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Welcome to day doubly new years at least 2 people have been killed in shooting attacks of a synagogue and a kebab shop in the eastern german city of hama there are also reports of a 3rd incident in the nearby town of lance back this footage from twitter shows a suspect firing shots from behind Police Arrested one person and im looking for 2 others they fled in a hijacked vehicle believed to be bound for munich attacks come inside the poor the holy stay in the jewish calendar the leader of howlers Jewish Community says one attacker tried to enter the synagogue and dropped explosive devices made the entrance federal prosecutors have taken over the Investigation Police are warning the public to remain in the us and stay indoors leon citys main train station remains closed. Lets go to the city of hama that will be joining that d. W. Correspondent to kate brady welcome kate whats going on. Well as you can see behind me feel theres still a huge Police Authorization here under way in here in ace in germany the police have been out in force all afternoon here in how the since those shoes sayings which as you said killed 2 people one man and one woman were killed earlier today when a gunman opened fire the woman was killed close to the synagogue which is on the street just behind me here humboldt strasser and a man who was also shot dead in a combat shot as well at the moment some of the victims are also being treated for injuries hala hospital so far we know that there have been 2 deaths in this shooting ok stay with us were going to hear now from an eyewitness who saw the kebab shop but heres heres a graphic account. You come of on monday. I saw a man in the helmet he was right outside the combat shop behind an old lady he was wearing an army uniform everything looked very militaristic he had a weapon in his hand in a mosque on. And it looked like he had a hand grenade of Something Else like maybe a firecracker and he wanted to throw it into the shop. But it hit the door and exploded in front of the old woman with the huge bang then he came into the shop an open fire. And everyone ran away shouting and screaming towards the staircase which was heading out the back of the shop. And i saw the entrance to the toilets where i hear. Everyone else tried to find a way out or even a window. And get the present on the doors going to there was another loud explosion and a lot of shouting in the direct. Thats governed by 20 and then suddenly grew silent. Before i rang the police they said i should stay in the toilet because i just wanted to take said my family and my parents. Eventually i heard the Police Arrive they wanted to know if someone was there they secured the area i yelled out that i was there i held up my arms and they briefly search me and. As i can tell a lot about the attackers nationality because he was wearing a mosque but there was some gaps in it and im guessing it was a white guy based on that. Doesnt buy stuff but im really not so sure because i was in a state of shock at the time. And i can say that he was very determined to get into this particular shop. Gave everything happened so quickly in the 1st few seconds after he opened fire and everyone ran away right after that. I dont remember how long i was hiding in the toilet it probably wasnt longer than 10 minutes but it felt a lot longer. I says to that he said. But it did lets go back to brady and. What else have we heard about the suspects. Well so far as we heard there there have been some images come to light now all of the suspects who we believe has now been arrests is he seemed at least to be wearing protective clothing and his face was also covered but at the moment the police are still looking for other suspects they believe that more perfect traces in the shooting actually fled the scene of the shooting earlier today in a car and people are yet to be low cases but there was also a 2nd incident close this afternoon as well in the area of land. And its not yet clear whether that incident is also linked to the shooting here in hull or police and or sources here in holland also working to determine whether that exactly is the case but for now which theyre still not sure even what the motive was even of the perpetrator the suspects in this shooting thats something that police and authorities are still trying to to work on but so far what weve heard from germanys federal prosecution which has taken over this case and usually in germany at least the federal prosecutions they take over cases when there are suspicions where theres this is a submission sorry of a terrorism or a suspicion of National Security they say that they havent ruled out the possibility of right wing extremism yet but were also waiting to see and find out whether police can indeed determine what the motive behind this attack was ok so no confirmation yet you know. Took place what sort of place is it. Well how there is quite a small city in eastern germany less than 300000 people and its fair to say though that this evening the streets are particularly quiet much quieter than usual because many people are staying home following those that advice which is being given by oath or she is here to stay. And if you just say look behind me here right now at the end of the street stress aware that shooting took place earlier today which resulted in the death of a woman and we at least believe at the moment that the that the people who were in the synagogue at the time of that shooting earlier today we believe at least that they are currently still in side that synagogue of course todays an extremely important day for the Jewish Community its often regarded as the most solemn of of days in judaism and weve heard from sources here in holland that the synagogue was what they said at full capacity says that there was about 70 to 80 people in the synagogue at this time going to those special services which usually last all day and this is right behind me here is where that shooting took