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A Transaction Services rendered by the kurds service is paid in full by america 1st off in berlin this is the day. To choose following a conversation with President Trump that was droll has started to eat. Up to time that he got outreach is considered the safest area of the Islamic State group and all those are left to swell displaced people and force them out of their hundreds. We dont know whats going to happen and we are preparing for the worst. As they are doing any further turkish aggression against the region destabilize northern and Eastern Syria and will be an opportunity for slamming state to regeneration and reorganize itself for something completely content. Also coming up tonight bringing cities to a standstill in the fight to slow down Climate Change activists staged blockades around the world today will it prompt leaders to take action tomorrow. We hear its Extinction Rebellion taking action to interrupt the flow of normality. Because it is that flow that is. Carrying us towards disaster. But to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with how not to treat an ally and how to make your enemies happy that is how much of the world sees the decision taken by u. S. President donald trump u. S. Forces in Northern Syria are packing up and going home leaving behind the kurds to fend for themselves now the kurds are not just allies they are the reason that u. S. Forces were able to quickly push back Islamic State on the ground they destroyed the caliphate today in a move that surprised even the pentagon trump appeared to give his blessing for the Turkish Military to fill the void created by those departing americans the turks view the kurds as terrorists and want them pushed away from their border with the us gone the kurds may have no choice but to ask russia or iran for help that would be a disaster for u. S. Foreign policy a policy that trump tried to justify with tweets today the us president posting this it is time for us to get out of these ridiculous endless wars many of them tribal and bring our soldiers home we will find where it is to our benefit and only fight to win turkey europe syria iran iraq russia and the kurds will now have to figure the situation out and what they want to do with the captured isis fighters in their neighborhood they all hate isis they have been enemies for years we are 7000 miles away and will crush isis if they come anywhere near us. Our thats the tough talk there from the u. S. President lets talk the geopolitical implications on all of this to do that im joined here by Daniel Gary Locke he is a middle east analyst in the editor in chief of zenith magazine which focuses on middle east issues its good to see you again thanks for having me what did you think when you read these tweets from the u. S. President well you know the the last one about. Annihilation of the turkish economy right as a different story i cannot comment the language that trump uses here but the pullout is self is not really its not so surprising lets remember that trump like a year ago announced that the u. S. Would pull out of the backtracked backtrack but in general he didnt really changes his mind he didnt really change his policy it was just life or moment he realized or his the people that were with him at that time the defense establishment thats a said its much easier to stay in because once were out we cannot vocoder decisions so its easy to say and lets look at the cost of staying in syria for the moment doesnt cost much we dont lose troops there we dont use a lot of money we dont engage in active combat so actually its pretty low cost operations so lets keep leverage and lets keep a foot in the do you think its a mistake. From the point of view of a strategist who wants to create u. S. Leverage in the region i think its a disaster absolutely because it was a very cost efficient way of staying somehow in the game. Politically in general as trump says that this is kind of a ridiculous war i dont think its a ridiculous war i think its a tragic war its a bad war i understand that one needs to come to terms but i dont think this is the right policy for them if we keep the u. S. Interest in mind im not a us Foreign Policy adviser but looking at these facts i think its rather disadvantages decision lets look at the map just to see you know where these things are happening because this is its it is a complex issue and yet on the map it is talk us through here what were looking at i mean were talking about the area there that is striped which is supposed to be a safe area correct thats what thats what other calls it yeah thats what he did at the United Nations recently look all of this is syria of course including the yellow what you call the kurdish controlled area which is largely controlled by a kurdish part dominantly Kurdish Party and Kurdish Militia called the p y d and the associated Syrian Democratic forces which the u. S. Helped to build up in order to fight isis along the euphrates and theyre controlling this area so now what turkey wants to do is move in and create this buffer zone stablish control all along the front all along the border with turkey and the major argument is we dont want to have an organization that is considered a terrorist organization by turkey because its an ally a proxy of the p. K. K. The Kurdish Workers Party which is conducting. Operations in turkey we dont want them to control the border we dont want them to do cross Border Operations and we dont want them to deliver weapons inside turkey but the point here is he also marketed this idea to the west by say. Im also going to settle Syrian Refugees there and that is quite an interesting point because he wants to he wants to get rid of the Syrian Refugees that he has in his country yeah and imagine like this is that we we are back you know in the times of the assyrians you know the biblical times when a government could just like displays an