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Spanish police in barcelona for a 2nd night that angry over a court ruling that sending 9 caps land leaders to prison for their role in a 27. 00 seat independence day. And a deal to stop the u. K. Crushing out of the European Union could now be in reach but talks are continuing into the night in brussels and time is running out of office just. A as. A man who keeps mckinnon thanks for joining us the United States wants to broker a cease fire and Northern Syria between turkey and the cuts u. S. Vice president mike pence and secretary of state mike pompei oh well head to turkey on wednesday now this comes after the u. S. Slapped economic. Sanctions on ankara for launching an attack on the kurds in North Eastern syria President Trump decision to withdraw military forces from syria has left a dangerous fact Syrian Government forces have returned to the area for the 1st time in years after striking a deal with the kurds trying to stop turkeys attack on Kurdish Forces and russia syrias ally is also stepping into the void left by u. S. Troops. The syrian town of rosalyn pounded by turkish it to reach across the border. To weaken to turkeys offensive in Northern Syria fighting still rages here to push back the syrian militias seen here battling kurdish fighters who are counterattacking to retake the time. The turkish onslaught has left the Kurdish Autonomous Administration in Northern Syria little choice but to turn to the assad regime for help. All Syrian Government troops have pushed forward to stop the turkish advance. They have reached the city of man bridge a strategic town situated on a major highway. Syrian state television was on the ground as local celebrated the troops arrival. Russian troops have also been spotted in the town and the Russian Foreign Ministry Says it so just have created a buffer between the syrian and turkish armies to avoid a direct confrontation. Its moscow that has gained most from the withdrawal of u. S. Troops and the subsequent turkish attack. The deal between the kurds and moscows ally asaad gives russia access to Northern Syria previously under us way. As washingtons influence wanes russian president Vladimir Putin was striding the regional stage after visiting saudi arabia he was received by Abu Dhabis Crown Prince Mohammed bin ziad on tuesday. The u. S. Of impose sanctions while the European Union imposed a limited farms and bargo on cherokee jenin chancellor Angela Merkel on monday called for an end to fighting. It up there from another thoughts from i have already said from my side that we believe that was all a justified security interests of this offensive should be ended because it is visibly causing a lot of human suffering and its also bringing a lot of uncertainty with the fight against. It. But for now the offensive continues and so does the human suffering a civilians a court between the fronts like these young victims of turkish shelling in a hospital in runs a line yet is it. Those who can and getting out the u. N. Says that 160000 people have already fled the fighting all right were joined now by day all of the salat from washington d. C. All of the american Vice President and the u. S. Secretary of state are traveling to turkey on wednesday theyre going to be demanding a cease fire will that visit have to decide effect. Well thats what the president is trying to achieve he wants to stop the turkish assault against the kurds against Kurdish Forces against kurdish civilians there in north and syria thats why i sense 2 of his most senior Officials Office Administration Mike Pence his Vice President as well as secretary of state might pompeo to turkey to negotiate with rich of type ed on the turkish president in order to reach a cease fire but we witnessed here a massive shift in power over the last days and its questionable if that can be returned to how it was before we see a russian backed troops all for the syrian dictator Bashar Al Assad now supporting the kurds filling in that power vacuum that was created there are Russian Troops patrolling between the front lines and iran of course standing by to extend its impact on the region getting closer to its enemies israel out of that is really in the American Interest President Trump receiving lots of criticism for his decision to pull out off syria and it seems like the only option he has in his hands right now is to reiterate his threats with sanctions against turkey he has done so today again lets just listen in what President Trump had to say. To bring our soldiers back home and. Will be very tough on turkey and a lot of others to maintain their own properties now they have to maintain peace and safety and well see what happens the delegation were asking for a cease fire we put the strongest sanctions that you could imagine but they get a lot we have a lot in store if they dont if they dont have an impact all right said donald trump claiming the sanctions on very strong and yet the u. S. Congress says the thoughts and weaken techie seems to just shrug them all. Now before. All right so 1st of all he threatens tougher sanctions that what we just heard in the sound bites here and by the way Neither Congress nor turkey were very much impressed by these threats airtel on president of turkey today said hes not afraid off american sanctions and Congress Passed a bilateral resolution today really calling demming this move to withdraw the american troops from syria there is a very rare move if you consider how split both parties are the republicans and the democrats over so many ongoing issues like the impeachment inquiry but when it comes to syria they really managed to speak out with one voice today condemning President Trumps move here and that puts the president in a very tough position a very difficult one as well because he withdrew his troops already so at this point it seems he has only sanctions as a means of responding to this ok so youre saying that he is dealing with a lot of criticism and his critics say that he gave a green light for a military offensive in syria how is this affecting his standing at home. Right and thats just