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The north east of syria this is a complicated situation you know how this of course were scared were scared for the whole country for turks for kurds for everyone no one should be killed im sure the book is going on not. Because we use it on the money that you do we need in the fight against bush upon you going to stand by your ally a nato member all the terrorists that are sitting on. Also coming up a prickly and may shift the vulgar language of the u. S. President now theres a disturbing video showing the president as a mass murderer his target the news media but we are not alone. Its a terrible. Election so theyre pursuing an illegal invalid unconstitutional. Impeachment. But to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome but we begin the day with the race to fill the vacuum that was left when the americans were ordered to come home one week ago u. S. President trump announced u. S. Forces were withdrawing from Northern Syria declaring turkey europe syria iran iraq russia and the kurds will now have to figure out the situation for themselves and that is exactly what is happening new friends new alliances are being forged at breakneck speed and so far none of it looks good for the United States in the span of just a few days captured Islamic State terrorists have escaped from detention camps where u. S. And Kurdish Forces had stood guard the threat of isis regrouping is now greater than it any point since the caliph it was destroyed earlier this year and the kurds well theyve accused america of leaving them alone to be slaughtered by the turks well since the turkish assault began last week the kurds have turned to syrias president assad and russia to give them cover to do what the u. S. Used to do we have this report tonight on the fighting that is turning old foes into new friends. In the Turkish Border town a field which a public outpouring of grief. The women mourn that death of their village chief he and 2 other men were killed in a mortar shelling an apparent reprising attack from across the border in syria. We want this war to stop nobody should die no soldiers no civilians we just want peace if you would have thought we had of course were scared were scared for the whole country for turks for current. For everyone no one should be killed in the sun on helping with my city another secured lot of people show us where the weak tims died. Within a radius of 20 meters traces of bomb fragments sounds windows walls vehicles battered by shrapnel. And. I dont think it came from the outside maybe from over there i dont know but this is from a. Similar stories can be heard in many Turkish Border towns. If people believe the war is just across the border in syria they know better now. That im still the mayor of supports the turkish offensive he claims the army is fighting for a good cause but to me here in our we are hosting 125000 syrians you might be able to imagine how difficult that is we want a safe zone to resettle the 3500000 refugees that have become a burden for turkey over the past 8 years but europe occasionally sends a little money but we pay the real price syrians should go back to their homes. The area northeast syria that is supposed to become a safe zone is anything but. For days the turkish army and Syrian Opposition fighters have clashed with Kurdish Militia and while they are busy fighting each other there are concerns that ices jihadists which are already defeated in the area might be able to regroup. International criticism of the Turkish Military campaign is growing the United Nations say the offensive has caused more than 100000 civilians to flee but the consequences have also been dramatic on this side of the border in turkey and many people weve talked to here are hoping that the violence wont continue to escalate but this includes people in suits who have grieving over the death of their village chief. And pray that the Turkish Military operation will and before they have to bury more of their loved ones. Every pore their body w. s julia hahn 2 years ago the European Union pledged to take in tens of thousands of refugees fleeing conflict zones such as syria and also libya according to the un the humanitarian crisis in libya alone is worsening with thousands of refugees held at Overcrowded Detention Centers access to health care is limited and lots of people are at risk of abuse at the hands of smugglers and human traffic. Or one of the countrys leading the resettlement pledge is german ones i see it is our aim is to prevent illegal migration and replace it with legal opportunities that. Germany will accept 10000 refugees selected by the un h. C. R. In the current Resettlement Program also give you the thats the way we prefer to for the others the german chancellor Angela Merkel speaking so have the European Union germany have they kept their promise to talk about that im joined by tom wills hes from w. s davids he. Theyve been crunching the numbers forwards and before i start i think its we have to work point its worth pointing out that were not talking about the deal between turkey and the e. U. So tom i mean what did you find out did they keep their promise no they didnt and the European Union has not been very open about this recent program so they havent published an update on the numbers since june and with the deadline looming at the end of this month we have to ask them what was going on lets take a look at the figures when the scheme was announced back in 27. 00 seeing the e. U. Said it would all for resettlement for 50000. 00 refugees used by the end of this month now the e. U. Said mrs its not going to meet a promise according to the latest figures only 37000. 00 people have been resettled so far and even the original target was criticized for not being enough to put in context 250000 resettlement places are going to be needed in the next 5 years according to the International Rescue committee so the European Commission is now working towards an extended deadline of the end of this year to try to hit 50000. 00 promised but things are really going to have to speed up to me these are big numbers we know that its a total of 20 countries pledged to take in refugees did anyone meet the goals you know would keep their promise some of the countries did so sweden and person have taken roughly 8000. 