entire people to people in people and say youre going to live there regardless of where youre originally from but hes not so he wants to repatriate them but he doesnt want to send them home its relocating them but that doesnt mean that these people off in these areas i was what is interesting a lot of syrians fled to turkey but not from these areas so these are areas that are not historically corridors but there is a kurdish majority in some parts of them and the idea of the other one is to settle syrian arab sunni population there and some say to do some demographic engineering were to die to divide the kurds the kurdish majority there but lets bear in mind turkey as a whole and the other governments as a whole are not. Anti kurdish in the sense that they are against the Kurdish People there is people Kurdish People who would welcome the news to come and there is towards inside turkey that a lot he is fighting the the kurdish organizations so thats i want to remind you i want to remind our viewers the hell things were just a year ago in the eyes of the u. S. President heres what he said last summer well we do get along great with the kurds were trying to help them a lot dont forget thats their territory thats we have to help them i want to help them go whats next they fought with us they fought with us they died with us they died we lost tens of thousands of kurds died fighting isis they died for us and with us and for themselves they died for themselves but the great people and we have not forget we dont forget i dont forget. All right i want to bring in now steven cook he is a senior fellow for middle east studies at the council on Foreign Relations his least opinion piece in the Foreign Policy magazine is titled the United States is done caring about syria he joins us tonight from washington stephen welcome to the show how do you explain the words of trump that we just heard from one year ago with what trump announced today. Well i think it underlines what we have known through now almost 3 years of the Trump Presidency which is that there is no consistency in terms of Foreign Policy there is no process in the president s Foreign Policy theres really only what moves the president at a particular moment and what moves him to take to twitter to make official pronouncements about american Foreign Policy since certainly at the time he made those statements about the kurds he might have very well believed it but its also clear that he has from the time he began running for president made it clear that he wants to withdraw the United States from places in the middle east which he sees theres no interest for the United States so its perfectly consistent with what he announced earlier today about the withdrawal of the United States from syria to him this is a local problem and its for local proper local actors to work it out for him the Islamic State has been defeated and its time for even a small number of American Forces to come home but we know of course that it hasnt been defeated completely in the way that trump would like kids to think and hes been getting some blowback from what he said today trump supporter u. S. Senator Lindsey Graham from South Carolina he is upset with the president this is what he tweeted today lets put that up for our viewers he said we will introduce bipartisan sanctions against turkey if they invaded syria and will call for their suspension from nato if they attack Kurdish Forces who assisted the u. S. In the destruction of the isis caliph it just a few minutes later trump tweeted this as i have stated strongly before and just to reiterate if turkey does anything that i in my great unmatched wisdom consider to be off limits i would totally destroy the blue liberate the economy of turkey. Those are strong words there from both sides stephen so. Make sense of this always are the kurds going to be slathered slaughtered rather by the turkish army or is Congress Going to step in to fix what they think just broke. Well i think its important to recognize that there may be bipartisan support for sanctioning turkey on this issue thats not necessarily going to stop the turks from. Going into syria to take care of what they believe to be a festering security problem from the turkish perspective and they are not wrong why p. G. Is an affiliate of the p. K. K. Which has been waging a terrorist campaign against turkey for 35 years so. Very well may be a significant military confrontation between Syrian Kurdish fighters and the Turkish Military regardless of what the u. S. Congress does i should point out a couple of things about senator graham statement 1st there is no mechanism by which nato members can throw another nato member out turkey would have to decide on its own that it would the withdrawing from the North Atlantic Alliance you know the thing its important to recognize is that the same senator graham him just a few weeks ago was offering turkey a Free Trade Agreement was trying to get turkey back into the f. 35 program which it had been kicked out of over the purchase of a Russian Air Defense system so theres been a lot of enabling of turkey in washington. That has led president everyone but to believe that in the end the United States will always fold because there will always be people in washington say that turkey is too important we have to incentivize them rather than punish them to be a partner in said devise and to be a partner of the United States rather than punish them for undermining american Foreign Policy is the continues what are the kurds going to do whose arms are they going to run into now that the americans are gone well 1st of all. Though the turks of comparing this military campaign it might very well be that is bluffing hes done that before. Or multiple occasions he said were going to go in and he didnt and hes a good very gifted the bill a brilliant politician and he understands very well that 1st of all we shouldnt be impressed by tweets from the