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Against price hikes. Remembering the protests seen as a turning point in east german dictatorship germany marks 13 years since the monday demonstrations that helped bring down the communist government. And one of germanys greatest ever Football Players announces his retirement from the game. Is hanging up his boots career that included 8 titles with buying music and a world cup title. Good to have you with us prosecutors in germany have filed charges against the man who hijacked a truck and crashed it into a line of. Kars injuring several people hes been charged with attempted murder but his exact motive is still not established 9 people suffered light injuries in the incident including the trucks driver the crash occurred in the western town of limbaugh on monday Police Quickly detained the driver and identified him as a Syrian National whos been resident in germany since 2015. This is the truck that rammed into several cars in the western german city of lemberg on monday Police Believe the person at the wheel pulled the trucks original driver out of his cab there was immediate speculation that the case might be connected to terrorism but federal officials have dismissed that possibility for now its the. Latest information says that at the moment theres no grounds to say theres a terrorist background to this event that is the status at the moment. And the trucks driver was a 32 year old Syrian National the man arrived in germany in 2015 and was apparently known to police for assault and drug charges. Detain the person behind the wheel of the truck at the moment we are investigating the reason for the collision and of course everything necessary to determine what happened here. Police searched 2 apartments last night they collected possible evidence including mobile phones and u. S. B. Sticks the investigation is ongoing and prosecutors say they cant yet give any information on a possible motive. While reporter dana is in that incident took place and she joins us now from there to tell us floor about the charges that have been filed against the driver of the truck. Well terry we know that he has been charged not only with aggravated assault and attempted homicide but also dangerous traffic interference since this entire incident was done with a stolen truck that he rammed into several other cars right where this intersection that is right behind me so this is what prosecutors are going to seek for at this stage what do those charges tell us if anything about the drivers motive. Well unfortunately not much we know that police are still in investigating all possible directions theyre not entirely ruling out a terrorist motive however based on what investigators have so far we know that the suspect had seemed to have no previous links to extremist or Islamist Groups so they have ruled that connection out but nevertheless especially after seizing some he was speech sticks and mobile phones from several flats here in the state of hesse and they are expected police are expected to release more new information about this throughout the day but as of now theyre investigating all possible directions how are the people of limbaugh great acting to this because that is a rather alarming situation even though theres been no terrorist connection the man has been charged with attempted murder or attempted homicide so he clearly intended to hurt people. Yeah thats correct people my talked to yesterday were in extreme shock one eyewitness told me that you know she would expect this to happen in far largest cities in germany and out but not in a small town like you will get specially in german measures this is a 35000 people town so they were in extreme shock another eyewitness who actually witnessed the accident said that he was also extremely shocked not not being certain whether or not this attempt this incident was deliberate or accidental nevertheless he was extremely surprised to find Something Like this to discover that such incident has happened in his small town so even the mayor here and the interior minister there are all expressing condolences to the families and seem quite surprised by the fact that such incident took place specifically here thank you very much for bringing us up to date a regular in liverpool. Thousands of Indigenous People have converged on ecuadors capital quito to join antigovernment protests clashes with Security Forces led the president to move his administration out of the capital and to clear a curfew around state buildings some demonstrators stormed the Congress Building ecuador has seen 6 days of nationwide protest following cuts to fuel subsidies and other austerity measures. Was. These a tactic that have toppled governments in ecuador before thousands of demonstrators flooded the capital quito that angry over a government decision to end fuel subsidies to reduce the countrys deficit leading to sowing petrol prices. This country is rich in Natural Resources whats happened is that it has been impoverished due to the chain of corrupt governments which have stolen for this life and the next symbol of the plot is to be there you know to. Protest as blockaded roads and brief the storms the ecuadorian Congress Building before being driven out by police and soldiers firing tear gas. A state of emergency has been in place since last week when the indigenous led protests erupted eventually forcing the besieged government to flee to the port city of quiet. Was president lenin morano has accused his left his predecessor rafael korea of trying to destabilize ecuador. Say the sacking the vandalism the violence shows that there is a political intention organized to