00 people each as they promised germany is way behind as mentioned the interior ministry has told us that only 4800 refugees arrived on this program so far thats less than half the 10000 that we heard Angela Merkel promising just a moment ago from pledge to take the same number of people as germany and theyve accepted about 90 percent of them so far so theres a lot of difference do we know why the European Union has not met its goals well we are all of the countries that are behind on their resettlement promises for an explanation not everyone gave a concrete reason germany said that the delay in forming a government. To the elections 27 seen had held things up and held up the perforations belgium which is set to just over half the numbers it promised said it had received suspended the recess a month because the number of asylum applications from people already in belgium was higher than theyd expected are there are consequences to this absolutely i mean some of the people waiting to be resettled are those people in some of the camps in libya people whove been in fact waits its neighboring the. Under un program and the Un Refugee Refugee Agency is trying to use recess cement to get people out as soon as possible of those terrible conditions in libya but theyre saying without the places available to send people to its not happening fast enough all right tom wills crunching the numbers from r d w they did seem tom thank you very much. As the clock is ticking for british and European Union leaders who are hoping to reach an agreement on brakes it with just over 2 weeks to go before the deadline Prime Minister Boris Johnson is under immense pressure to secure a deal or to face parliamentary orders to seek another extension the new session of parliament opened today the ceremonial opening it sees an official of parliament demanding members of the lower house the house of commons go to the upper house to hear a speech by you guessed it the queen mr speaker equating them all honorable have. To attend her majesty immediately in the house as. Well that speech by the queen usually takes place every year to lay out the governments planned legislative agenda the queens 1st words this monday were all about bricks my governments priority has always been to secure the united kingdoms departure from the European Union on the fetch festival. My government intends to way towards a new partnership with the European Union based on free trade and friendly cooperation. But the problem with that priority is that Prime Minister Boris Johnson faces too much opposition in parliament to make it happen the Opposition Leader here Jeremy Corben reminded johnson of that and he added that the british people should have their say with a 2nd breaks at referendum that is something that johnson refuses to consider this is because there is never been such a fuss as a government with a majority of minus 45 and they. Deny 100 percent records all defeat in the house of commons. Setting out the legacy of agenda they know cannot be delivered in this case just because i concur with my own little play that there will be one thing more divisive more talks in the 1st referendum it will be a 2nd referendum thats right. Well the uncertainty surrounding brights it is making the wife uncomfortable for millions of e. U. Citizens living in the u. K. They were told last week that they could be deported if they dont apply for whats being called several status. Its 10 am at the restroom and qusay and stuff assembled for their morning meeting dutch ticketek the mother opened displays just 4 months ago despite the uncertainty caused by franks it now the government has said e. U. Citizens like her could face deportation if they dont fire the proper paperwork in time to have recent headlines like that feel like a threat. Thank you for moving the goalposts up 1st you have to apply one way then you have to find other way and theres also no trust that the system actually works its a shock and it is basically b. S. Comes down to. Being quite feeling quite on welcome things are heating up in the kitchen as the chefs prepare from that wish to call their food new european cuisine and their vicious kind of neri offerings come from all over europe is just the stuff themselves 8 of the 10 people who work here come from outside the u. K. Yeah its going to be a voice you mustnt think about as a lot of focus is the call for a customer. Go to nigeria and leave all european stocks they dont know where they stand but not out of the sea for us we thought it keep it a bit same together after a quarter of all employees in british bars and restaurants come from other European Countries but was looming fewer and fewer like to fill these jobs julia i only recently arrived from each of the 4 our 1st ever real job finds the political situation here hostile and hard to understand i just dont get why they are so upset they do want to fight us like were doing so few wall against them and were not just working they just leave us being sick i want. Her boss has taken a gamble by pouring his savings and energy into this restaurant and many other investors have been scared off by bricks it for her though this is a passion project she wants to. Believe in its future right here right now i love myself in the company and its something that has just struck me if this were true in just 20 years i really dont want to live the way. The decks would to save me he describes a place where people enjoy each Others Company and feed it is here its a refuge from the truth world of bricks it right outside the store is. A judge in spain has issued a new international warrant for the arrest of former catalog president. That he fled to belgium after that failed independence bid back in 2017 the warrant comes after the Supreme Court convicted 12 other kettle on separatist leaders 9 of whom were given lengthy prison sentences today. The signs in barcelona read free the political prison as. After the judgment was declared thousands took to the streets outraged by the long verdict handed down to cut and then yes separatist leader has said that yesterday 11th this sentence is horribly unfair it goes against 2 fundamental rights freedom of demonstration and freedom of expression that explain. This punishment is a disgrace a truth our democratic system is incompetent this thing that i could try this is unbelievable. Today. But for the Supreme Court in madrid it is clear that the catalan leadership is guilty of sedition. The former Vice President oriel zhang karas the sentenced to 13 years in prison and 8 other defendants also received lengthy prison sentences. According to the judges those sentenced organize the independence referendum in october 2017 despite a ban when the former president of Catalonia College pushed demand declared independence from spain violent clashes with the police broke out this resulted in madrid imposing direct rule over catalonia and one of spains most serious political crises Prime Minister Petra Sanchez hopes that this verdict will now and the matter once and for all. Following the Supreme Court decision we need to turn the page and open a new chapter based on peaceful coexistence in catalonia through dialogue within the boundaries of the no under sponsored solution. But many catalans dont seem ready to give up the fight since the ruling was handed down demonstrators have begun blocking Railway Tracks and airports independence activists whom they are preparing for what theyre calling democratic tsunami. Was definitely a volatile situation to talk about that im joined now by my colleague. From the Spanish Service its good to have you here at the big table 1st time here so lets talk about what happened today is this a new chapter in the kettle on independence well it is for sure new wave of protests on the street theres a