u. S. President that get fired out 3 times with the times of 15 times a day he understands that very well may be we media people should also Pay Attention to that but also he has achieved his Political Goals he has started he has if he succeeds to divide his domestic opponents in turkey. And he has divided the kurdish u. S. Alliance the kurds are now saying call the kurds even see the Democratic Forces saying were being stepped in the back sure we could never we should never have trusted the imperialists of course theyre not naive they know that you know the american support for them would expire last year u. S. Officials told them and that has absolutely nothing to do with trying to tweeze told them in a meeting sorted out with the Syrian Regime because were not going to stay here forever to protect against the truce so they know what theyve been if they are voting last year but last week or last week in washington was a kurdish delegation here that was if the u. S. Defense officials reassured them that u. S. Support for the kurds the y. P. G. Would in fact continue so that may be the case that that happened last year and it may in fact be the case that. Should not trust the United States but as recently as last week the courage from receiving assurances from the United States they were underlining the point that the president is untethered from the rest of the Foreign Policy bureaucracy in washington i should also point out that the reason why everyone has been bluffing is because theres been the presence of American Forces there once American Forces leave the dynamical the turkish political dynamics will be such that he may have to intervene in syria in order to prove the point that is see a point but look. They are going to however go. To run into a force of about i dont know 70000 people they can they can be mobilized with american weapons and that really have nowhere to go and the this turkish offensive is going to be is going to be like a hike come with a high risk for the turks not as the previous operations they have conducted and see its exactly so so for. The with the u. S. So in the game without the u. S. In the game this is a risky game and he is a politician formosa not a field marshal his military operations have been very very its a limited and i think he will think twice before he says that he goes in with power the point is if he goes in or not he has already achieved his Political Goals thats what i want to emphasize he has managed in a very critical situation for him to align his own interests with the interests of russia and this is something that is this is like. A big deal and hes still not losing anything yet or play time maybe you know just like making the same threat and im not sure that its im not sure that thats the case steve were were out of time unfortunately but were going to invite both of you back because i have a feeling were going to be talking about this again very soon steven cook joining us from washington dinner they are very much a studio to both of you gentlemen thank you very good discussion thank you pleasure to be here. Were turkeys planned events of his put kurds living in Northern Syria back on the front lines but while many prepare for the worst theyre also determined to defend their autonomy even if it means risking death. Every time one mohamed goes up to his roof he feels uneasy the border to turkey is less than 100 meters away from there people watch him occasionally gunshots fired but the 19 year old kurd says it doesnt intimidate him. We wont leave our lands even if. Wed rather die. As a border town with a turbulent history 350000 people live here 60 percent of the population are kurds the rest. It is considered the birthplace of the Kurdish Militia group. In 2011 they rose up against syrian president Bashar Al Assad driving his troops out of the city a year later they defeated the jihadist al nusra front hundreds of kurdish fighters died the people here are proud of the independence they gained. Were happy and content more than ever before with the Kurdish Forces keeping order here. But their independence is under threat once more turkish president wretched tayyip added one has moved troops and weaponry to the border he sees the y p g as a terrorist organization that needs to be wiped out. At a Party Meeting on saturday he left no doubt about his intentions. The operation is imminent maybe today maybe tomorrow the road. The kurds had tried to appease a safe zone was established along the border spanning 100 kilometers an agreement was reached between turkey the usa and the kurds in september but the y. P. G. Withdrew from that agreement turkish and u. S. Troops patrolling the safe zone. Lies. In the middle of it. Mohammed muslim is assembling metal parts for his neighbors because it has seen assads troops withdraw jihad is fighters defeated now the 35 year old fear is an invasion by turkish troops. More than an enema put them in a safe zone should be safe but this one isnt its a recipe for chaos. Also worrying residents the ones plans to resettle 1000000 Syrian Refugees from turkey to rise a line but there is talk of relocating codes elsewhere to accommodate them. All the time for talking is over its time to disrupt that is the message from the environmental activists Extinction Rebellion today the group kicked off worldwide protests warning of an environmental apocalypse protests began in australia and new zealand with police there making several arrests in london more than 270. 