destabilize the government the constituted order to break democratic order in order in the book at the call. To have been hundreds of arrests while the turmoil is taking a toll on an already vulnerable economy. And under mourinho has appealed to the United Nations for. Helping calming the situation at b. To east and west unrest and. Now to some of the other stories making headlines around the world today the white house has announced it will not cooperate with the congressional impeachment inquiry into u. S. President Donald Trump White House released an 8 page letter addressed to the leaders of the house of representatives the trumpet ministration has also blocked gordon song glenn the Us Ambassador to the European Union from testifying at impeachment hearings the probe is examining a whistleblower complaint that trump sought political favors from ukraine. Turkey says its ready for an unfenced move against syrias kurds following u. S. President Donald Trumps decision to pull troops out of Northern Syria President Trump now faces accusations that he has abandoned Kurdish Forces who were key u. S. Allies in the fight against the socalled islamic state. Farmers in france have been blocking highways with their tractors to protest the governments Agricultural Policy theyre angry about recent trade agreements and a growing trend of quote i agree a bashing which unions say disregards their profession. Well dad germanys chancellor really tell britains Prime Minister that breaks that deal is quote overwhelmingly unlikely thats what a source close to Boris Johnson has told british media following a phone call Tuesday Morning between the Prime Minister and. The leak has prompted you Council President altos to warn mr johnson that breaks should not become a blame game the u. K. Is due to leave the European Union at the end of this wealth. 22. 00 days until break that time is running out and now its too late to reach a deal with the e. U. At least thats the latest music coming from london the British Government no longer believes an agreement can be reached and thats coming from downing street that blaming chance and im going to machall Council President is outraged Boris Johnson whats at stake is not winning some stupid blame game at stake is the future of europe and the u. K. As well as the security interests of our people you dont want to deal you dont want an extension you dont want to revoke. That follows a phone call between bars johnson and. The chancellor reportedly said an agreement was overwhelmingly unlikely if Northern Ireland does not remain in the e. U. Customs union but did she really say that no comment from chancellor merkel she kept quiet on the subject later to at a meeting in ballet and with david the president of the e. U. Parliament but the British Government is making a big deal out of the phone call essentially saying if this is the new position then in principle an agreement would be impossible. That would make johnsons rush to present new proposals a waste of time the e. U. Remained unconvinced that they would do away with the need for border controls between Northern Ireland and member state ireland and in that case brussels couldnt do without the socalled backstop and a Customs Union with no then highland. Cicely travel to london on tuesday afternoon to meet with Boris Johnson it didnt seem to produce very much progress. But as you know there are 2 alternatives to a deal at this juncture extension or no deal. After cicelys departure bars johnson told parliament he still wants a deal giving the impression that the 2 sides are living in different breaks that you know pass it. Hundreds of antigovernment protesters in hong kong have rallied at a court where hearing is taking place for prodemocracy activists he is appealing a prison term of 6 years handed down for rioting in the 2016th incident his trial is seen as another flashpoint in months long protests against beijings influence over semi autonomous hong kong the rallies have often turned violent our correspondent in hong kong with his bollinger has looked into why some businesses have become a target for demonstrators. Protesters attack a china mobile in the past few days dozens of businesses in hong kong have been vandalized during rush protesters target companies from the mainland such as the state owned Telecom Providers chinese banks and other industries tied to the beijing government. But there are less obvious choices like this famous us coffee from. Starbucks has been one of their top targets this one has been vandalized twice 1st they trashed the entrance then and then. Next day the companies have these wooden paolos to protect it and then the next day the protesters took down these panels and continue trashing the shop its not the handgun where i used to live there for troops outside of new and fresh dating at this time this consequence is that it is still true that government which didnt have essentially does citizens. In online groups protest is post messages explaining their choice of targets on kong starbucks branches are run by the local cager a mix seems the company drew the wrath of the protestors when the founders daughter how the speech at the u. N. Human Rights Council denouncing the protests it seems has distanced itself from her statement saying she holds no official position in the business but to no avail the logic of conflict has reached tongues business is between the idea of the protestors and repercussions on the Chinese Market many of them are facing a tough choice. For this starbucks crunch the only thing to do no is to renovate and hope that they will be targeted at the top. Youre watching news still to come well of germanys greatest ever Football Players announces his retirement from the game boston is hanging up his boots after a long career that included winning a world cup title. Today germany is marking the 30th anniversary of peaceful protests widely seen as pivotal in toppling the former east german dictatorship the marches on october 9th 989. 