who does not say so ardently will be asked to leave the chamber will you. Laugh i would use a well i dont lie on the floor dont you know fabio you. Prodemocracy lawmakers projected the slogan 5 demands not one less on the chambers walls these include universal suffrage and an independent inquiry into Police Violence during demonstrations i. Carry a speech did not address any of these demands at school. Silenced by her critics. The disruption forced ms lam to abandon the planned speech she later gave her address via video link. European Union Officials have warned that significant issues remain in the way of africa to secure an agreement on the u. K. s departure from the bloc irelands Prime Minister barak carr has said he hopes any Sticking Points can be resolved of the course of today that would mean a member that Member States have a chance to consider any deal before a crucial in you summit that starts tomorrow its the last major round table before the u. K. Scheduled departure date on october 31st britains brags that minister Stephen Barclay has told lawmakers that the British Government would abide by a law requiring it to request a delay if no agreement is reached by saturday evening news earlier i asked our Brussels Bureau chief max hoffman about the obstacles that still remain. We have those that say that the road blocks still remain especially the road blocks of course regarding avoiding a hard border between Northern Ireland which is part of the u. K. And the republicans are the richest part of the European Union and a crucial role in that is played by the dea you people r. T. So the Unionist Party up in Northern Ireland that is against the separation or even a virtual separation from mainland u. K. So that those are the Sticking Points in in a nutshell but then there are those that you say the group peered quite confident still this morning that a deal could be reached later on in the day and weve been hearing similar things from the e. U. Embassadors here so its a mixed bag i would say to sum it up probably the thing is sort of in the middle its still tough but they still see the chance of striking that elusive deal max this issue of avoiding a hard border between a Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic has been so contentious so what is the plan that is currently on the table. We cant say whats on the table right now because those negotiations are conducted in private and usually although we have leaks today those negotiators are being very silent and thats also a reason for the confusion because some think they have a leak and others think they have a different leak but they are keeping quiet and thats usually a sign that theyre making progress but id say the last really tough Sticking Point that is remaining that theyre trying to solve at this point is whether the do you mentioned earlier or Northern Ireland as a whole will have a say over what happens to them what they will part of the we will be part of a customs territory with the rest of violence or with the republic of ireland which would require that customs controls would be in the irish sea so between mainland u. K. And the island of ireland this is all extremely complicated please stop me if you have a question on this but really it boils down to can the Northern Ireland people say yes or no to this do you or can they say yes or no periodically there were some proposals on the table for that in the past that were rejected by that the u. P. A. Then we had a message for earlier by an irish correspondent who said this issue was resolved but then again the new piece of the party i was talking about said no thats not true this issue is not resolved so thats where we are at the moment and although theres a lot of information there we cant really make definitive sense of it yet all right max what about german chancellor Angela Merkel she is meeting the french president in my knuckle in france are set to meet shortly gregson of course will be on the agenda with the big summit starting tomorrow what do you think we can expect to see from those 2 leaders. Right and thats an interesting piece of information right there because you could expect the leaders to step in and say stop this nonsense we have the solution for this or even you know them to negotiate a little bit during that summit the the loose ends time up but thats not going to happen this is far too complicated for them even for them even for someone like im going to make of they leave it up to the pros the sherpas the legal experts the negotiators so if there is no deal on the table on thursday theyre not going to make it work and even the thinking right now among some of basters here and other you diplomats say is that even if there is a deal most likely with some points that have not been entirely resolved they wont say yes to that yet at this summit they will say ok this is going into the right direction but we need the legal teams to work out the details this needs to be workable thats what were hearing all the time and if this really happens tomorrow then it spells a special summit at the end of the month so this is going down to the wire and going down to the wire might not mean that will be resolved tomorrow all right our bureau chief there in brussels max elfman speaking with us thank you max. Lets get a round up now of some other stories making news around the world the European Unions new commission headed by germanys former defense minister was