00 protesters were arrested after blocking the streets and here in berlin activists gathered at a major intersection in the city stopping traffic and marching towards the government district. Are in with me here at the big table now are 2 members of Extinction Rebellion ana marie backi and maximillian here how many have you inside for a few minutes today let me ask you i know what happened today here in berlin we all experienced it the traffic was up i mean you disrupted the city but other than calls ing headaches for commuters what did you would see today. Thousands of people from all over germany came to berlin today to block the city we also had activists joined from sweden poland and switzerland we all came to the german capital to really put the German Government under pressure to show that we will not just demonstrate and be ignored any longer and we are ready to go further into civil disobedience to put you under pressure we need action on time and emergency now. So if disruptions dont get action by lawmakers max what what are you willing to do whats the civil disobedience going to look like well we will stay long as it takes and if necessary get arrested. And if at some point we will be cleared from the streets we wont come back well come back until the demands of being met and what are your concrete demands what do you want to see german lawmakers do tomorrow so 1st of 4 week one the German Government to finally tell the truth about climate but the Climate Crisis and the host of you heard really is therefore they should what do you think do you think the government has not been honest the belt well bad situation is well if we look at the draft they met so far i dont think they take it quite the seriously as they should so we have facing a world with 4 degree warming right now and this will lead to a collapse of civilization in america what with this concrete action looks like its i mean i know people are watching they want to say ok what should the chancellor and members of the bundestag what should they do tomorrow then to fight this crisis this Climate Crisis we demand that the German Government declares a Climate Emergency 2 more and we want them to establish a Citizens Assembly this week we need a Citizens Assembly that are random people selected from all over the country so citizens come together to discuss this emergency and come to clone plushie and what do you need that youve got a parliament here already is it the parliament supposed to do the does talking for the people it hasnt worked it hasnt worked for the last 30 years the parliament is a great thing but not to solve this massive crisis that is a long term crisis so parties are working against each other but not with each and not just. At this im busy this is this is this is the thing that i think that concerns a lot of people youre not only saying we have a Climate Crisis youre also saying we have a democracy crisis and that the system is failing us thats a lot to fix at one time but Citizens Assembly have been proven to work very efficiently and they take very caring decisions for the greater good of society thats been established already in many countries they have been working there for successfully also in germany before a smaller regional level demand of citizens to assembly on the National Level and we want the government to establish it this week to sort this ties the south so youre going to stay outside these 2 intersections here and block traffic until you you get results most of the people that were out there today were lets say younger people and theres a generation gap here youre both of you are young youre actually doing work or youre demanding work to be done that your parents generation should have done i mean that has to really you know. Get under your skin when you think about your parents generation is let you down. Yeah its its a system its not anybodys personal fault i think its the systems fault and this is the part about telling the truth. The studies havent been taken serious government is committing scientists have been warning us for years and its been ignored by the government theyre now breaking the law or by not protecting the citizens of this country theyre breaking the law on a global level on International Contract level before another time how do you keep this protest within the realms of civility was it in spilling over into Political Revolution because people could understand he was saying we want to overthrow the system as well we actually want more democracy and this is what the Citizen Assembly is all about its inclusive as bringing people together off all spared Diverse Group of people as representatives off the society that we have in germany and there they are career politicians that are working against each other. Here how much we appreciate you coming in thanks a lot of times and well be talking with you and were going to see whats going to happen the next few days thank you. And with that the day is almost done but the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter either at u. W. News your you can follow me at brant goth t. V. And dont forget to use the hash tag the date and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see that everybody. Good news. Is he a traitor or a fighter for free access to information. Julian assange. The founder of the wiki leaks whistleblower platform is in a london jail hes waiting to see if hell be extradited to the United States or to sweden. How much truth lies behind the charges against Julian Assange should going to saw him going to minutes on t. W. Whats the connection between bread but home and the European Union he knows gilberto e. W. Correspondent and alan baker can stretch this 2nd line of the inspire sex by. Deep. Cuts mean no. Smoking recipe source except the strategy that make a difference. Baking bread on d. W. Where is home. With your family scattered across the globe. Soft goods. The book. To the birds my. Family from somalia live around the world to. The urgent assistance of this. Family starts october on. This is g. W. News one from berlin tonight in Northern Syria u. S. Troops are packing up and going home paving the way for the turks to attack the kurds as turkey prepares to drive kurdish fighters away from the syrian Turkish Border the kurds are accusing washington of abandoning the heroes against isis and then forgotten against air to want

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