00 are considered to have paved the way for the end of communism in east germany and the fall of the berlin wall. Brady meant to opposition activists from the former east germany. On october 9th 1989 Kathleen Hutton hala was in a prison in light sake in east germany she was just 20 years old on this day you could feel that the guards were very nervous and you could hear sounds later in the day close to the evening and what relayed to create a few that maybe what we have heard. Where the sounds are all 70000 people walking. Among the crowd much ng for freedom and democracy was that 18 year old opposition activist catalan model of. German reunification just didnt cross my mind at the time my motivation was things cant go on like this a strings are this country has no future we have no freedom of expression no free elections i wanted to reform the country i wanted democracy in the g. D. R. For months pregnant things had been held at leipsic said Nicholas Church on september 4th Kathleen Hutton how an unfiltered bama it called for an open country with free people the protest was captured on film by western media. It was important to us that our own people in our country could see it and they could see oh wow theres something that has started in my city and its not as g. D. R. Media tells its like they are criminals and they want to destroy our country no theyre girls they could be my friend they could be my daughter she was imprisoned soon after for Riotous Assembly but by october 9th knowledge of the growing protests had spread. Life the best and it was clear throughout what was at stake. Vance for post at our own town full of soldiers and police on call. On the roofs in downtown life in the hospitals blood reserves were being sucked up the guy who wasnt. But the protesters marched peacefully around the city of lights like in the following weeks the demonstrations continue to grow and within a month the berlin wall had fallen and after the in the heart it just gives you goosebumps it was unbelievable to see that so many people had overcome their fear mustered up their courage and decided to join these demonstrations and i think thats asked of us again today to engage in advocating for democracy and to nurture it together. So that when the light of that i think a group always day with me. I have been growing up in a dictatorship for that. I will always the freedom my how but i would like people remember that. Democracy is a is a living being so we have to be part of it. And that there is no one outstanding it for us i would really like people to remember that. Our political analysts and young is with us in the studio simon there were many demonstrations in many cities in east germany 30 years ago why is the demonstration in leipsic considered have been so important i think mainly because of the numbers involved there have been demonstrations in other places of course before this and have been some organized opposition in east germany for many years is. On the night of 989 you had 70000 people who dared to come out on the streets shouting we all the people facing up to the Security Forces also a couple of courageous journalists managed to film those wobbly pictures of it that we saw in that report and they were shown on west german t. V. The next day so this was something that the east german regime couldnt ignore or sort of keep quiet how much courage did it take to demonstrate publicly against the east german regime back then i think it took plenty of courage people talk about the real sense of fear that they had that something might happen you know lots of extra Police Soldiers had been brought in and men in uniform had been seen you know being brought in on the motorways in the days before because it was known that this demonstration was going to happen another thing is that just a few months previously the communist regime in china had a clue. Rushed the rebellion there in beijing the socalled channon men square massacre and indeed the east german companys government had sent messages of support to the chinese communists so there really was a real fear that something similar could happen in east germany among the many groups of participated in these demonstrations christian religious groups were very prominent tell us more about their role in those demonstrations you will both the protestant and catholic churches would tolerate it east germany and they use their position to an extent to support dissidents and usually in a sort of nonconfrontational quiet way for instance by holding peace pray as and so on in fact peace prayers have been held in the nicholai case of the st Nicholas Church in light sake which would be a main focus today. Since 1902 so this is this this its something that had been brewing at the same time the the sort of structured nature of the churches of course allowed surveillance by the Security Services and indeed on the night of october 1909 the church was so full of agents that it was quite difficult for real dissidents actually to get in there son and thank you so much shower political analyst simon young. German president. Will be speaking at a ceremony later today to honor the monday demonstrations will be bringing you special coverage of that speech in just a few hours time. One of germanys greatest ever Football Players has retired from the game but finds teigen else he will quit the