Protesters step up their fight for democracy will the unrest overshadow events in china to mark the 70th anniversary of communist rule. Im brian thomas thanks so much for joining us at least 2 people have died in a fire at an overcrowded greek migrant camp the dead are reported to be a woman and a child the blaze struck the morea camp located on the island of lesbos that fire was later put out but camp residents angry at what they say was a slow response clashed with police conditions at the camp are at a breaking point after a sharp spike in migrant arrivals from turkey. Misery upon misery on the greek island of leyte spawns. Migrants scramble to escape a cloud of tear gas fired by police as a tragic chain of events unfolded at the marianna town. The fire broke out inside the camp quickly spreading through containers used to high as residents there are conflicting reports about what happened next and then go working in the camp says a group of migrants rushed to extinguish the blaze and Police Used Tear Gas to chase them away. Police say they fired tear gas to disperse rioters im good by the time it took to pacify the deadly fire. Whats undisputed is that a group of migrants attacked firefighters who arrived on the scene a video posted on facebook shows the damage it ition of Police Officers were flown in from athens to help restore calm conditions out moria have always been difficult but in recent months theyve gotten worse migrant arrivals to greece from turkey have surged reaching their highest level since 2016 when the European Union signed a deal with ankara to stem the flow. About 12000. 00 people are currently has in the camp though its only designed for a quarter of that number the deadly fire and rioting will increase pressure on the greek government to ease the situation with the harsh winter months approaching fast. Lets go straight to athens that were joined by correspond the courier sabah good morning to you out there do we know anything more about what might have caused this fire or a cab. Well there are conflicting reports as to what in fact caused this blaze. By one account it was caused in fact by this woman who was killed in this blaze because she started cooking in her container and that quickly spread by other accounts there were 2 separate fires one fire that was set outside the camp and then within 20 minutes another fire set within the camp which kind of shows an orchestrated and premeditated kind of attempt either way the chaos that kind of ensued and what happened simply underscores the abysmal situation in what is being called europes most embarrassing refugee camp 13000 people crammed in a camp build to hold 3 sows. Abysmal is the right word the images were getting show just how over crowded this campus can you tell something about about the riots as a result of this fire. Well there are the riots of actually what happened what ensued was that once these these fires took place. Of many of the refugees who were in there and who have been extremely frustrated by very long stays simply rioted because of the asylum process that is taking so long that however as far as rescue attempts had had a very negative impact because the firefighters could not move in and eventually the police riot police had to move in and fire some tear gas to disperse these militants migrants and to bring about some calm and to get this rescue operation going eventually the fire was doused out by water planes and there is some degree of calm now at this camp but there are great fears among the locals that its just a matter of time before new riots will be triggered supposed to seen a real spike in the number of the migrants coming over from turkey whats the government doing to deal with the situation. Well the new government that has been installed here as soon as the july National Elections is really acting faster at least trying to act fast on this its holding and its putting together an emergency meeting another emergency meeting to deal with this migrant issue it wants to beef up controls and security along the edge here to stop these smike migrant smugness from coming in from turkey and bringing in this influx of refugees its appealed to the European Union before in september that appeal fell on deaf ears and now its also saying that it will intensify the asylum procedures to speed up the pace of this is silent process that is creating these this problem in this camp thank you so much for that from athens ok lets go to turkey now where president rich of Tayyip Erdogan says a new safe zone in northeastern syria will create an area where his government can repatriate Syrian Refugees who also wanted to help him keep kurdish militants away from the southern border now he said he was determined to establish the zone by now the end of september but his government and the United States have different ideas about just how big the zone should be everyone says whole act alone if theres no agreement well meanwhile Syrian Refugees in turkey say some are already being deported to areas including the north of syria which they say are far from safe youd have you met one woman whose son was sent back against his will. Mohammad has been gone for almost 2 months. When often issue thinks about what happened to her son she feels helpless lost. In early August Mohammed was riding a friends motorbike in istanbul the bike was and registered