place i took a break in hala thank you. Bring you some breaking news here dwi turkey has begun its military offensive in Northern Syria turkish t. V. Reports the jets are carrying out the ass strikes on syria and kurdish positions in the border town of tal. Video footage a show of strikes hitting feels with reports from the kurdish that Syrian Democratic forces say the air strikes are causing huge panic amongst the people before the strikes president announced the offensive into tweets. The Turkish Armed forces together with the Syrian National army Just Launched operation peace spring against the p. K. K y p g and terrorists in Northern Syria our mission is to prevent the creation of a terror corridor across the southern border and to bring peace to the area operation peace spring will neutralize terrorist threats against turkey and lead to the establishment of a safe zone facilitating the return of Syrian Refugees to their homes we will preserve syria lets go to turkey than and join the data because fun and. Welcome at tell us more about the turkish operation. Well the Turkish Military operation is now underway its tosses at 4 pm local time and it was announced on twitter by president edwin himself that was to be expected he is also the chief commander of the turkish all md forces and now were getting news confirmed by turkish officials that to he has hit targets within syria white p. G. Targets these are the kurdish militants turkey seeks to i quote destroy in northen syria according to turkish officials theyve been hitting the pows bases sniper positions of these y. P. G. Fighter has the turkish government is very keen on emphasizing that they are not trying that they are trying not to harm as civilians that this mission is within the scope of International Law but then we are also getting very different information from the kurdish side theyre saying the Turkish Military is hitting civilian areas they have reported huge chaos and panic they are saying people are trying to move away from the border towns tell of yet for example thats a town that has about 20000 inhabitants that theyre also reporting some civilian casualties already and they are saying that they have stopped there and tie Islamic State operation so far the kurdish fighters were in charge of taking care of socalled Islamic State fighters in captivity and theyre saying now and they have been warning about this that they are now focusing on fighting the Turkish Military and they count at the same time deal with the Islamic State fighters and this is of course a warring message that turkey of course a country with i think the 2nd biggest. Alliance this looks like it would be a one sided fight against kurdish militants what it baby. Well for the Texas Military this is the 1st operation in north and syria they are doing this together with Syrian Opposition rebels of the free syrian army. And yes of course it this is a strong army but at the same time the kurdish fighters on the other side are no less determined to fight back they were equipped and trained by the u. S. And there are scientists saying theyre calling on civilians to help them defend this territory against a turkish assault turkey is very much all of you in here along the sec your security dimension they are saying these a y p g fighters are linked to the p. K. K. So they are terrorists they are threatening our National Security so we have to move in there we have to do something to actually defend our very own National Security. Russia and of course. Expecting from that. Well there seems to have been a lot of last minute diplomacy phone calls were exchanged between anger on washington on the one side but also between ungar i must present head on talked to russias president putin earlier today and apparently putin says that he doesnt want to get involved into this conflict between the the syrian kurds and the Turkish Military there. So mixed messages here from from russia another important player and ally of the Syrian Regime is iran the iranians iranian president rouhani has urged turkey to refrain from this military action and the Syrian Regime itself has also sent the message and i quote them that they would forward any turkish aggression by ole it to them it means so im sure there are still negotiations and diplomatic phone calls going on behind the scenes and its going to be interesting what happens next because this is certainly another stage in his 8 year long war in syria and the situation on the ground to say the least is very complicated and messy right now. So in this messy situation what would a win look like for turkey i think we lost the phone connection again. All right if you really are hot in there but we did our best that as we will speak to him or later on lets move on the same story that will go to washington now and so its a real danger because for them to qana bleich welcome carter has President Trump reacted to this incursion. President trump has not reacted directly to the Turkish Military action in syria however he has been very active on twitter these past few hours and he has made it very clear that he is against u. S. Involvement in the middle east in general tweeting and i quote thousands of our great soldiers have died or been badly wounded millions of people have died on the other side going into the middle east is the worst decision ever made in the history of our country. The president has said that he will obliterate the turkish economy if this incursion goes as he calls it of limits do we know what he means by off limits. He hasnt really made it clear where is this red line is for him but it is believed that he was referring to i guess fighters that were captured and that now turkey isnt charge and he wants to make sure that these fighters stay where they are and cannot represent a risk for western countries like the u. S. So the president ha been subject to criticism by republican senators about his decision to move u. S. Troops out of Northern Syria one of those people saying that. These