enough underline will not be able to start work as scheduled on november 1st that comes after the European Parliament vetoed 3 of the people that she wanted as commissioners france romania and hungary will now have to put forward new candidates in the spanish region of catalonia several 1000 Pro Independence activists to have set off from various towns the marchers aim to arrive in the state capital barcelona by friday spain is on edge after 2 days of protests and violent clashes with police in the region there is widespread anger at the long prison sentences handed down to 9 cattle an independence leaders on monday. And firefighters have been battling an explosion and huge fires at an Oil Storage Facility near the u. S. City of San Francisco police have warned People Living in the area to stay inside and close all windows and doors Officials Say they do not yet know the cause of the fire. Turkey is rejecting calls for a cease fire in the sense of it launched in Northern Syria against kurdish militias the kurds are formed a partnership with Syrian Government troops and syrias russian allies they have now moved into previously kurdish held areas including the city of money meanwhile Turkish Forces are continuing to shell positions in Northern Syria u. S. Vice president mike pence and the secretary of state by called peo are on their way to turkey to push for an end to the fighting this comes after the u. S. Imposed economic sanctions on turkey for its military incursion. The syrian flag raised over just a bitch its meant to signal the syrian armys presence and to suit a move to follows the between Kurdish Forces and the government in damascus. And damascus has brought along International Allies managed together with other kurdish areas was abandoned by u. S. Forces leaving it vulnerable. To turkeys military offensive in Northern Syria. In the ive been going to we were afraid of turkeys aggression but now the turkish army wont be able to enter our city should we feel safe now. Just a turkey my foot on that. Turkey has pressed ahead despite growing calls for it to halt the incursion. President Donald Trumps unexpected decision to withdraw troops came after a phone call over turkish president i week ago after that the u. S. Has imposed sanctions on turkey while the European Union and post a limited arms embargo. Its all coffees go through and we are watching the situation in turkey with concern i have repeatedly said this military action should be stopped we must return to negotiations just months before we remain concerned about the International Situation if it was not to legitimate. While people in managed remain on the alert residents from elsewhere in Northern Syria are getting out the u. N. Says that 160000 people have already fled the fighting. While kurdish communities in a number of countries have been protesting against turkeys offensive in Northern Syria and against the u. S. Pullout from the area there were protests in nashville tennessee home to the largest kurdish population in the u. S. The vast Kurdish Community in nashville is protesting president Donald Trumps decision to withdraw u. S. Troops from Northern Syria. Mr for amas is angry and sad his family lives on the turkish Syrian Border just in the morning i talk to my fathers saw and his last words was do something and then the phone hangs up i dont know what happened to be honest with you so is his alive all right now is is alive or not i dont know so you can feel like how devastated i am now does not have rami is the organizer of the rally hes been living in the usa for 21 years and is an american citizen he also runs one of the communities biggest Cultural Centers we asked for in the u. S. Authorities president. Thus Senate Congress and everyone in the United States to stop to stop the invasion of kurdistan and syria to see who stand beside the corridors for the peace and to prevent any human through our crisis and that. You have. 7 many of the demonstrations here were granted asylum in the us they may be up in arms about the president s decision but they also have a deep appreciation for the new home. The us has done a lot for the kurds the reason why i am here today is because of the us i would rather not be anywhere else i was here i was a refugee night in 1907 i came here we are you know americas number one ally when i happy with is the station i am when i have been with him will actually have sowed the Kurdish Community in nashville is well organized about 15000 kurds have made the city their home the little kurdistan Shopping Center products from the kurds old homeland. The Cultural Center run by nav sat have rami is right next door. For over 20 years hes been organizing youth groups and language courses as well as preparing daily prayers in the mosque. As a young boy have rami fled iraq with his family 1st to iran and likely to the u. S. Hes worried about those living in Northern Syria since u. S. Troops started pulling out civilians have been subjected to daily attacks they are living under the fewer form of public point of view what do you think is a variation of what they will be rewarded with a new job. Some of the people they want to proceed with. Several 100 people come to the Cultural Centers most to worship where they pray for the safety of their friends and family. The demonstrators continue to hope that President Trump will send his troops back to Northern Syria. Staying in the u. S. Where Democratic Candidates