mohammed was stopped by police and then sent to a detention center. As a normal about 12 days later i got a call from mohammed. He said theyve taken me to syria to italy that was his last phone call i havent heard from him since. Mom have right im heartbroken when we fled from syria he was still a small child. Now they have sent him back to that place. And i dont know where he is. Istanbuls fattish district is an area where many syrians live many here of heard that the turkish authorities have been deporting refugees in recent months and most of them are afraid that they could be next. When they started sending people back i was so scared i didnt leave my house with. The imam but they are live and there are more restrictions on us now people are being deported back to syria we cant escape turkey for europe anymore because its too dangerous a new. Group started to deal. With that and we syrians used to feel welcome here in rio we learned its changed a little bit and the only now we feel like unwanted migrants again. And. In turkey has taken in more refugees from syria than any other country more than 3600000 people in the space of a few years hundreds of thousands live here in istanbul theyve set up stores of breast strongs theyve tried to build new life while Turkish Society initially responded with more marketable resilience hospitality is now rapidly wearing fit. To cross is both are are. More of them come i dont want to live in this neighborhood and in this country anymore. Its me. I get along very well with most of the syrians here there are some bad people but you get that everywhere you know and i guess we want them to leave as soon as possible we dont want them here any more because the children turkish president of tired out one has recognized this change in public sentiment in the past few weeks he has made repeated promises that millions of syrians will return home to a socalled safe zone that he wants to establish in the north east of syria. But the government insists deportations are not taking place and that syrians who are returning are doing so voluntarily. The mare chatter goes disagrees the lawyer is trying to help get off the racial son back from syria mohammed and his family have valid turkish documents and protection status checkers has filed an appeal with turkeys constitutional court. Sending a person to a war zone is a serious human rights violation in the mohammed is not an isolated case which hopefully this is happening to many syrians many have been deported in recent months. Not a lawyer says that many deported syrians attempt to return to turkey making a 2nd escape from their war torn country illegally and often at a high cost paying a lot of money to smugness and as dangerous as that might sound. Mohammeds mother ofa is clinging to any hope that she might see her son again in safety. This brief you know some of the other stories making the news this hour u. S. President donald trump has said he deserves to meet his accuser and the whistleblowers got a series of late night tweets the us president attacked the whistleblower who released details of a phone call between trump and the ukrainian president in the call trump asked his counterpart to investigate political opponent joe biden for corruption. A fire has swept through a high speed rail way station in the saudi city of jeddah at least 5 people were injured Authorities Say took crews 12 hours bring the blaze under control a Railway Linking jet out with the holy cities of mecca and medina opened just last year. Carmaker v. W. Is facing a court case brought by nearly half a 1000000 of its customers in the case beginning today those customers say v. W. Deceive them and cause them harm when installed software is vehicles too cheap diesels initials checks several v. W. Executives have already been charged in connection with the scandal. Its 2 austria now where former chasseurs have also encrypts is set to return to power after a sweeping electoral victory as all his anti migration Peoples Party when the biggest share of the vote now that poll was called after his previous government collapsed following a scandal involving his far right Coalition Partners the Freedom Party. The recent scandals that triggered the governments collapse apparently didnt hurt sebastian courts at the ballot box. The former chancellor is poised to return to power the results show his Peoples Party is the clear winner support for the conservatives jumped more than 5 percent i was thank you thank you very much my dear friends i lost the confidence vote in may. The past 4 months were difficult and today the people voted us back into power thank you very much i think there were many long faces at the headquarters of the conservatives former Coalition Partners the far right Freedom Party decides an Expense Scandal a covert video showing former chairman Hines Christiane struck appearing to offer favors to a woman posing as a potential donor devastated the populace their support tumbled by some 10 percent. Unfortunately the results are not a mandate to resume a governing coalition now the once and likely future chancellor will have to be creative a slightly weakened social democrats with nearly 22 percent of the vote or a potential Coalition Partner so are the greens they almost quadrupled their support to 14 percent enough to re enter parliament. We will soon be holding talks