people keep voicing their criticism very clearly Lindsey Graham a republican senator from South Carolina who is known to be a big trump supporter usually has tweeted this morning that the trumpet ministration has shamelessly abandoned kurdish allies and his urging try to reconsider and change course in his syria policy so that was very clear and very straightforward and on the other side of the aisle. Democrats are also voicing their opposition to this and we have a senator chris van hollen. This work on a bipartisan bill right now about sanctioning turkey for their military action in syria and he has sway those that turkey must pay a heavy price for attacking our Syrian Kurdish partners. And washington thank you watching day w. News live from berlin lets return to our main story now the shootings in the eastern german city of hala at least 2 people being confirmed killed in an attack near a synagogue and a kebab shop in the city Police Arrested one person and are looking for 2 others who fled the scene in a hijacked car believed to be bound for munich those attacks have taken place on yom kapoor the holiest day of the jewish calendar a place of one public to remain alert and stay indoors. The eastern german city of hama where shots were fired in broad daylight a local resident film the midday scene a man got out of his car and shot a weapon several times then he drove away a few blocks away near a synagogue an eyewitness described the attack. Of the event 1st there was a loud bang and someone tried to force their way into the jewish cemetery. He shot at the cemetery door several times with a shotgun. And little woman came she just happened to come in from the tram stop and she was shot in. The synagogue was full at the time 70. 00 to 80. 00 worshippers were celebrating young kapoor there. According to the hama Jewish Community several attackers trying to force their way into the place of worship but the security measures at the entrance did their attempts. At nearby was another crime scene another person was shot dead. I stood directly at the entrance and saw an older woman who walked past the store. Suddenly a man with a helmet and wearing army clothes came up behind her or at least looked militaristic. He had a rifle in his hand and a ski mask on and then he had what looked like a hand grenade or fireworks that he wanted to throw into the shop but it bounced off the door frame and went off right in front of this old woman with a very loud then he lifted the rifle and began shooting. Is in a state of emergency authorities call it a rampage Situation Police believe there were several perpetrators and are calling on local residents to stay in their homes or places of work one suspect was arrested this afternoon but police warned locals in a tweet to remain alert. Shots were also fired in the town of lance back about 15 kilometers from hama the mayor says 2 suspects are believed to have hijacked a car and are still on the run. Or. More or less from the daily Political Correspondent maximillian on the coasts it sure makes many of us so we have essentially 2 crime scenes a synagogue and the kebab shop hala. What are Police Reading into this in terms of most of the police are not giving any indication on the character or the motive of the attack yet or we know so far as that of course today is young kapoor one of the holiest days in the jewish calendar and there have been at the time of the attack there have been people praying in the synagogue in the Old City Center of hollow which is the singerman states where one of the attacks took place today the local Community Leader of the synagogue has been saying that they believe this is been an attack on the synagogue and that they had the attack us would have tried to enter the synagogue but Strong Security measures have prevented that but that hasnt been confirmed by Police Authorities theyre still investigating and the German Federal prosecutor has been taking over the investigations because of the indication that National Security is at suppress but they havent given any indication of what they consider the motive off the abstracts though they dont exclude any right wing motives the attacks themselves we know that there was a shooting 2 dead but theres also been confirmation of the use of an explosive device yes so there has now been confirmation that a explosive device has been placed near the synagogue in holland where these shootings and attacks have been taking place theres not been any confirmation of what happened with the explosive afterwards its now in the. If now Police Authorities have been taking care of the. So it didnt go off in their coffee to go off accordingly but there had been one place and what we also have heard was that there were reports of other. Explosives having been handled through these attacks weve heard earlier that there was a 2nd incident happening in holland a caper shop but also shootings happened and one person was killed that has been confirmed by authorities but hasnt been confirmed by authorities is that a good grenada force that has been reported by some of the eyewitnesses even the ones weve heard but it hasnt been confirmed by Police Authorities. There has been a rise and im just. Here in germany over the last few years synagogues routinely guarded by police this is the background to these attacks that is not confirmed as the background yet it is. The social background this is what they were there so facts of this is whats what just throw me indicated by this hasnt been confirmed this hasnt been confirmed thats the motive also in regards to how the 2 other incidents that are related to todays. This situation leipsic is considered so weve had this one situation near the synagogue the others incidentally near the cape up shop and then the 3rd shooting incident in a town 15 kilometers away from those 2 have no indication of that and to semitic background those attacks but of course the fact that according to what Authorities Say that there was this incident where