for president have faced off in another televised debate 12 democrats took to the stage to fire verbal shots at each other and at President Trump Elizabeth Warren is a front runner in the race for the 2020 democratic nomination and she came under repeated attack. As they took to their podiums the democratic president ial candidates appeared to be united at least on one thing all 12 say they want to see President Donald Trump impeached. And pietschmann is the way that we establish that this man will not be permitted to break the law over and over without taunts appliances former Vice President joe biden did nothing wrong i did nothing wrong i carried out the policy of the United States government in rooting out corruption in ukraine gaiden and Elizabeth Warren are seen as the favorites of the democratic race warren challenging biden as the front runner found herself increasingly attacked the candidates also criticized President Trumps decision to withdraw u. S. Troops from syria treat being fired on by a shot by assads people and the president on stage say if those if those isis folks who escaped from the prisons are the only go to europe would affect the democratic win i will take on President Trump who is seeking reelection in november 2020. Our washington correspondent all over sal it was watching the debate here says take. The Democratic Party is fighting for its future direction centrist or progressive joe biden or Elizabeth Warren both candidates are running neck on neck but joe biden is suffering from recent corruption allegations made against him and his son by President Trump and that was reflected in the democratic debates about joe biden but Elizabeth Warren was in particular targeted by the majority of the democratic contenders and that shows theres a shift in who others believe to be the future front drawn or of the Democratic Partys many swing voters believe that Elizabeth Warrens ideas Like Health Care for all of to extrude him well that would make her the ideal poland for President Trump if youre watching news still to come. Why making music in mali is so dangerous and why one performer is pursuing per passion undeterred. And daring to dream of has gripped by rugby maybe ahead of its world cup quarter final clash with south africa. But 1st to south africa where theres been a surge in Violent Crimes against women u. N. Officials say south African Women are murdered at a rate of 5 times the global average the countrys president has called the attacks a crisis in the capital pretoria more than a 1000 policemen and women gather to demonstrate against gender based violence somehow signs reading it hurts us as Police Officers to pick up bodies of women and children on a daily basis but youre about to meet one woman whos a rape survivor and is now raising her voice for others. May we all acknowledge his call to spock on the 20th of july 1918 i was gang raped at the spark and my friend killed city months before my 16th birthday this happened to me. Im Caroline Peters im a im 54 years old im a fame unless im a gender activist you know and im a human rights campaigner even when my dog is the place of days i would get up and go and run and i saw the benefit they planning peacefully at the same time i was city municipality upgrades of this book and remember this is a book that ive never set foot there since when the time when i was that i. And i say to my daughter were going to reclaim that space never again is meant is going to be a myth that of thing for me its going to be something positive we get a bull if something breaks from the so that is our not this was founded it was about the reclaiming the space bringing that positivity that arning gave me to other women in our community last. Its been so much happening over the last weeks that i am physically emotionally mentally sick and clean because of whats happening in our country every 26 seconds is a woman that i put in south africa not even in countries where there is a war. Were right because used as a tool of war is there that many rapes we need to as so society could live to valley and raise our voices and say its not ok elmos want to say is our government c. D. s about changing our police or mark seems it does to dijon system is not up to standard so justice if you think nothing is working for women you know so we need immediate action and that amde led directly to stage of a revolt there is a revolution and therefore our president had to respond to this. Place event is not clearly see out a path forward for how are we going to engender based violence but not just a but theyve actually given a budget towards the world i want to hold government accountable i want to hold police didnt settle them up was accountable for what he said in parliament so my opies that all this ends im hopeful and im prayerful what makes me keep up daily is to see that my sister is safe to see that my daughters are safe to see that my granddaughter is safe you know so i love another day just to make sure theyre my sisters ok. That was rape survivor Caroline Peters who spoke to did adrienne krrish. To west africa now and the violent conflict in mali between Government Forces and she harvests musicians have long been caught in the middle is honest self imposed bans on music and the government has limited public gatherings due to security concerns didnt is funny for charm met with one performer in bomb ago who has determined to be heard despite the threats. The