with other parties above all the Peoples Party thats correct ive been striving for that but it will be a discussion about possibilities and whether it makes sense to hold talks a tool for handling and. It could still be days before all postal ballots are counted then the focus will shift to the difficult task of Coalition Building and deciding the balance of power in austria so whats ahead for years max hofmann following this vote for us in vienna good morning max there are a number of Coalition Options today for sebastien course the once and future chancellor what are his most likely choices that we know. We just heard those 3 options in the report brian and let me walk you through them so 1st of all you have the Freedom Party the far right Freedom Party that seems like a very unlikely option at the moment because the Freedom Party itself has said they want to go back into the opposition and if they change their mind which is not a given at all it would probably not be a very viable coalition with all the scandals of the last months then you have the social democrats but the social democrats and call it says austin Peoples Party are very far apart on different topics especially when it comes to social policy and migration so that basically leaves the greens and many experts here in vienna think that is the most viable option of course they also have the differences on social policy on migration but it wont when it comes to the economy or a Green Economy they might find a solution there itll be hard talks they need to bridge a gap they need to align their positions it wont be easy but as i said it might be the most likely option at the moment ok so everyone looking at the greens right now what about the Freedom Party they took a real beating at these polls in the wake of that Corruption Scandal how much are they still a force in National Politics in austria right now. They did take a beating with 10 percent that is significant still they got 16 percent thats not nothing so that means they really have a very strong d core electorate that is unaffected by all those scandals so the measures are basically they want to go back into the opposition they want to have internal compliance to all boyd corruption as its surface to the last months in the future and they already crashed out of 3 governments in the past but they always came back so you know chances are theyll come back this time as well ok well what about this election and its influence on the European Union as the e. U. Looks for more unity inside the block on issues like migration is something were reporting on a lot this morning. Austria has often been seen as a lab of sorts for the rest of the European Union on a small scale and you can you can tell that a lot of of the conservative parties are looking towards austria 1st of all because of the successes of us their quotes can they copy it and 2nd of all because theyve been trying to hug up to the greens to get some more climate competency and if the you really have this conservative Green Coalition here it could be a blueprint for the rest of europe and of course we expect austria to change its hardline migration policy at least slightly if the reasons come into a coalition max often thanks so much for that from vienna this morning max. This is still to come on the show 30 years ago a dream coming true for thousands of germans trying to flee the communist east a look back at the events that changed the course of history. But 1st us to china where celebrations are taking place to mark the 70th anniversary of communist rule there president xi jinping attending a ceremony at Tiananmen Square to remember the heroes of the civil war would saw no ins die in the communist seize power. The main celebrations are to take place tomorrow tuesday with a huge military parade at Tiananmen Square. All beijing fears though that this anniversary could be overshadowed by the prodemocracy protests and unrest in hong kong w. s show its also a pill as this. Its images like these beijing hoped would have long been stamped out chinese president xi jinping trampled underfoot. Instead mass demonstrations have dominated the countdown to the 70th anniversary of the peoples republic of china these protesters are no mood to celebrate. With the world watching closely they want to capsulize only attention and make that and ahead we should be a great day but we really cant find a reason to start to bring we feel more sorry and sorrow for what the you have suffered i hope to make our country attention to understand more whites we are going to fight for this this think is a good one to coach us to to so that hope we dont lose who fight for freedom where do we so much to hold. All star teams here famous unrest and she say they want to avoid a repeat of more scenes like this. Images of angry young play chess is threatening to pull focus from beijing celebrations and embarrass Authorities Police have made clear this weekend that un sanctions rallies will not be tolerated bots theres only so much they can do to keep people off the streets instead that massively scaled back the annual celebrations to prevent them from being swamped by protesters ordinarily this area behind me is packed with people marking the anniversary this year though all the ceremonies that had to be moved inside into that building that robots like these ones stopping people from even