supposedly explosives were placed near the synagogue there was a shooting at the synagogue todays young kapoor so that is that suggestion but it hasnt been confirmed by authorities as for maximiliano course each thank you. German farm is a hike of mass house that just reacted to the how the shooting hes tweeted that there was a shooting at a synagogue on the reconciliation festival of young kapoor this fits our hearts we all have to fight against antisemitism in our country i thought solve with the dead and the enjoyment they have relatives and the police in these difficult ouse and take this up with a russian ski heres a security expert or welcome to d w so we saw the attack shooting. There clips that weve been using that people have been saying what have you been able to make of what youve seen of the weapon that was used. Well interestingly it looked. Like it was at least one automatic weapon the interesting thing about this weapon seems to be that it appeared to be a kind of homemade weapon so this was not an off the shelf version of any of the known assault rifles like a k 47 type or a ar 15 type seemed to be some sort of expertise with the attackers or in the environment of the attack us actually build. Something like an automatic weapon what makes you think that this was was self bells rob im bored. What were saying is youre talking now. Yes yes so these pictures indicate that this is not one of the standard assault rifles that you would see the photos that were circulating that i have seen are pointing for example to. Kind of a makeshift magazine the barrel used to be improvised but it looks like those some sort of professionalism some sort of knowledge in building this weapon because it was functioning so there needs to be some sort of weapons expertise to actually build a functioning weapons weapon like that ok so there was a shooting outside. Dog there was a we have now its been confirmed that there was an explosive device placed outside it which didnt go off. To synagogues and jewish places a of worship and certainly in. Germany seemed to be a particular risk at the moment. Yes we have seen another incident in berlin a few days ago that was much more harmless of course but was still an attack now jewish places of worship all across germany are under heightened security anyway so. These prominent synagogues they are under. Guard basically of private Security Companies and of police normally and we can expect that these measures will be increasing now across germany as there is a risk of course of of other perpetrators or basically. Possibilities that some people would be prompted to to to execute follow on attacks so we will see definitely a rise in in protection for these synagogue from other important places for jewish people now wait we dont yet police havent yet confirmed a motive for they say we dont know if it was that tarot or just direct criminality but we have. 3 incidents today. And in lansberg where have yesterdays incidents in which i hijacked and crashed into vehicles. The jet the country is just were just generally on edge at the moment. Well it would appear that there is a bit of a wave of violence across the country but if you look at it these are these are incidents that seem to be. Happening within a certain period of time but the back ground to these incidents. I would say to be of different motivations so theyre not necessarily connected to the instance today in and around. However appeared to be connected somehow coordinated and this is really something that needs to be considered so this would point to a certain professionalism to a certain degree of planning so the what we Call Security analysts in the terrorists or the crime whatever the attack cycle that requires to prepare such a. Such an incident has been executed quite professionally in the case of howlett day. So this would point to a background maybe more in the political sphere rather than the crimes fail i could talk to you thank you for joining us that. Security at expert. Welcome. Well take a look though at some of the rest of the days news the white house says the news that it will not cooperate with a congressional impeachment inquiry against President Trump is ministration says the inquiry is unconstitutional but Top Democrats are condemning the white houses announcement of yet more grounds for impeachment House Speaker nancy pelosi says the president is trying to position himself above the law. Hes trying to walk away from what he sees is the latest attack on his presidency with this move donald trump is calling the u. S. Constitution into question in the 8 page letter democrats were told we wont cooperate with you the letter says thats because quote your inquiry lacks any legitimate Constitutional Foundation any pretense of fairness or even the most elementary g. Process protections it is a very very strong british very strong letter it is supported by footnotes not ball and not political propaganda its hardly political its legal and its beyond their competence because they are so mesmerised were going to have to truck that was all common sense democrats say trump pushed ukraines president to investigate his political rival joe biden and his son hunter using the machinery of government and his personal network and in july phone call with kiev the president repeatedly raised the matter trant private lawyer giuliani is just one of his in a circle accused of working on the Ukraine Campaign another man involved is schooled in sun learned on the rights hes trumps u. S. Ambassador to the e. U. And the past Campaign Donor Text Messages released last week appear to show how he supported pressuring ukraine zone choose day the state departments blocked him from testifying to democrats by preventing us from hearing from this witness and obtain these documents the president and secretary of state or taking actions that prevent us from getting the facts needed to protect the nations security democrats are now

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