Civil Movement called the democratic tsunami and they called for people to go industry. Have long protests on the streets peaceful protests have been blocking 3 its blocking the airport theres been 100 flights more than 100 flights in barcelona consulates today and there are supposed to be new cancellations from all morning they want to stay there longer are terror some of the protesters are also looking at hong kong. As another example is example maybe even a role model you know people around the world looking at this story they think of spain and they see barcelona and they cant imagine that barcelona or couple only would want to leave i mean whats the background there why did the catalogues why did they want to be independent while the couple an Independence Movement its not new its much more in the media since 2017 with the referendum of the 1st but its a movement that has always been there for example it actually was really strong even though it was prohibited. During the franco dictatorship right it was of course banned. I read it and then when spain became a democratic country and of the seventys it was led allies and since then it tests mainly pacific and it always tried to have peaceful and it has always tried to have a conversation with it with the government different governments attest in their doing this democratic face of spain what they want is an independence professor at referendum which they joined in 2017 yes but they wanted something more like scotland had many some years ago or like about. In the ninetys and thats what it wanted but madrid was always a different governments did never allow a referendum legal referendum to take place so they organized in 2017 and then Different Reasons why people won independence economic to start a cult cultural reasons were what made a lot of times. Were going to come back again the press from d. W. Spender service thank you very much youre welcome. And let me tell you something bidens son is corrupt and biden is corrupt and id rather run against biden than almost any of those candidates and i think theyre all weak but i think biden has never been a smart guy and hes less smart now than he ever worse he should be forced to resign from Congress Adam Schiff hes a lowlife he should be forced to resign. Sponsors are crazy their politicians are corrupt their candidates are terrible and. They cant win an election so theyre pursuing an illegal. Unconstitutional. Impeachment. And your father was never considered smart he was never considered a good senator. He was only a good Vice President because he understood how dick heres barack obamas. The language of u. S. President trump it has taken a noticeable turn from pedestrian to nations and journalists more than anyone they can attest to this change because they are often the target of his verbal attacks trump has called the Mainstream Media the enemy of the people or does the language of the us president incite people to take action violence for example that question is being posed tonight after a video was reportedly shot last week at an event for Trump Supporters in miami and were only showing a short edited version but some viewers may still find the images disturbing and the video is a parody on the movie kingsmen starring colin firth and what we see is the u. S. President visibly angry who then pulls out a gun and begins firing his victims are people but their faces are the logos of news outlets such as p. B. S. There you see the Campaign Logo from barack obama we see other news outlets it is the b. B. C. And the president there shooting one to the other it is all taking place in whats known as the church of fake news at the end of this video what we see is a visibly satisfied and smiling trumpet looks at the camera the president of the White House Correspondents Association has called the video a vial and horrifying the association released a statement which reads in part we have previously told the president that his rhetoric could incite violence now we call on him and everybody associated with the conference to denounce this video and affirm that violence has no place in our society. Well in addition to white house correspondents news organizations have requested a response from the white house and this is what was offered today the White House Press secretary 70 grisham tweeted the president of the United States has not yet seen the video he will see it shortly but based upon everything that he has heard he strongly condemns this video. This video is not a single aberration and the president s hateful attitude towards journalists is shared by some who are not afraid to display their feelings in public or to show their support for violence i want you to consider this photo which we found on social media it was tweeted by a reporter in washington d. C. She writes that her brother took the photo as he was boarding a flight from los angeles on this mans sure that you see there are the words rope tree journalist some Assembly Required thats a clear call for hanging journalists now we understand that passengers on that flight complained about the message on that shirt they were offered the possibility of taking another flight the man wearing the shirt we understand nothing was said to him this is about free speech but it is also about the power of words the power of words that are given extraordinary legitimacy when they are uttered by the u. S. President when the u. S. President spits out insults towards journalists at rallies its not a big leap for some to take that as a license a license to kill or perhaps a license to think that and then to show it were all the world can see it on the shirts on their backs for peaceful dissent that is definitely a frontal assault. The day is almost done the conversation it continues online youll find that twitter either d. W. News or you can follow me and bring it off t. V. Dont forget to use our hash tag of the day and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you then itll. Kick off. Cool gather for byron a high flyer for Germanys National team. Copping the fleet of mini quiddity previously playing thats right down to. Where josh sargent is in the starting blocks. Next couple of. Fascinating landscapes. Mystical forests. A village tucked away in the moms of loves. Alone vonn from like im not imagine any other world. Nor their youngest son has set off for the distance city where he hopes to build himself a future. Far from the village above the clouds. 45 minutes w. Unity and justice and freedom the 1st words of the German National lands. And the 3 central values that formed the foundation of this country. Have these values developed in postwar germany. Hard is it to live by and defend the principles of unity justice and freedom in our everyday lives. Our german the 3 part series starts october 21st d w. It will get out of the. Way. We took a dip under the arch in st Louis Missouri to hear things like this. Is a very driven movie guy that loves what he does and i think you see that this game versus talking about

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