sound of peace and hope. Is you has wanted to sing all her life but when she wanted to sing the most she had to stop that was 7 years ago when the war started the jihad is to ban music and the money in government still limits public gatherings so no music faster most rubies you could play. Is a must its not like it was before the war for us artists but we cant we play in bamako. The artists are scared to sing at certain places this stops us suffer because of. The issue is singing again in this studio working on a 1st album she does not know where she will perform it in mali but she keeps scoring. We have to Stay Together as mali and nothing is better than peace music is my weapon through music i can talk to the children of mali speak for them and speak for the women who have vision for the film. Aims to restore hope yet she too becomes emotional about the situation around her today she has a very special audience it is public yet hidden from the programmer the temporary shelters for full army people go largely unnoticed demarco. Performs for them about 800 people if youre they had to leave their village after it was attacked by a rival group they say the children just want to hear because you see. A lot of. Them send them off at a time. When not there are. Better than one. We should give me its the believe this is too much one has to help these people here. A mother of 5 children nearby heard be juicing and also heard her cry going to music is beautiful but we need peace. Peace that is becoming an increasingly distant goal in mali as the country struggles to overcome violence between rival ethnic groups. For centuries different groups live side by side but now they are killing each other fighting over influence and access to food and lambs in addition a jihad is insurgency continues to cripple mali leaving civilians like them in the crosshairs. Because you keep singing for them giving them a voice because that is all she can do with her music for now she says. Ok to sports now and japan is a country usually associated with a sumo wrestling but its gone crazy for rugby japan is hosting this years Rugby World Cup and the countrys team has booked a place in the quarter finals for the 1st time in history fans have jumped on the bandwagon and shops are struggling to keep up with the demand for merchandise. Rugby mania has reached fever pitch in japan. The world cup hosts into the quarter finals of the competition but i dare to dream. I deserve 6 6 to be. The source of japan showed strength of being a rugby fan for 35 years and its like a dream with public support is so high the official to make a stall is struggling to keep up with demand for merchandise. Now the demand for all items has been really good especially the japanese jerseys the Japanese Stores are just selling like crazy and were getting them wherever we can but unfortunately it looks like most of the Japanese Stores in japan are sold out take my daughter and husband one tickets for the quarter final that they wanted to go see the match winning japanese jerseys because against expectations it is a japan match so i am disappointed not to be able to buy a jersey. Reaching the last full is now that goal standing in their way to time when is south africa a tough test but one japan has passed before a famous victory over their opponents at the last world cup and now japans rival on the rugby union stage. If they can do it again on sunday rugby mania might just go into overdrive. Lets get a reminder now of our top stories here on the w. Prodemocracy lawmakers and hong kong interrupt a major address by the territories leader kerry last they are calling on her to respect the demands of hong kongs months long protest thats next. European union and u. K. Negotiators are holding more last minute talks on brags that there are reports they could be nearing a deal which brussels says it needs before a key summit starts tomorrow. And turkey says it has no plans to agree. To a ceasefire in syria as washington and others urge uncorrupt to end its offensive on kurdish militias on the ground russia says its forces are patrolling to contain a conflict. Coming up next on the date of your news asia pakistan fell in love with Princess Diana now her son Prince William and his wife kate to win hearts and minds on their 1st visit to the country. Plus their kids film that has ignited a decades old territorial dispute over the south china sea. They responded she has those stories and more coming right up on d w news asia stay tuned. We leave digital traces everywhere. For a time and. Date our own ways on our online trail companies hackers are minors. Because for them our data is literally mind. Made in germany 60 minutes d w. Y and on demand. Vast language courses. Video and audio. W. Media center. 30 years after the fall of the birth november 9th d. W. Unity justice and freedom the 1st words of the German National anthem and the 3 central values that the foundation of this country how have these values developed in germany. Is it to live by and defend the principles of unity justice and freedom in our every day my. Words are. Serious starts october 21st on d w. This is good news coming up a royal 1st in a familiar land the duke and duchess of cambridge. On their 1st official trip to the country how important is we and kates visit from pakistan well check in with isha plus. Plan. A kids film at the center for

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