another good example where a President Trump creates a problem later tries to solve it and then certainly tries to get the credit for solving a problem that he a cost in the 1st place but this time is different because he is apparently losing support from his own party ranks the republicans are not complying anymore it seems something is unraveling here you see some of his most avid supporters that have really been supporting him when it comes to the impeachment inquiry right now criticizing him on a daily basis Like Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell as well as other republican senators that were hearing over and over again criticizing him and the overall feeling an impression here in the Republican Party is that this is a betrayal of Republican Values as much as a betrayal of one of americas most avid and loyal allies in the fight against isis all right out of the salat in washington and much. All right time to have a look at some of the other stories making news around the world nigerias president has called for a crackdown on abuse at islamic schools a day off of police free to hundreds of boys found in chains and shackles the captives said they had been beaten and starved and in some cases rapes becomes less than a month after police raided a Similar Institution in northern nigeria. German police now believe that a syrian man who rammed a stolen truck into several vehicles a week ago did not have terrorist motives 8 people were injured in the incident in the western german town of limburg investigation has now been transferred to local police. Police in russia have conducted nationwide reigns on raids on offices links to Opposition Leader alexei no balinese Anticorruption Foundation in september mr novell me helped organize mass protests in moscow ahead of local elections his foundation has since been declared a Foreign Agent making it subject to spot checks and increased bureaucratic scrutiny thousands of separatists have been protesting for the 2nd night running angry about the prison sentences handed down to 9 Catalan Independence leaders by a spanish course protesters clashed with Police Outside Spanish Government buildings in barcelona gatherings took place on tuesday evening in all 4 of catalonia as provincial capitals people gathered in the streets sang the catalan anthem and shouted slogans calling of the Spanish Police Occupying Forces and in her own east of buffalo protesters blocked roads and set high as. The supposed journalist stephen burgeoned earlier told us more about the situation on tuesday night. In pursuit of growth here which is the main shopping street and also the street of Luxury Hotels theres basically barricades theres fires burning all up and down the street has continual. Acts on charges by the police but they have been able to restore order on a smaller scale was a similar picture in jerome. Im trying to go to the other principal cities of. Chief brett sit negotiator says a deal for the u. K. To leave the European Union is still possible and the coming hours could be decisive botany updated e. U. Ministers on the stage of brechts in negotiations on shoes day he told the meeting that the main challenge is to turn a new british proposal on the complex arash border issue into a legally binding deal the goshi asians on now continuing in luxembourg into the night and its so far unclear whether the e. U. Leaders will have an agreement to sign off on at a summit on thursday. We also u. K. Correspondent bubble of is about her assessment of the brics it negotiations there is said to be the possibility off an outline of the deal now we have to be careful here this is not a ready made deal to be was signed off by everybody whos involved this is just the basic political agreement on the direction things are going in and from what we hear from mostly brooder sources and of course irish sources they say the Boris Johnson seems to have made a huge uterine so theyve gone back on all these promises that never quit a british Prime Minister sign something that would sort of leave Northern Ireland was in the realm of the of the e. U. Customs union if we look more closely we seem to be moving in that direction. Now the head of bulgarias Football Federation has announced that he will resign following pressure from both areas Prime Minister this comes after gary and football fans targeted in linn players with racist abuse on monday in a year a 2120 qualifying match in severe the match which england won 6 nil was stopped twice because of the racist abuse coming from the stands. Prior to the match bulgaria had already been ordered to keep 5000 seats of the wasilewski stadium empty he wife as punishment for previous racist behavior and home matches against kosovo and Czech Republic bulgaria fans once again the tract of negative attention with nazi salutes and monkey chants. Directed at england players like rom sterling Marcus Rushford and tyrone mings in accordance with you a for protocol the referee stopped play twice but the visitors decided not to walk off the pitch to spite him thing they may do so in the build up and we had a conversation i. Did want to play on did you want to. Stop we made a collective decision to continue again we thought it was important that. Wed heard it but the protocols had been follows and it happened again we would have that perhaps moved on to the next step and come off the pitch but like i said 2nd off. No major incidents occurred in the 2nd half but the Bulgarian Association now face severe consequences from including a potential exclusion from all european competitions. Any news from back then coming up next the documentary the silent summer why insects dying and id forget you can follow us on twitter news or visit our website thats a w. Dot com i mean you can speak and watching. Us and its as if they dont need to have a lot of people for over thats in home the 4th time for the whole of the most recent article about. The bonuses. At the last. Theres 100 called the hard 2 years. On. Earth home to millions of species a home worth saving. Global ideas tell a story

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