sport after finishing the season with his Club Chicago Fire on its last weekend. Made his name by munich becoming a genuine star in the bundesliga for the national team. But i finally time to say good bye this was how Bastian Schweinsteiger ended his germany career in 26 days he has flowed as the fan favorite took to the pitch for dementia one last time now hes hanging up his boots for good. This tweet he brought an end to one of the most successful careers in football history trying to. Get titles and 7 german cups along with one Champions League title but the achievement fans around the globe will remember him for is the 2014 world cup triumph. Dream about things like this is a kid so im proud of what ive achieved and yes it makes me happy. Clearly be on the trophies try any as he was known came across as a down to earth character more interested in football than the trappings of fame for that he was loved by the fans something only the true greats achieved. Now its either something very wonderful or its something horrible thats what one of this years Nobel Laureates for physics says he thought when he got a phone call about receiving the prize 3 scientists. Have been named as winners the Nobel Committee said the prize is being awarded for the trios work understanding the structure of the universe. It all began when the universe exploded out of a hot dense state nearly 14000000000 years later her for the nobel prize in physics was granted for our understanding of what happened next the royal we did she can move sciences has today decided to award the 2019 a ballot prize in physics with one half James Peebles for theoretical discoveries in physical cosmology back in the 1960 s. Cosmology was largely a speculative science but since then weve learned a huge amount about the evolution of the universe around us and change peoples was a key figure in that process nearly every step of the way time after time his seminal work in the field has helped scientists interpret traces from its earliest days and also help show the universe is expanding due to 2 of the greatest mysteries in modern physics dark matter and dark energy to other researchers and astronomy were also honored and the other half jointly to be shelled by you and. For the discovery of an exoplanet orbiting a solar types far back in the early 1990 s. It was still impossible to take the incredibly detailed measurements of a distant star the could show whether it was orbited by a planet michelle maior n. D. T. A kilo developed new cutting edge methods to do so and sparked a revolution in astronomy more than 4000 socalled exoplanets have been pinpointed since their 1st pioneering efforts a number that steadily growing the list now even contains planets that could theoretically be conducive to life circling distant stars. The discoveries made by this years physics laureates have forever changed our perception of the universe around us. This is t w news these are top stories prosecutors here in germany have filed charges against the man who hijacked a truck on monday and crashed it into a line of cars injuring several people hes been charged with attempted murder but his exact motive has still not been established. The president of ecuador has moved his administration out of the capital quito and imposed an overnight curfew after protesters clashed with police and stormed the Congress Building the demonstrators oppose a cut in fuel subsidies and other austerity measures. The white house has announced it will not cooperate with a congressional inquiry us president. Releasing an 8 page letter addressed to the leaders of the house of representatives the Trump Administration has also belong to. The u. S. Ambassador to the European Union from testifying the probe is examining a whistleblower complaint the political favors from ukraine. This is you can find out more. And you can also follow us on twitter at. Coming up next weve got the business for you with. Looking at the. American. Thursday that in the course of the u. S. Number of chinese firms. Also be looking at the new incoming chief of the i. M. F. The future of the world economy. You can get all the latest news of course our web site anytime you want. Is he a traitor or a fighter for free access to information. Julian assange. The founder of the wiki leaks whistleblower platform is in a london jail hes waiting to see if hell be extradited to the United States or just sweden how much truth lies behind the charges against Julian Assange should. Close up in 60 minutes on g. W. Where i come from we have to fight for a free press and was born and raised in a military dictatorship with just one t. V. Shadow and a few newspapers with official information as attorneys i have walked off the street so many cameras and they have problems are always the same 14 social inequality a lack of the freedom of the press and corruption we got on the floor to stay silent when it comes to the fans of the humans and see them right through fools who had decided to put their trust in us. My name is Jenny Harrison and werent. Whats the connection between bread but home and the European Union the nose gear and mountain e. W. Correspondent and the baker can stretch this combined with the rules set by the team of. Talks. Stamping recipes for success strategies that made a difference. Baking bread on d. W. A battle over free speech and piling profits the dispute between china and the n. B. A. Escalates but can the asian power of the worlds top Basketball League really live without one also coming up with fresh trade talks between china and the United States about to kick off just how bad a sign is it and

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