getting close in the evening a massive fireworks display that usually lights up the sky behind me drawing thousands has also had to be councils. If you look hard enough you will find some signs of support for the anniversary a few lone flags lined the streets of a neighborhood known for its prey beijing sentiment. One local shop owner tells me hes looking forward to the anniversary but even he will be marking it privately. I will spend the day doing my duty as a chinese citizen i will do my best to run my business well and keep working. As the night falls these few symbols of support for beijing atoll into the ground prodemocracy supporters unwilling to let even the slightest hint of celebration go on touched. All 30 years ago thousands east germans fleeing communism made their way to the czechoslovak capital prague their destination was the west German Embassy there which they were hoping to use as a staging point to get to freedom and west germany their gamble paid off and on the 30th of september 1909 they packed into trains heading west 3 decades later some of them have been retracing their steps. Just. The journey back in time. 30 years ago hill much sand was traveling in a train just like this one. Its like. Its like reliving it all over again. Back then sunder was one of thousands of refugees fleeing east germany they travelled in special trains from prague to the west but to get there they had to pass through east german territory where they feared theyd be arrested. In order to keep memories of those journeys alive some of the people who made those trips then doing it again. They all left east germany that way. After several tense weeks in the west German Embassy in prague. In september 1989 east germans were poor in into the embassy the building was quickly overwhelmed. Many ended up camping out in the Embassy Grounds it was cold. Sanda spent 3 weeks here with his wife and 2 children new arrivals came in over the fence every day. For them. It never stopped raining the cut down board so he didnt have to walk through the mud he just showed tents wherever they could find a space where you can match was the tents were all crowded up against one another. Their strength and. Then the fateful moment on the 30th of september question and foreign minister Hans Dietrich arrived speaking to the refugees from the balcony his announcement that they could leave was drowned out by cheers. Oh. Oh. Oh. I cant ship promise that everyone in the embassy would be allowed to go to the west sandra was there and heard him. While youre standing right here. But. Its all coming about his little. That same night santa and his family left the embassy and boarded the train to west germany. He thought he was or it was a very emotional journey of a shifty very difficult ordeal they say it would show for us it was a train to freedom. Just a few weeks later only the citizens of east germany gained their freedom on november 9th 1989 the berlin wall came down. We have some motor sports now and Lewis Hamilton is closing in on his quest to win a 6 formula one World Championships after taking the checkered flag at the Russian Ground braid now it was a great day for his Mercedes Team but want to forget for ferrari as drivers boss and federal and Charlotte Clare traded blows over the team radio. Recent resurgence in formula one had breathed new life into the season the. Petal overtook Lewis Hamilton thinks were going even better than petro then took the lead and that was the problem for you wanted to make sure to be in front. And the team radio caught interesting. If you respected everything. You speak like. Its just a couple to speak as it was lady luck prevented the need for a conversation the 4 time would champion fettle out with a technical problem and that was the end of the race as a contest and all but the end of the drivers championship. Dominance was fully restored in russia hamilton finishing in front. And in the ferrari with 5 races to go hamilton leads 73 points ahead of a 6 World Championship his for the taking. This is the interview news live from berlin up next our documentary film takes a look at organ recipients getting a 2nd chance at life for now though for me bryan thomas the entire news team thanks so much for being here. After. 4 years in the lives of nagin and leo. More than once or do you always think it will come some time from its difficult to stay hopeful. Their 2nd chance at life. 2 patients 2 lives before and after a life saving organ transplant. Donor organ recipients. Next on d w. M thats often use in my comments. Where i come from ride your remains an important me solve crimes meeting new ones and for a mission and when i was young my country was drawing called. The war problem of people most people want god. To see. It was my job to try and one of the. Out of just say its so thought everyone in the town for missing tons of games. Nothing has been transferred to my own car yet into a month or more of them so long to even talk to us i was it with. My choice to be scottish because given their way toward transport patrols. And in the question how much and i will. Get up. Finally they all has a new kidney. Thanks to an organ donor he can live a normal life. The 1st its a gift its mine now i have to look after it properly. The way its also over for meg thanks to a donor

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